US808003A - Firearm. - Google Patents

  • ️Tue Dec 19 1905




SHEEI'I NTED DEG. l9y 1905.




Speeication of Letters Patent.

Patented Dec. 19, 1905.

Application filed Illa-)'25, 1905. Serial No 262,205.

T 0 all whom, it may con/cern:

Be it known that I, JOHN M, BRowNiNG, a citizen of the United States, residing at Ogden, in the county of Weber and State of Utah, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Firearms, of which'the iollowing is aspeciiication, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part hereof.

This invention relates to automatic firearms of that description in which the several operations-such as the opening ofthe breech after firing a shot, the ejection of the empty cartridge-shell, the cooking of the hammer, the presentation and introduction of a loaded cartridge to the chamber of the barrel, and the closing and locking of the breech-are automatically effected through or by the energy of the recoil of the breech-block or that part which at the time of firing the shot closes the breech of the barrel, and the invention more especially relates to firearms of this description in which in liring the barrel and the breech-block are interlocked and re- .c'oil some distance together, and during this rearward movement the barrel has another @movement im arted to it, whereby it is unlocked from t e breech-block, and after its release the movements of the barrel are arrested, while the' breech-block continues to recoil until the breech is fully opened and in whichduriii'g the opening movement of the breech-block energy is stored in a spring, the reaction of which is utilized to effect the return or closing movement of the breechblock. lt is. essential for the pro er operation of irearms of this class that the breechblock and the parts connected and moving with it should be made as heavy as is practical, so that it may store a maximum amount.

of energy inthe short period or" time during .rhiohon firing the rearward pressure of the owder-gases in the barrel acts upon the mech-block and initiates itsrecoil, andv so that the breech block may continue to rccoilA under its momentum alone to complete the opening of the breech and the compression4 of the reaction -spring after the gaspressure has ceased because relieved by the 5o exit of the bullet from the barrel. v On account of the limited total weight practical for a small-arm', andespecially for a pistol, it is necessary in order to be able to give a maximum weight to the breech blockthat the other parts of the arm be constructed as light as possible. This is especially important regarding the barrel of this class of arms, for the additional reason that at the commencing of the recoil the light barrel may readily yield to and move earward with the breechblock while it remains interlocked therewith and in order that when unlocked from the breech-block and the movementsof the barrel are arrested the stress caused by this sudden stopping may not be too great to be absorbed without injury to either the barrel or the frame of the arm. these relations as to their weight between the breech-block and the barrel remains the same'when the caliber and weight of the projectile and the owder charge are increased; but experience as shown that in a small-arm of this class of/large caliber intended to tire powerful charges 'oi powderthe additional strength 're uired in the barrel in its con'- nections wit and attachment to the frame,

andes ecially in the parts of the barrel and 1frame y which the movements of` the one upon the other are arrested, 1s so much greater in proportion to theweight of these parts that the constructions heretofore used in arms of this class of smaller caliber'cam" not be relied upon as perfectly safe.

The importance of One object of the present invention is to f provide in a rearm-of this classe simple but strong and reliable means of attachment and connection between the barrel and thestationary frame of the arm which shall'leave the barrel free to recoil a limiteddistan'ce interlocked with the breech-block and which shall during this rearward movement guide the barrel and impart to it at the same time another movement by which it will be unlocked from the breech-block and which shall atthe last of .he return or forward move-- ment of the` breech-block guide the barrel while itis moved forward by the breech: block and` impart to it another movement by which thebarrel and the breech-block will be interlocked when they arrive-at the forward firing position.

Another object of the invention is to orovide in a firearm of this class a means which shall positively limit the rearward movement of the barrel with the breech-block, arrest the movements ofthe barrel as soon as the same has become unlocked from, the breech-block, and which shall be adapted in form and in strength to transmit to the frame the stress due to the sudden arrest of the movements o1c the barrel without injury resulting therefrom to either the barrel or the frame.


eatin Another object of the invention is to provide 'firearm of this class a simple but strong' and reliable means for securingr the hreecli-hlock on the frame of the arm hydposiry limiting the movements of the loreechlilo-cir on lthe frame and for causing the hreech-hlocll o engaged hy the reaction- L,j ont whiclivshall allow the breechhlocl; to heat will and read-ily disengaged from. the 'reaction-spring and be removable.

troni the 'frarne witllout requiring the use of any tools for its disengagement and removal,

These objects are attainedV oy rnechanisni of unipi/e and practical construction, which is left-hand side elevation orp the pistol with the breech closed, hut showiin;r the Tbreech- 5r om, .1 er slide ano. t -e loi vaio por tion or the frame 1n section and the lower portion or the grip as o "broken awrey. Eig. 2 1s a View sinnlar i, but with the breech-slide in its open rd posi n. 3 represents a vertif1/Inweb 1, r f

tir-e calici on tno line 3 3 ard. 43g. 3u repr sents non oi' the lrarne on the oolnng rearward. Fig. i

lA L- J l i cross-section through the hr fnel, and iraine on the line ide, h looking rearward, with the barre. in position locked to the breech-slide, exposing to view the stopfl'ionlders; on the barrel vand on the frame.

5 cnresents side elevation of the harrel wit7m a `Portion oi' the frame in section, ion/ing ation in the connection hc- -Pn the harrel and the iframe. Figs. and

another modification of the conen `harrel and tho'lfrainc of -i represents a side elevation el r id section ol the orv-.fard porf oi the breech-slide with r represents a crossin, roar of the iront collar in the pistol .represented in drawings barrel. Zi is attached to the top ol' the frarne a at the iront hv lng o', which projects fglownward 4from the barrel near the nrw/zic. The race ofthe lug,r inclines l wnward and rearward and engages a corresoondingly-inclir :d surface o under the top cient, perfectly safe, and not liable to get soeces of the Aforward part ci the frame, intcrloclis the barrel with. the frame, and when the barrel is moved rearward 'forces the forward end at the saine time to inove downward toward the frame. At its rear end the barrel b has another dependingr lug Zr'. This is divided by a central longitudinal groove, in which one end of the linhy b is littcd and pivotally attached to the barrel by a transverse pin. The lower end ol" the link b is pivotally secured to the frame by a similar pin. Vfhen the barrel is 'in the 'forward :firing position7 the link lf, standing nearly vertically, holds the barrel above the top of' thc 'freine and allows it to inove rearward. Duringthe rearward Inovernent the link causes the rear end of the harrol to nieve downward toward the frame. Thus the inclined lug at the front and the link b3 at the rear impart to the harrcl'at both extremities substantially the same double movement. On the top of the frame the breech-slide c is fitted to slide rearward 'and forward The rear part ol the breech-slide Aforms the breech-bolt cf, adapted to close the chamber of the barrel, and the forward part c? of the brocoli-.slide extends in semituhular forni and incloses the barrel. The sides o'l the breech-slideoverlap those ol the frame. Longitudinal ri hs and grooves on the slide engaging corresponding grooves and ribs on the trarne serve to hold the Ybreech-slide to the Vrame and to guide it thereon. The barrel is provi-:led on the lop with locking-ribs b5, and the hrcech-slide .has corresponding rccesses ci", whereinv the l'nfeech-slidc and the barrel are secure@7 interloeked when in the Jforward tiring position. YWhen on liring a shot the hreech-slidc nieves rcmward under the energy ol recoil and draws the barrel rearward, the sin'iultaneons downward movement oi the harrel, due to the inclined lug,r b and to the link i5", causes the disengagement olI the locking-ribs lr" :fri/nn the recesses c5 and allows the rearward movement of the barrel to he arrested, while that of the breech-slide continues, thus opening the hreech.

. Beneath the hai-rel 'the reaction-sprinr e is seated in a longitudinal chamber a2 in the liran e a, and a transverse key c is inserted thrmigh rectangular rec! es in the sides of the breech-slice and passes transversely through the anlhor (1 in the lrarne, normally projo ngi .slightly from each side of the breech-slide. A. longitudinal slot (L3 through thclrainc allowstho lacy c to travel lreelytherein. 'ille rear end ol the slot 21:l lornisnin abutment for the key, positively limits the rearward nlovonient of the breechslide on the traine, and prevents the breechslide from lluving; hack from the frame.

`l1rough the lrcy c" thc roaction-spring e acts upon the weeen-slide to return it and the breech-holt to tl: forward closed position after the recoil has moved them to the rear. The rear end or' tnis spring e hears against the IOO IOS

above and clear of the frame; but as the barrel moves rearward with the breech-slide and simultaneously moves toward the frame the ribs b gradually enter the recesses (2, until when the barrel is released from the breechslide the ribs o are fully seated in the recesses a", F ig. 2, and further movement of the barrel is positively stopped without any stra-in being thrown upon the means of attachment and guidance of the barrel. The ribs b are located at the strongest part of the barrel and are capable of sustaining the shock without injury to the barrel, while they positively proteet the lugs b and b2 at the weaker extremities ot thc barrel from having to bear any part of the stress.

To enable the key c3 to be at will and readily withdrawn from the frame and the breechslide, and thereby to disengage the breechslide from the reaction-spring, and to enable the slide and the spring to be removed from;

the frame, the head e2 of the piston e is provided with a stem e3, which projects forward suiciently to stand at the open front end of the trame when the breech-slide, the key c, and the piston e. are in the forward closed position. The front end of the stem e3 is increased in diameter and is knurled to form a convenient hold by which rearward pressure may be exerted upon it and the piston e sufficiently to overcome the tension of the reaction-springe and to forceback the pistonhead e2 out of the recess in the key c3. Thus released the key c3 maybe readily withdrawn, thereby enabling the breech-slide and the reaction-spring to be removed without requiring the use of an f tools.

It will be evi ent that the piston e might be dispensed with, if desired, the forward terminal coil of the .spring eI taking the place of the piston-head in the recess of the key and serving as a latch `for the key, and from the coil forward a. straight portion of the wire of which the spring is formed extending at right angles to the coil and below the key to the front of the fra1ne,by means oi' which the spring may be pressed back to release the key; but l prefer the use of the piston, as show-n and described, This arrangement while equally elective is much simpler and lessexpensive than are either of those shown and described for accomplishing1 the same objects in my prior patents covering similar iirearms,-No. 580,924, dated April 20, 1897, and No. 708,794, dated September' Q, 1902. In the arms shown and described in these patents in both cases. a plug a, closes the front end of the seat of the reactionspring in the frame, and a pin a", fitted transversely through the frame and the plug, secures the plug in its place in the frame. In the lirst of the patents referred to the breech-slide must be drawn rearward anda pin inserted thro ugh a hole in the bottom of the frame to intercept the piston and the reaction-spring and to soeces hold them back when the breech-slide is returned forward before the transverse key can be released and withdrawn. in the later patent referred to the front plugas is fitted for a slight lengthwise movement and carries a rod extending trom its rear, which when the plug is pressed. rearward forces back the piston and the spring, and thus releases the key. in the present improved construe-- tion both the front plug and the pin securing it in the frame are dispensed with, thus making it simpler and less expensive and lightening the front end of the arm and facilitating the assembling of the arm and the taking it apart.

lt will be evident that various features of this invention maybe employed. independently oi the others and in firearms of a diiierent kind from that which l have described herein and that various changes in 'form and arrangement may be made without departing from the spirit of the invention.

lll/'hat l claim, and desire te secure-'foy Let-- ters Patent, is-v- 1. In' a fire-arm the combination with the frame having a transverse reci of a barrel connected at the breech end 'itli said trarne for a limited movement in the direction of its length and in the direction toward the framed, said barrel carrying near the breech end a stop-shoulder for entering the recess in said trame by the movement ol'Y said barrel toward the frame, whereby the movements of the barrel are arrested and the impact thereof transmitted to said frame at tl'ie strongest part the barrel, substantially a. specilied,

v 2. in a. lirearm, the eon'ibination with a frame of a barrel, an inclined lug connection between said barrel and said tranne, wher said barrel may move lengthwise and toward and from said frame, a transverse recess in said .frame and a stop-shoulder on said barrei for interlocking said barrel and said :frame by the movement of said barrel to rd sai-:l frame, substantially shown and described.

ln a firearm, the eombinaticnfi with a frame having adpransverse recess, or a barrel having an `integral inclined lug connecting said barrel with said frame to have a lengthwise movement and a movement toward and from said trame, a stop-shffiulder on said barrel ior entering the recess in said trame by the movement oi"-said barrel tov-.fard said traine, and means for limiting the movement. of said barrel from said frame.

4. ln a firearm, the combination with trame having a trans v erse recess, and a breech block mounted to slide uponsaid frame and having a locking-recess, of a barrel comieeted at the breech 4end with said frame for a limited movement thereon 'lengthwise and to ward and from said traine, a locking-rib carried by said barrel and caused by the movement thereorn toward and romsaid frame to release l OG YZO

scenes andto en ege tlielocking-rece'ssof seidbreeeln 1 6. ln a, ileermfthe combination with s block, an a stop-shoulder on said barrel near frame havin the breech end caused by the movement thereof.z lengthwise and toward seid frame to enter therecess in said frame, substantially as ani for the purpose specified.

5. In s firenrrn, the combination with a,

` frame and e breech block -sliding on said frame, said freine having e transverse recess and said breech-block havin e' transverse groove, of s barrel, en inclined -ug connection between-said barrel and seid freine, whereby said barrel may move lengthwise and toward and from seid frame, transverse ribs projecting from opposite sides f seid barrel, for in-v terlocking seid barrel With said breech-block by the movement of seid barrel from seid frame, and-for interlocking sani barrel with said reme by the movement of seid barrel toward seid frame.

0 s transverse recess, of aber-rel attached at tlle breechend and neer tho mus zle to seid fre-Ine for a, limited movement thereon lengthwise and toward and romssid trame,v e, stop-shoulder on seid barrel lcceted between said attachments and unconnectef;

therewith, for entering seid recess in the the iznuzle of said barrel, snbstentislly esl shown and speciecl.

' This specification signed end witnessed this