Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 | Open Library
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Publishing History
This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart. Reset chart or continue zooming in. This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
Year of Publication
History, Sources, Politics and government, Foreign relations, Biography, Congresses, Civilization, Turkey, history, ottoman empire, 1288-1918, Social conditions, Relations, Economic conditions, Islam, Ethnic relations, Social life and customs, Turks, Sultans, Military History, Historiography, Kings and rulers, Diplomatic relations
Turkey, Balkan Peninsula, Europe, Middle East, Greece, Arab countries, Istanbul (Turkey), Istanbul, Syria, Egypt, Bulgaria, Iran, Islamic Empire, Albania, Great Britain, Iraq, Italy, Mediterranean Region, Byzantine Empire, Empire ottoman
Abdülhamid II Sultan of the Turks (1842-1918), Süleyman I Sultan of the Turks (1494 or 1495-1566), Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), Mehmed II Sultan of the Turks (1432-1481), Scanderbeg (1405?-1468), Selim I Sultan of the Turks (1470-1520), House of Habsburg, Hurrem consort of Süleyman I, Sultan of the Turks (approximately 1504-1558?), Luigi Mayer, Pirî Reis (-1554?)