Engineer et al., 2013 - Google Patents

  • ️Tue Jan 01 2013
Beecher et al. 1979 Perception of conspecific vocalizations by Japanese macaques: Evidence for selective attention and neural lateralization Engineer et al. 2008 Cortical activity patterns predict speech discrimination ability Belin 2006 Voice processing in human and non-human primates Hickok 2014 The myth of mirror neurons: The real neuroscience of communication and cognition Leonard et al. 2015 Dynamic encoding of speech sequence probability in human temporal cortex Engineer et al. 2013 Similarity of cortical activity patterns predicts generalization behavior Prior et al. 2018 Acoustic fine structure may encode biologically relevant information for zebra finches Town et al. 2018 Sound identity is represented robustly in auditory cortex during perceptual constancy Keshishian et al. 2023 Joint, distributed and hierarchically organized encoding of linguistic features in the human auditory cortex Elli et al. 2019 A double dissociation in sensitivity to verb and noun semantics across cortical networks Skoe et al. 2015 Prior experience biases subcortical sensitivity to sound patterns Fox et al. 2020 Transformation of a temporal speech cue to a spatial neural code in human auditory cortex Steadman et al. 2018 Changes in neuronal representations of consonants in the ascending auditory system and their role in speech recognition Kar et al. 2022 Vocalization categorization behavior explained by a feature-based auditory categorization model Miller et al. 2004 Multiple acoustic features underlie vocal signal recognition in tamarins: antiphonal calling experiments Zhang et al. 2021 The time course of normalizing speech variability in vowels Bruder et al. 2011 An investigation of prototypical and atypical within-category vowels and non-speech analogues on cortical auditory evoked related potentials (AERPs) in 9 year old children Tuckova et al. 2008 Effectiveness of speech analysis by self-organizing maps in children with developmental language disorders Déaux et al. 2024 Dog–human vocal interactions match dogs’ sensory-motor tuning Chough et al. 2022 Deep in the Trenches: First language performance predicts primacy in statistical learning of two structures Fisher 2017 Representations of Spectral Differences Between Vowels in Tonotopic Regions of Auditory Cortex Bregman et al. 2012 Learning to recognize unfamiliar voices: the role of language familiarity and music experience Zhang 2020 The cognitive mechanisms underlying the extrinsic perceptual normalization of vowels Kurteff et al. 2024 Processing of auditory feedback in perisylvian and insular cortex Engineer 2008 Speech sound coding and training-induced plasticity in primary auditory cortex