⚓ T97371 F4. Add legal text to Flow side rail
- ️Mon Apr 27 2015
Event Timeline
• DannyH raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Do we also want the last line? Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers Contact Wikipedia Developers Mobile view The Disclaimers are partly for legal reasons.
For now, I haven't added that line. Also, I noticed that "This page was last modified" (from the standard footer) doesn't match Flow terminology. For now, I added a new message (specific to Flow descriptions) and had it refer to the description's revision. This seems pretty straightforward, both UX-wise and technically. If this doesn't work, we should spec it out.
Moving this back to In Dev because it doesn't look the way that it does in the mockup. Text should be smaller.
Moving this back to In Dev because it doesn't look the way that it does in the mockup. Text should be smaller. Done in that change. We could also add that space above the line, but need to define how the space should work when there is no description yet.
That turned out to be due to an outdated local override on beta labs. Which I fixed. The associated patch adds space above the footer, and also hides the footer when the description is placed above the discussion because the window is narrow.
For the empty board
The associated patch adds space above the footer, and also hides the footer when the description is placed above the discussion because the window is narrow. That includes all mobile devices, right? Has this been cleared with legal?
The associated patch adds space above the footer, and also hides the footer when the description is placed above the discussion because the window is narrow. That includes all mobile devices, right? Has this been cleared with legal? ...good point. I don't think it has been, so maybe we should unhide it for now.