♟ IN

  • ️Mon Jul 04 2022
User Since
May 18 2020, 3:49 PM (249 w, 6 d)
MediaWiki User
Q28 [ Global Accounts ]

IN renamed T313592: When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work on enwiki from When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work to When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work on enwiki.

After testing again, I found that this vulnerability only exists in the English Wikipedia, but it does not exist on test2 wikipedia.

IN renamed T313592: When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work on enwiki from When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work. to When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work.

IN renamed T313592: When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work on enwiki from When a user is blocked on a wiki, Notification of “successful mention” does not work. to When a user is blocked on a wiki, notification of “successful mention” does not work..

Whether the task should be made public because it has been resolved?

I want to listen to the thanks of some specific users. I want to tag these thanks. Can I do this?

Screenshot_20220706_114735_edit_91919894235142.jpg (2×1 px, 260 KB)

Great job, I got it.

IN renamed T311936: Unhandled Exception ("Exception") when upload a video from Unhandled Exception ("Exception") when you upload a video to Unhandled Exception ("Exception") when upload a video.

IN renamed T311709: AfD Stats could not discernible to renamed user's vote from AfD Stats could not resolve to renamed user's vote to AfD Stats could not discernible to renamed user's vote.

There may have been a problem when I reported it, but it's fine now.

So there is no way to fix it?

Sorry, this is just a configuration error of mine. After I changed the configuration, the bug did not appear again.

Ha-ha, that's very funny.

At least I think the problem has been fixed, but I don't know if anyone else can offer a rebate. So I'm going to label this one as a stall.

IN renamed T290313: Batch purge pages with a high limit like >= 11, can be slow and might timeout (The number of batch purge pages should be reduced to 10) from Batch purge pages with a high limit like >= 11, can be slow and might timeout to Batch purge pages with a high limit like >= 11, can be slow and might timeout (The number of batch purge pages should be reduced to 10).

If you have a patch or suggested workaround we can discuss further, but if not this ticket should be closed.

My solution is, the maximum number of batch purge pages should be set to 10 instead of the current default.

IN renamed T309761: IABot is stuck on task #9991 from IABot is stuck on task #9991 and #9994 to IABot is stuck on task #9991.

As of May 30, the task queue has reached 10042, but mission 9873 has not yet started.

@DannyS712 Are you interested in this task?

IN renamed T290313: Batch purge pages with a high limit like >= 11, can be slow and might timeout (The number of batch purge pages should be reduced to 10) from API response times out when sending purge request to >11 pages in API sandbox to Batch purge pages with a high limit like >= 11, can be slow and might timeout.

I thought the vulnerability would be exploited and cause DoS to appear, so I upgraded it to a security issue.

The current version of the bot appears seem be working properly. What are the exceptions that cause the bot to be banned?

Just want to ask, if you create a page, and ban user to edit the page and then delete the page, so is the ban still valid? If so, then this can be done as a solution.

@IN: You or anyone else are free to investigate. In general it would be helpful though why you think this is something worth to spend time on.

Go to

Why? How did you end up on this link? Where did you find this link?

IN renamed T308097: IABot job queue has been stuck for time again from IABot job queue has been stuck for a while again to IABot job queue has been stuck for time again.

According to T305025, automatically confirm that the user will be automatically logged out when accessing ruwiki.

It seems just to be happened on China Mainland.

IN renamed T300335: The email used for verification didn't reach inbox on China Mainland from The email used for verification didn't reach inbox to The email used for verification didn't reach inbox on China Mainland.

This task is very similar to T269831: IABot job queue has been stuck for a long time, but is only stuck for a short time.

IN renamed T305018: IABot job queue has been stuck for time from IABot job queue has been stuck at time to IABot job queue has been stuck for time.

Add all subscribers from T265505. Guys, can you fix it?

@IN Are you experiencing T274050: Users trying to analyze pages are being told they are blocked when they are not, or something else?, unfortunately you have provide very little amount of information for people to assist.

IN lowered the priority of T112357: admin from Unbreak Now! to Needs Triage.

IN updated the language for P20191 20w14infinite dimension list from html to text.

@Dzahn, What do you think? Can you fix it?

It seems that the problem is still not fixed.

It looks like the T265505 is still not fixed.

IN renamed T300335: The email used for verification didn't reach inbox on China Mainland from The email used for verification didn't reach your inbox to The email used for verification didn't reach inbox.

IN renamed T300335: The email used for verification didn't reach inbox on China Mainland from Verify user's email didn't reach inbox to The email used for verification didn't reach your inbox.

@IN please don't not make random edits to tasks, These are disruptive to multiple users and alters the history of tasks, You can test and play at and learn about phabricator here: https://www.mediawiki.ORG/wiki/Phabricator/Help

Further disruptive edits will result in your account being possibly disabled.