⚓ T341395 Display Spur data on IPInfo infobox

  • ️Fri Jul 07 2023

Display Spur data on IPInfo infobox


As a user investigating temporary user contributions, I want to see reliable data about their IP address.

This ticket outlines which data in IP Info will be fetched from which data source. This ticket intends to serve as the authoritative source on which data will be displayed in IP Info after Spur integration.


IP-Info-box(default).png (552×932 px, 50 KB)

Figma design file

Data breakdown
FieldSourceHelp text
LocationMaxmindThe geographic location associated with the IP address.
ISPMaxmindThe Internet Service Provider associated with the IP address.
ASNMaxmindThe autonomous system number associated with the IP address.
OrganizationMaxmindThe organization operating this IP address.
VersionParsed by MediaWikiIP address version v4 or v6
BehaviorsSpur - client.behaviorsSpecific types of activity devices on this IP Address have engaged in or have been previously affiliated with.
RisksSpur - risksRisks that Spur has determined based on their collection of data. These risks vary and will matter differently based on specific use-cases of Spur Context data.
Connection typeSpur - client.typesThe different type of client devices that have been observed on this IP address.
Tunnel operatorSpur-tunnels[].operatorThe provider or operator of the VPN service.
ProxiesSpur - client.proxiesProxies that have been observed on clients using this IP address. This does not implicate all traffic from this IP Address to this proxy network, but rather the presence of a proxy on this IP Address and the ability for it to be used as a proxy.
Users on this IPSpur - client.countThe average number of clients that have been observed on this IP address by Spur. It takes into account all activity from this IP address. This is calculated over a 24 hour period.
Active blocksOn-wiki dataThe number of active blocks against this IP address.
ContributionsOn-wiki dataThe number of wiki edits made from this IP address.
Useful links
Acceptance criteria
  • The infobox displays data as tabulated above, using the correct fields, sources and help text

Event Timeline

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I've missed it if we came to a conclusion earlier but could we confirm our treatment of the values?

Specifically, behaviors can return FILE_SHARING and a very long list of possible services (see It seems reasonable to translate "File sharing" but what should we do about the others? eg.

	"behaviors": [

Presumably, whatever answer we come to here can be used for proxies and tunnel operators, which return similar lists.

Connection types and risks have reasonably enumerable lists and can be translated as expected.

cc @JSengupta-WMF @KColeman-WMF

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image.png (1×3 px, 256 KB)

And an example of how a very used IP could look. Many of these attributes can return more than one result.

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Questions perhaps for @KColeman-WMF.

Do we need to review the wording in the help text?

Do we want the lists of "Behaviors", "Proxies", etc. to always be alphabetically ordered? Currently I believe the order can vary. This might make comparing data for two IP addresses harder to do.

There is also an open questions from @STran in T341395#9452875.

Otherwise, I have no other concerns and will move this along.

Test environment: IP Info 0.0.0 (19f6b7f) 08:17, 19 January 2024. ipoid commit e0250e5f4cb6942c5ccbbddc299458f624ecc01c.

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Questions perhaps for @KColeman-WMF.

Do we need to review the wording in the help text?

Do we want the lists of "Behaviors", "Proxies", etc. to always be alphabetically ordered? Currently I believe the order can vary. This might make comparing data for two IP addresses harder to do.

There is also an open questions from @STran in T341395#9452875.

Hi @dom_walden

The help text provided in the table above has already been reviewed by product/design.

With regards the question from @STran: I think it makes sense to display the values as they are provided on Spur, expect when it's obvious what the ideal translation is. If we are including a line about the data source (as per design) then perhaps we can link to the Spur documentation?

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If we are including a line about the data source (as per design) then perhaps we can link to the Spur documentation?

Was this superseded by the link to the legal notice? Or do we intend to show both?

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