NASA | Open Data | NASA Open Data Portal
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Check out our data catalog below or you can read about other open-government websites further down the page.
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Search for it in our catalog of tens of thousand datasets released to the public!
DATA.NASA.GOV: A catalog of publicly available NASA datasets
DATA.NASA.GOV is NASA's clearinghouse site for open-data provided to the public.
Tens of thousands of datasets are available for you.
The majority of dataset pages on only hold metadata for each dataset. It is common for the actual data to be held on other NASA archive sites. will have the metadata and links to the data as it exists in those many other locations.
Some datasets on are harvested from other NASA data archives and other datasets only exist on This slideshow created for SpaceApps Hackathon participants explains the wider NASA data universe and has some suggestions for finding NASA data.
Do You Want to Upload New NASA Datasets?
For NASA-only new Open Dataset requests, submit a Dataset Management request in the IDAS Service Intake Portal. For all other support requests, please send the NASA Data Support Team an email.
What type of data is available on
There are thousands of public datasets on
To give the public a better understanding of the different types of datasets available, a data visualization page has been created entirely dedicated to helping our users gain a better understanding as to what kind of data they can expect to find.
Open Dataset Resourses Tied to
NASA datasets are available through a number of different websites, not just
Open-Innovation Program is the dataset-focused site of NASA's OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer) open-innovation program. There are also and for APIs and Code respectively.
Open Innovation Sites
Other NASA Data Sites and Science Archives
NASA Technical Reports Server
Code and data from all US federal agencies and are aggregator sites run by GSA (General Services Administration) that collect open-data and open-code from across all U.S. federal government agencies. and feed into and respectively. has an APIs for working with their datasets that make them worth checking out even if you're strickly interested in NASA data.