Adventure safety | Explore Parks WA
Adventure sports like climbing, horse riding, caving, abseiling, orienteering, off-roading, rogaining, water skiing and downhill mountain biking offer thrilling opportunities to explore unique environments. Adventure sports however involve inherent risks. Careful research and planning, competent leadership, organisation, proper provisioning, skills and equipment are essential.
If you are new to an activity, first build your skills, knowledge and experience. We strongly recommend that you head out under the guidance of a suitable group or club and to share the activity with other people. Another good option is to join a commercial tour.
We advise that you take part in any adventure activity in a group of at least three people. If one person is injured, someone may need to stay with them while another person goes for help.
Take responsibility for your own safety and have an emergency response plan.
- Only participate in activities where all members of the party have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to take part safely. The leader should not only be able to get you there, but they should also be able to get you out of the park in the event of an emergency.
- Know your proposed route and stick to it.
- Have adequate food, water, safety and first aid gear, maps and navigation equipment and clothing for all contingencies.
- Tell a trusted and responsible person where you are going, what you are doing and when you expect to return. Discuss with them what they should do if you are overdue.
- Do not enter caves or gorges if there is rain in the area. If it starts raining when you are in a gorge, leave immediately to avoid potential flash floods.
- Avoid sunburn by wearing a hat, shirt and sunscreen, even on overcast days.
Permission may be needed for some activities, including:
- Conducting non-commercial events and activities. Contact the DBCA district or regional office nearest to the where you wish to conduct the activity/activities.
- Remote recreational activities in the Kimberley. Contact the DBCA Kununurra office (08) 9168 4200 for Mitchell River, Lawley River, Drysdale River, Purnululu and Prince Regent national parks and Camp Creek and Laterite conservation parks. Contact the DBCA Broome office (08) 9195 5500 for Bandilngan (Windjana Gorge) National Park and Wunaamin, Miluwindi and Devonian Reef conservation parks.
- Access to Nullabor caves. -Contact the DBCA Esperance office (08) 9083 2100.
- Caving and abseiling in Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park. -Contact the Calgardup Cave and Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park Information Centre (08) 9757 7422 during office hours (9am - 4.15pm every day except Christmas Day and Boxing Day) or email
Check out the Australian Adventure Activity Standard and associated Good Practice Guides, which describe the minimum safe practice standards for the conduct of group outdoor adventure activities.
Page last updated 30th May, 2024