⚓ T120382 Make it possible for users to use a smaller math dialog with fewer components so they can see more of the underlying page

  • ️Fri Dec 04 2015

Make it possible for users to use a smaller math dialog with fewer components so they can see more of the underlying page

Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points

The new math dialog (T118617) introduces a change from the way the inspector works by displaying a large menu of mathematical symbols at the cost of dominating the page. Allow users to choose which way they would rather edit by showing the inspector by default and making the full dialog optional.

Event Timeline

Tchanders raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.

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I'm not a fan of this idea, unless it's proven that there is no way to restructure the new UI that it's suitable for all usecases.

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I see this as an interim solution while we work on a UI that doesn't hide the whole page. Why aren't you keen on it?

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from Make math dialog optional to Make it possible for users to use a smaller math dialog with fewer components so they can see more of the underlying page.Dec 8 2015, 7:42 PM

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I think, we should not extend the number of configuration options, since that makes bug reporting and debugging difficult. So maybe we can provide one default wich works reasonably well for most useres and do not have to maintain two alternatives.
For power users hooks with custom scripts might be an option. But that's just my personal opinion.

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