Catalog of Copyright Entries, 1967

Copyright registrations from 1967 are available from this page. Registrations were classified by category, with renewals included in the same volume as original registration in most cases.

1967 original copyrights could have renewals filed in 1994 and 1995 (see the Copyright Office database for registrations for these years), but they automatically renewed even if no renewal was filed. Original copyrights for 1967 renewals date from 1939 and 1940. 1939 copyrights could also be renewed in 1966, and 1940 copyrights could also be renewed in 1968. To find out more about researching copyright renewals, see this page.

To see if a book can go online, you may have to check not only the "Books" category, but also the "periodicals" category, if parts of the book first appeared in a periodical, and the "artwork" category if you want to scan any of the illustrations. If the book is a play, or a set of lectures or addresses, check the "Drama and Works Prepared for Oral Delivery" category too.

Copyright Registrations for Books, Pamphlets, Serials, and Contributions to Periodicals, January-June 1967 Books, pamphlets, and serials manufactured in the United States 39,646 Books manufactured abroad (except those registered for ad interim copyright) 2,468 Books in the English language registered for ad interim copyright 274 Total 42,388 Contributions to newspapers and periodicals 921 Renewals: Books, pamphlets, and serials 3,877 Renewals: Contributions to periodicals [not given in Part 1] Copyright Registrations for Books, Pamphlets, Serials, and Contributions to Periodicals, July-December 1967 Books, pamphlets, and serials manufactured in the United States 38,384 Books manufactured abroad (except those registered for ad interim copyright) 2,297 Books in the English language registered for ad interim copyright 288 Total 40,969 Contributions to newspapers and periodicals 888 Renewals: Books, pamphlets, and serials 4,125 Renewals: Contributions to periodicals [not given in Part 1] Copyright Registrations of Periodicals, January-December 1967 Periodicals manufactured in the United States 80,175 Periodicals manufactured abroad (except those registered for ad interim copyright) 474 Periodicals in the English language registered for ad interim copyright 556 Total 81,205 Renewals 3,661 Copyright Registrations of Dramas and Works Prepared for Oral Delivery, January-June 1967 Class C: Lectures and other works prepared for oral delivery 552 Class D: Domestic published dramatic and dramatico-musical works 149 Class D: Foreign published dramatic and dramatico-musical works 74 Class D: Unpublished dramatic and dramatico-musical works 1,557 Dramatic works registered in class A 62 Total 2,394 Renewals, Classes C and D 464 Copyright Registrations of Dramas and Works Prepared for Oral Delivery, July-December 1967 Class C: Lectures and other works prepared for oral delivery 478 Class D: Domestic published dramatic and dramatico-musical works 160 Class D: Foreign published dramatic and dramatico-musical works 38 Class D: Unpublished dramatic and dramatico-musical works 1,310 Dramatic works registered in class A 82 Total 2,068 Renewals, Classes C and D 482 Copyright Registrations of Music, January-June 1967 Domestic published musical compositions 7,595 Foreign published musical compositions 4,574 Unpublished music 29,577 Dramatico-musical compositions registered in class D 88 Music and books about music registered in class A 512 Total 42,346 Renewals 5,168 Copyright Registrations of Music, July-December 1967 Domestic published musical compositions 6,946 Foreign published musical compositions 4,280 Unpublished music 27,873 Dramatico-musical compositions registered in class D 100 Music and books about music registered in class A 532 Total 39,731 Renewals 4,856 Copyright Registrations for Maps, January-June 1967 Class F: Domestic published maps 1,720 Class F: Foreign published maps 5 Maps and atlases registered in Class A 73 Total 1,798 Renewals 76 Copyright Registrations for Maps, July-December 1967 Class F: Domestic published maps 1,131 Class F: Foreign published maps 31 Maps and atlases registered in Class A 69 Total 1,231 Renewals 40 Copyright Registrations for Artwork, January-June 1967 Class G: Domestic published works of art and designs for works of art 1,881 Class G: Foreign published works of art and designs for works of art 46 Class G: Unpublished works of art and designs for works of art 665 Class H: Domestic published reproductions of works of art 1,297 Class H: Foreign published reproductions of works of art 67 Class I: Published drawings or sculptural works of a scientific or technical character 180 Class I: Unpublished drawings or sculptural works of a scientific or technical character 154 Class J: Published photographs 319 Class J: Unpublished photographs 175 Class K: Domestic prints and pictorial illustrations 1,396 Class K: Foreign prints and pictorial illustrations 2 Total 6,182 Renewals, Class G 23 Renewals, Class H 41 Renewals, Class I 36 Renewals, Class J 94 Renewals, Class K 105 Total renewals 299 Copyright Registrations for Artwork, July-December 1967 Class G: Domestic published works of art and designs for works of art 1,757 Class G: Foreign published works of art and designs for works of art 24 Class G: Unpublished works of art and designs for works of art 560 Class H: Domestic published reproductions of works of art 1,490 Class H: Foreign published reproductions of works of art 39 Class I: Published drawings or sculptural works of a scientific or technical character 211 Class I: Unpublished drawings or sculptural works of a scientific or technical character 118 Class J: Published photographs 272 Class J: Unpublished photographs 125 Class K: Domestic prints and pictorial illustrations 1,537 Class K: Foreign prints and pictorial illustrations 3 Total 6,136 Renewals, Class G 37 Renewals, Class H 49 Renewals, Class I 6 Renewals, Class J 38 Renewals, Class K 191 Total renewals 321 Copyright Registrations for Commercial Prints and Labels, January-June 1967 Domestic published commercial prints and labels 3,058 Foreign published commercial prints and labels 17 Total 3,075 Renewals 33 Copyright Registrations for Commercial Prints and Labels, July-December 1967 Domestic published commercial prints and labels 3,136 Foreign published commercial prints and labels 34 Total 3,170 Renewals 74 Copyright Registrations for Motion Pictures and Filmstrips, January-June 1967 Class L: Domestic published motion picture photoplays 850 Class L: Foreign published motion picture photoplays 2 Class L: Unpublished motion picture photoplays 62 Class M: Domestic published motion pictures other than photoplays 444 Class M: Foreign published motion pictures other than photoplays 0 Class M: Unpublished motion pictures other than photoplays 87 Filmstrips registered in Class A 14 Filmstrips registered in Class J 276 Total 1,735 Renewals: Classes L and M 430 Copyright Registrations for Motion Pictures and Filmstrips, July-December 1967 Class L: Domestic published motion picture photoplays 627 Class L: Foreign published motion picture photoplays 5 Class L: Unpublished motion picture photoplays 50 Class M: Domestic published motion pictures other than photoplays 666 Class M: Foreign published motion pictures other than photoplays 0 Class M: Unpublished motion pictures other than photoplays 51 Filmstrips registered in Class A 95 Filmstrips registered in Class J 203 Total 1,697 Renewals: Classes L and M 612

The above figures show original and renewal registrations for the categories shown above for the time periods shown, but do not necessarily represent the exact number of entries in these issues of the Catalog.

Catalog pages for this year were scanned by the Copyright Office, by Google, by the Universal Library Project, by John Mark Ockerbloom (with microfilm loaned from the Free Library of Philadelphia), by Penn's Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image (with volumes loaned from Stanford), and by Greg Weeks. If you would like to contribute better copies, email (Please don't send any images by email unless I ask for them.)