494364 A7 ♦ B7 五、發明説明(1 ) 〔發明所屬之技術領域〕 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明,係關於在電子化貨幣的處理系統之電子化貨 幣之保管裝置。再者,將電子化貨幣在本申請專利簡稱爲 「電子貨幣」,同時將電子化貨幣的處理系統,簡稱爲「 電子貨幣系統」。 〔習知技藝〕 近年來,已有根據收容電子貨幣的I C卡互相間之通 信,進行電子貨幣交換的電子貨幣系統之提案。使用在該 系統的I C卡,係具有在其內部有通信機能之微處理機, 和根據處理程式及儲存電子貨幣的餘額之E E P ROM等 的記憶器而構成。然後,I C卡,將根據在銀行、商店、 個人住宅等設置的終端設備,經由構成能任意連接之電子 貨幣系統,同時,使用專用的終端設備,能夠在和其他 I C卡之間,進行電子貨幣的存取。 〔發明所要解決之課題〕 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 前述提案的電子貨幣系統,尙未決定構成系統之各機 器應具有何種機能,形態,目前尙在開發途中。 在以下的本發明之實施例,係由保持電子貨幣的金額 資訊之記億電路,和將金額資訊寫入該記憶電路的金額資 訊寫入電路構成一對,上述一對記憶電路係能根據構成上 述一對之金額資訊寫入電路接達而改寫,根據未經由該構 成對的金額資訊寫入電路將不能改寫,而維持電子貨幣之 —本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210x297公釐) -4 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(2 ) 安全性。在上述提案的電子貨幣系統,係做爲保持電子貨 幣之保管裝置提案I C卡。在本發明之以下的實施例, I C卡並非絕對需要條件,而上述成對爲必要條件。但是 ’爲了維持上述對,實際上使之不能分開地以I C電路構 成爲理想的實施形態。同時考慮搬運時使之成爲卡片形狀 爲容易使用的一個形狀。因爲上述電子貨幣之保管裝置, 可能比本發明的保管裝置保持金額爲小額之使用方法等, 故以下簡稱爲小額電子貨幣保管裝置。 本發明之目的,係在前述電子貨幣系統,提供能夠在 多數的電子貨幣保管裝置之間同時進行電子貨幣的存款或 提款之電子貨幣保管裝置。 〔爲了解決課題之裝置〕 爲了達成上述目的之一個解決方法,主要係,在爲了 保持存入的電子貨幣或爲了因應電子貨幣之提款要求而將 電子貨幣保持用的電子貨幣保管裝置,其特徵爲,電子貨 幣之至少將保持額的資訊記憶之記憶電路和在該記億電路 寫入貨幣的保持額之資訊用的貨幣資訊寫入電路構成一對 ,根據構成上述一對,構成向上述構成一對中之上述記憶 電路的貨幣保持額之寫入將根據該對的貨幣資訊寫入電路 進行,上述電子貨幣之保管裝置具有多數個上述記錄電路 和上述貨幣資訊寫入電路之對,設置對上述電子化貨幣的 保管裝置之從外部的存款或提款之要求選定由那一對因應 的對選定電路者。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(21〇 ><297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) I I T 、言 ♦ 經濟部智慧財產局Μ工消費合作社印製 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(3 ) 爲了達成上述目的之其他解決方法,將在以下的實施 例中說明。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 〔實施例〕 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 將根據本發明的電子貨幣系統及電子貨幣之保管裝置 的一實施例根據圖面詳細說明。首先爲了幫助理解,以使 用方法之一事例具體地說明。在銀行有存款的不特定多數 之個人要利用銀行時,通常進行從銀行存款提出現金,或 將手頭有的現金存入銀行。而在電子貨幣系統,將使用電 子貨幣代替現金。爲了維持電子貨幣之安全性,能夠考慮 使電子貨幣的存款或提款,只能在例如電子貨幣之一個保 管裝置和其他的電子貨幣之保管裝置間才可能。對電子貨 幣保管裝置的電子貨幣之存取,原則上除了從電子貨幣保 管裝置以外不能進行。設置如此的原則時雖能提高電子貨 幣之安全性,但是個人從銀行以電子貨幣將存款提出時, 從銀行的電子貨幣保管裝置將電子貨幣存入個人所有之小 額電子貨幣保管裝置(電子錢包)之間,其他的個人將無 法使用銀行之電子貨幣保管裝置。此問題在對銀行的電子 貨幣存款時也相同。 雖然以銀行和個人的小額電子貨幣保管裝置(電子錢 包)之例說明,但是考慮比較中規模以上的販賣店也含有 問題。例如在百貨公司有多數之售貨處,在各個售貨處由 個人以電子貨幣的形式付款時,需要從各售貨處將其售貨 款收款。如上述地,爲了提高電子貨幣的安全性,使之只 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -6 - 494364 A7 · B7 ^^-— ---^、 五、發明説明(4 ) 能在電子貨幣保管裝置間進行電子貨幣的支付或存入時, 在一處收款時將無法從其他處收款。在本發明,係如以下 在實施例所說明,能夠解決如此之問題。 圖1顯示一實施例的電子貨幣系統之構成。1係在$良 行營業處的系統,2爲包含批發等之廣寬意義的販賣店之 系統(以下,簡稱爲流通系統),3爲個人或個人經營的 極小規模之商店(以下’簡稱爲最終使用者),4爲自動 販賣機用的系統,5係銀行之管理各分行的計算機中心, 6爲電子貨幣發行組織,7係公共通信網,1 〇爲小額電 子貨幣保管裝置(電子錢包)如容易攜帶的IC卡,11 係外加I C卡之讀出/寫入機,1 2爲銀行分行的窗口終 端設備,1 3爲內部通信線路,1 4係現金自動存提款機 ,1 5爲顯示本發明之一實施例的電子貨幣保管裝置(以 下,簡稱爲電子金庫),1 6係電子貨幣交易控制終端設 備,1 7爲中繼電腦使之能利用公共通信網地將資訊處 理而收發報。2 1爲電子貨幣用POS終端設備,2 2爲 P〇S終端設備,23係存儲控制器,24爲中心裝置將 該販賣店的管理資料統計,或將貨幣保持管理。2 5爲資 訊控制系統,2 6係工作站,3 1爲電子錢包,3 2爲個 人電腦,33係PC卡型卡片讀取/寫入機,34爲I c 卡電話機,41係內裝型I C卡讀取/寫入機,42爲自 動販賣機,51係會計系統主機,52爲外接系統,53 係外接系統控制終端設備。 圖1所示的電子貨幣系統,係在公共通信網7,連接 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 L# 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 -7 - 494364 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明(5 ) 銀行營業處系統1 ’百貨店’表示超級市場等販賣店的流 通系統2,做爲最終使用者系統之個人電腦32,I C卡 電話機3 4而構成’同時’設有自動販賣機系統4時。此 係將代表性系統分別以1系統顯示者,實際上將根據需要 ,將多數系統連接到公共通信網7。再者,銀行營業處系 統和銀行計算機中心5之間,也可以代替公共通信個而根 據專用線路等連接。在上述銀行計算機中心5,連接有電 子貨幣發行組織6。 I C卡1 0,係在其內部設有具通信機能的微處理機 ,和儲存處理程式及電子貨幣的餘額之根據E E P R〇M 等的記憶器而構成,由最終使用者之個人所有,同時由參 加電子貨幣系統的銀行,商店,自動販賣機等所有。銀行 營業處系統1 ,係窗口終端設備1 2,現金自動存款提款 機1 4經由內部通信線路1 3連接,並且,經由中繼電 腦1 7連接在銀行計算機中心而構成,但是爲了電子貨幣 付清,在窗口終端設備1 2設有I C卡讀取/寫入機1 1 ,在現金自動存款提款機1 4,內裝有I C卡讀取/寫入 機,同時,經由電子貨幣交易控制終端設備1 6連接根據 本發明的電子金庫1 5而構成。銀行計算機中心5,係由 會計系統主機5 1 ,和外接系統5 2而構成,外接系統 5 2,係備有外接系統控制終端設備5 3,中繼電腦 1 7,根據本發明之電子金庫1 5而構成。 流通系統2,通常係P 〇 S終端設備,經由內部通信 線路13,存儲控制器2 3連接在中心裝置2 4而構成。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 一 8 - ^ 裝 \IT (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 494364 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A 7 B7五、發明説明(6 ) 爲了電子貨幣清脹,在通常的p u S終端設備2 2設有外 加之I C卡讀取/寫入機1 1 ,或者,連接有電子貨幣用 P〇S終端設備21。同時,中心裝置24,設有資訊控 制系統25 ,工作端26,並且備有電子金庫1 5。最終 使用者系統3 ,主要係個人使用者系統,簡單者只需能夠 顯示IC卡內的電子貨幣餘額之電子錢包31也能發揮最 低限度之機能。在該電子錢包3 1,也能加上桌式計算機 等的機能。同時,個人電腦3 2,係在個人所有者,爲了 電子貨幣清脹,設置P C卡型卡讀取/寫入機3 3,構成 能和公共通信網7連接。再者,也可以使用在通常之電話 機具有對收容電子貨幣的I C卡1 0之處理機能的I C卡 電話機3 4。 在前述最終使用者系統3的個人電腦3 2,I C卡電 話機3 4,根據在其內部設置對2張I C卡之2組卡片讀 取/寫入機,能夠在2張I C卡互相間進行電子貨幣的交 換。據此,能夠進行例如將先生之IC卡內的電子貨幣’ 移至太太之I C卡等,和通常的處理現金時同樣之處理。 自動販賣系統4,係根據設有內裝型I C卡讀取/寫入機 41的自動販賣機42構成。 以下,說明適用如前述構成的本發明之電子貨幣的利 用方法。參加系統之銀行、商店、自動販賣機、個人等’ 將從電子貨幣發行組織6配佈I C卡1 0,同時,銀行將 和通常流通的現金交換而接受電子貨幣,而儲存至設在外 接系統5 2內設置之電子金庫1 5內。該電子金庫1 5 ’ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 297公釐) -9 一 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 494364 A7 _______ B7 五、發明説明(7 ) 係如後述地在其內部儲存有多數的I C卡1 0,在各I C 卡1 0,將分配從電子貨幣發組織接受之電子貨幣而收容 。收容在外接系統5 2的電子金庫1 5內之I C卡的電子 貨幣,將分配在各銀行營業處設置之銀行營業處系統1的 電子金庫1 5內之I C卡1 0。 參加電子貨幣系統的做爲最終使用者之個人,持有配 佈的I C卡1 0。根據銀行營業處系統1之窗口終端設備 1 2 ,現金自動存款提款機14,將銀行的自己戶頭的存 款交換成電子貨幣提款,而收容至自己之I C卡1 0內。 同時,將所有的具有P C卡型讀取/寫入機3 3之個人電 腦32,或者,I C卡電話機34,經由公共通信網7連 接至銀行營業處系統1 ,能夠和前述情況同樣地,將銀行 的自己戶頭之存款交換成電子貨幣而提款,收容至自己的 I C卡1 〇內。 在前述電子貨幣的提款時,個人持有之I c卡’將根 據自己卡片內具有的通信機能,經由窗口終端設備1 2, 現金自動存款提款機14,個人電腦3 2,或者,I c卡 電話機3 4之讀取/寫入機,和銀行營業處系統1內的電 子金庫1 5內之I C卡連接。然後,在電子貨幣交易控制 終端設備1 6的控制下,收容在銀行營業處系統1內之 I C卡1 〇的電子貨幣,將會收容至個人持有之I C卡 1 0內。此時,收容在銀行營業處系統1內的電子金庫 1 5內之I C卡的電子貨幣之餘額,將會減去收容至個人 持有的I C卡內之份。再者’從個人戶頭的存款之提政。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) J裝 ^IT (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 一 10 - 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 494364 A7 ____ B7 五、發明説明(8 ) 將和已往進行者同樣地進行。在前述,係做爲將其個人的 銀行戶頭之存款提出,而收容至個人所有的I C卡而說明 ,但是也可以把現金拿到銀行之窗口,或電子貨幣發行組 織的窗口,要求收容至1C卡。同時,1C卡內之電子貨 幣,能夠和前述相反地,經由窗口終端設備1 2,現金自 動存款提款機1 4,個人電腦3 2,還給銀行營業處系統 1內的電子金庫1 5內之I C卡內,同時存款至自己的戶 頭。 如前所述,將電子貨幣收容在自己的I C卡內之使用 者,能夠在各種商店等,將其I C卡和現金同樣地使用而 購買商品,同時,能夠接受各種服務。現在,做爲將電子 貨幣收容在自己的I C卡1 0內之使用者,在商店購物, 爲了付款將所買的商品拿進P 0 s終端設備之櫃台。經手 者將和通常的交易時一樣,根據讀入條碼等,將商品焦價 從P 0 S終端設備2 1或2 2輸入,運算其會計而向顧客 要求付款。 當顧客以收容電子貨幣的I C卡代替現金付款時,顧 客將把其IC卡插入電子貨幣用POS終端設備12的卡 片插入孔,或者,插入連接至通常之P 〇 S終端設備1 2 的1C卡讀取/寫出機11。據此,顧客之1張1C卡和 設在其商店的中心裝置24之電子金庫15內的1張IC 卡,將經由內部通信線路13,工作站26連接,顧客的 I C卡內之電子貨幣將會移至設在中心裝置2 4的電子金 庫1 5內之1張I C卡,從POS終端設備輸出收據,而 氏張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) '~" -11 - j 裝 ·-IT (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 494364 A7 _ _B7 ___ 五、發明説明(9 ) 結束購物的付款處理。此時,顧客之I 內的電子貨幣 ’會減少在購物所使用之份,而加至商店的1 C卡之電子 貨幣。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 雖然在前述,係做爲在具有多數的P U S終端設備, 和在中心裝置2 4儲存多數I C卡的電子金庫之流通系統 ,支付商品的交易金額進行說明,但是’在個人商店等, 只有1台收款機的系統時,根據在收款機設置顧客的I C 卡用之I C卡讀取/寫出機,同時,在收款機內部,使之 具有其商店持有的IC卡,能夠和該商店持有矽IC卡, 經由I C卡讀取/寫出機連接之顧客的I c卡之間,進行 根據電子貨幣的付款。然後,商店持有之I C卡內的電子 貨幣,也能如前所述,存入銀行的戶頭,或在銀行之窗口 現金化。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 並且,在前述具有P 0 S終端設備的流通系統,做爲 系統之構築方法,能夠使之在各P 〇 S終端設備具有I C 卡,將和顧客的I C卡之間的貨幣交接,一旦,在該 P〇s終端設備內之IC卡和顧客的IC卡之間進行,再 根據需要,從P 0 S終端設備移至中心裝置2 4的電子金 庫1 5內之I C卡。 再者,當自動販賣機4 2等要參加電子貨幣系統時, 使之在自動販賣機4 2內設置內裝型的I C卡讀出/寫入 機4 1 ,同時在自動販賣機本身具有I C卡,使和顧客插 入1C卡讀取/寫入機4 1的I C卡之間進行電子貨幣的 交接即可。 :本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) ' ~~' - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(10 ) 以下,將使用在如前述的電子貨幣系統之本發明的電 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 子金庫之實施例根據圖面說明。如在以上也已說明,圖1 的系統係以確保電子貨幣之安全性的原因,電子貨幣之交 接原則上只能在記憶電子貨幣的保持金額等之記億器和與 該記憶器成對的寫入電路構成之對和其他的對之間不能進 行。做爲上述記憶電子貨幣的保持金額等之記憶器和在該 記憶器寫入保持額等的電路構成之對,比較容易使用的形 態爲上述之I c卡。該I c卡爲容易使用的上述對之一形 態,而並非成爲絕對的條件者。根據將上述對以I c電路 構成,對將成爲絕對性而能防止和其他電路重新做成對進 行違法的可能性。同時根據做爲薄卡片狀,而成爲容易搬 運即容易攜帶。從此等理由雖然以下的說明姑且做爲I c 卡來說明,但是,在以下的說明也是分別由上述記憶電子 貨幣的保持額等之記憶器和在該記憶器寫入保持額等的電 路構成之對即可。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 圖2爲顯示根據本發明的第1實施例之電子金庫的外 觀之斜視圖,圖3爲顯示將圖2所示的電子金庫之門開啓 的狀態之圖。在圖2,圖3 ,150爲本體部,151爲 前門,151 /爲鉸鏈,152爲後門,153爲門鎖緊 鍵,154 ,154 /爲動作顯示器,155爲1C卡讀 取/寫入機的I C卡插入口,1 5 5 >爲I C卡動作顯示 器,其他記號係和圖1時相同。上述本體,鉸鏈,門等係 全部以堅固的金屬構成。 根據本發明的第1實施例之電子金庫1 5,係如在圖 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) _ 13 - 494364 A7 一 _ B7_ 五、發明説明(11 ) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 2顯示其外觀,在本體部1 5 0的前後設有前門1 5 1 , 後門1 5 2而構成。在前門1 5 1 ,根據需要爲了確保安 全而設有門鎖緊鍵153,同時,設有顯示金庫全體的動 作狀態,特別係,爲了顯示在其金庫發生障害等,顯示需 要維護用之顯示器1 5 4。該顯示器1 5 4,例如,將根 據L E D等構成,在電子金庫1 5正常動作時使之表示藍 ,需要維護的狀態時使之表示紅地構成。 同時,在後門152,雖未圖示,但是連接有對設在 本體內部的多數之I C卡讀取/寫入機的電源線,同時連 接有進行在多數之IC卡讀取/寫入機和其他IC卡讀取 /寫入機之間交接的進行關於電子貨幣之資訊傳輸之通信 線路。然後,根據開啓該後門1 5 2,使之能夠維護檢查 內部機器。再者,連接的通信線路,係能進行將收容在電 子金庫1 5內之金I C卡讀取/寫入機之間交接的信號多 重化之信號傳輸者,在電子金庫1 5內部,編入有信號多 重化用的電路。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 前門1 5 1 ,係能根據鉸鏈1 5 1 /開啓,在顯示此 狀態的第3圖,在本體部150,儲存有多數的1C卡讀 取/寫入機,而在本體部1 5 0前面,有對此等I C卡讀 取/寫入機之I C卡1 〇的卡片插入口 1 5 5,配列成上 下2段設置,使之各別對應地設有I C卡動作顯示器 1 5 5 /。該顯示器1 55 / ,可以和顯示各I C卡讀取 /寫入機的動作狀態之正常,異常的前述顯示器1 5 4時 同樣地顯示,同時,也可以將接近壽命,已到壽命,或變 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -14 - 494364 A7 _ B7 五、發明説明(12 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 成障害等,改變L E D的顯示色而顯示。再者,顯示器 1 54 /,係和設在前門1 5 1之顯示器1 54具有完全 相同的機能者。因此,將對應於該顯示器1 5 4 —位置之 前門1 5 1的部份做爲透面窗時,將不需要設置在前門 1 5 1所設之顯取器1 54。494364 A7 ♦ B7 V. Description of the invention (1) [Technical field to which the invention belongs] (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) The present invention relates to a storage device for electronic money in an electronic money processing system . Furthermore, the electronic currency is referred to as "electronic money" in this patent, and the electronic currency processing system is referred to as "electronic money system". [Knowledge] In recent years, there have been proposals for electronic money systems that exchange electronic money based on the communication between IC cards that house electronic money. The IC card used in this system is constituted by a microprocessor having a communication function in the system, and a memory such as an E EP ROM based on a processing program and an electronic money balance. Then, the IC card will be able to connect with other IC cards through the use of a dedicated terminal device by constructing an electronic money system that can be connected arbitrarily according to the terminal devices installed in banks, shops, personal homes, etc. Access. [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] The electronic money system of the aforementioned proposal, printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, has not yet determined what kind of function and form the various machines that make up the system should be currently under development. In the following embodiments of the present invention, a pair of billion-dollar circuits holding amount information of electronic money and an amount information writing circuit that writes amount information into the memory circuit are formed. The amount information writing circuit of the above pair is accessible and rewritten. According to the amount information writing circuit of the pair, the electronic currency cannot be rewritten, and the electronic currency is maintained—this paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210x297). (Mm) -4-494364 A7 B7 5. Description of the invention (2) Safety. In the proposed electronic money system, the IC card is proposed as a storage device for holding electronic money. In the following embodiments of the present invention, the IC card is not absolutely required, and the above-mentioned pairing is a necessary condition. However, in order to maintain the above-mentioned pair, it is practically impossible to separate the IC circuit into an ideal embodiment. It is also considered that the card shape is easy to use during transportation. The above-mentioned electronic money storage device may be used in a smaller amount than the storage device of the present invention, so it is hereinafter referred to as a small amount electronic money storage device. An object of the present invention is to provide an electronic money storage device capable of simultaneously depositing or withdrawing electronic money between a plurality of electronic money storage devices in the aforementioned electronic money system. [Apparatus for solving problems] In order to achieve a solution to the above-mentioned object, it is mainly a feature of an electronic money storage device for retaining electronic money or holding electronic money in response to an electronic money withdrawal request. In the electronic money, at least a memory circuit for storing the information of the holding amount and a currency information writing circuit for writing the information of the holding amount of money on the billion-digit circuit constitute a pair. The writing of the currency holding amount of the memory circuit in a pair will be performed according to the currency information writing circuit of the pair. The electronic money storage device has a plurality of pairs of the recording circuit and the currency information writing circuit. The above-mentioned electronic currency storage device requires the external circuit to deposit or withdraw money from the corresponding circuit. This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21〇 > < 297mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) IIT, Words System 494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (3) Other solutions to achieve the above purpose will be described in the following examples. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) [Example] An example of the electronic money system and electronic money storage device according to the present invention printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will be described in detail according to the drawings . First, in order to help the understanding, an example of the use method will be specifically explained. When individuals with an unspecified majority of deposits in the bank want to use the bank, they usually withdraw cash from the bank deposit or deposit the cash on hand into the bank. In the electronic money system, electronic money will be used instead of cash. In order to maintain the security of electronic money, consideration can be given to making deposits or withdrawals of electronic money, which is only possible between, for example, a holding device for electronic money and other holding devices for electronic money. Access to the electronic money in the electronic money storage device cannot be performed in principle except from the electronic money storage device. Although setting up such a principle can improve the security of electronic money, when an individual withdraws a deposit from a bank in electronic money, the electronic money is deposited from the bank's electronic money storage device into a small electronic money storage device (electronic wallet) owned by the individual. In the meantime, other individuals will not be able to use the bank's electronic money storage device. This problem is the same when depositing electronic money to the bank. Although the bank and personal small-value electronic money storage devices (electronic wallets) are used as an example, it is considered that there are also problems in comparison with mid- and larger-scale retailers. For example, in department stores, there are a large number of sales offices. When individuals pay in electronic money at each sales office, they need to collect payment from their sales offices. As mentioned above, in order to improve the security of electronic money, only the paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -6-494364 A7 · B7 ^^ --- --- ^, Description of the Invention (4) When electronic money can be paid or deposited between electronic money storage devices, it is impossible to receive money from one place when receiving money at one place. The present invention can solve such problems as described in the following embodiments. FIG. 1 shows the structure of an electronic money system according to an embodiment. 1 is a system at the $ 良 行 sales office, 2 is a system including a wide range of retail shops such as wholesale (hereinafter referred to as the distribution system), and 3 is an individual or a small-scale store operated by an individual (hereinafter referred to as the final Users), 4 is a system for vending machines, 5 is a computer center that manages branches of banks, 6 is an electronic money issuing organization, 7 is a public communication network, and 10 is a small electronic money storage device (e-wallet) such as Easy-to-carry IC card, 11 is a read / write machine with an IC card, 12 is a window terminal of a bank branch, 13 is an internal communication line, 1 is a 4 automatic cash deposit and withdrawal machine, and 15 is a display An electronic money storage device (hereinafter referred to as an electronic vault) according to an embodiment of the present invention is a 16-series electronic money transaction control terminal device, and 17 is a relay computer that enables it to process information and send and receive reports using a public communication network. . 21 is a POS terminal device for electronic money, 22 is a POS terminal device, 23 is a storage controller, and 24 is a central device to count the management data of the sales store, or to keep money under management. 2 5 is an information control system, 2 6 series workstations, 3 1 is an electronic wallet, 3 2 is a personal computer, 33 is a PC card type card reader / writer, 34 is an I c card phone, and 41 is a built-in IC Card reader / writer, 42 is a vending machine, 51 is the host of the accounting system, 52 is an external system, and 53 is an external system control terminal device. The electronic money system shown in Figure 1 is connected to the public communication network 7. It is connected to this paper with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210X297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Order L # Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs-7-494364 Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 B7 V. Invention Description (5) Banking Office System 1 'Department store' indicates the circulation system of supermarkets and other retail stores 2. The personal computer 32 as the end-user system, the IC card telephone 34, and the "simultaneous" vending machine system 4 is provided. In this system, representative systems are displayed as 1 system respectively. In fact, most systems will be connected to the public communication network 7 as needed. Furthermore, the bank office system and the bank computer center 5 may be connected by a dedicated line or the like instead of the public communication. An electronic currency issuing organization 6 is connected to the bank computer center 5 described above. The IC card 10 is composed of a microprocessor with a communication function and a memory according to EEPROM, which stores the processing program and the balance of electronic money. It is owned by the end user and is Banks, shops, vending machines, etc. participating in the electronic money system. The bank office system 1 is a window terminal 12, an automatic cash deposit and withdrawal machine 14 is connected via an internal communication line 13, and is connected to a bank computer center via a relay computer 17, but is used for electronic money payment. The IC card reader / writer 1 1 is installed in the window terminal device 12 and the IC card reader / writer is installed in the cash automatic deposit and withdrawal machine 14. At the same time, the electronic money transaction control The terminal device 16 is configured by connecting the electronic wallet 15 according to the present invention. The bank computer center 5 is composed of an accounting system host 5 1 and an external system 5 2. The external system 5 2 is provided with an external system control terminal device 5 3, a relay computer 17, and an electronic vault 1 according to the present invention. 5constituted. The distribution system 2 is generally a POS terminal device, and the storage controller 23 is connected to the center device 24 via an internal communication line 13. This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) 8-^ Pack \ IT (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 494364 Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A 7 B7 V. Description of the invention (6) In order to deflate electronic money, an ordinary pu S terminal device 2 2 is provided with an IC card reader / writer 1 1, or a P0S terminal device for electronic money is connected. twenty one. At the same time, the central device 24 is provided with an information control system 25, a working end 26, and an electronic vault 15 is provided. The end-user system 3 is mainly a personal user system, and the simpler, as long as the electronic wallet 31 can display the electronic money balance in the IC card, can also perform the minimum function. The electronic wallet 31 can also be provided with functions such as a desktop computer. At the same time, the personal computer 3 2 is attached to the personal owner. In order to deflate electronic money, a PC card type card reader / writer 3 3 is installed to connect to the public communication network 7. Furthermore, an IC card telephone 34, which has a processing function for an IC card 10 that stores electronic money, can be used in a normal telephone. According to the personal computer 3 2 and the IC card telephone 34 of the end-user system 3, two sets of card readers / writers for two IC cards are installed inside, so that two IC cards can be electronically exchanged with each other. Currency exchange. This makes it possible to carry out the same process as when the electronic money in the IC card of the husband is transferred to the IC card of the wife, for example, in the case of normal cash handling. The vending system 4 is constituted by a vending machine 42 provided with a built-in IC card reader / writer 41. Hereinafter, a method of using the electronic money of the present invention having the above-mentioned configuration will be described. Participating banks, stores, vending machines, individuals, etc. 'will allocate IC cards 10 from the electronic money issuing organization 6, and at the same time, the bank will exchange electronic money with cash in circulation and store it in an external system. The electronic vault set in 5 2 1 5 This electronic vault 1 5 '(Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) This paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) -9 Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs System 494364 A7 _______ B7 V. Description of the Invention (7) As described later, a large number of IC cards 10 are stored therein, and each IC card 10 will be allocated and accepted for electronic money received from an electronic money issuing organization. The electronic money of the IC card contained in the electronic vault 15 of the external system 52 will be allocated to the IC card 10 of the electronic vault 15 of the bank office system 1 installed at each bank office. Individuals who participate in the electronic money system as end users hold an assigned IC card 10. According to the window terminal device 12 of the bank business office system 1 and the automatic cash deposit and withdrawal machine 14, the bank's own account is exchanged for electronic money withdrawal and is stored in its own IC card 10. At the same time, all the personal computers 32 having the PC card type reader / writer 33 or the IC card telephone 34 are connected to the bank office system 1 via the public communication network 7, and the same can be done as before. The bank's own account is exchanged for electronic money for withdrawal, and it is deposited in its own IC card 10. When withdrawing the aforementioned electronic money, the IC card held by the individual will be based on the communication function of his own card, via the window terminal device 12, the automatic cash deposit and withdrawal machine 14, the personal computer 3 2, or, I The reader / writer of the c-card telephone 34 is connected to the IC card in the electronic vault 15 in the bank office system 1. Then, under the control of the electronic money transaction control terminal device 16, the electronic money stored in the IC card 10 in the bank office system 1 will be stored in the IC card 10 held by the individual. At this time, the balance of the electronic money of the IC card stored in the electronic vault 15 in the bank office system 1 will be reduced by the amount stored in the IC card held by the individual. Moreover 'the promotion of deposits from personal accounts. This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297 mm) J Pack ^ IT (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) 10-Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Consumer Cooperatives 494364 A7 ____ B7 V. Description of the Invention (8) It will be carried out in the same way as the previous performers. In the foregoing, it is explained as the deposit of his personal bank account, and the deposit is held in the IC card owned by the individual, but the cash can also be taken to the bank's window or the window of the electronic money issuing organization, and the deposit is required to 1C card. At the same time, the electronic money in the 1C card can be returned to the electronic vault 15 in the bank office system 1 through the window terminal device 12, the automatic cash deposit and withdrawal machine 14, and the personal computer 3 2 Deposit in your IC card at the same time. As mentioned above, users who store electronic money in their IC cards can use their IC cards and cash to purchase goods in various stores and other services. Now, as a user who stores electronic money in his IC card 10, he is shopping in a store, and in order to pay, he buys the goods into the counter of a P 0 s terminal device. The operator will enter the product coke price from the P 0S terminal device 21 or 22 according to the read bar code, etc. as usual in the transaction, and calculate its accounting to request payment from the customer. When a customer pays for an electronic money IC card instead of cash, the customer inserts his or her IC card into the card insertion hole of the POS terminal device 12 for electronic money, or inserts a 1C card connected to a normal POS terminal device 1 2 Read / write machine 11. According to this, one 1C card of the customer and one IC card in the electronic vault 15 of the central device 24 of the store will be connected via the internal communication line 13 and the workstation 26, and the electronic money in the customer's IC card will be Move to an IC card located in the electronic vault 15 of the central device 24, and output the receipt from the POS terminal device. The scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) '~ " -11-j equipment · -IT (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 494364 A7 _ _B7 ___ V. Description of the invention (9) Finish the payment processing of shopping. At this time, the electronic money in the customer's I will reduce the amount used in shopping and add the 1 C card electronic money to the store. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page.) Although mentioned above, it is used as a circulation system for electronic vaults with a large number of PUS terminal devices and a central device 24, where most IC cards are stored, to pay the transaction amount of goods. It will be explained, but 'In a personal store, etc., when there is only one cash register system, the IC card reader / writer for the customer's IC card is set in the cash register, and at the same time, the cash register is used inside the cash register. It has an IC card held in its store, and can make payment based on electronic money between the IC card held by the store and the IC card of the customer connected via the IC card reader / writer. Then, the electronic money in the IC card held by the store can also be deposited into the bank account or cashed at the bank's window, as described above. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and as a method of constructing the above-mentioned distribution system with P 0 S terminal equipment, it can be equipped with an IC card in each P 0S terminal equipment, which will communicate with customers' IC Once the money is transferred between the cards, once between the IC card in the P0s terminal device and the customer's IC card, if necessary, move it from the P0S terminal device to the electronic vault 1 of the central device 2 4 IC card inside. Furthermore, when participating in the electronic money system, such as the vending machine 42, the built-in IC card reader / writer 4 1 is installed in the vending machine 42, and the vending machine itself has an IC. The card can be used to transfer electronic money between the customer and the IC card inserted in the 1C card reader / writer 41. : This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) '~~'-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (10) The following will be used in the electronic money system of the present invention. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) The example of the sub-bank is based on the illustration. As also explained above, the system of Figure 1 is for reasons of ensuring the security of electronic money. In principle, the transfer of electronic money can only be recorded in the memory of the amount held by the electronic money and the pairing with the memory. It is not possible to write a pair of writing circuits and other pairs. As a pair of the circuit for storing the amount of electronic money held by the electronic memory and the circuit for writing the amount of the electronic money in the memory, it is easier to use the above-mentioned I c card. The I c card is in the above-mentioned pair form that is easy to use, and is not an absolute conditioner. By constructing the pair as an I c circuit, the pair will become absolute, preventing the possibility of illegal pairing with other circuits. At the same time, it is easy to carry and easy to carry because it has a thin card shape. For these reasons, although the following description is tentatively described as an I c card, the following description is also composed of the above-mentioned memory for storing the amount of electronic money and the circuit for writing the amount of holding in the memory, etc. Right. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs FIG. 2 is a perspective view showing the appearance of the electronic vault according to the first embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 3 is a view showing a state where the door of the electronic vault shown in FIG. 2 is opened . In Figure 2, Figure 3, 150 is the main body, 151 is the front door, 151 / is the hinge, 152 is the rear door, 153 is the door lock key, 154, 154 / is the action display, and 155 is the 1C card reader / writer. 1 5 5 > is an IC card action display, and other symbols are the same as in FIG. 1. The above body, hinge, door, etc. are all made of strong metal. According to the electronic wallet 15 of the first embodiment of the present invention, the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) is applied to the paper size of the book _ 13-494364 A7 _ B7_ V. Description of the invention (11) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) 2. The appearance is displayed, and the front door 15 1 and the rear door 15 2 are installed at the front and back of the main body. The front door 1 51 is provided with a door lock key 153 as required to ensure safety, and at the same time, it is provided with a display of the entire state of the vault. In particular, it is used to indicate that the vault has a maintenance 1 to indicate that it needs maintenance. 5 4. The display 1 5 4 is configured based on, for example, LED, and is displayed in blue when the electronic vault 15 is operating normally, and is displayed in red when maintenance is required. At the same time, although not shown in the rear door 152, a power cord for a plurality of IC card readers / writers provided in the main body is connected, and a plurality of IC card readers / writers are connected at the same time. Communication line for transferring information about electronic money with other IC card reader / writer. Then, open the back door 1 5 2 to enable maintenance and inspection of the internal machine. In addition, the connected communication line is a signal transmitter capable of multiplexing signals transferred between the gold IC card reader / writer stored in the electronic vault 15 and incorporated into the electronic vault 15 Signal multiplexing circuit. The front door 1 5 1 is printed by the employee's consumer cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It can be opened according to the hinge 1 5 1 /. In the third figure showing this state, in the main body 150, most 1C cards are read / written. There is a card insertion port 1 5 of the IC card 1 0 of these IC card readers / writers in front of the body part 150, which are arranged in two upper and lower sections, so that they are respectively set correspondingly. IC card action display 1 5 5 /. The display 1 55 / can be displayed in the same manner as the normal display of the operation status of each IC card reader / writer, and the abnormal display 1 5 4 above. At the same time, it can also approach the end of life, or change the life. This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -14-494364 A7 _ B7 V. Description of the invention (12) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Obstacles, etc., change the LED Display color. Furthermore, the display 1 54 / is the same as the display 1 54 provided at the front door 151. Therefore, when a part corresponding to the front door 15 1 of the display 15 4 is used as a translucent window, it is not necessary to set the display device 1 54 provided in the front door 15 1.
圖4爲顯示根據本發明的第2實施例之電子金庫的外 觀之圖,圖中,156爲集中顯示部,157爲透明窗, 其他記號係和圖3時相同。圖4所示的本發明之第2實施 例,係在上下2段的I C卡插入口 1 5 5之中間部設置根 據液晶顯示裝置等集中顯示部1 5 6而構成者。該集中顯 示部156 ,能夠將插入在各1C卡插入口156的1C 卡之動作狀態,其I C卡接近壽命,I C卡內的電子貨幣 量接近記憶器之最大容量,通知I C卡的障害等進行顯示 ,同時,根據以開關等切換,也能夠顯示對I C卡內的記 憶器之接達次數。然後,該集中顯示部1 5 6,根據在前 門1 5 1的對向之位置設透明窗1 5 7,在關閉前門 1 5 1時,也能從外部看見。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 在前述,說明進行顯示I C卡的壽命和接達次數,但 是如此地監視I C卡之壽命和接達次數,係因內裝在I C 卡的記憶器元件之性質上,I C卡有壽命之故。亦即, I C卡1 〇 ,雖然需要把電子貨幣的餘額記憶在其內部之 記憶器,但是需要做爲卡片搬運,同時,在使用電池等時 ,必須進行電池的維護,更換而不實用,所以使用不需要 電池等電源而能保持記憶之記憶器構成。做爲如此的記憶 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -15 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(13) 器,通常係使用EEPROM,但是該EEPROM在進 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 行一定數以上的接達時’其記憶保持動作會成爲不安定, 根據情況會成爲不能使用。 因此,在本實施例,係做爲對設置的IC卡之接達次 數每I C卡計數,其次數達到一定數,例如,3萬次時做 爲其I C卡的壽命,當到達其次數,或者,在稍前之狀態 ,進行顯示I C卡壽命,同時發生警報。同時,儲存在電 子金庫1 5內的I C卡,在銀行營業處系統1 ,流通系統 2中使時,因爲將和不特定多數之其他I C卡連接而使用 ,所以儲存在電子金庫15內的多數IC卡不均勻地使用 時,每I C卡之更換時期會不同,而將增加維護作業。因 此,根據本發明的實施例之電子金庫,係在其內部具有對 從外部的接達,爲了使儲存之各I C卡平均地使用的控制 電路。 圖5爲顯示根據本發明的第3實施例之電子金庫的構 成之圖,1 5 8爲抽出機構,1 5 9爲I C卡讀取/寫出 機,15A爲控制電路,15B爲電源。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 圖5所示的本發明之第3實施例,係將本體內部裝置 構成能夠抽出者。亦即,前此說明的本發明之第1,第2 實施例的電子金庫1 5,係在本體部1 5 0內,收容I C 卡讀取/寫入機,控制電路,電源等,但是本發明的第3 實施例’係如圖5所示,將收容在內部之I c卡讀取/寫 入機159 ,控制電路15A,電源15B設置抽出機構 1 5 8 ’構成能夠從本體部χ 5 〇向前面方向抽出者。據 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 一 16 _ 494364 A7 __ B7 _ 五、發明説明(14) 此,將不需要在電子金庫1 5的後側準備維護用之空間, 而能夠從電子金庫15的前面側進行內部裝置之維護檢查 〇 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 圖6爲顯示根據本發明的第4實施例之電子金庫的構 成之斜視圖,圖之記號係和圖2〜圖5時相同。圖6所示 的本實施例,係對前述本發明之第1〜第3實施例,將 I C卡從本體部1 5 0的前面插入者,使之成爲將本體內 部裝置抽出,從其左右之側面將I C卡插入地,設置2段 的卡片插入□ 1 5 5者。在本實施例,並非將前門1 5 1 根據鉸鏈1 5 1 /開啓,而做爲抽屜的前門構成。同時, 在本例之情況,能夠把集中顯示部1 5 6設在抽出的本體 裝置之上面。根據前述第4實施例,也能得到和第1實施 例相同的效果,根據同樣之使用方法使用。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 圖7爲顯示根據本發明的第5實施例之電子金庫的構 成之斜視圖,圖中記號係和圖2〜圖5時相同。第5實施 例,係對本發明的第1〜第3實施例,將IC卡從本體部 1 5 0之前面插入,使之將本體內部裝置拉出,而從其上 面插入IC卡地,設置3列的卡片插入口156者。在本 實施例,並非將前門1 5 1根據鉸鏈1 5 1 >開啓’而做 爲抽屜之前面門構成。 圖8爲顯示根據本發明的第5實施例之電子金庫的構 成之斜視圖。圖中1 5 6爲集中顯示器,其他記號係和圖 2〜圖5時相同。根據第5實施例的電子金庫,係在前門 1 5 1設置使用液晶等之集中顯示器者,能和前述說明的 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -17 - 494364 A 7 B7 五、發明説明(15) 第2實施例以外之各實施例組合使用,能夠從電子金庫的 外部,將動作狀態容易地確認。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 圖9爲顯示將根據本發明的各實施例之電子金庫組合 多數台使用時的使用例之圖。如前述構成的根據本發明之 各實施例的電子金庫1 5,係如圖9所示,能上下重疊使 用。在圖9所示之例,雖將2台電子金庫1 5上下重疊, 但是也能將更多數重疊使用,同時,也能向左右方向排列 使用。此時,在電子金庫將其他電子金庫重疊,或者,向 橫排列使用時,在設置自動地互相連接之機構,同時在內 部具有連接用的介面時,能成爲更方便使用者。此時,能 在各個金庫設置顯示發生錯誤之顯示器,據此,能從外部 立刻知道在多數的金庫中何者發生錯誤,而能進行迅速維 護。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 同時,在前述實施例,係在需要電子金庫的系統,做 爲設置1個或1組電子金庫,但是,本發明,能夠設置主 金庫和副金庫(各1個或1組),使主金庫控制信號的多 重傳輸,而能使金庫雙重化。同時,能使金庫互相之連接 經由光纖,或者,根據光信號連接。據此,能夠設法提高 適用必須盡量避免發生錯誤的電子貨幣之金庫的系統之可 靠性。 再者,根據光纖的信號傳輸,不只在金庫之間,爲了 提高系統的可靠性,能使用在系統內之任何處。 並且,根據前述本發明的各實施例之電子金庫1 5, 係使其前門1 5 1形成向前側彎曲,同時,上下方向的中 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 一 18 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(16 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 心剖形成向內側凹入之形狀。據此,將多數的電子金庫® 疊,向左右方向排列時,能夠使根據前門1 5 1全體形成 之面,成爲視覺性,設計性優異者。 根據前述本發明的各實施例時,能夠提供將不特定多 數之使用者所有的IC卡之間進行電子貨幣的清賬之多數 I C卡有效率地儲存,具有各I C卡的插拔和電源,電路 基板等零件之維護容易的內部構造之電子貨幣系統內的電 子金庫,同時,能夠提供能通知儲存的I C卡之壽命,同 時使儲存的IC卡之壽命平均化的電子貨幣系統內之電子 金庫。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 根據上述實施例時,在收容電子貨幣之對例如將I c 卡儲存多數,和金庫外部的其他之對例如其他I C卡之間 進行電子貨幣的電子貨幣系統之電子金庫,成爲至少具有 本體部和前門,在本體部內部,收容控制電路,電源及多 數的IC卡讀出/寫入機,在前述本體部前面,配列前述 I C卡讀取/寫入機的插入口之構成,具有容易管制維持 的優點。同時,在上述實施例,係根據將收容在前述本體 部內之控制電路,電源,及包含多數I C卡讀取/寫入機 的內部裝置,根據抽出機構構成能抽出至前面側,同時, 成爲在構成能從本體部抽出的抽出部之兩側面或上面配列 前述I C卡讀取/寫入機的插入口之構成,維護和修補性 優異。 並且,上述實施例,根據備有分別計數對前述多數 I C卡各別的接達次數,到達事前所定之次數時,或者, 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X:297公釐) -19 - 494364 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 ,. _ B7 五、發明説明(17) 接近前述次數時,將之顯示的顯示部,同時,把包含如此 之顯示的I C卡之各別的動作狀態顯示之集中顯示部,設 在前門的前面,或者,前述本體部之前面,在本體部的前 面設置前述集中顯示部時,根據使前門之對應位置成爲透 明窗而能達成。同時,前述目的,由於使設在本體內部之 控制電路,能使對多數I C卡各別的接達次數會平均化地 ,控制對IC卡之接達而能達成。 圖1 0 ,爲顯示上述電子金庫的控制電路之方塊圖, 在上述實施例的所有形態設有控制電路。例如以圖5之 15A表示。在圖10,輸入端子502例如在銀行營業 處系統1時,爲連繫至電子貨幣交易控制終端機1 6之線 路,將經由該終端機1 6和系統內部的通信線路等連接。 同時,將經由中繼電腦連接公共通信線路,經由此和其他 系統之電子金庫15或小額電子貨幣保持機的IC卡1〇 連接。輸入端子502,在流通系統2係和工作站26之 連接線,而在銀行計算機系統5係對中繼電腦1 7的連接 線。上述工作站2 6將進行把電子金庫之資訊載入流通系 統內部的通信線,或取入通信線之資訊傳輸至電子金庫的 工作。同時中繼電腦1 7將進行使用公共線路交換資料之 工作。電子金庫1 5內的控制電路具有選擇I C卡讀取/ 寫入機 520,52 2,524,...... 5 2 8之選擇控制電路5 0 4。該選擇控制電路係以例如 微處理機506構成。 電子貨幣,爲了防止違法行爲,只有在以上所述一方 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(21〇X297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) I裝· 訂 # -20 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(18) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 之對(在本實施例爲一方的I C卡)和他方之對(他方的 I C卡)之間才能交接金錢’原則上在和其他裝置之間不 能進行金錢的交接。因此在銀行營業處系統1之電子金庫 1 5,係如以上所述,將需要額的電子貨幣均勻地分配至 插入在I C卡讀出/寫入機520,522,524,… …5 2 8之I C卡而保持。因此I C卡全部的保持金額之 合計成爲上述需要額。例如從最終使用者要求電子貨幣的 提款時,將在選擇控制電路選擇I C卡讀取/寫入機 520。根據微處理機506在位址匯流排507選擇 I C卡讀取/寫入機5 2 0的位址’經由資料匯流排 5 0 8進行資料交換而達成。當同時有下一個要求時,選 擇控制電路會選擇下一個5 2 2。以下將如此地把金庫內 之對(在本實施例爲I C卡1 0 1依照事先決定的順序選 定,所以即使同時發生幾個要求也能同時因應。因此在銀 行的情況,能夠不讓存款或提款之顧客等候,而迅速地處 理多數顧客的對應。此點在銀行計算機中心5之電子金庫 也相同。同時在流通系統2對於從販賣窗口11或21的 要求,將能同樣地不必等待而迅速地對應。 同時根據在選擇控制電路以所定的順序選擇I C卡讀 取/寫入機,能夠使對I C卡之寫入次數成爲均等,而能 維持I C卡的可靠性。同時因全部之I C卡的改寫次數將 成爲略相同值,所以容易進行維護,要更換成新者時比較 經濟。 圖1 1係顯示其他實施例。選擇控制電路5 0 4設有 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Μ規格(210X297公釐) -21 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(19) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 微處理機5 0 6,記憶各I C卡讀取/寫入機的寫入次數 之接達次數記憶器5 1 2,記憶發生誤差時的情況或經匯 之誤差發生記憶器5 1 3,使顯示各I C卡讀取寫入機爲 正常或異常的LED530,532,534,…… 5 3 8驅動亮燈用之L ED驅動電路5 1 4。 對圖11的電子金庫有電子貨幣之提款或存款要求時 ,選擇控制電路5 0 4將找出目前對應中的I C卡讀取/ 寫入機,判斷其下一個I C卡讀取/寫入機是否能夠對應 。例如下一個I C卡讀取/寫入機及在此插入的I C卡有 無異常,同時調查是否保持有能夠因應要求電子貨幣之提 款時的貨幣等,如果滿足其條件時將選擇其I C卡讀取/ 寫入機。如果未滿足條件,將調查再下一個I C卡讀取/ 寫入機。如此地選擇爲了對應要求用的I C卡讀取/寫入 機。再者如果檢出異常時將使上述L E D突燈而顯示。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 因爲在該電子金庫估計會有處理大額公款的情況,所 以設置察覺器5 1 6,當開啓金庫之門時微處理機5 0 6 會自動經由各I C卡讀取/寫入機,對插入在此的I C卡 加上禁止變更金額之鎖。至少將禁止從I C卡提款。據此 ,即使抽出各IC卡讀取/寫入機的IC卡,其IC卡將 不能提出電子貨幣。但是能夠看到保持之金額。據此能夠 提高安全性。雖然說明以察覺器516檢出金庫的開閉機 構已開啓,而將I C卡鎖固之方法,但是也可以用其他方 法,使微處理機在選擇各IC卡讀取/寫入機時每次開啓 I C卡的鎖,在對要求之對應結束時進行對I C卡禁止提 本紙張尺度適用中.國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) ' 494364 A7 _ B7 五、發明説明(20) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 出電子貨幣用的鎖固之方法。再者,察覺器5 1 6雖然可 以檢知門等的開閉機構之操作,但是代之以檢知設在開閉 機構的鍵之操作,也能達成相同的效果。亦即,檢知鍵已 開啓,微處理機5 0 6將自動地經由各I C卡讀取/寫入 機對在此插入的I C卡內部之C PU 1 0 4發出命令,接 受該命令的CPU將對EEROM1 0 5進行禁止付款之 記憶,直至該記憶消除爲止將不能付款。該記憶的消除, 將根據輸入密碼,將其後能付款之「解除鎖固」的指令經 由IC卡讀取/寫入機,向IC卡內部之CPU104命 令而進行。 第1 2圖,爲顯示圖1 0和1 1的I C卡讀取/寫入 機之構成的方塊圖。該方塊中,I C卡插入口 3 3 1和連 接器3 3 0 5和電源3 3 1 8以外之方塊係以1個I C構 成,因爲該I C電路有控制貨幣出入的機能I C內之程式 ,故能防止以違法方式操作該IC卡讀取/寫入機進行違 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 3 3 0爲I C卡讀取/寫入機的本體部,3 3 0 4爲 加載/卸載電路,3305爲連接器,3306爲1C卡 活性化控制電路,3 3 0 7爲時鐘發生電路,3 3 0 8爲 讀取/寫入機電路,3 3 0 9爲讀取/寫入機控制電路, 3 3 1 0爲ROM,3 3 1 1爲資料波形成形&抽出電路 ’ 3312爲輸出入璋,331 3爲主程式ROM, 3314 爲 RAM,3315 爲 CPU,3316 爲 1C 卡核對資料儲存部,3 3 1 8爲電源發生電路。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -23 -Fig. 4 is a diagram showing an external appearance of an electronic wallet according to a second embodiment of the present invention. In the figure, 156 is a centralized display portion, 157 is a transparent window, and other symbols are the same as those in Fig. 3. The second embodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 4 is constructed by providing a central display portion 156, such as a liquid crystal display device, in the middle portion of the IC card insertion openings 155 in the upper and lower stages. The centralized display unit 156 can perform the operation state of the 1C card inserted in each 1C card insertion slot 156, the IC card is approaching the end of its life, the amount of electronic money in the IC card is close to the maximum capacity of the memory, and the notification of the IC card's failure is performed At the same time, the number of accesses to the memory in the IC card can be displayed by switching with a switch or the like. Then, the centralized display section 1 5 6 is provided with a transparent window 15 7 according to the position opposite to the front door 1 51, and can be seen from the outside when the front door 1 51 is closed. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the foregoing, it is explained that the life and access times of the IC card are displayed, but the life and access times of the IC card are monitored in this way because of the memory components built into the IC card. By nature, IC cards have a lifetime. In other words, although the IC card 10 needs to store the balance of electronic money in its internal memory, it needs to be carried as a card. At the same time, when the battery is used, the battery must be maintained and replaced. It is not practical, so Uses a memory that does not require a power source such as a battery to maintain memory. As such a memory, the paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -15-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (13) The device is usually an EEPROM, but the EEPROM is being imported (please first (Please read the precautions on the back and fill in this page.) When a certain number of accesses are made, the memory retention operation will become unstable, and it may become unusable depending on the situation. Therefore, in this embodiment, the number of accesses to the set IC card is counted per IC card, and the number reaches a certain number. For example, 30,000 times is used as the life of the IC card, and when the number is reached, or In the previous state, the IC card life is displayed and an alarm occurs. At the same time, the IC cards stored in the electronic vault 15 are used in the bank office system 1 and the circulation system 2 because they are connected to an unspecified majority of other IC cards. Therefore, most of the IC cards stored in the electronic vault 15 are used. When the IC card is used unevenly, the replacement period of each IC card will be different, which will increase maintenance work. Therefore, the electronic wallet according to the embodiment of the present invention has a control circuit for internally accessing each IC card in order to make the IC cards stored therein accessible from the outside. Fig. 5 is a diagram showing the structure of an electronic wallet according to a third embodiment of the present invention, where 158 is a drawing mechanism, 159 is an IC card reader / writer, 15A is a control circuit, and 15B is a power source. Printed by the Consumers' Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs The third embodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 5 is a structure in which the internal device of the body can be extracted. That is, the electronic wallet 15 of the first and second embodiments of the present invention described above is housed in the main body portion 150 and houses the IC card reader / writer, control circuit, power supply, etc., but this The third embodiment of the invention is shown in FIG. 5. The IC card reader / writer 159 housed inside, the control circuit 15A, and the power supply 15B are provided with an extraction mechanism 1 5 8 ′. 〇 Those who pull out in the front direction. According to this paper size, the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) is applied. 16 _ 494364 A7 __ B7 _ V. Description of the invention (14) Therefore, it will not be necessary to prepare for maintenance on the rear side of the electronic vault 15 Space, so that maintenance and inspection of internal devices can be performed from the front side of the electronic wallet 15 (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Figure 6 is a squint view showing the structure of the electronic wallet according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention Figures and symbols are the same as in Figures 2 to 5. The present embodiment shown in FIG. 6 is an inserter for inserting an IC card from the front of the main body portion 150 to the first to third embodiments of the present invention, so as to pull out the internal device of the main body from the left and right sides thereof. Insert the IC card into the ground on the side, and insert two-stage cards into one □ 1 5 5. In this embodiment, the front door 15 1 is not configured as a front door of a drawer according to the hinge 1 5 1 / opening. Meanwhile, in the case of this example, it is possible to provide the centralized display section 156 on the extracted main body device. According to the fourth embodiment, the same effects as those of the first embodiment can be obtained, and the same effects can be used. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Fig. 7 is a perspective view showing the structure of an electronic vault according to a fifth embodiment of the present invention. The symbols in the figure are the same as those in Figs. 2 to 5. The fifth embodiment is the first to third embodiments of the present invention. The IC card is inserted from the front surface of the main body portion 150, and the internal device of the main body is pulled out, and the IC card is inserted from the top surface. Three rows of cards are inserted into the mouth 156. In this embodiment, the front door 1 51 is not configured as the front door of the drawer according to the hinge 1 5 1 > Fig. 8 is a perspective view showing the structure of an electronic wallet according to a fifth embodiment of the present invention. In the figure, 1 56 is a centralized display, and other symbols are the same as those in FIGS. 2 to 5. The electronic wallet according to the fifth embodiment is provided with a centralized display using a liquid crystal or the like at the front door 1 51. The paper size applicable to the above-mentioned paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -17-494364 A 7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (15) The embodiments other than the second embodiment are used in combination, and the operation status can be easily confirmed from the outside of the electronic wallet. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) Figure 9 is a diagram showing an example of the use of the electronic wallet combination according to the embodiments of the present invention when most stations are used. The electronic wallet 15 according to the embodiments of the present invention configured as described above can be used in an overlapping manner as shown in FIG. In the example shown in FIG. 9, although two electronic wallets 15 are stacked one on top of the other, a larger number of them can be used in an overlapping manner, and at the same time, they can also be used in a horizontal direction. In this case, when the electronic vault overlaps other electronic vaults, or when it is used in a horizontal arrangement, it is more convenient for the user to install a mechanism for automatically connecting to each other while having an interface for connection inside. In this case, an error display can be provided in each vault, and from this, it is possible to immediately know from the outside which error occurred in most of the vaults, and to perform rapid maintenance. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs at the same time, in the foregoing embodiment, the system requires an electronic vault as one or a group of electronic vaults. However, according to the present invention, a main vault and a sub vault (each 1 or 1 group), which enables multiple transmissions of the control signal of the main vault, and can double the vault. At the same time, the vaults can be connected to each other via optical fibers, or according to optical signals. With this, it is possible to improve the reliability of the system for applying the electronic money vault which must avoid errors as much as possible. Furthermore, according to the signal transmission of optical fiber, it is not only between the vaults. In order to improve the reliability of the system, it can be used anywhere in the system. In addition, according to the electronic wallet 15 of the foregoing embodiments of the present invention, the front door 15 of the electronic wallet is formed to bend forward, and at the same time, the Chinese paper standard in the up-down direction is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297). (Mm) Ⅰ 18-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (16) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) The heart section is formed into a shape that is recessed inward. As a result, when many electronic wallets are stacked in the left-right direction, the surface formed by the entire front door 1 51 can be made visually and excellent in design. According to the foregoing embodiments of the present invention, it is possible to provide efficient storage of a large number of IC cards for clearing electronic money between IC cards owned by an unspecified number of users, with insertion and removal of each IC card, power supply, and circuits. The electronic wallet in the electronic money system with an internal structure that is easy to maintain the components such as the substrate can also provide an electronic wallet in the electronic money system that can notify the life of the stored IC card and equalize the life of the stored IC card. According to the above-mentioned embodiment, the consumer cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs printed an electronic money system in which electronic money is stored between a pair of electronic money, such as an IC card, and other pairs outside the vault, such as other IC cards. The electronic vault has at least a main body portion and a front door. Inside the main body portion, a control circuit, a power supply, and most IC card readers / writers are housed. The IC card reader / writers are arranged in front of the main body portion. The structure of the insertion port has the advantage of being easy to control and maintain. At the same time, in the above-mentioned embodiment, the control circuit, power supply, and internal devices including most IC card readers / writers to be housed in the main body can be extracted to the front side according to the structure of the extraction mechanism. The configuration in which the insertion openings of the IC card reader / writer are arranged on both sides or the upper surface of the extraction portion that can be extracted from the main body portion is excellent in maintenance and repairability. Moreover, in the above-mentioned embodiment, according to the number of accesses to the above-mentioned most IC cards, the number of times reached in advance is reached, or the paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X: 297 mm) ) -19-494364 Printed A7 by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs .. _ B7 V. Description of the invention (17) When the number of times is approached, the display section will be displayed, and the IC card containing the display will be displayed at the same time. The centralized display section for displaying respective operation states is provided in front of the front door, or when the centralized display section is provided in front of the main body section, the corresponding position of the front door can be achieved by a transparent window. At the same time, the foregoing purpose can be achieved by controlling the access to the IC card evenly by controlling the circuit provided inside the body, and controlling the access to the IC card. FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing a control circuit of the electronic vault, and a control circuit is provided in all forms of the above embodiment. This is shown, for example, in FIG. 5A. In FIG. 10, for example, when the input terminal 502 is in the bank office system 1, the input terminal 502 is connected to the electronic money transaction control terminal 16 via the terminal 16 and a communication line in the system. At the same time, it will be connected to the public communication line via the relay computer, and connected to the electronic vault 15 of other systems or the IC card 10 of the small electronic money holder. The input terminal 502 is the connection line between the circulation system 2 and the workstation 26, and the bank computer system 5 is the connection line to the relay computer 17. The above-mentioned workstation 26 will perform the work of loading the information of the electronic vault into the communication line in the circulation system, or transferring the information of the communication line to the electronic vault. At the same time, the relay computer 17 will exchange data using public lines. The control circuit in the electronic wallet 15 has a selection control circuit 520, 52 2, 524, ... 5 2 8 for selecting the IC card reader / writer. The selection control circuit is configured by, for example, a microprocessor 506. Electronic money, in order to prevent illegal acts, only the paper size of the above-mentioned party applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21 × 297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) # -20-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (18) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Pair printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (in this example, one party IC card) Money can only be exchanged with the other party (the other's IC card). In principle, money cannot be exchanged with other devices. Therefore, as described above, the electronic vault 15 in the bank office system 1 distributes the required amount of electronic money evenly to the IC card reader / writer 520, 522, 524, ... 5 2 8 IC card. Therefore, the total holding amount of the IC card becomes the above-mentioned required amount. For example, when an electronic money is withdrawn from an end user, the IC card reader / writer 520 is selected in the selection control circuit. The selection of the address of the IC card reader / writer 5 2 0 on the address bus 507 according to the microprocessor 506 is achieved by performing data exchange through the data bus 5 0 8. When there is a next request at the same time, the selection control circuit will select the next 5 2 2. In the following, the pairs in the vault will be selected (in this embodiment, the IC card 101 is selected according to a predetermined order, so even if several requests occur at the same time, it can be responded at the same time. Therefore, in the case of a bank, it is possible to prevent deposits or Withdrawal customers wait and handle most customers' correspondence quickly. This is also the same with the electronic vault of the bank computer center 5. At the same time, the requirements of the distribution system 2 from the sales window 11 or 21 can be waited without waiting. Corresponds quickly. At the same time, the IC card reader / writer is selected in a predetermined order according to the selection control circuit, which can equalize the number of writes to the IC card and maintain the reliability of the IC card. At the same time, all ICs The number of times the card is rewritten will be slightly the same, so it is easy to maintain, and it is more economical to replace it with a new one. Figure 1 1 shows other embodiments. The selection control circuit 5 0 4 is provided with this paper standard applicable to Chinese national standards (CNS ) Specifications (210X297mm) -21-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (19) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Microprocessor 5 0 6, Recall the number of write times of each IC card reader / writer. Memory 5 1 2 , memorize the situation when an error occurs or the error occurred in the sink 5 1 3 , to display the read and write of each IC card The machine is a normal or abnormal LED 530, 532, 534, ... 5 3 8 LED driver circuit 5 1 4 for driving the light. When there is a request for withdrawal or deposit of electronic money in the electronic vault in Figure 11, select the control The circuit 504 will find the current IC card reader / writer, and determine whether the next IC card reader / writer can support it. For example, the next IC card reader / writer and here Check whether there is any abnormality in the inserted IC card, and check whether the currency that can be used to withdraw electronic money in accordance with the requirements is maintained. If the conditions are met, the IC card reader / writer will be selected. If the conditions are not met, the investigation will be conducted again. The next IC card reader / writer. Select the IC card reader / writer to meet the requirements. In addition, if an abnormality is detected, the LED will be highlighted. The employee of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the consumer cooperative because it is estimated that there will be For the large amount of public funds, a sensor 5 1 6 is set. When the door of the vault is opened, the microprocessor 5 6 will automatically pass through each IC card reader / writer, and the IC card inserted here is prohibited from being changed. Amount lock. At least withdrawal from the IC card will be prohibited. Accordingly, even if the IC card of each IC card reader / writer is withdrawn, its IC card will not be able to withdraw electronic money. However, the amount held can be seen. Based on this It can improve the security. Although the method of locking the IC card by detecting that the opening and closing mechanism of the vault is detected by the detector 516 is explained, other methods can be used to make the microprocessor select / read each IC card. Every time the machine unlocks the IC card lock, the paper size is prohibited from being applied to the IC card at the end of the corresponding response. The national standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) '494364 A7 _ B7 V. Invention Note (20) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) How to lock electronic money. Furthermore, although the sensor 5 1 6 can detect the operation of an opening and closing mechanism such as a door, it can also achieve the same effect by detecting the operation of a key provided in the opening and closing mechanism. That is, the detection key is turned on, and the microprocessor 506 will automatically issue a command to the CPU 1 0 4 inside the IC card inserted through each IC card reader / writer, and the CPU accepting the command EEROM 105 will be remembered as a payment prohibition, and payment will not be made until the memory is erased. The erasing of this memory will be performed by the IC card reader / writer via the IC card reader / writer based on the input password and the "unlock" command that can be paid later. Fig. 12 is a block diagram showing the structure of the IC card reader / writer of Figs. 10 and 11; In this block, the blocks other than the IC card insertion port 3 3 1 and the connector 3 3 0 5 and the power supply 3 3 1 8 are composed of one IC. Because the IC circuit has a program in a function IC that controls money in and out, It can prevent the IC card reader / writer from being operated in an illegal manner. It is printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 3 3 0 is the body of the IC card reader / writer. 3 3 0 4 is the load / Unloading circuit, 3305 is a connector, 3306 is a 1C card activation control circuit, 3 3 07 is a clock generation circuit, 3 3 0 8 is a reader / writer circuit, 3 3 0 9 is a reader / writer Control circuit, 3 3 1 0 is ROM, 3 3 1 1 is data waveform shaping & extraction circuit '3312 is input and output circuit, 331 3 is main program ROM, 3314 is RAM, 3315 is CPU, 3316 is 1C card check data In the storage section, 3 3 1 8 is a power generation circuit. This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -23-
i '發明説明(21 ) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 將插 時 資控路 進資路 卡 MC 卡 A OC 加 有卡 和路入了電由了 的電埠 c AI CI 路 21 地 具 C 路源電讀爲制作爲用機入 I R 在 1C 電. 5 , 動 ,I 電電制 ο ,控動,出入出在 Μ 之存的 Μ 生 機時自 內的載將控 18 入本 ο 抽寫輸存 ο 用儲料 C 發 入 1 而 ο 用卸,化卡 ο 寫基 1 料 \ 的儲 R 利對資 Ρ 源 寫 3 作 3 體 \5 性 C3\ 之 3 資取用理的而核D據電 \ 3 工 3 本載 ο 活 13 取卡 3 及讀入處式理了 I 準之 取口的 部機加 3 的從路讀 CM 形了出 5 程處爲之由用 讀入 4 體入之 3 用,電之 IO 成爲輸 1 主料有用經路 卡插 ο 本寫用器化 7 入用的 R 形,料 3 理資存訊將電 C 卡 3 在\ 動接性 ο 寫作格之波 1 資 3 處了儲資了各 IC3 係取驅連活 3 \ 動規式之 1 之 U 之爲,幣爲給 入 I 路 , 讀 ο 的之 3 取的 ο 程料 3 5 P 庫 5 5 貨,供 插之電 機卡 Ιο 使路讀 8S 的資 31C 金 11 子 6 力 oo 載 入 C 卡 1 ο 電之 ο I 用的路 3 了子 33 電 1 電 1 3 卸 寫 1C 卡 1 生入 3 據制出電 3 爲電 33 爲 3 的 卡 3\ \ 至 1C 卡發寫 3 準控讀出U有的 UU否 3 給 。C 體載 取入將 1C 鐘行機存 50 抽 P 存幣 PP 是部供成 I 本加 讀取,和I 時進入儲 11&C 儲貨 CC 訊存器構把的據 卡 01, 給,,寫,3 卡形和,子,,資儲接而,8 根 C 134 供 6 時 \ 93c 成 82 電 34 的料連 8 在 2 將 I 卡 30 號 ο 同取 OUI 形 οι 之 llo 資之 1 現 5 0 C 口 3 信 3 , 讀 3P 從波 330331 對格 3...1 I 入 3 鐘 3 料制 3C 行料 33133 卡核規 3 ; 卡 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -24 - 494364 A7 B7 _ 五、發明説明(22) 載,使連接器3 3 0 5和I C卡1 0之接觸器部接觸。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) C P U 3 3 1 5會將此確認,指示使I C卡1 0活性化的 控制電路3306,對1C卡10供給電源,時鐘使之活 性化。 然後,CPU3 3 1 5將把儲存在I C卡1 0的表示 資訊種別之I D資料,從I C卡1 0經由連接器3 3 0 5 ,讀取/寫入機3 3 0 8等讀出。此等動作,將根據儲存 在ROM3 3 1 0的程式準照ISO規格進行。儲存在 R〇M3 3 1 0之程式,例如,爲了使和I C卡的資料輸 出入格式與I C卡之議定配合用的格式交換,I C卡之活 性化程序,與I C卡的資料之讀取/寫入程序等。 CPU3 3 1 5將比較在前述從I C卡1 0讀出的 I D資料,和I C卡核對資料儲存部3 3 1 6之內容’核 對在I C卡1 〇是否儲存有電子貨幣資訊。當確認在I C 卡丄〇儲存有電子貨幣資訊時,I C卡讀取/寫入機,將 成爲能夠進行儲存在R0M3 3 1 3的電子貨幣主程式之 動作。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 圖13爲顯示IC卡10的具體性構成例之方塊圖’ 該方塊圖從防止電子貨幣的違法使用之目的,以1個獨立 之I C卡電路構成爲理想。該I C電路和外部的連接將以 和外部之接觸器1 0 3進行。1 〇 3係和外部的接觸部亦 即連接在I C卡讀取/寫入機之連接器3 3 0 5的連接部 ,104 爲 CPU,105 爲 EEPR0M,106 爲 R〇Μ。收容電子貨幣的I C卡1 0,係具有和外部之間 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210 X 297公釐) -25 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(23 ) 進行信號,電源,時鐘,復置信號等交換的和外部之接觸 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 部103,和控制1C卡10的動作之CPU104,和 儲存有爲了 CPU104的程式之ROM106 ’和爲了 保持電子貨幣等資料用的能改寫之記憶器,例如 E E PROM1 0 5等的記憶器而構成。 在前述中,CPU1 04將準據I SO規格進行爲了 將資料輸出入用的議定控制,準照儲存在ROM 1 0 6之 程式進行密碼化等處理。同時,將做爲電子金庫的構成元 件保持電子貨幣之內容的保持金額等之金額資訊,和貨幣 的存款提款之經歷資訊等儲存在EEPROM1 0 5。 如前述構成的卡片讀取/寫入機之基本性動作,將根 據儲存在前述I C卡讀取/寫入機的本體3 3 0之ROM 3 3 1 3內之電子金庫用主程式,對I C卡10內的電子 貨幣接達而進行。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 做爲如此的優點,係通常,比在程式源容易接達之個 人電腦等,將I C卡1 0內的電子貨幣資訊接達之機能裝 載,根據把此等機能封入專用元件,能提高對從外部的違 法接達成違法操作的安全性之故。因此,設在圖1的工作 站2 6或電子貨幣交易控制終端設備,個人電腦3 2等內 部之副程式,只限定爲供給I C卡讀取/寫入機的貨幣之 移動目的地,移動金額等補助資訊之機能。 圖1 4 ,係說明圖於圖1的銀行計算機中心例如從個 人之銀行顧客有電子貨幣的提款或存款要求時之對應者。 〔程序1〕 例如做爲從能對應IC卡的電話34有 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 一 26 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(Η ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 要求。再者代替電話3 4而從存款付款機1 4有要求發生 時也相同。將經由公共通信線路中繼電腦1 7會連接至會 計系統之主電腦。 〔程序2〕 將從上述電話34輸入個人的密碼,經 由中繼電腦1 7傳輸至主電腦。中繼電腦1 7將向主電腦 進行I D的確認,以確認是否可以接受從個人之要求。 〔程序3〕 判斷爲使用卡片的資訊和輸入之密碼正 確時,將使之輸入從個人的提款要求金額(存款時亦同) ’中繼電腦1 7將把其金額傳輸至主電腦。主電腦將從資 料庫讀出個人之戶頭而進行付款處理。 〔程序4〕 主電腦將確認其個人的銀行戶頭之餘額 等,中繼電腦17發出電子貨幣付款之許可。 〔程序5〕 中繼電腦1 7將向電子金庫內的選擇控 制電路5 0 4發出付款要求,選擇控制電路5 0 4將從 I C卡讀取/寫入機5 2 0……5 2 8選擇對應之一個。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 〔程式6〕 所選擇的I C卡讀取/寫入機內部之 CPU 3 3 1 5將依照R〇M3 3 1 3內的處理程式向 IC卡1〇內之CPU接達。同時IC卡讀取/寫入機的 CPU 3 3 1 5將經由設在電話3 4之I C卡讀取/寫入 機向IC卡接達,使IC卡和IC卡連繫,而在其間進行 電子貨幣之存款和提款。 即使對電子金庫同時有多數個提款和存款的要求發生 ’也因電子金庫會分別將對應上述要求之對(在本實施例 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 494364 A7 __ B7 五、發明説明(25) 做爲一個具體例係使用I C (卡)選擇分配,故將不會延 遲處理而能迅速對應。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 再者,因保持電子貨幣的記億器之接達程式,係分別 設在金庫內的各讀取/寫入機,故能防止電子貨幣之違法 ,而提高安全性。 〔發明之效果〕 如以上所述,根據本發明時,對多數的提款或存款要 求,能夠提供迅速處理之電子貨幣系統的電子金庫。 圖面之簡單說明 〔圖1〕 爲顯示適用根據本發明的電子金庫之電子貨幣系統的 構成之方塊圖。 〔圖2〕 爲顯示根據本發明的第1實施例之電子金庫的外觀之 斜視圖。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 〔圖3〕 爲顯示開啓圖2所示的電子金庫之門的狀態之圖。 〔圖4〕 爲顯示根據本發明的第2實施例之電子金庫的構成之 斜視圖。 〔圖5〕 爲顯示根據本發明的第3實施例之電子金庫的構成之 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -28 - 494364 A7 —^ 五、發明説明(26) 斜視圖。 〔圖6〕 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 爲顯示根據本發明的第4實施例之電子金庫的構成之 斜視圖。 〔圖7〕 爲顯示根據本發明的第5實施例之電子金庫的構成之 斜視圖。 〔圖8〕 爲顯示根據本發明的第6實施例之電子金庫的構成之 斜視圖。 〔圖9〕 爲顯示將根據本發明的各實施例之電子金庫重疊2段 的狀態之圖。 〔圖 1 〇〕 爲顯示根據本發明的各實施例之電子金庫的控制電路 之方塊圖。 〔圖 1 1〕 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 爲顯示圖10所示電子金庫的控制電路之方塊圖的其 他實施例之方塊圖。 〔圖 1 2〕 爲顯示圖10和11的IC卡讀取/寫入機之構成的 方塊圖。 〔圖 1 3〕 爲顯示IC卡1〇的具保持構成例之方塊圖。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 一 29 - 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(W ) 〔圖 1 4〕 爲說明電子貨幣的提款或存款之程序的圖。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 C 記號之 說 明 ] 1 銀 行 營 業 處 系 統 2 流 通 系 統 3 最 終 使 用 者 4 白 動 販 賣 機 系 統 5 銀 行 計 算 機 中 心 6 電 子 貨 幣 發 行 組 織 7 公 共 通 信 網 1 0 I C 卡 1 1 外 加 I C 卡 讀 取 / 寫 入 機 1 2 窗 □ 終 端 設 備 1 3 內 部 通 信 線 路 1 4 現 金 白 動 存 款 提 款 機 1 5 電 子 金 庫 1 6 電 子 γ匕 貝 幣 交 易 控 制 終 端 設 備 1 7 中 繼 電 腦 2 1 電 子 貨 幣 用 P 〇 S 終 設 備 2 2 P 〇 S 終 端 設 備 2 3 存 儲 控 制 器 2 4 中 心 裝 置 2 5 資 訊 控 制 系 統 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 494364 A7 B7 五、發明説明(28) 2 6 工作站 3 1 電子錢包 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 3 2 個人電腦 33 PC卡型卡片讀取/寫入機 41 內裝型IC卡讀取/寫入機 4 2 自動販賣機 5 1 會計系統主機 5 2 外接系統 5 3 外接系統控制終端設備 1 5 0本體部 1 5 1前門 1 5 2後門 1 5 3門鎖緊鍵 1 5 4動作顯示器 155 I C卡讀取/寫入機之I C卡插入口 1 5 6集中顯示部 1 5 7透明窗 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 1 5 8抽出機構 159 1C卡讀取/寫入機 1 5 A控制電路 1 5 B電源。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -31 -i 'Invention note (21) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, will insert the time control card into the road card MC card A OC with a card and the road into the power port c AI CI Road 21 The electronic reading with C source is made by using the machine to enter the IR at 1C. 5 , , I electric system ο , control, when in and out of the life of Μ stored in Μ will control 18 into this ο extract Write input and deposit ο use storage material C to send in 1 and ο use storage material C to write and store card ο write base 1 material \ storage R and write 3 to the resource P source 3 as 3 body \ 5 property C3 \ Check the data according to the electricity \ 3 work 3 this load ο live 13 to take the card 3 and read the type of the machine to access the standard I access to the machine plus 3 of the CM from the road to read out 5 passes for reading 4 It is used for three purposes, and the electric IO becomes the main material for the input. It is inserted through the card. The writing device is an R shape for the 7 input. The material is used to store the information. Writing Ge Zhibo 1 Fund 3 Departments have saved funds for each IC3 Department to drive and drive 3 \ U of the 1 of the dynamic pattern, the currency is given to the I road, read ο of the 3 to get ο process materials 3 5 P stock 5 5 goods for The motor card Iο makes the road reading 8S's 31C gold 11 child 6 force oo load the C card 1 ο electricity of the I 3 road 33 electricity 1 electricity 1 3 unload the 1C card 1 birth into 3 according to the production Power 3 is power 3 for card 3 \ \ to 1C. Card sends write 3 quasi-control to read U and U 3 if not. The C body loads the 1C clock machine and deposits 50 draws. The P coin deposit PP is a part of the I supply plus the reading, and when I enter the storage 11 & C storage CC card card 01, give, , Write, 3 card-shaped, and, child ,, and then reserve, 8 C 134 for 6 hours \ 93c into 82 electricity 34 materials 8 8 2 in I card 30 ο take the OUI form ll of the llo fund 1 Now 5 0 C port 3 letter 3, read 3P from wave 330331 to grid 3 ... 1 I to 3 clock 3 material system 3C line material 33133 card nuclear regulation 3; card paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 Specifications (210X 297mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) -24-494364 A7 B7 _ V. Description of the invention (22) Load, make the connector 3 3 0 5 and the IC card 1 0 contact Device contact. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) C P U 3 3 1 5 will confirm this and instruct the control circuit 3306 to activate the IC card 10, supply power to the 1C card 10, and activate the clock. Then, the CPU 3 3 1 5 reads the ID data stored in the IC card 10 from the IC card 10 through the connector 3 3 0 5, the reader / writer 3 3 0 8 and so on. These operations will be performed in accordance with the ISO standard according to the program stored in ROM3 310. Programs stored in ROM3 3 10, for example, in order to exchange the data input and output format with the format of the IC card agreed with the IC card, the activation process of the IC card, and the reading of the data of the IC card / Write programs, etc. The CPU 3 15 compares the ID data read from the IC card 10 with the content of the IC card verification data storage unit 3 3 16 'to check whether the electronic money information is stored in the IC card 10. When it is confirmed that the electronic money information is stored in the IC card, the IC card reader / writer becomes an operation of the electronic money main program that can be stored in ROM3 3 1 3. Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Consumer Cooperatives Figure 13 is a block diagram showing a specific example of the IC card 10 'This block diagram is ideal for the purpose of preventing the illegal use of electronic money with an independent IC card circuit configuration . The IC circuit and the external connection will be made with the external contactor 103. The contact part of the 103 series and the outside is the connection part of the connector 3 305 connected to the IC card reader / writer. 104 is the CPU, 105 is the EEPR0M, and 106 is the ROM. The IC card 10, which contains electronic money, has the standard between the outside and the outside of this paper. The Chinese national standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) is applied. -25-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (23) Signaling, Power supply, clock, reset signal, etc. are exchanged with external contacts (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). Part 103, the CPU 104 that controls the operation of the 1C card 10, and the ROM 106 that stores the program for the CPU 104. It is composed of a rewritable memory for holding data such as electronic money, such as a memory such as EE PROM 105. In the foregoing, the CPU 104 performs the agreed control for inputting and outputting data according to the ISO standard, and performs encryption and other processing according to the program stored in the ROM 106. At the same time, the amount information such as the holding amount of the electronic money held as a component of the electronic vault, and the information of the experience of the deposit and withdrawal of the currency are stored in the EEPROM 105. The basic operation of the card reading / writing machine configured as described above will be based on the main program for the electronic vault stored in the ROM 3 3 1 3 of the IC card reading / writing machine body. The electronic money in the card 10 is accessed. Printed by the Consumers' Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs as such an advantage, it is usually easier to access the electronic money information in the IC card 10 than a personal computer or the like that is more easily accessible from a program source. Such functions can be sealed with special components, which can improve the safety of illegal operations from the outside. Therefore, the internal subprograms installed in the workstation 26 or electronic money transaction control terminal device, personal computer 32, etc. in FIG. 1 are limited to the movement destination and amount of money for the IC card reader / writer. Function of subsidy information. Fig. 14 is an illustration corresponding to the bank computer center shown in Fig. 1 when, for example, a personal bank customer has an electronic money withdrawal or deposit request. [Procedure 1] For example, as a phone that can support the IC card 34, the paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) One 26-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (Η) (Please read first Note on the back, please fill out this page) requirements. The same applies when a request is made from the deposit payment machine 14 instead of the telephone 34. The relay computer 17 will be connected to the main computer of the accounting system via the public communication line. [Procedure 2] The personal password entered from the telephone 34 is transmitted to the host computer via the relay computer 17. The relay computer 17 will confirm the ID with the host computer to confirm whether the request from the individual can be accepted. [Procedure 3] When it is judged that the card information and the password entered are correct, it will make it input the personal withdrawal request amount (also the same when depositing) ’The relay computer 17 will transmit the amount to the host computer. The host computer reads out the personal account from the database and performs payment processing. [Procedure 4] The host computer will confirm the balance of its personal bank account, etc., and the relay computer 17 issues an electronic money payment permission. [Procedure 5] The relay computer 17 will issue a payment request to the selection control circuit 5 0 4 in the electronic vault, and the selection control circuit 5 0 4 will select from the IC card reader / writer 5 2 0 ... 5 2 8 Corresponds to one. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs [Program 6] The CPU inside the selected IC card reader / writer 3 3 1 5 will be sent to the IC card 10 according to the processing program in ROM3 3 1 3 CPU access. At the same time, the CPU of the IC card reader / writer 3 3 1 5 will access the IC card via the IC card reader / writer located at the telephone 3 4, so that the IC card and the IC card are connected and performed in between. Deposits and withdrawals of electronic money. Even if there are multiple withdrawal and deposit requests for the electronic vault at the same time, the electronic vault will correspond to the above requirements (in this example, the paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm)). 494364 A7 __ B7 V. Description of the Invention (25) As a specific example, the IC (card) is used to select the distribution, so it will respond quickly without delaying processing (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). In addition, because the access program of the electronic money register is maintained, each read / write machine is located in the vault, so it can prevent the violation of electronic money and improve the security. [Effect of the invention] As above As mentioned above, according to the present invention, for most withdrawal or deposit requirements, an electronic wallet of an electronic money system that can be processed quickly can be provided. Brief description of the drawing [Figure 1] shows the electronic money to which the electronic wallet according to the present invention is applied. Block diagram of system configuration. [Figure 2] A perspective view showing the appearance of an electronic vault according to the first embodiment of the present invention. Printed by a cooperative [Fig. 3] A diagram showing a state where the door of the electronic vault shown in Fig. 2 is opened. [Fig. 4] A perspective view showing the structure of the electronic vault according to the second embodiment of the present invention. [Fig. 5] ] To show the paper size of the electronic wallet according to the third embodiment of the present invention, the paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -28-494364 A7 — ^ V. Description of the invention (26) Oblique view [Fig. 6] (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) This is a perspective view showing the structure of the electronic vault according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention. [Fig. 7] It is a fifth embodiment of the present invention. [FIG. 8] A perspective view showing the structure of an electronic wallet according to a sixth embodiment of the present invention. [FIG. 9] A view showing an electronic bank according to the embodiments of the present invention. A diagram showing the state of overlapping two segments. [Fig. 10] is a block diagram showing a control circuit of an electronic vault according to the embodiments of the present invention. [Fig. 1 1] Printed as a display by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Fig. 10 is a block diagram of another embodiment of the block diagram of the control circuit of the electronic vault. [Fig. 12] Fig. 10 is a block diagram showing the structure of the IC card reader / writer in Figs. 10 and 11. [Fig. 1 3 ] It is a block diagram showing an example of the holding structure of the IC card 10. This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm)-29-494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (W) [Figure 1 4 ] To illustrate the process of withdrawal or deposit of electronic money. Description of the C mark printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs] 1 Banking Office System 2 Circulation System 3 End User 4 Baidong Vending Machine System 5 Bank Computer Center 6 Electronic Money Issuing Organization 7 Public Communication Network 1 0 IC Card 1 1 Plus IC Card Reader / Writer 1 2 Window □ Terminal Device 1 3 Internal Communication Line 1 4 Cash Cash Deposit ATM 1 5 Electronic Treasury 1 6 Electronic Gamma Coin Trading Control terminal device 1 7 Relay computer 2 1 Electronic money terminal device 2 2 P 0S terminal device 2 3 Storage controller 2 4 Central device 2 5 Information control system This paper standard applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 Specifications (210X297 mm) (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 494364 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (28) 2 6 Workstation 3 1 Electronic wallet (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 3 2 Personal computer 33 PC card card reader / writer 41 Built-in IC card reader / writer 4 2 Vending machine 5 1 Accounting system host 5 2 External system 5 3 External system control terminal device 1 5 0 Body part 1 5 1 Front door 1 5 2 Rear door 1 5 3 Door lock key 1 5 4 Action display 155 IC card insertion slot of IC card reader / writer 1 5 6 Centralized display part 1 5 7 Transparent window Ministry of Economy Wisdom Printed by the property bureau employee consumer cooperative 1 5 8 extraction mechanism 159 1C card reader / writer 1 5 A control circuit 1 5 B power supply. This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297mm) -31-