US507445A - Paul mortier - Google Patents
- ️Tue Oct 24 1893
of the apparatus.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 5o7,445,,deted october 24, ieee. Q 5 Y Application filed January 21, Iii/,93. Serial'No. 459,135. (No model.)- Patented in France August 2L 1891, No. 215.662, and in Belgium February 16,1892,N0.98,366
To all whom it may concern/.r
.Be it known that LPAUL MORTIER, electrical engineer, a citizen of the Republic of France, residing at St. Etienne-, in the Department of Loire, in the Republicot France, have invented certain new and useful'linproveniente in Fans or Blowing Apparatus, (patented in France, No. 215,662, dated August 21, 1891, and in Belgium, No. 98,366, dated February 16, 1892,) of which the following is a specification.
This fan or blowing apparatus is essentially onegvithout any openings, in that it has its sides perfectly plain. The air is therefore drawn in at one part of its periphery and it is again dischargedwith increased .speed at another part of thesame. According to this invention, therefore, no centrifugal force is created, as the intake and discharge take place at an equal distance from the axis of the apparatus.
In the accompanying drawings whichserve to illustrate my invention, Figure 1 is a vcrtical mid-section taken through the blower in a plane at right angles to the rotating element and Fig. 2 is a plan view of the blower.
As the object for which a fan or blowing apparatus' is employed is more generally to produce pressure rather than speed, the final active force must be transformed into manometric pressure by the provision ot"A a coned discharge pipe the action of which is well known. Such is the object of the bell-mouth discharge pipe K shown on the accompanying drawings.
My improved fan or blowing apparatus is composed essentially-First, of a wheel, the short floats ee'ofwhich are arranged symmetrically on both sides of a plain disk' E, which is itself keyed on the motor shaft l The floats c are of the form of an arc of a circle in cross section and form an angle ot' about ninetyrdegrees with the internal circle which limits them,
and an angle of about forty-tive degrees with the external circle or periphery of the disk E,
to which they are secured. Second, of a casing, the two sections A' Ai ot which, bored tor the passage to the shaft, inclosc the wheel laterally, and the cylindrical su rfacc or channel of which partially incloses the periphery of the the wheel E, namely, a, Z) and c d not covered ces. "Phe inlet orifice a b is surmounted by `pipe and the outlet opening is prolonged by a widened'out'passage K, which is connectedl with thedischarge pipe. Third, of two fixed blocks F F formed in one with the plates ot the casing and projecting into the open central parts of the wheel on each side thereof, so as almost to touch the disk.
rPhe mode of action is as follows: The `air enters the wheel by the intake L with a certain speed, being drawn in by the curved doats in their movements, entering the space between these floats with a rotary speed greater than its primitive speed. The air then escapes from the series of floats into the interior of the wheel with a still greater' speed imparted by the curvature of the floats e andv traverses this central portion cx inside the J path which the floats e traverse in their rotation,.the streamsot air from the several floats deviating a little from a straight line so'as to avoid the' shaft' which slightly obstructs the passage. The air again passes between the oats from the space eX in the interior, and. finally quits the wheel which projects it into the widened discharge channel K with a further augmented absolute speed.
The various diversities of speed developed in the two inlets and the two exits cause the air to emerge from the fan wheel with a final speed almost treble that of its initial eintrance speed.
The blocks F F, which are fixed in the chamber, while the wheel revolves, have for their object to guide the stream of air traversing the wheel and to guard it from the pull in the inverse direction which the left portion of the wheel might exercise upon it, thus leaving the favorable action of the right portion of the wheelrquite intact.
I declare that what I claim is-4 1. In a blower, the combination with a casing having au inlet and an outlet, of a wheel mounted therein, said wheel consisting of a disk having an annular series ot fioats and a free space within said floats, and. a block mounted on said casing 'and projecting into wheel. Thetwo parts ofthe circumferenceof I by the casing, form the inlet and outlet oria cap L which is connected with the inlet ICO , y series of floats and a free space within saidy Q l f 507,445
space within said floats and blocks projecting from the opposite interior sides ot' said.
casing in to the free space within said series of floats, substantially as set forth.
3. In a blower, the combination with a cas- `ing having an air inlet and outlet, and an enlarged chamber communicating with said inlet and outlet, of a shaft, journaled in said casing transversely of said chamber, a wheel mounted on said shaft in said chamber, said .Jgheel consisting of a 'disk having an annular floats, and blocks projecting from opposite sides of the interior of said chamber into the l' free space within said annular series of floats,
said blocks being aligned with eue another and being al` pted to fill said free space on one side of the shaft, substantially as set forth. p In a blower, the combination with a cas Iiii consisting of two sections having correspending channels forming an air oassage through the oasi11g,jsaid passage having an enlarged substantially circular portion, of a shaft journaled in said casingtrausversely of said enlarged portion of the air passage a disk on said shaft., an annular'series of floats on saiddisk said floats each having awidth less than the radius of said disk whereby an annular space is provided within said floats and surrounding the shaft, and blocks projecting from the inner sidesV of the respective sec- *tions into the spaces within said floats to one side of the shaft, substantially as set forth.
5. In a blower,the combination with a casing having an inlet and an outlet, of a wheel mounted therein, said wheel consisting of a disk having an' annular series of floats arranged about its edge, said floats having a width less than the radius of said disk and l,having a cross section bounded by two curved surfaces formed by arcs of .eccentric circles, substantially as set forth.
In testimony whereof lI here signed my name to this specification fgthe, presence of .two subscribing witnesses.
ilitnessesz` Xavias J Amcor,