US781950A - Car-coupling. - Google Patents
- ️Tue Feb 07 1905
v PATENTED FEB. 7, 1905.
PATBNTED FEB. 7, 1905.
anveufoz Ai a - ing the draw-head ijmrnn STATES ATENT QOFFI E ELI H. JANNEY. OF ranirax COUNTY, VIRGINIA.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 781,950, dated February 7, 1905, Application filed April 21, 1904- Serial No. 204,214.
To (alt whom it may concern.-
Be it known that I, ELLHSJANNEY, a citizen of the United States, residing in Fairfax county, State of Virginia, have inyented new and useful Improvements in Car-Couplings, of which the following is a specification. I My invention relates to-carcouplings, and more particularly to that class knownas the Janney type, and has for itsobject to provide certain new and useful improvements over the construction disclosed in an application liled by me May 5, 1903, Serial No. 155,765, as will be hereinafter more definitely described and claimed.
in the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a pQlSpGCSlVQ view of my improved coupling, showing the samein its closed position, the
the opposite "direction from that of
incline9, the
meeting edge11 of said inclines being on a slight incline upward andforward, as clearly seenin Figs. 4, 6, and 7; said
recess8 is formed with
camsurface12, inclining in a directiont he'reverseof
camsurface9 and haying its upper end projecting beyond the side face of the pin. As seen in Fig. 7, the upper portion of said cam-surface,
rear at 13 for a purpose scribed. g
The tail of the coupling hook tis reyersely' inclined on its upper and lower surfaces at 14: and 15 to correspond with the inclines d
hereinafter to be denin bein set to the lock-set position. Fm. 19., the
upper incline1 1 mer ing into a
flat D1 2 18 a detail perspective view of the
loclnngsurface16, while the lower 1nchne15 is also pin. Fig. 3 is a similar View of the couplinginclined at 17 to correspond with '
lnchne13 hook. Fin. 1 is a vertical lon itudinal secon the
1n7, as'seen 1n Fig. 4;
Below the
recess8 in
thepin7 is another recess, 18, having its upperiedge inclined upwardly and inwardly at 19 to engage a recess or
seat20, formed in the inner front face of the lowere'ipcrture 6 in thedraw-head when said pin is raised to the lock-set or unlocking tional View, the locking-pin being shown in elevation and in the position shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 5 a horizontal sectional View. Fig. 6 is an .rtical transverse sectional View, thelockl ing-pin being shown in full lines. 7 is. l l l dc elmation of the locking-pin detached. 1 is a side elevation of the coupling and 1 its pin-lifting mechanism, the parts being shown in their lowermost position in full lines in their lifted position in dotted lines. 1 1 a) a view similar to Fig. 1, showing the loosing pin in the act of being lifted from the lock-set position by the movement of the beveled to correspond with thatof
upper edge19 of
recess18, as shown in' Fig. 4:. It will also be observed that the lower edge of the front face of the
lower aperture6 is inclined at 20 and that the
rear face21 of said
recess18 has a similar inclination downwardly and forwardly, thesame merging into a more ab- ."
r'upt inclination22,and, further,- that the front side of the locking-pin :belowsaid recess projects somewhat beyond the yertical surface of said pin above saidrecess lfor a purpose l couplin -hook tail. Fig. 10 is a detail sectional view of the lowe yopening for the pin in the draw-head, showing a modified construction. i g I Similar numerals of reference denote corresponding parts in the several views.
in the said drawings the reference-
numeral1 denotesihedraw-bar of the coupling, carry of the Well-known Janis pivoted, by means of hereinafter to be described.
Formed in the side of
pin7 and just below the lower edge of t draw head when said pin is in its lowermost position is an
incline23, adapted to perform the fpllowing double function: \Vhen the pin neyjtypc, in which
pin3, the usual coupling-hook l. l ,Bessing vertically through the upper and
l lowerapertures5 and 6 in the draw-
head2 is l the lpcking-pinY, the same being recessed on its. f'nont side at 8 and having the upper facaof said recess formed with a relatively long in- 7 is in its lowermost by, the ,Jtraction' on said coupling-hookwill force the locking-
pin7 to the right, as shown in Fig. 6, thus causing-incline 23 to underlie Patented February '7, 19 05.
short inclined or camsurface 10,inclining
1n12 is also inclined downwardly from front to.
position, the'recess or seat QOhaving its edge v position and the coupling-
hook4 locked there- I the lower edge ofthe draw-
head2 and eflec-' tually preventing any upward creeping of the locking-
pin7 while the car is in motion,
' sition, the contact of
incline23 with thelower edge of, the draw-
head2 forcing said
pin toa1 the left toward the tail of the coupling-hook,
so that the projeeting end of lowencam-
surface12 will i be thrown more surely beneath corresponding cam-
surface15 on said coupling-hook tail. v
On the side nearest when in its locked position the
pin7 is recessed vertically at 24;, against which'recess the coupling-hook tail bears, while on the op- I posite side the draw-head is provided witha
vertical extension25, affording an increased bearing-surface for the
pin7 when under the tension of the couplinghook, as seen in Fig. 5. I
Pivoted to the upper end of the
pin7 is a 25
havinga shoulder27 adapted by its contact with the top of the pin to limit the forward tilt of said link, and
ashoulder28 for limiting its rearward tilt, the same operating the coupling-hook tail forereferred to' I have. shown
pin7 adaptedto be supported saidpinfrom said iiatsurface, 16
to prevent said link from tilting forward be- 3 yond the vertical plane of the
pin7, but permitt'ing a more extended rearward tilt thereto, as shown in Figs. in brackets is an operating-
rod31, having a handle-32 at 3 5 its outer. end and
anjnner bent arm33, passing loosely through-the
link26, said arm being preferably depressed at about its center,
as shown in Fig. 8. I
g7 From the above description the operation 4o'of my improved construction will be understood to be as follows: With the
pin7 in its lowe'rmostposition and the coupling-
hook4 open the device is ready-for automaticcou'pling, the rotation of said
hook causing camsurface14 on the tail thereof to contact with
cam9 on the
pin7, and thus raise the latter until the coupling-hook tail passes the same, when it willdrop automatically. and thus lock the hook in its closed position.
means of
rod31, in the manner, described, until the
incline13 on the pin'engages the incline -17 on'the hook, when by reason of the forward and upward inclination of the same, as shown in Figs. 4 and 9, theposition shown in Fig. 4,=so that the coup.
hng '
hook4 may be turned to its open posipermitting the cars toseparate.
1, 4, and 8. :Mounted- 29 on the
cross-sill30 of the car Now when 50- it is desired to uncouple, the pin 7is lifted, by hereinafter While it is preferred
lockingpin7, I have provided the
inclines12 will drop into.
In the application filed by me and heretothe locking" in the lockset position ,by means of ia shallow recess or seat inthe draw-head; andd'a'n i mportant feature of the present inventibuis to deepen-this recess-orseat; so that the pin 'maynotbe accidjently displaced? therefrom and at the same tii'nex'te provide means for positively lifting a v its engagementtherewithduring theirotation of the coupling-'hookto the open; or closed position. This object 'I-acomplish-.-
by providing theshortinelineflO onthe pin,
which forms, in conjunction withthe'incline 9
thereomi'the edge11, inclined upwardly and-"8.9 forwardly; 'Now as the cou'plinghookstarts to rotate to ,its o'pen position the upper edge of the frontface of its tail wiilat-oncegcom tact withi-fthe short incline lmfwh'ich i-n the lock-set, positig'in' Ofqthd pin, 'lies' lowerthan I and vwill' raise said-pin sufficiently to free the'latter from its engage ment'with the recess or seat2Q, and as the;
edge11 isfreached the upwardand outward j inclination of-jthe same" will" permita'contact 0 between it and surface 'lfi only it the? extreme inner portion of. said-edge, or' at the center of gravity of said pin, thus, causing said pin toresume its vertical'position and permitting. it'tov drop free from said
recessfor seat20 when released. by. the coupling-hook -tail.
7 to incline
the'edge11 as described inorder to accomplish this resuit, the sameeeffect may be obtained by inclining the jflatsurface l6 upwardly, so that only its extreme outer end" will contact with the; edge 1], as wilLbereadily understood.
In order to positively rotate the coupling-
i Y book4 to its open position by means of theand.15, operating asfollowsi When the coupling-hook is locked,but not engaged by another coupling-hook, thelifting of locking-
pin7 will cause the projecting upper end of incline 12thereon to engage the
incline15 on the tail ofisaidcouplinghook, and the further lifting of said locking-pin necessarily rotates said coupling-hook to its open position-in a man- 'ner readily understood. In order that this engagement'bf the inclines may beinsured, l I have providedthe incline 23 on the opposite side of the locki'ng-pin'Z, which by its contact with the loweredge of the draw-head as the locking-pinis raised forces said lockingpin toward the tail of the coupling-hook, as, seen in Fig. 6. By providing the
recess24 in the side of locking-
pin7, with which the coupling-hook tail contacts when locked, I cause said tail to lie more surely in the path of the
incline12, as also seen in Fig; ,6.
;Referring now to the operation of the pinliftingmechanism, it will be observed that the
link26, pivoted to the upper end of locking-
pin7,loosely embraces the
bent arm33 ofoperating-
rod31 and that said iink because 3 of
shoulders27 and 28 cannot tip forward beyond the vertical position; though permitted a limited rearward tilt, as seen in Fig. i. It will also be observed that said
link26 is pivoted to the
pin7 forward of the transverse vertical center of the latter and that when said pin is in its locking position (shown in Fig. 8) said link engages the
arm33 at the point of lowest depression of the latter, the result being that. when said arm is lifted by means of
handle32 that portion of said arm in front of the depressed portion will at once begin to assume an upward anglercarryin'g link 26 to the rear, which, together with the forward pivotal point of attachment of said link to the
pin7, will bring the lower end of said
pin7 forward as it is lifted by said
arm33 and will thus more surely cause an engagement of
edge19 and
shoulder20 to retain the pin 7in the lock-set position. A further and more important function of the pin-lifting mechanism, however, resides in the fact that owing to the construction of
link26 and lifting-
arm33 any breaking of the coupler-bar whereby the coupling is pulied away from the car will not break the liftingmechanism, the
link26 passing freely off the end of
arm33, leaving the latter intact, which is necessarily not the case with the chain connections now in use.
By provi with the initial inclination .itwill be seen that as pin is lifted above the lock set position to throw the hook open, as" shown in Fig. 9, the contact with said inclined surface with the
inclined surface20 will immediately tend to force the
pin7 to the rear, this movement being increased as the more
abrupt inclination22 is reached, the result being that when said
pin7 is thus lifted'an immediate movement away from the
shoulder20 is begun, which is increased by the
incline22, so that when said pin is released it will drop. to its lowermost position. This feature functions only when the
pin7 is lifted to automatically throw the hook at open, the tendency of the contact between the inclines. 13 and 17, as well as the point of application of the lift to the pin, being to force the lower end of the pin forward, whichis effectually counteracted by the inclines 2O, 21, and 22, which not only force the lower end of the pin to the rear, thereby carrying the rear vertical wall of the
recess8 in the pin away from the path of travel of the coupling-hook tail, but also aid in throwing the coupling-hook open.
in order that the
pin7 may have the necessary lateral play without contacting with the end of the coupling-hook tail, 1 deepen the
recess8 thereof at 34 to receive the tail of the coupling-hook when in its locked position. the action of the inclines 20, 21, and 22, above described, as well as the action of
flat surface16 and
edge11 when the hook is opened with the pin in the lock-set position, being such ding the
rear face21 of recess 18' that the
pin7 will be forced rearward, so as to prevent any contact vertically between said pin and the end of the coupling-hook tail as the latter moves to the open position. thereby preventing any possible binding between these parts during this movement.
In Fig. I haveshown a slightly-modified construction, the recess or seat instead of being formed in the wall of the draw-headboing replaced by a removable cross-bar 35, with which the
inclined edge19 engages to maintain the locking-pin in the lock-set position, the rounded surface of said cross-bar performing the function of the
incline20. By employing said cross-bar 'lodgment of dirt at thispoint is prevented, and, furthermore, the usual cotter-pin for preventing complete withdrawal of the
pin7 from the draw-head may be dispensed with, said cross-bar projecting sniiicicntl y far in the
aperture6 to prevent the passage of the lower end of the pin, it being understood that said cross-bar is to be inserted 7 after the
pin7 has been located in position.
\Vhile I have illustrated and described the coupling-hook as provided with a
flat surface16 on the upper face of its tail, such construc-' tion is not a necessary feature, the device operating equally as well with the incline 14: extenlded to the front face pf the coupling-hook tai -Having thus described my invention, what. i
I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is
1. In a car-coupling, the combination with the draw-head, of a coupling-hook pivoted therein and having inclines in reverse directions on the upper and under sides of its tail, and a vertically-movable locking-pin for said coupling-hook having inclines similar to those on the tail of the coupling-hook, and also having an additional upper incline the reverse of the main incline. v
2. In a car-coupling, the combination with the draw-head, and a coupling-hook pivoted having an incline adapted to be engaged by the upper edge only of the front face of the coupling-hook tail as the latter moves to the open position, whereby said pin is lifted.
4. In a car-coupling, the combination with the draw-head, and a coupling-hook pivoted therein, of a vertically-movable locking-pin V for said coupling-hook adapted in its move- -the unlocking. 'tained onsaid loeking-pin adaptedadapted by contact with-the 4 more prono ment to the unlocking position to engage the draw-head and position,}' and inclines on;
initial slight movement a'weyfrom thedrawhead at the engagingpoinnand to give it a car-coupling, the com bination with the draw-head, an'd'a; coupling-hook pivoted therein; of .a vertically: moving locking 7 pin for said -iz oupling--hook, a; removable crossbarin the draw-head with which the lockingpin is adaptedtojengage in its movement to.
position and lay-which it-is resaid cross-bar, when said iocking-pm is raised farther, to first give the latter an initielslight movement away from the draw-headet the engaging point, and 'to therein, of e 'vertieelly rnoving; locking-pin,
unced movement' as seid pin is further lift in-its nnloeking position, and inciines I link, said arm in by contact with rearward tilting action on the upper end of give it}; more .pro-; nounced movement as sa dfipin 1s further pper endof said pin ing-rod carried by the car-body and having an arm detaehably engaging said link, whereby said link andits pin may be raised and lowered.
7 In a. oar-coupling, the combination with 1 the drawzhead, and a coupling-hook pivoted therein, of a verticaliy-moving locking-pin, a link pivoted to the upper end of said pin andheving a. limited movemerit on its pivot in a rearward direction only,'and an operating-rod carried by the ear-body and having an arm detaehably engaging said link and adapted to raise and iower the same and its such movement exerting a said pin.
"intestimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand in-the prese'n'ceof two subscribing witnesses.
ELI JANNEY. Witnesses: V