US763178A - Combination toilet apparatus. - Google Patents

  • ️Tue Jun 21 1904

PATEN'TED JUNE 21, 1904.

H. s. HALE.







SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 763,178, dated June 21, 1904.

Application filed June 19, 1903.

To (all whom it may concern.-

Be it known that I, HENRY S. HALE, a citizen of the United States, residing at Philadelphia, in'the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, haveinvented a certain new and useful Improvement in Combination Toilet Apparatus, of which the following is a specification.

The object of this invention is to provide a combination toilet apparatus comprising a bath-tub, a washbasin, and a water-closet, of such construction, operation, and arrangement as to greatly simplify and cheapen the cost of production and installation and at the same time economize space.

In carrying out thisinvention I closely associate the three articles above named (or two of them) and employ in connection therewith a single inlet or supply pipe and but two exhaust-pipes, one from the closet and the other from the tub, when this is included. The supply-pipe has a connection with the flushingtank ofthe closet and with either orboth the basin and tub, the water supplied to the basin overflowing and exhausting into such flushing-tank and passing thence to the closet. The basin and flushing-tank are combined to economize space; but the former is separable therefrom to permit access to the latter for cleaning, repairing, &c..

An embodiment of the invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which-- Figure 1 is a side elevation, partly in section. Fig. 2 is a plan view, and Fig. 3 a detail illustrating the valve controlling ingress of water from the supply-pipe to the flushingtank.

letters denote corresponding parts, A designates a bath-tub, B a washstand, and C a water-closet, each of which in its general features may be of any desired or usual construction. As here shown, the washstand includes the back board 7), to which is secured the tank B, which is preferably lined in any suitable manner. The tank Bis provided with a lid or cover D, preferably hinged at its rear edge to the back board 6. Supported by this lid or cover is the basin E, provided Referring to the drawings, in which similar Serial No. 162,206- (No model.)

with a central exhaust-port, and in its side an overflow-port, both communicating with the interior of the tank B. The tank, basin, and back board may be supported in any suitable manneras, for instance, by means of the brackets Z).

F designates the water-supply pipe, leading, preferably, to a point adjacent to the tub A and basin E. Here it connects with a faucet f, having anozzle f, operating in a horizontal plane to direct the stream to either said tub or said basin. Said pipe is also provided with a connection f communicating with the interior of the flushing-tank B and provided with a valve mechanism f (illustrated as a float-valve in Fig. 3,) whereby the passage of water through such connection will be cut off when the water within the tank has risen to a predetermined height. I

The tub A is provided with an overflowport a, also communicating with the interior of the flushing-tank B, and an exhaust-port a, which may, if desired, connect with the waste-pipe leading from the water-closet C below the flooring.

G designates the flushing-valve. As here shown, this comprises a casing within the tank B, the lower end connecting with the closet (I and having flushingport g and overflow-port g Within the casing operates the valve proper, g, provided with


9 actuated by a lever g, projecting through the side of the tank B. The valve g is preferably hollow, so that while the same may effectively stop the flushing-


9 water passing through the overflow-port g in the casing may pass through said valve g In operation when all three articles of the combination are employed any one may be used independently of the others. If the nozzle fbe turned so as to direct water to the tub and the cock opened, suchtub may be filled, the overflow, if any, passing into the tank B. If the nozzle be turned in the opposite direction and the cock opened, the basin E may be filled, the overflow therefrom passing also to the tank B by way of the port in the side of said basin. By opening the exhaust-port in the basin the water is permitted to waste into the tank B. Said flushing-tank by reason of its connection f with the supply-pipe F always contains suflicient water to flush the closet (I when the flushing-valve G is operated. The excess water therein is passed off through said closet C by means of the overflow-port g After the closet has been flushed the valve mechanism f by opening the valve in the connection f again permits the water to flow into said tank.

It will be seen that the apparatus above described is excedingly simple, and may therefore be cheaply manufactured and installed, the necessary connections with the water-supply and waste pipes being of the simplest character. Moreover, each article is substantially complete in itself and in use is readily accessible for repairs. The lid or cover in which the basin is supported may be readily thrown back upon its hinge, thereby opening the flushing-tank for inspection, for cleansing, or for repairs to or readjustment of the check-valve or the flushing-valve mechanism. In referring to a single common supply-pipe for all the articles of the combination apparatus described herein 1' do not desire to exclude another similar supply-pipe for hot water. WVhere such hot-water pipe is employed, it may join the cold-water-supply pipe at the faucet f, the hot water as well as the cold water being passed, if desired, through the nozzle f.

I have used the term water-closet herein in a broad sense, indicating thereby either the type of apparatus illustrated in the drawings or a urinal, which being of well-known form and construction 1 have not deemed it necessary to similarly illustrate. One or more of either types or of both may be employed in connection with the basin and flushing-tank or in connection with these devices and the tub.

What I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is

1. In combination toilet apparatus, a tub, a basin, a water-closet arranged at a lower level than said basin and connected therewith, and a common supply-pipe connected with said tub, basin and closet, substantially as set forth.

2. The combination with a flushing-tan k, of

a basin directly overlying and in cooperative relation to said tank, and means for supplying water thereto and for passing water from said basin to said tank, substantially as described.

3. The combination with a basin, of a fixed flushing-tank below said basin and into which the same is adapted to discharge, a watercloset below and connected with said tank, and means for supplying water to said basin, substantially as set forth.

4:. The combination with a basin, of a fixed flushing-tank below said basin and into which the same is adapted to discharge, a watercloset below and connected with said tank, an d means for supplying water to said tank and permitting the same to accumulate therein, substantially as set forth.

5. The combination with a basin, of a fixed flushing-tank below said basin and into which the same is adapted to discharge, a watercloset below and connected withsaid tank, and means for supplying Water to said basin and tank, substantially as set forth.

6. The combination with a basin, of a fixed flushing-tank below said basin and into which the same is adapted to discharge, a watercloset below and connected with said tank, a common supply-pipe and connections between the same and said basin and tank, and a valve in the connection between said pipe and tank, substantially as set forth.

7. The combination with a flushing-tank having a movable lid or cover of a basin carried by said lid or cover and therefore at a higher level than said tank and means for supplying water to said basin and for passing water to said tank, substantially as described.

8. The combination with a water-closet, of a flushing-tank connected therewith, a valve between said closet and tank and between said tank and a source of water-supply, a basin overlying said tank and in operative relation thereto and means for passing water therefrom to said tank, substantially as described.

9. The combination with a tub, of a basin, a

flushing-tank and a water-closet in juxtaposition thereto, a common source of water-supply and means for passing Water from said tub, said basin and said tank to said closet, substantially as described.

10. The combination with a tub and a watercloset, of a flushing-tank, a basin overlying said tank and adapted to waste into the same, a connection between said tank and closet and a common source of water-supply, substantially as described.

11. The combination with a tub, a basin, a flushing-tank and a water-closet, of a source of water-supply and connections for passing water from said basin to said tank, substantially as described.

12. The combination with a tub, a basin, a flushing-tank and a water-closet, of a source of water-supply and connections for passing water from said tub to said tank, substantially as described.

13. The combination with a tub, a basin, a flushing-tank and a water-closet, of a source of water-supply and connections for passing water from said tank to said Water-closet.

14. The combination with a tub, a basin, a flushing-tank and a water-closet, of a source of water-supply and connections for passing Water from said tub to said tank and from said tank to said water-closet, substantially as described.

15. The combination with a tub, a basin, a flushing-tank and a water-closet, of a common source of water-supply, a cock for controlling I0 tank and a valve controlling the passage of water through the same, means for passing water from said basin to said tank and from said tank to said Water-closet, substantially as described.

This specification signed and witnessed this 5 17th day of J one, 1903.

HENRY S. HALE. Witnesses: