General Map and Tour Loop Map Friends of the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, NWR, National Wildlife Refuge, Birding, New Mexico Wildlife, NM birds, bird checklists, sandhill crane migration, sandhill cranes, light geese, flyout, fly in, bosque

The tour loop is the principal access for viewing wildlife on the Refuge. It's open for driving, cycling and walking from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset daily, including Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

You probably will wish to begin your driving tour at the Visitor Center, where you can pick up an audio cassette or a CD that's keyed to numbered stations along the route to provide interpretive information. A fee of $5 for private passenger vehicles is payable at the Tour Loop entrance station. (if unattended, drop your fee in the slot.) A Bosque pass good for unlimited visits for 12 months is available at the entry or the Visitor Center. No fee is required if an occupant of a private vehicle has a Golden Age, Golden Eagle, or Golden Access passport or current Federal Duck Stamp (these may be purchased at the Visitor Center).

The commercial tour bus fee is $50. A step-on guide can be provided for an additional $50 with proceeds going to the bus scholarship fund.

The tour loop is a 12 mile, one-way graded road with a two-way cut-off which divides the full tour into a shorter Marsh Loop of 7 miles and a Farm Loop of 7.5 miles. Both portions provide excellent winter viewing of wetland wildlife and raptors; the Farm Loop passes close to daytime winter foraging areas of cranes and geese. In spring and early fall; both loops provide close viewing of shorebirds and waterfowl. During the summer, impoundments adjacent to the Farm Loop are drained for vegetation management, but wild turkeys, songbirds and mammals may be present. Summer wetlands for waterfowl are along the Marsh Loop, and along a seasonal road which is open April 1 to September 30. Stop as often as you wish along the tour loop to view wildlife; just pull to the side so others can pass. If you remain inside your vehicle, it serves as a blind so wildlife may remain closer while being viewed. Viewing platforms along the tour route accessible to people with disabilities offer viewing of cranes and geese during fall and winter. Some are equipped with a spotting scope.