Prior et al., 2018 - Google Patents

  • ️Mon Jan 01 2018
Prior et al. 2018 Acoustic fine structure may encode biologically relevant information for zebra finches Elie et al. 2018 Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type Sjerps et al. 2019 Speaker-normalized sound representations in the human auditory cortex Favaro et al. 2015 Vocal individuality cues in the African penguin (Spheniscus demersus): a source-filter theory approach Chen et al. 2020 How musical experience affects tone perception efficiency by musicians of tonal and non-tonal speakers? Fishbein et al. 2021 Discrimination of natural acoustic variation in vocal signals Town et al. 2018 Sound identity is represented robustly in auditory cortex during perceptual constancy Walker et al. 2019 Across-species differences in pitch perception are consistent with differences in cochlear filtering Weiss et al. 2002 Perception of harmonics in the combination long call of cottontop tamarins, Saguinus oedipus Root-Gutteridge et al. 2019 Dogs perceive and spontaneously normalize formant-related speaker and vowel differences in human speech sounds Lu et al. 2017 Familiar but unexpected: effects of sound context statistics on auditory responses in the songbird forebrain Kamiloğlu et al. 2020 Human listeners’ perception of behavioural context and core affect dimensions in chimpanzee vocalizations Korcsok et al. 2020 Artificial sounds following biological rules: A novel approach for non-verbal communication in HRI Belyk et al. 2022 Individual differences in vocal size exaggeration Engineer et al. 2013 Similarity of cortical activity patterns predicts generalization behavior Schuerman et al. 2015 Do we perceive others better than ourselves? A perceptual benefit for noise-vocoded speech produced by an average speaker Debracque et al. 2023 Humans recognize affective cues in primate vocalizations: acoustic and phylogenetic perspectives Nadhurou et al. 2016 The vocal communication of the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz): phonation mechanisms, acoustic features and quantitative analysis Siedenburg et al. 2021 Adaptive auditory brightness perception Özcan et al. 2024 Explainable audio CNNs applied to neural decoding: sound category identification from inferior colliculus Zandberg et al. 2024 Bird song comparison using deep learning trained from avian perceptual judgments Kriengwatana et al. 2015 A general auditory bias for handling speaker variability in speech? Evidence in humans and songbirds Grimm et al. 2019 Simulating speech processing with cochlear implants: How does channel interaction affect learning in neural networks? Zatorre et al. 2010 Cortical speech and music processes revealed by functional neuroimaging Dawson et al. 2018 Behavioral and subcortical signatures of musical expertise in Mandarin Chinese speakers