⚓ T370057 [SW] [WtC-M2] [SNL] Replace WiKit's Lookup component by Codex's

  • ️Mon Jul 15 2024

[SW] [WtC-M2] [SNL] Replace WiKit's Lookup component by Codex's


The Special:NewLexeme's user interface was composed using a combination of Vue 3 WiKit next elements, such as Lookup. The WiKit design system is now on its deprecation path, as it has been superseded by Codex, the official Wikimedia design system. The utilization of WiKit components is not recommended, and they should be replaced in order to reduce maintenance costs and ensure consistency.


We have to replace WiKit's Lookup component by the Codex equivalent: cdx-lookup (Link to demo). In order to preserve its validation behavior, Lookup needs to be wrapped within the Field component (see demo). Field also provides a label for the components it wraps.

image.png (1×2 px, 439 KB)

The WiKit Lookup component is used by the following Special:NewLexeme components:

Acceptance criteria
  • The WiKit Lookup component used in the Special:NewLexeme is replaced by its Codex equivalent, Lookup + Field

Event Timeline

Arian_Bozorg renamed this task from [WtC-M2] [SNL] Replace WiKit's Lookup component by Codex's to [SW] [WtC-M2] [SNL] Replace WiKit's Lookup component by Codex's.Jul 16 2024, 1:41 PM

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Hi, I noticed this moving and wanted to let you know about T362650: Lookup: address usability issues. That task might soonish result in minor changes to the behavior of Codex Lookups, though I cannot say whether those changes will be relevant to this Special:NewLexeme usecase.

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hey all, i'm struggling to find the netlify link to review the changes. could someone provide it for me please? thanks!

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Hey all! Everything looks good to me except that the labels aren't bolded. Looking at the codex specs, I gather that in the case of Label + description, the label should be bold. Is that something that you can still add?

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Also, I don’t know if it’s related to the Codex migration, but this seems highly unfortunate 😬

image.png (831×884 px, 109 KB)

(For searchability: that’s “⧼wikibase-lexeme-language-name-bat-smg⧽ (bat-smg)” etc.)

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