
Kerma (city)

This article is about the abandoned city. You may be looking for an island of the same name.

Jack with chart

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Fight on Isla de Muerta 17

"It's not a bad look, really. Eh?"

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"Apedemak...he's your main god, right? Since ancient times, I suppose?"
"There are a number of lesser gods, but yes, Apedemak is special to us, and has been ever since my people left the city of Old Kerma in ancient Kush, just below the third cataract of the Nile.
Jack Sparrow and Amenirdis[src]

Kerma was an ancient city in Africa and the capital city of the Kerma culture. It was the capital of the Empire of Kush, before it was absorbed into the Egyptian Empire.


Around 3000 BC, a cultural tradition began around Kerma. Kerma was a large urban center that was built around a large mud brick temple, known as the Western Deffufa. Some unique aspects of this culture were beautiful pottery, the importance of cattle, a system of defense, and the King's audience chamber. This was one of the earliest African civilizations, commanding an empire that circa 1600 BCE rivalled Egypt.

Around 1300 BC, some people of Kerma abandoned their homes and journeyed to the West, where they inhabited an island in the Atlantic Ocean, which they also named Kerma. Three thousand years later, princess Amenirdis led an expedition from the island to reunite the islanders with their eastern countrymen, but instead of the magnificent city, they found just an old ruin, abandoned centuries earlier.

Behind the scenes[]

Kerma appeared in the novel Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom by A. C. Crispin. Crispin's instructions in writing the novel were to "stick to historical fact, unless it conflicts with established Pirates of the Caribbean continuity." The city of ancient Kerma really existed, located close to the third cataract of the Nile, in the country now called Sudan.


External links[]

Locations in Pirates of the Caribbean
Barbary CoastCalabarEgyptKermaSlave CoastTripoli

The Americas
BostonFloridaLouisianaMexicoNew OrleansNorth Carolina
PanamaPeruSavannahVirginiaYucatán Peninsula

BombayChinaHong KongIndiaNipponShanghaiSingaporeSuvarnadurg

The Bahamas
AndrosNassauNew AvalonNew Providence

The Caribbean
AntiguaBlack rock islandCubaDevil's TriangleDominicaGuadeloupeHangman's BayHispaniola
Ile d'Etable de PorcIsla De La AvariciaIsla CrucesIsla de MuertaIsla de Pelegostos
MartiniquePadres Del FuegoPort RoyalPoseidon's Tomb
Puerto RicoSaint MartinSan SilvestreShipwreck IslandSt. LuciaTortugaUnnamed Island

BarcelonaCádizFranceGibraltarGreat BritainHolland

Other locations
Davy Jones' LockerFarthest GateIce PassageIsla Sirena
