Coronavirus Cases In Rockland Triple, 5 Dead: Update

  • ️Mon Mar 23 2020

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ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY — Rockland County went into the weekend with 230 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus. As of Monday afternoon, there were 623 confirmed cases, and five people dead due to the rapidly spreading disease first confirmed in the county March 6.

Two more deaths were confirmed due to the virus officially known as COVID-19, one on Sunday and one on Monday. One was 79 and the other 66, county health officials said. Both had other significant health problems.

“It is crucial that everyone stay home to curb the spread of this disease. Confirmed case numbers of COVID-19 continue to grow in Rockland as more people get tested; we all must take the proper precautions to protect ourselves and those most at risk," said Dr. Patricia Ruppert, Rockland's health commissioner. "Your choices now and throughout this outbreak will make the difference between life and death for members of our community."

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The new total of confirmed cases is higher than the 592 cases in Rockland confirmed Monday morning by Gov. Andrew Cuomo at a news briefing.

COVID-19 has spread quickly throughout Rockland County and New York State, and drastic actions must be taken, she said. All residents must stay home, including children and teens not in school, unless you must get food, medical supplies, or are an essential employee that must work outside the home. Try to use delivery services when possible. Stay away from other people as much as possible, following the recommendation of 6 feet (2 meters). It is important that everyone stay home, healthy, or sick. Please consider any public site in Rockland as a potential site for COVID-19 exposure.

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If you become mildly ill, stay home, and manage your symptoms. For residents who have symptoms indicative of COVID-19, contact your medical provider to discuss your symptoms. The health department is advising people with mild illness to stay home and not get tested. Do not dial 9-1-1 unless you have an immediate medical emergency.

“If you were tested at the mobile site at the Anthony Wayne Recreational Area in Harriman State Park, you may access your test results directly through the BioReference Laboratories patient portal. Visit the Rockland County Department of Health’s COVID-19 page for information on how to do so,” said Dr. Ruppert.

Continue to practice good hygiene, including washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover your cough and sneeze with your elbow or a tissue, and do not touch eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

If you have general COVID-19 concerns or any questions about COVID-19 testing, call the New York State Department of Health’s Novel Coronavirus 24-hour hotline at 1-888-364-3065 to speak with a NYSDOH expert who will answer questions. You may also call 211 for local COVID-19 information and resources, visit the county’s coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage at

As of Sunday, all nonessential businesses must have all their workforce stay home. Also, non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason are canceled throughout New York state.

The Rockland County Department of Health requested all residents help to enforce that order.

"We need your help to ensure the health and safety of all of our residents; no one should be gathering together right now. Please report any gatherings, so inspectors from our Health Department can take action to shut them down for the safety of everyone involved," County Executive Ed Day said Friday. "We understand that you want to celebrate the wedding you had been planning or your family member's birthday but right now we all need to do the right thing and stay home; this is a matter of life and death."

If you see a gathering of any size, please report it by calling 845-364-2585.


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