Roadhog's voice actor is Josh Petersdorf, speaking English, as well as using some Aussie and Kiwi slang. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.
Abilities[ | ]
Ability | Quote | Audio |
Chain Hook | *grunts and laughs* | ▶️ |
*laughs* | ▶️ | |
Bring it in. | ▶️ | |
Gimme. | ▶️ | |
Gotcha. | ▶️ | |
Hello. | ▶️ | |
Hey. | ▶️ | |
Hi. | ▶️ | |
Where you going? | ▶️ | |
Grounded. (hooking airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
Hello, birdie. (hooking airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
I don't fly, nobody flies. (hooking airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
Eat dirt. (hooking enemy using movement-based ability) | ▶️ | |
Brought down. (hooking enemy using movement-based ability) | ▶️ | |
Charge that. (hooking Reinhardt using Charge) | ▶️ | |
No running. (hooking Soldier: 76 or Tracer) | ▶️ | |
Pig Pen | *chuckles* | |
*grunts* | ||
*chuckles* Can't wait. | ▶️ | |
Come and get it. | ▶️ | |
Dropping the trap. | ▶️ | |
Pest control's here. | ▶️ | |
Set the trap. | ▶️ | |
This'll hurt real bad. | ▶️ | |
Threw the trap. | ▶️ | |
Time for pain. | ▶️ | |
Trap's out. | ▶️ | |
Trap's ready. | ▶️ | |
Pig Pen Triggered |
*guffaw* | ▶️ |
Caught an idiot. | ▶️ | |
Dipstick. | ▶️ | |
Fell for it. | ▶️ | |
Gotcha. | ▶️ | |
No escape. | ▶️ | |
Snagged. | ▶️ | |
Trapped. | ▶️ | |
Hi, Cactus Bootbuckle. (enemy Cassidy trapped) | ▶️ | |
Caught the rat. (enemy Junkrat trapped) | ▶️ | |
Uh, got the Queen. (enemy Junker Queen trapped) | ▶️ | |
Slow down, ma'am. (enemy Junker Queen trapped) | ▶️ | |
Oldest trick. (enemy Junker Queen or Wrecking Ball trapped) | ▶️ | |
Princess Icicle herself. (enemy Mei trapped) | ▶️ | |
Got me a Thunko. (enemy Ramattra trapped) | ▶️ | |
Bavarian Buffet is closed. (enemy Reinhardt trapped) | ▶️ | |
Down, Gravity Frank. (enemy Sigma trapped) | ▶️ | |
Stay, Pippy. (enemy Tracer trapped) | ▶️ | |
Scopetta Scopetta. (enemy Widowmaker trapped) | ▶️ | |
Uh-uh-uh. No more nanners. (enemy Winston trapped) | ▶️ | |
Lost your touch, Champ. (enemy Wrecking Ball trapped) | ▶️ | |
Whole Hog | *laughter* (self and hostile) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Unloading scrap. (allies) | ▶️ |
Non-Languages[ | ]
Hero | Quote | Audio |
Critical-Health | (gasps) | ▶️ |
Death | (dying sounds) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Death(Big impact) | (screams) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Death(Enviromental killed) | (prolonged screaming) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Death(Crushed) | (crushed sounds) | ▶️ ▶️ |
Chatter[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Hero Selected | Apocalypse ain't over. | ▶️ |
During Set-Up | *humming a deep melody to himself* | ▶️ |
*long sigh* Get it over with. | ▶️ | |
*protracted snorts and huffs* Mmm. | ▶️ | |
Roll 'em over. Roadhog style. | ▶️ | |
Hope you geezers can fight. (with multiple older heroes on team: Ana, Reaper, Reinhardt, Sigma, Soldier: 76 or Torbjörn) | ▶️ | |
I wanna fly... (with Echo, Pharah and Mercy on team) | ▶️ | |
More like Over-rated. *chuckle* (all other heroes in your team being current or former members of Overwatch: Ana, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Mei, Mercy, Reinhardt, Soldier: 76, Sojourn, Torbjörn, Tracer, or Winston) | ▶️ | |
"Oh no, it's Talon!" *laughs* (with only Talon members on the team) | ▶️ | |
What am I, a baby sitter? (with multiple young heroes on team: Brigitte, D.Va, Illari, Junkrat, Kiriko, or Lúcio) | ▶️ | |
You eggheads stay away from me. (with multiple scientists on team: Lifeweaver, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Sigma or Winston) | ▶️ | |
Match Start | Dining well tonight. | ▶️ |
Let's go. | ▶️ | |
Move those bones. | ▶️ | |
*harsh bark* | ▶️ | |
*wet sounds* | ▶️ | |
Match Start Won Previous Round |
Finish them off. | ▶️ |
Just need to win one more. | ▶️ | |
One down, one to go. | ▶️ | |
Match Start Lost Previous Round |
Let's not do that again. | ▶️ |
No way I'm losing. | ▶️ | |
That could have gone better. | ▶️ | |
Match Start Final Round |
Another close one, huh? | ▶️ |
Let's not screw it up. | ▶️ | |
This is it. | ▶️ | |
Respawn | Alright, bro. | ▶️ |
*growl and burp* | ▶️ | |
*grunts* | ▶️ | |
Guess I'm back. | ▶️ | |
Let's go again. | ▶️ | |
Out of the pit. | ▶️ | |
*sigh* | ▶️ | |
Scrap loaded. | ▶️ | |
Still stuff to rob. | ▶️ | |
*tired grunts, shifting himself into motion* | ▶️ | |
Tramping out. | ▶️ | |
Yeah... nah. | ▶️ | |
That little grubber... *grunt* (eliminated by Junkrat) | ▶️ | |
I hate the cold. (eliminated by Mei) | ▶️ | |
Just keep knocking 'em off. (getting environmental kills in previous fight) | ▶️ | |
Took 'em long enough. *chuckle* (eliminated with Kill Streak) | ▶️ | |
Respawn Team Kill |
They're not back yet. Ugh. | ▶️ |
Where is everybody? | ▶️ | |
Where's my backup? | ▶️ | |
Pick Up Health Pack | *sighs* | ▶️ ▶️ |
Ahh, better. | ▶️ | |
On Fire | I'm on fire! *laughs* | ▶️ |
I'm burning rubber! | ▶️ | |
*laughs* Yeah! | ▶️ | |
Fully Healed | *relieved sigh* | ▶️ |
About time! | ▶️ | |
Thanks. | ▶️ | |
Damage Boosted | *laughs* | ▶️ |
Oh, goodie. | ▶️ | |
Pure hog power! *laughs* | ▶️ | |
Negative Status Effect | *grunts* | ▶️ |
No way! | ▶️ | |
Resurrected | ||
Enemy Resurrected | *laughs* | ▶️ |
Didn't have enough? | ▶️ |
Call-Outs[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Hero Change | Roadhog time. | ▶️ |
Enemy Sighted | Get 'em. | ▶️ |
I see them. | ▶️ | |
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team | We're outnumbered! | ▶️ |
Sniper Sighted | Sniper. | ▶️ |
Turret Sighted | Enemy turret here. | ▶️ |
Ally Damaged from Behind | Behind you. | ▶️ |
Enemy Ultimate | Get down! | ▶️ |
Nano-Boosted | Come over here! | ▶️ |
I am unstoppable! | ▶️ | |
Time Running Out Defense |
Almost done. Hold on. | ▶️ |
Finish it off. | ▶️ | |
Knock them out. | ▶️ | |
Let's finish this! | ▶️ | |
Stop them. | ▶️ | |
We're going to win. | ▶️ | |
Time Running Out Attack |
Attack now. | ▶️ |
Get on the attack. Now! | ▶️ | |
Go faster. Or we lose. | ▶️ | |
I'm not losing. Attack. | ▶️ | |
Out of time. Attack! | ▶️ | |
We're losing. Attack! | ▶️ |
Mission Specific[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Control Capture in Progress Team |
I'm taking the point. | ▶️ |
Point is mine. Property of Roadhog. | ▶️ | |
Control Capture in Progress Enemy |
They're taking the point! | ▶️ |
You're in my house! Get out. | ▶️ | |
Control Clash Go into next point |
Get to the next point. | ▶️ |
Head to that next point. | ▶️ | |
Let's move to the point. | ▶️ | |
Escort Payload Moving Team |
Payload moving. | ▶️ |
Payload moving out. | ▶️ | |
Escort Payload Moving Enemy |
Stop that payload! | ▶️ |
Stop the payload! | ▶️ ▶️ | |
Escort Payload Stuck |
Payload's stopped. | ▶️ |
Why's the payload stopped? | ▶️ | |
Push Robot Walking to Barricade Team |
Got the bot. | ▶️ |
He's ours. | ▶️ | |
We got him. | ▶️ | |
Push Robot Walking to Barricade Enemy |
*frustrated sound* They got him. | ▶️ |
They took him from us. | ▶️ | |
They took the bot. | ▶️ | |
Push Robot Pushing Barricade Team |
Barricade's moving. | ▶️ |
On the move. | ▶️ | |
We're pushing now. | ▶️ | |
Push Robot Pushing Barricade Enemy |
Gotta stop 'em. | ▶️ |
They're pushing it. | ▶️ | |
They've got the bot. | ▶️ | |
Push About to Gain Lead |
A little more. Come on! | ▶️ |
Lead's almost ours. | ▶️ | |
We're almost there! | ▶️ | |
Push Gained Lead |
Got the lead. *chuckle* | ▶️ |
Lead's ours. Keep pushing. | ▶️ | |
*Satisfied grunt* We're in front. | ▶️ | |
Push About to Lose Lead |
Stop 'em. Quick! | ▶️ |
They're catching up! | ▶️ | |
They're getting close! | ▶️ | |
Push Lost Lead |
They pulled ahead. | ▶️ |
They took the lead! | ▶️ | |
They're ahead. Stop them. | ▶️ | |
Push Pushing in Overtime Robot with Team |
Don't you give up! | ▶️ |
Last chance. Stay close. | ▶️ | |
Stick with the robot! | ▶️ | |
Push Pushing in Overtime Robot with Enemy |
Let's stop 'em. For good. | ▶️ |
Put 'em down. | ▶️ | |
Stop 'em and it's done. | ▶️ | |
They're out of time. *laughs* | ▶️ | |
Capture the Flag Flag Taken Self |
Got the flag. | |
The flag is mine. | ||
Capture the Flag Flag Taken Enemy |
Get our flag back! | |
Stop 'em! | ||
Capture the Flag Flag Captured Self |
Score one for Roadhog. | |
Special delivery. | ||
Capture the Flag Flag Captured Enemy |
So much for defense. | |
That's disappointing. | ||
Capture the Flag Flag Dropped Self |
Dropped the flag. | |
Someone else take it. | ||
Capture the Flag Flag Dropped Enemy |
Grab our flag! | |
Someone grab the flag! | ||
Capture the Flag Flag Returned |
I'll be taking that. | |
Returning the flag. | ▶️ |
Eliminations[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Final Blow | Back to the dirt. | ▶️ |
Blown apart. | ▶️ | |
Bury them deep. | ▶️ | |
Easy prey. | ▶️ | |
Get the gist? | ▶️ | |
Hmph. Heh heh. | ▶️ | |
Little chicken. | ▶️ | |
No pain, no gain. | ▶️ | |
Scrubbed out. | ▶️ | |
That's another! | ||
Too easy. | ▶️ | |
*chuckle* | ||
*laughs* | ||
Scrap 'em! (eliminating Bastion, Orisa, or Zenyatta) | ▶️ | |
Sorry, ma'am. (eliminating Junker Queen) | ▶️ | |
I'm tired of hearing your voice. (eliminating Junkrat) | ▶️ | |
Now will you shut up? (eliminating Junkrat) | ▶️ | |
Peace and quiet. (eliminating Junkrat) | ▶️ | |
Are these edible flowers? (eliminating Lifeweaver) | ▶️ | |
I'm taking your shoes. (eliminating Lúcio) | ▶️ | |
Pride of Samoa? Heh. (eliminating Mauga) | ▶️ | |
Blockin' my sun. (eliminating Mercy or Zenyatta) | ▶️ | |
Nice mask. (eliminating Reaper) | ▶️ | |
Big target, heh. (eliminating Reinhardt or Winston) | ▶️ | |
Got me. (eliminating Roadhog) | ▶️ | |
Monkey's for dinner. (eliminating Winston) | ▶️ | |
Ball down. (eliminating Wrecking Ball) | ▶️ | |
I'm the Champ. (eliminating Wrecking Ball) | ▶️ | |
Final Blow Chain Hook |
Aw, that's no fun. | ▶️ |
Coulda left my gun at home. | ▶️ | |
Pulled right back. | ▶️ | |
That killed you? | ▶️ | |
Sky hook. (while airborne) | ▶️ | |
Final Blow Scenario |
Never count me out. (on low HP) | ▶️ |
Close. But I'm the better hog. (on low HP, eliminating another Roadhog) | ▶️ | |
Hooked and cooked. (eliminating hooked enemy) | ▶️ | |
Hook, headshot, done. (eliminating hooked enemy with headshot) | ▶️ | |
Leave 'em dead this time. (eliminating recently resurrected hero) | ▶️ | |
Clear sky. (eliminating airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
Eat flak. (eliminating airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
Mm, plucked wings. (eliminating airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
Got my wings. (eliminating enemy while airborne) | ▶️ | |
Long range hog? (long-range elimination) | ▶️ | |
Feeling quick. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) | ▶️ | |
I'm fast, too. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) | ▶️ | |
*chuckles* Showstopper. (eliminating enemy using their ultimate) | ▶️ | |
Don't try the bubble on me. (eliminating enemy while protected by Particle Barrier or Projected Barrier) | ▶️ | |
What a comeback. (after recent resurrection) | ▶️ | |
Amplified. (eliminating enemy by shooting through Baptiste's Amplification Matrix) | ▶️ | |
Stop rolling, cowboy. (eliminating Cassidy using Combat Roll) | ▶️ | |
Fastest hog in the West. (eliminating Cassidy using Deadeye) | ▶️ | |
Too bright. No thanks. (eliminating Illari using Captive Sun) | ▶️ | |
Got the imposter, ma'am. (eliminating Junker Queen, while having a Junker Queen on your team) | ▶️ | |
Don't like your voice. (eliminating Lúcio using Sound Barrier) | ▶️ | |
Iced. (eliminating Mei using Blizzard) | ||
Mm, plucked wings. (eliminating Mercy using Valkyrie) | ▶️ | |
Never liked science. (eliminating Moira using Coalescence, Sigma using Gravitic Flux, or Zarya using Graviton Surge) | ▶️ | |
No, no, no. (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) | ▶️ | |
My castle now. (eliminating Reinhardt on Eichenwalde) | ▶️ | |
I aim fine on my own. (eliminating Soldier: 76 using Tactical Visor) | ▶️ | |
Oopsie. (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) | ▶️ | |
Whoops... (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) | ▶️ | |
Chill, bro. (eliminating Winston using Primal Rage) | ▶️ | |
My moon now. (eliminating Winston on Horizon Lunar Colony) | ▶️ | |
Get the gist? (unknown trigger) | ▶️ | |
Thick as a brick. (After surviving heavy damage) | ||
Kill Streak | *laughs* | ▶️ |
Beaut. | ▶️ | |
Feeling alive! | ▶️ | |
Good! | ▶️ | |
Oh, yeah. | ▶️ | |
Multi Kill | *laughs* | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Carnage. *chuckle* | ▶️ | |
Yeah! *laughs* | ||
Downtown smackdown. (in Junkertown) | ▶️ | |
Team Kill | All gone. | ▶️ |
*slow chuckle* | ▶️ | |
That's all of them! | ▶️ | |
The enemy team's down. | ▶️ | |
Revenge | I win. | ▶️ |
Punk. *chuckle* | ▶️ | |
Elimination with Ally on Low HP | *chuckle* | ▶️ |
I'm always saving your skin. | ▶️ | |
Just like always. | ▶️ | |
You owe me. | ▶️ | |
Someday I'm just going to leave you. (to Junkrat) | ▶️ | |
Melee Final Blow | Die. | ▶️ |
Dropped. | ▶️ | |
*growl* | ▶️ | |
Right in the teeth. | ▶️ | |
Stay down. | ▶️ | |
Environmental Final Blow | *long laugh* | ▶️ |
All fall down. | ▶️ | |
*chuckle* Bye. | ▶️ | |
Down you go. | ▶️ | |
I wouldn't fall for that. | ▶️ | |
Make some friends down there. | ▶️ | |
Peace. | ▶️ | |
See ya, bro. | ▶️ | |
That little piggy fell all the way home. (eliminating Roadhog) | ▶️ | |
Boost out of that. (eliminating Nano-Boosted enemy) | ▶️ | |
Turret Elimination | Enemy turret destroyed. | ▶️ |
Ally Eliminates Enemy | About time you did something useful. | ▶️ |
Good one. | ▶️ | |
Less work for me. | ▶️ | |
Mm, nice kill. | ▶️ | |
That was mine. | ▶️ | |
Arrows, huh? *chuckle* (to Hanzo) | ▶️ | |
Not bad for a nice guy. (to any Overwatch members) | ▶️ |
PvE[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Opening Door | ||
Waiting to Open Door | ||
Need to Break Door | ||
Door Opening | ||
Dropship Arriving | ||
Waiting to Push Button | Just... do it! | |
Assigned to Objective | ||
Picking Up Item | ||
Dropped Item | ||
Delivering Item | ||
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item | ||
Objective Found | ||
Calling Teammate to Objective | ||
Enemy Reinforcements | ||
Breacher Inbound | ||
Slicers Inbound | ||
Subjugator Inbound | ||
Any Objective Under Fire | ||
Cannon Under Fire | ||
Ferry Under Fire | ||
Repair Station Under Fire | ||
Payload Under Fire | ||
Uplink Under Fire | ||
Any Objective on Critical HP | ||
Cannon on Critical HP | ||
Ferry on Critical HP | ||
Repair Station on Critical HP | ||
Payload on Critical HP | ||
Uplink on Critical HP | ||
Danger | ||
Danger: Must Flee | ||
Artillery Comes into Battle | ||
Artillery Barrage Incoming | ||
Artillery Eliminated | ||
Charger Comes into Battle | ||
Charger Begins to Charge | ||
Charger's Legs Destroyed | ||
Charger Eliminated | ||
Flying Robots Come into Battle | ||
Stalker Comes into Battle | ||
Grabbed by Stalker | ||
Stalker Eliminated | ||
Subjugator Eliminated | ||
Vulture Comes into Battle | ||
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone | ||
Vulture Eliminated | ||
Titan Immune to Damage | ||
Massive Attack Incoming | ||
Missiles Incoming | Hey! Missile! | |
Relay Found | ||
Relay Destroyed | ||
Downed | ||
Teammate Downed | Lost one. | ▶️ |
Teammate Yet to be Revived | ||
Last Team Member Standing | Didn't need them anyway. | ▶️ |
Reviving Teammate | Get up. | ▶️ |
Stop messing around. | ▶️ | |
Teammate Killed |
Communication[ | ]
Wheel Option | Quote | Audio |
Hello | Hey. | ▶️ ▶️ |
Hi. | ▶️ | |
*grunts* | ▶️ ▶️ | |
Thank | Thanks. | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Thank you. (rare) | ||
Acknowledge | All right. | |
Gotcha. | ▶️ | |
Okay. | ||
Yeah. | ▶️ | |
Need Healing | I'm wounded here. | ▶️ |
I need healing. | ▶️ | |
Need healing. | ▶️ | |
Need Healing No Support in Team |
We need a healer. | ▶️ |
Group Up | Group up. | |
Group up here. | ||
Group up with me. | ||
Join me. | ||
On me. | ▶️ | |
Ultimate Status 0-89% |
My ultimate is charging. | ▶️ |
Ultimate Status 90-99% |
My ultimate is almost ready. | ▶️ |
Ultimate Status 100% |
Ready to go whole hog! | ▶️ |
Ultimate ready. | ▶️ | |
Ultimate Status 100% to Ally |
My ultimate is ready. Come on! | ▶️ |
Attacking | I'm attacking. | ▶️ |
Countdown | 3... 2... 1... | ▶️ |
In 3... 2... 1... | ▶️ | |
Defending | Defending. | ▶️ |
Enemy Ping in World |
Careful. | ▶️ |
Hey. Look! | ▶️ | |
Watch out. | ▶️ | |
Enemy Locked on Opponent |
Enemy here. | ▶️ |
Take 'em down! | ▶️ | |
They're over here. | ▶️ | |
Fall Back | Fall back. | ▶️ |
Get back! | ▶️ | |
Go | Go! | ▶️ |
Going In | Going in. | ▶️ |
Goodbye | Bye. | ▶️ |
Later. | ▶️ | |
Incoming | Incoming. | ▶️ |
Need Help | How about some help? | ▶️ |
Need help. | ▶️ | |
No | No. | |
On My Way | Coming! | ▶️ |
On my way. | ▶️ | |
Ping In World |
Over here. | |
Over there. | ▶️ | |
Ping Attack Objective |
Attack the objective. | |
Ping Defend Objective |
Defend the objective. | |
Ping Push Payload |
Move the payload! | ▶️ |
Ping Stop Payload |
Stop the payload. | |
Ping Push Robot |
Move the robot. | |
Push the robot. | ||
Ping Stop Robot |
Stop 'em. | |
Stop the robot. | ||
Ping Capture Flag |
Get our flag! | |
Get our flag back! | ||
Ping Defend Flag |
Cover the flag. | |
Don't let them take our flag. | ||
Press the Attack | Press the attack. | ▶️ |
Push Forward | Forward! | ▶️ |
Ready | Ready. | ▶️ |
Sorry | Sorry. | ▶️ |
Watching Here | I'm watching here. | ▶️ |
Looking at it. | ▶️ | |
Watching here. | ▶️ | |
With You | With you. | ▶️ |
Yes | Yeah. | ▶️ |
You're Welcome | Don't mention it. | ▶️ |
You're welcome. | ▶️ |
Voice Lines[ | ]
Availability | Quote | Audio |
Default | Welcome to the apocalypse. | ▶️ |
25 ![]() |
Like takin' candy from a baby. | ▶️ |
Eat this. | ▶️ | |
Got something to say? | ▶️ | |
Ha ha ha! | ▶️ | |
Hook, line, and sinker. | ▶️ | |
Life is pain. So is death. *laughs* | ▶️ | |
Piece of cake. | ▶️ | |
Push off. | ▶️ | |
Say "bacon" one more time. | ▶️ | |
Violence is usually the answer. | ▶️ | |
We're all animals. | ▶️ | |
Summer Games 50 ![]() |
No job too big, no score too small. | ▶️ |
There's no "I" in team. | ▶️ | |
What's mine, is mine. | ▶️ | |
I'm on vacation, leave me alone. | ▶️ | |
Halloween Terror 50 ![]() |
Did you check beneath your bed? *laughs* | ▶️ |
Boo! | ▶️ | |
Want some candy? | ▶️ | |
Winter Wonderland 50 ![]() |
Ho ho ho ho ho! | ▶️ |
I have your present right here. | ▶️ | |
Sweet as. | ▶️ | |
Lunar New Year 50 ![]() |
I'll catch you, and when I do... *laughs* | ▶️ |
It's all gone to the dogs. | ▶️ | |
You chicken? | ▶️ | |
Overwatch Archives 50 ![]() |
I've killed someone for less than that. | ▶️ |
She'll be right. | ▶️ | |
You wanna scrap with me? | ▶️ | |
Overwatch Anniversary 50 ![]() |
I don't like talkers. | ▶️ |
I'm beached as, bro. | ▶️ | |
I'm going hog wild! | ▶️ | |
At least I'm not a rat. | ▶️ | |
That's my business, and business is good. | ▶️ | |
Battle for Olympus Voice of the Cyclops Challenge |
Keeping my eye on you. | ▶️ |
Ultimate Valentine Capture my Heart Challenge |
Ahem. Wanna see a movie? | ▶️ |
Battle Pass: Season 4 | I want a nebula to myself. | ▶️ |
Battle Pass: Season 7 | You're lucky I don't have my chainsaw. | ▶️ |
Mischief and Magic Local Hero Challenge |
Quest log's full. | ▶️ |
Cosmic Crisis Void Butcher Challenge |
Gross. *chuckles* |
Interactions[ | ]
Hero | Quote | Audio |
Ana |
▶️ |
Baptiste On Midtown |
▶️ |
Brigitte |
▶️▶️▶️ |
D.Va |
▶️▶️▶️ |
Hanzo | ▶️▶️▶️ | |
Junker Queen |
▶️▶️▶️ |
Junkrat |
▶️ |
Kiriko |
▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
Lifeweaver |
Lúcio |
▶️ |
▶️ | |
▶️ | |
Mauga |
▶️▶️▶️ |
▶️▶️▶️▶️ | |
Mercy |
▶️▶️ |
Moira |
▶️▶️▶️ |
Orisa |
Pharah |
Reaper |
Sojourn |
Sombra |
Torbjörn |
Multi-Interactions[ | ]
Hero | Quote | Audio |
Zenyatta, and 1 of the following heroes: Ashe, Junkrat |
Junkrat & Reaper |
Zenyatta + Reinhardt, Tracer or Zarya, then either Genji or Ramattra |
Skin-Specific[ | ]
Skin | Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Butcher | Final Blow | Dismembered. | ▶️ |
Fresh meat. | ▶️ ▶️ | ||
Cyclops | Hero Selected | This odyssey ain't over. | ▶️ |
Whole Hog | It's bouldering time. (self) | ▶️ | |
During Set-Up | Let's pillage. | ▶️ | |
Don't stop till Olympus. | ▶️ | ||
Respawn | Eat 'em alive. | ▶️ | |
I'll see what I can do. | ▶️ | ||
I've got an eye on them. | ▶️ | ||
Nobody's killing me. | ▶️ | ||
One eye, can't die. | ▶️ | ||
On Fire | This myth is mine. | ▶️ | |
Fully Healed | Nectar of the gods. | ▶️ | |
Nano-Boosted | I could kill a Titan! | ▶️ | |
Final Blow | Cyclops style. | ▶️ | |
Get rocked. | ▶️ | ||
How's boulder taste? | ▶️ | ||
I'll take that thunderbolt back. (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) | ▶️ | ||
You rule Olympus? (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) | ▶️ | ||
Pesky fly. (eliminating Hermes Lúcio) | ▶️ | ||
More like "god of being dead." (eliminating Hades Pharah) | ▶️ | ||
Sorry, dad. (eliminating Poseidon Ramattra) | ▶️ | ||
And they call me a monster? (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt or Medusa Widowmaker) | ▶️ | ||
*chuckling* Stupid bull. (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) | ▶️ | ||
See ya, brother. (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) | ▶️ | ||
Snake hair, don't care. (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) | ▶️ | ||
Kill Streak | Fear the Cyclops. | ▶️ | |
Multi Kill | Like a rolling boulder. | ▶️ | |
Team Kill | Got the whole crew. | ▶️ | |
Melee Final Blow | *battle roar* | ▶️ | |
Cyclops slam. | ▶️ | ||
Environmental Final Blow | Fall into Tartarus. | ▶️ | |
*laughs* Just like Icarus. | ▶️ | ||
Junkenstein's Monster | Chain Hook | Come closer. | ▶️ |
Respawn | I'm alive! | ▶️ | |
Lacrosse | Respawn | Enough riding the pine. | ▶️ |
On Fire | I'm crispy with the rock! | ▶️ | |
Final Blow | Sick. | ▶️ | |
Stuffed. | ▶️ | ||
*laughs* We got a fish here. | ▶️ | ||
Melee Final Blow | How's that ice pick? | ▶️ | |
Laying the lumber. | ▶️ | ||
Sharkbait |
Chain Hook | Anchors aweigh! | ▶️ |
Going fishing. | ▶️ | ||
Match Start | *laughs* Arr... matey. | ▶️ |
Map-Specific[ | ]
Map | Quote | Audio |
Circuit Royal On Defense |
Hmm. I want a car. | ▶️ |
Dorado | Mmm. *sniffing* Onion, cilantro... yeah. | ▶️ |
Hollywood | I should make movies. Easy money. | ▶️ |
Ilios | Terrible vacation. (respawn) | ▶️ |
Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Nepal or Samoa Scoring a Basket in Spawn Room |
Bingo. | ▶️ |
Junkertown | Back again, huh? | ▶️ |
Route 66 | Eh, it's a dry heat. | ▶️ |
My west is wilder. | ▶️ | |
Samoa | Least it's nice here. (respawn) | ▶️ |
Event-Specific[ | ]
Event | Trigger | Quote | Audio |
April Fools | Whole Hog | You get scrap. You get scrap. (self and hostile) | ▶️ |
Everybody gets scrap. (self and hostile) | ▶️ | ||
This little piggy will run you over. (allies) | ▶️ | ||
Battle for Olympus | Pick Up Overhealth | Armored. | |
Feelin' tough. | |||
Fortified. | |||
Pick Up Ultimate Charge | Charging up. | ||
Divine favor. | |||
Got some power. | |||
Final Blow Ultimate |
Get rocked. | ||
How's boulder taste? | |||
Like a rolling boulder. | |||
Ultimate Ends | Enough for now. | ||
Hungry. Where's my sheep? | |||
I need a nap. | |||
Ulting Medusa Sighted | Can't look. | ▶️ | |
Don't... look... | ▶️ | ||
As an NPC Catch-A-Mari |
Datamined[ | ]
Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Trivia[ | ]
Navigation[ | ]
Hero Quotes | |||||||||
Heroes |
| ||||||||
Other |