⚓ T109646 Remove "Open" button from all four link inspectors
- ️Wed Aug 19 2015
Remove "Open" button from all four link inspectors
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points
Remove "Open" button from all four link inspectors
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points
Event Timeline
Esanders renamed this task from Remove "Open" button from MWExternalLinkNode inspector to Remove "Open" button from link inspecotrs.Aug 24 2015, 10:12 PM
Esanders reopened this task as Open.
Renamed bug to describe a consistent change across the link inspectors. Personally I think the open button is useful (if misplaced on the internal inspector) for testing a link while editing.
I have a related patch at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/241699/ which removes the link behaviour from the search results. I don't think we should rely on right/middle click for useful functionality. If we are keeping a preview link feature it should be discoverable.
I was thinking of the clickable version of the link that appears in the context popup as being entirely suitable for the "I want to follow this" case. I can see how that doesn't work for the search results, though. However, the existing "open" button is pretty awful if you want to use it for the search results, since (I believe) you have to click the result you want first, which populates the input and thus removes all your other results. If we want to support this behavior in a more discoverable fashion, how about something inline in the search results which is more-explicitly an "open this link" action? e.g. With the link-symbol being an open-me target Or even more explicitly (and uglily)
I agree with David that the Open button as-is is pretty useless; there may be a reason to add an "open" or "preview" secondary button to each search result, but the current one for the selected option adds no value.
Can we get a design pass at some sort of inline open button (maybe right aligned + frameless?)
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