US890614A - Nursing-waist. - Google Patents
- ️Tue Jun 16 1908
No. 890,614.' PATNNTED JUNE 16, 190s.
PATBNTBD' JUNE 16, 1908,
y vbreast vin public pieces Wit IRWIN GEORGE GULVER, 0F NEW YORK, N. Y.
Specification of Letters Patent.
Patented Jene 1G, 1908.
Application l'ed April Z, 1997. Serial No. 369,966.
To all whom it moy concern:
Be it known that i, RWIN Gnonon Cowon, a citizen of the United States, residing in the borough of ivisnhattan, city, county, and
State of cw York, have invented e. certainw new. and useful improvement in Nursing- Walsts, of which the following 1s s specificotion.
My present inventionhas relation to' en improved lorm of outer germ-ent or weist to be worn by nursing mothers ond so conn trived that the infontiney be given the lont .subjecting the mother to the slightest unpleasant er@n posure. A
One of the objects of my invention is the provision of s garment for ceri-ying out the purposes above named which shall be so constructed as not to betray its purpose or function, but which shall appear, when not in use, to be on ordinary outer waist.
Another object o f the invention is the pro-V vision of a garment for the purpose, iirst -obov'e named which shall retain the position .pro er for use While the infant is being 1led wit lout the necessity of attention or mani ulation on the part oi the mother. In ot ier words, iny improved nursing waist is preferably so constructed that the very act oi` holding the infant in e iosition appropriate for nursing),r will retain tiic parte oi the ger ment in their positions appropriate for this use.
Another obieet of my present invention is the provision of e garment for the purpose first above mentioned wherein there is preferably provided menne serving at once os a shield for the breast. against cold or droit, ss ny protection against soiiin'p,r of the garment by iiiilk, and es a convenient inovoblc shield against visuel exposure of tile person duringl the time the infant is st the breast.
The invention is illustrated in preferred forms in the accompanying drawings wherein Figure l is o perspective view of en outer Waist with n vertically movable buttoned ilap, Fig. 2 is a similar view of' a. weist with o horizontally movable buttoned flop, Fig. 3 is a similar view of the weist oi Fig. '.2 provided. with a safety pad, Fig. 4 is a similar view of o Waist having an oblique flap seeured by hooks und oyes,l Fig. 5 shows the normal position of the inner breast screen, end Fig. 6 shows my preferred form of weist in the position of actual use. i
' The waist shown in Fig. 4l -is buttoned on end off,
down the front along the
middle line10 in the usual manner. ln addition to this mein opening for nurposes oi putting the garment provide' on eaoh side properl placed openings. 1l closed by flaps i2 Whic may be lifted up to expose the breast, as shown on the right of Fig. l, but normally remains secured in the lowered osition by the button lilies shown et the oit oi said figure. These flans con be given different shapes ond be ornernentedy es desired.
Just Within eeen opening '11 screen 1-'3 is provided which preterobly trikes the forni of Ae fpieeeor" eenibrio, innslin or other textile secured Within end along the top' ori eac-li opening. These screens lie normaly spread out within the weist just under the naps and ineke it possible to open the flaps Without exposure. Furthermore. While t'l'ie intent is nursing Vthe screen is drown over its head end fece, thus affording complete privacy.
ln Fig: l. is shown snot-her style of Waist wherein the side ileps 'l5 instead of' lifting` up to open them, are pinned so fis to drnw open laterally, shown on the right of Fig. 2. Normaly these naps nre bnttoned over nfs shown on the lei" t in that ligure In. con neotion with this form `of weist, I prefer a screen l@ which is secured within the o )ening on en up and down sut-nre vas shown in `i 2.
ln Figi. 3 is shown :i form of winst in which the
buttons17 nre in the flop :ind the button holes are ont in an addi ionni 'flop '1S which i'olds outside of the closing: lisp. lnthis figure there also showmthe
snfety pad19 within the main eoveringr flop. This pad muy serve in iidditien tothe screen to absorb i accidental moisture end to that extent to sevc the dress. lt is mede removable .sind replzieen-ble and moy be etta`ched in any convenient nnniner.
In Fig. Li' is shown still another style of waist wherein are used a 'flop end opening similar to those shown in Fig. 2, but wherein lso the ilep is secured by hooks sind eyes instead ef' buttons. The hooks are shown at 20, and, shown on the right 1n tlns-'hgurefthe 'lap tricks under the sides of a
iniddlepiece21 which extends np ond down the middle of the front of the Waist. T he flap which opens downward has certain advanteges in this eonnectionwhieh Will fully appear in eonneetion with the following description` of the mode of use of my iin rovedgarinent. TWhile this description is irected particularly to Figs.' 5 endo, it is to be understood that,l
` with slight and obvious modifications, the vproceeding herein detailed applies toi'fithe other forms scribed. 4,
In preparing to givethe-breast the
outer flap15, on the right or left side as desired, is first unbuttoned and drawn downward as shown'in Figf. The child is then placed in the sucklingposition shown in Fig. 6, so that its head holds down the flap without the necessity of further attention on the part of the mother. This being done, the inner full flexible screen 14nor1nally s read over the breast Within the waist, is rawn out and allowed to fall over the childs head'and face,`
as shown in Fig.'6. f Under the screen so formed (the breast can be drawn forward through the
large opening11 without wrinkling, straining or distorting anyportion of the outer garment, and without any exosure. whatever to the eyes of bystanders.
he screen 14 can be made light enough not to interfere with the childs'breathing and at the same time it serves'as a protection from drafts while nursing and as a shield to both breast and dress when gathered together and tucked into the waist after nursing.
' 1 An outer garment for nursing mothers provided with an opening over the breast, a covering lap for the opening forming a part of said outer garment and a nnrsi ng screen of of my improvement above de-,
fier-cible fabric attached to-th'e garment and adapted to 'be concealed by tuckinginto the 1 garment or to be drawn outward to serve asa breast-concealing coverlng4 during nursing, all arranged, substantially as' descrlbed so as to hide the purpose of the garment when the nursing opening is not used and to thor oughly protect the wearer -from all exposure wvlnle nursing.
said lap'over the opening, and a nursing screen of ilexibln fabric secured near the edge of said opening-and adapted to either tuck into the garment or be drawn forward and spread out to shield the breast dul'ing nursing, substantially as described.