The HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Model for Individual and Small Group Markets under the Affordable Care Act


Beginning in 2014, individuals and small businesses are able to purchase private health insurance through competitive Marketplaces. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides for a program of risk adjustment in the individual and small group markets in 2014 as Marketplaces are implemented and new market reforms take effect. The purpose of risk adjustment is to lessen or eliminate the influence of risk selection on the premiums that plans charge. The risk adjustment methodology includes the risk adjustment model and the risk transfer formula.

This article is the second of three in this issue of the Review that describe the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) risk adjustment methodology and focuses on the risk adjustment model. In our first companion article, we discuss the key issues and choices in developing the methodology. In this article, we present the risk adjustment model, which is named the HHS-Hierarchical Condition Categories (HHS-HCC) risk adjustment model. We first summarize the HHS-HCC diagnostic classification, which is the key element of the risk adjustment model. Then the data and methods, results, and evaluation of the risk adjustment model are presented. Fifteen separate models are developed. For each age group (adult, child, and infant), a model is developed for each cost sharing level (platinum, gold, silver, and bronze metal levels, as well as catastrophic plans). Evaluation of the risk adjustment models shows good predictive accuracy, both for individuals and for groups. Lastly, this article provides examples of how the model output is used to calculate risk scores, which are an input into the risk transfer formula. Our third companion paper describes the risk transfer formula.

Keywords: risk adjustment, affordable care act, ACA, risk score, hierarchical condition categories, HHS-HCC model, plan liability, predict healthcare expenditures, health insurance marketplaces


Beginning in 2014, individuals and small businesses are able to purchase private health insurance through competitive Marketplaces. Issuers must follow certain rules to participate in the markets, for example, in regard to the premiums they can charge enrollees and also not being allowed to refuse insurance to anyone or vary enrollee premiums based on their health. Enrollees in individual market health plans through the Marketplaces may be eligible to receive premium tax credits to make health insurance more affordable and financial assistance to cover cost sharing for health care services.

This article is the second in a series of three related articles in this issue of Medicare & Medicaid Research Review that describe the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)-developed risk adjustment methodology for the individual and small group markets established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. The risk adjustment methodology consists of a risk adjustment model and a risk transfer formula. The risk adjustment model uses an individual’s demographics and diagnoses to determine a risk score, which is a relative measure of how costly that individual is anticipated to be. The risk transfer formula averages all individual risk scores in a risk adjustment covered plan, makes certain adjustments, and calculates the funds transferred between plans. Risk transfers are intended to offset the effects of risk selection on plan costs while preserving premium differences due to factors such as actuarial value differences. This article describes the risk adjustment model. See our companion article (Pope et al., 2014) for a description of the risk transfer formula. Another companion article (Kautter, Pope, and Keenan, 2014) discusses the key issues and choices in developing the ACA risk adjustment methodology.1

HHS will use this risk adjustment methodology when operating risk adjustment on behalf of a state. In 2014, the HHS methodology will be used in all states except one (Massachusetts), and it will apply to all non-grandfathered plans2 both inside and outside of the Marketplaces in the individual and small-group markets in each state.

The organization of this article is as follows. We first summarize the Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) diagnostic classification used for the risk adjustment model, which we designate the HHS-HCC diagnostic classification to distinguish it from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) HCC, or CMS-HCC, classification used in Medicare risk adjustment (Pope et al., 2004). Then the data and methods, results, and evaluation for the risk adjustment model are presented. Finally, we provide examples of how the model output is used to calculate risk scores, which are an input into the risk transfer formula.

HHS-HCC Diagnostic Classification

The basis of the HHS-HCC risk adjustment model is using health plan enrollee diagnoses (and demographics) to predict medical expenditure risk. To obtain a clinically meaningful and statistically stable system, the tens of thousands of ICD-9-CM codes used to capture diagnoses must be grouped into a smaller number of organized categories that produce a diagnostic profile of each person. The diagnostic classification is key in determining the ability of a risk adjustment model to distinguish high from low cost individuals. The classification also determines the sensitivity of the model to intentional or unintentional variations in diagnostic coding, an important consideration in real-world risk adjustment.

The starting point for the HHS-HCCs was the Medicare CMS-HCCs. The CMS-HCCs had to be adapted into the HHS-HCCs for ACA risk adjustment for three main reasons:

  1. Prediction Year—The CMS-HCC risk adjustment model uses base year diagnoses and demographic information to predict the next year’s spending. The HHS-HCC risk adjustment model uses current year diagnoses and demographics to predict the current year’s spending. Medical conditions may have different implications in terms of current year costs and future costs; selection of HCCs for the risk adjustment model should reflect those differences.

  2. Population—The CMS-HCCs were developed using data from the aged (age ≥ 65) and disabled (age < 65) Medicare populations. For some conditions, such as pregnancy and neonatal complications, the sample size in the Medicare population is quite low, whereas sample sizes in the commercially insured population are larger. HCCs were re-examined to better reflect salient medical conditions and cost patterns for adult, child, and infant subpopulations in the commercial population.

  3. Type of Spending—The CMS-HCCs are configured to predict non-drug medical spending. The HHS-HCCs predict the sum of medical and drug spending. Also, the CMS-HCCs predict Medicare provider payments while the HHS-HCCs predict commercial insurance payments.

Risk Adjustment Model HHS-HCCs

There are 264 HHS-HCCs in the full diagnostic classification, of which a subset is included in the HHS risk adjustment model. The criteria for including HCCs in the model are now described. These criteria were sometimes in conflict and tradeoffs had to be made among them in assessing whether to include specific HCCs in the HHS risk adjustment model.

Criterion 1—Represent clinically-significant, well-defined, and costly medical conditions that are likely to be diagnosed, coded, and treated if they are present.

Criterion 2—Are not especially subject to discretionary diagnostic coding or “diagnostic discovery” (enhanced rates of diagnosis through population screening not motivated by improved quality of care).

Criterion 3—Do not primarily represent poor quality or avoidable complications of medical care.

Criterion 4—Identify chronic, predictable, or other conditions that are subject to insurer risk selection, risk segmentation, or provider network selection, rather than random acute events that represent insurance risk.

Following an extensive review process, we selected 127 HHS-HCCs to be included in the HHS risk adjustment model (see Appendix Exhibit A1 for a listing of the 127 HHS-HCCs). Finally, to balance the competing goals of improving predictive power and limiting the influence of discretionary coding, a subset of HHS-HCCs in the risk adjustment model were grouped into larger aggregates, in other words “grouping” clusters of HCCs together as a single condition with a single coefficient that can only be counted once. After grouping, the number of HCC factors included in the model was effectively reduced from 127 to 100.

Data and Methods

In this section we describe the data and methods used for development of the HHS-HCC risk adjustment model. We first discuss the choice of prospective versus concurrent risk adjustment. We then discuss the definition and data source for the concurrent modeling sample. Model variables, including expenditures, demographics, and diagnoses are defined. Finally, the model estimation and evaluation strategies are discussed.

Model Type

The HHS-HCC risk adjustment model is a concurrent model. A concurrent model uses diagnoses from a time period to predict cost in that same period. This is in contrast to a prospective model, which uses diagnoses from a base period to predict costs in a future period. While a prospective model is used for the Medicare Advantage program, we developed a concurrent model for the HHS risk adjustment methodology because, for implementation in 2014, prior year (2013) diagnoses data will not be available. In addition, unlike Medicare, people may move in and out of enrollment in the individual and small group markets, so prior year diagnostic data will not be available for all enrollees even after 2014.


The calibration sample for the HHS-risk adjustment model consists of 2010 Truven MarketScan® Commercial Claims and Encounter data. The MarketScan® data is a large, well-respected, widely-used, nationally-dispersed proprietary database sourced from large employers and health plans. Employees, spouses, and dependents covered by employer-sponsored private health insurance are included. The MarketScan® sample includes enrollees from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Although MarketScan® represents the large employer rather than the small group/individual market, we know of no evidence that the relationship between diagnoses and relative expenditures differs significantly in the two markets, holding constant the generosity of plan benefits (essential health benefits and metal level). We compared the age, sex, and regional distribution of the MarketScan® sample to the expected ACA risk adjustment population (Trish, Damico, Claxton, Levitt, & Garfield, 2011; Buettgens, Garrett, & Holahan, 2010). We found that overall they are similar, although the MarketScan® data has more children and fewer young adults, and more sample members in the South and fewer in the Northeast and West than the expected risk adjustment population.3


An enrollee is included in the concurrent modeling sample if the enrollee has at least one month of 2010 enrollment, is enrolled in a preferred provider organization (PPO) or other fee-for-service (FFS) health plan,4 has no payments made on a capitated basis, has prescription drug coverage, and has integrated mental health/substance abuse coverage.5 The primary goals of the sample selection criteria were to ensure that 1) enrollees had complete expenditure and diagnosis data, 2) enrollees included those entering (e.g., newborns) and exiting (e.g., decedents) enrollment during the year, and 3) enrollees had health care coverage comparable to the essential health benefits under the ACA.


The HHS-HCC risk adjustment model predicts health care expenditures for which plans are liable, which exclude enrollee cost sharing. This is termed a plan liability risk adjustment model, which has been used in other payment systems, such as Medicare Part C and Part D (Pope et al., 2004; Kautter, Ingber, Pope, & Freeman, 2012). We considered predicting total expenditures and then adjusting to plan liability with a multiplicative plan actuarial value factor. However, this approach may not accurately capture plan liability levels due to the non-linear relationship of plan liability to total expenditures. Although alternative plan cost sharing designs exist, we define a standard benefit (plan liability cost sharing) design for each cost sharing level (platinum, gold, silver, and bronze metal levels, as well as catastrophic plans6) using the following elements. Plan liability is zero percent of total expenditures below the deductible, one minus the coinsurance percentage of total expenditures between the deductible and the out-of-pocket limit, and one hundred percent of total expenditures above the out-of-pocket limit. Thus, the standard benefit for each metal level is completely specified by a deductible, coinsurance rate, and out-of-pocket maximum.

Using the 2010 MarketScan® inpatient, outpatient, and drug services files, we summed total payments (submitted charges minus non-covered charges minus pricing discounts), which include enrollee cost sharing. We then trended the 2010 expenditures to 2014 by applying a constant annual growth rate. Once expenditures were trended, the standard benefit design parameters (deductibles, coinsurance rates, out-of-pocket limits) were applied to simulate plan liability expenditures for each metal level. Plan liability expenditures were then annualized by dividing them by the fraction of months in 2010 that each beneficiary is enrolled in the plan (i.e., by the eligibility fraction). Annualized expenditures are the “per member per month” amount multiplied by 12. Annualized expenditures were not truncated.

Finally, plan liability expenditures were converted to relative plan liability expenditures, which are defined as plan liability expenditures divided by a denominator. A relative plan liability expenditure of 1.0 corresponds to the average plan liability expenditure for the calibration sample. The denominator was calculated as follows. For the entire calibration sample, we calculated the mean plan liability for each metal level and then took a weighted average of these means, where the weights were based on a forecasted distribution of enrollment in 2014 across the five metal levels. Going forward, we use the term “plan liability” to mean “relative plan liability.”

In short, we simulated plan liability expenditures for each metal tier from total expenditures for each sample member (that is, we applied different benefit structures to the same sample). An alternative approach would have been to model actual plan liability (payments) for enrollees in MarketScan® plans grouped into ACA metal tiers by the plans’ actual actuarial values. However, MarketScan® provides sufficient plan benefit information to calculate plan actuarial value for only a small fraction of its sample. Also, grouping plans by actuarial value would have led to different samples of individuals for each metal level model estimation, which would have reduced sample sizes for each model and led to differences in unmeasured factors across metal level samples. Simulating plan liability on the full sample for each metal also means that (as intended) the model estimates do not reflect differential induced demand (moral hazard) across metals. For this reason, induced demand is accounted for in the risk transfer formula, as discussed in our companion article.

Demographics and Diagnoses

The HHS-HCC risk adjustment model uses 2010 beneficiary demographics and diagnoses to predict 2010 (trended to 2014) plan liability expenditures for each beneficiary. The demographic factors employed are age and sex. Age is measured as of the last month of enrollment, which in general results in infants aged 0 having been born in 2010.7 Age ranges were determined by the age distribution of the commercial population, as well as consideration of post 2014 market reform rules for the individual and small group markets. There are 18 age/sex categories for adults and 8 age/sex categories for children. How age and sex are incorporated into the infant model is described below. Adults are defined as ages 21+, children are ages 2–20, and infants are ages 0–1. The age categories for adult male and female are ages 21–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, and 60+. The age categories for children male and female are ages 2–4, 5–9, 10–14, and 15–20.

ICD-9-CM person-level diagnoses from 2010 were used to create diagnosis groups (HCCs) for each beneficiary in the sample. Only diagnosis codes from sources allowable for risk adjustment when HHS is operating on behalf of a state are included in the diagnosis-level file. The goal of the restrictions on source of diagnoses is to improve the quality, accuracy, and auditability of diagnoses used for risk adjustment. For example, clinical laboratory diagnoses, which include “rule outs” and diagnoses not verified by a clinician, were excluded. Allowable diagnoses include those from inpatient hospital claims, outpatient facility claims (hospital outpatient, rural health clinic, federally qualified health center, and community mental health clinic), and professional claims (diagnoses are generally not available on prescription drug claims, including for the MarketScan® data). In addition, diagnoses from outpatient facility claims and professional claims are restricted to those with at least one CPT/HCPCS procedure code8 corresponding generally to face-to-face encounters with a clinician.


Due to the inherent clinical and cost differences in the adult, child, and infant populations, we developed separate risk adjustment models for each group. The adult and child models have similar specifications, with age/sex demographic categories and HCCs (individual HCCs and aggregate HCC groupings) predicting annualized plan liability expenditures.

However, infants have low frequencies for most HCCs leading to unstable parameter estimates in an additive model. Because of this, the infant model utilizes a categorical approach in which infants are assigned a birth maturity (by length of gestation and birth weight) or Age 1 category, and a disease severity category (based on HCCs other than birth maturity). There are four Age 0 birth maturity categories—Extremely Immature; Immature; Premature/Multiples; Term—and a single Age 1 Maturity category. Age zero infants are assigned to one of the four birth maturity categories and age one infants are assigned to the Age 1 Maturity category.

There are 5 disease severity categories based on the clinical severity and associated costs of the non-maturity HCCs: Severity Level 5 (Highest Severity) to Severity Level 1 (Lowest Severity).9 Examples of severity level assignments are:

  • Level 5—HCC 137 (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other Severe Congenital Heart Disorders);

  • Level 4—HCC 127 (Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes);

  • Level 3—HCC 45 (Intestinal Obstruction);

  • Level 2—HCC 69 (Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn); and,

  • Level 1—HCC 37 (Chronic Hepatitis).

All infants (age 0 or 1) are assigned to a disease severity category based on the single highest severity level of any of their non-maturity HCCs. HCCs not appropriately diagnosed for infants—such as pregnancy and psychiatric HCCs—were excluded from the infant disease severity categories. Infants with no severity HCCs are assigned to Level 1.

When cross-classified, the 5 maturity categories and 5 severity categories define 25 mutually-exclusive categories. Each infant is assigned to 1 of the 25 categories. Finally, there are two additive terms for sex, for age zero males and age one males.10

Model Estimation

All risk adjustment models are estimated by weighted least squares regression.11 The dependent variable is annualized, simulated, plan liability expenditures, and the weight is the person-specific, sample eligibility fraction. Annualization and weighting—which are equivalent on an annual basis to predicting per member per month expenditures weighting by the number of months each individual is eligible for the sample—appropriately adjusts for months of enrollee eligibility in the sample. Independent variables for the adult model include 18 age/sex demographic categories, 114 HCC diagnosis groups, and 16 disease interactions (discussed below), and for the child model, 8 age/sex demographic categories and 119 HCC diagnosis groups. For the infant model, independent variables include 25 categories defined by birth maturity for age 0, age 1, and diagnostic severity, and 2 age/sex demographic additive terms.

In each adult and child regression model, we include a binary indicator variable for each individual HCC that is not included in an aggregate HCC grouping. In addition, we include a binary indicator for each aggregate HCC grouping. In the latter case, it indicates whether or not the enrollee had at least one HCC in the aggregate HCC grouping.

In addition, we impose coefficient constraints to ensure that the principle that higher-clinically-ranked HCCs in an HCC hierarchy have at least as large incremental predicted expenditures as lower-ranked HCCs is met. Constraints generally have the effect of averaging two or more groups together when, unconstrained, there is a violation of clinical logic.

Disease Interactions

For the adult models, the inclusion of disease interaction terms better reflected plan liability across metal levels and improved model performance.12 Based on empirical findings, as well as clinical review, we developed a set of eight diagnostic markers of severe illness: HCC 2 (Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock); HCC 42 (Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Entercolitis); HCC 120 (Seizure Disorders and Convulsions); HCC 122 (Non-Traumatic Coma, Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage); HCC 125 (Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status); HCC 126 (Respiratory Arrest); HCC 127 (Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes); and HCC 156 (Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis). A severe illness indicator variable was defined as having at least one of the eight diagnostic markers of severe illness.13

The severe illness indicator was interacted with individual HCCs and aggregate HCC groupings.14 The disease interactions that met minimum sample size and incremental predicted expenditure thresholds were included in the model. The incremental predicted expenditures for the disease interactions were categorized into medium and high cost categories. For each category, we included a binary indicator variable in the regression model for whether or not the enrollee had at least one disease interaction in the category. Finally, a hierarchy was imposed such that if an enrollee was in the high cost disease interaction category, he/she was excluded from the medium cost category. In sum, a person can have, at most, one disease interaction coefficient/incremental predicted expenditure. This constraint was imposed because clinical reasoning and empirical evidence indicated that a single one of the diagnostic markers sufficed to distinguish the most severely ill patients among those with the underlying interacted diagnoses.

Predicted Plan Liability Expenditures

For an enrollee in a given metal level plan, the total predicted plan liability expenditures is the sum of the incremental predicted plan liability expenditures (coefficients) from the relevant metal level model. For adults and children, this is the sum of the age/sex, HCC, and disease interaction coefficients.15 For infants, this is the sum of the maturity/disease-severity category and additive sex coefficients.

Recall that plan liability expenditures were converted to relative plan liability expenditures, resulting in a relative plan liability expenditure of 1.0 for the average plan liability expenditure in the calibration sample. Converting “actual” plan liability expenditures to relatives automatically converts “predicted” plan liability expenditures to relatives. Going forward, we use the term “predicted plan liability” to mean “predicted relative plan liability.”

Model Evaluation

The predictive accuracy of a risk adjustment model for individuals is typically judged by the percentage of variation in individual expenditures explained by the model (as measured by the R-squared statistic). To test the performance of the HHS-HCC risk adjustment models for subgroups, we calculate the expenditure ratio of predicted to actual weighted mean plan liability expenditures, which is commonly termed the “predictive ratio.” If prediction is perfect, mean predicted will equal mean actual expenditures, and the predictive ratio is 1.00. As a rule of thumb, predictive ratios with a margin of error of 10 percent in either direction (0.90 ≤ predictive ratio ≤ 1.10) indicate reasonably accurate prediction (Kautter et al., 2012).


Sample Exclusions

As shown in Exhibit 1, the 2010 data included 45,239,752 enrollees. After all exclusionary criteria were imposed, the concurrent sample comprised 20,040,566 enrollees, which is 44.3 percent of the original sample. Adults, children, and infants comprise, respectively, 71.0 percent, 27.1 percent, and 1.9 percent of the concurrent sample.

Exhibit 1. Exclusions to Create HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Concurrent Modeling Sample1.

Category Enrollees Percent Enrollees, before Exclusions Percent Enrollees, after Exclusions
Eligible in 2010, before exclusions 45,239,752 100.0
not PPO or other FFS plan 6,088,382 13.5
any capitated services 1,910,994 4.2
no mental health/substance abuse coverage 15,714,418 34.7
no prescription drug coverage 10,498,693 23.2
mothers with bundled newborn claims 32,158 0.1
newborns with no birth claims 79,551 0.2
Concurrent sample 20,040,566 44.3 100.0
adult sample (age 21–64) 14,220,503 31.4 71.0
child sample (age 2–20) 5,439,645 12.0 27.1
infant sample (age 0–1) 380,418 0.8 1.9

Plan Liability Expenditures

Mean simulated plan liability expenditures (annualized, weighted) per enrolled beneficiary ranges from 1.369 (36.9% higher than average) for the platinum cost sharing level to 0.877 (12.3% lower than average) for the catastrophic cost sharing level (shown in Exhibit 2, decomposed by adult/child/infant as well as by metal level). The median ranges from 0.216 for platinum to 0.000 for silver, bronze, and catastrophic.16 The percentage of individuals with $0 plan liability increases from 16.9 percent for platinum to 83.2 percent for catastrophic. Mean plan liability expenditures are highest for infants (e.g., 2.232 for silver mean plan liability), which is not surprising given infants have costs related to hospitalization at birth and can have severe and expensive conditions that do not occur in adults or children. Adults have close to four times higher mean plan liability expenditures than children (e.g., 1.329 vs. 0.357 for the Silver metal level), which, again, is not surprising given that the onset of most chronic conditions are highly correlated with age.

Exhibit 2. Distribution of Relative Plan Liability Expenditures1 by Metal Tier and Age Group.

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Catastrophic
Adult (age 21+)
Mean 1.662 1.497 1.329 1.148 1.097
Median 0.304 0.216 0.000 0.000 0.000
% with $0 22.0 32.9 53.1 72.0 79.2
Child (age 2–20)
Mean 0.532 0.454 0.357 0.273 0.252
Median 0.087 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000
% with $0 27.2 48.5 76.1 90.1 93.6
Infant (age 0–1)
Mean 2.706 2.518 2.232 1.918 1.842
Median 0.714 0.596 0.257 0.000 0.000
% with $0 5.2 10.0 31.7 70.4 83.0


As shown in Exhibit 3, in the adult concurrent modeling sample, only 19.2 percent of enrollees have at least one HCC, with the vast majority (79.2 percent) of these having only one HCC. This result does not suggest, however, that the HCCs are unimportant in the risk adjustment model. To the contrary, while a minority of the adult sample has HCCs, the majority of expenditures correspond to enrollees with HCCs. Depending on metal level, the percentage of adult expenditures corresponding to enrollees with at least one HCC ranges from 63.4 percent (platinum) to 75.9 percent (catastrophic). Health care expenditures are concentrated in a small proportion of enrollees with serious medical problems, while the majority of the commercial population is relatively healthy. Finally, there is substantial variation by age group in the number of HCCs, with 19.2 percent of the adult sample having at least one HCC, but only 9.1 percent of the child sample. Almost half of the infant sample has at least one HCC, which is to be expected given approximately half of that sample are newborns with associated birth maturity HCCs.

Exhibit 3. Distribution of HHS-HCC Concurrent Sample by Number of Payment HHS-HCCs1.

% of Plan Liability Expenditures
Count of HCCs Enrollees % of Enrollees Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Catastrophic
Adult (age 21–64)
0 11,492,635 80.8 36.6 34.9 31.2 25.8 24.1
1 2,160,220 15.2 32.1 32.0 32.8 33.4 33.5
2+ 567,648 4.0 31.4 33.0 36.0 40.8 42.4
Child (age 2–20)
0 4,942,586 90.9 52.0 48.6 41.0 31.9 28.9
1 446,308 8.2 28.0 29.0 31.6 33.3 33.7
2+ 50,751 0.9 20.0 22.3 27.4 34.8 37.4
Infant (age 0–1)
0 209,116 55.0 15.3 13.8 9.8 5.7 4.7
1 148,663 39.1 28.6 27.6 25.4 20.0 18.3
2+ 22,639 6.0 56.1 58.6 64.8 74.3 77.0

Adult Risk Adjustment Models

The model for each of the metal levels is calibrated on the same adult concurrent sample. Each model includes the same independent variables: 18 age-sex cells, 114 HCCs,17 and 16 disease interaction terms. Predicted plan liability for each enrollee is the sum of one age-sex coefficient, from zero to many HCC coefficients (individual HCCs and aggregate HCC groupings) subject to HCC hierarchies and constraints/groups, and zero or one severe illness disease interaction term. The model coefficients represent the incremental, not total, predicted plan liability expenditures of each risk marker in the model, given the other risk markers characterizing an individual. The dependent variable for each model is the annualized plan liability expenditures simulated according to a standard cost sharing design for that metal level.

Exhibit 4 shows selected results for the adult risk adjustment models by metal level (for the full results, see Appendix Exhibit A1). The model R-squares range between 36 percent for the platinum model to 35 percent for the catastrophic model. The sample size for each model is 14,220,503, with each age/sex category having between 0.5 million and 1 million observations. Given such large sample sizes, all coefficients are statistically significant at conventional significance levels. The age/sex demographic coefficients are monotonically increasing with age, and higher for females in every age group, but especially in the latter child-bearing years (ages 35–44). These are the total predicted plan liabilities for enrollees without (model) HCCs. In addition, for each age/sex category, the age/sex coefficients are decreasing from platinum to catastrophic. For example, for females age 55–59, the age coefficient decreases by more than half, from 1.054 for the platinum model to 0.443 for the catastrophic model. The lower coefficient reflects the higher enrollee cost sharing and, thus, lower plan liability, moving from the platinum to catastrophic plans.

Exhibit 4. Selected Incremental Relative Plan Liability Results From the HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Models—Adult age 21+ (for full results, see Appendix Exhibit A1).

R-squared = 0.3602 0.3553 0.3524 0.3505 0.3496
Platinum Plan Liability Gold Plan Liability Silver Plan Liability Bronze Plan Liability Cata-strophic Plan Liability
HCC Number Variable Label Count Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
Demographics, Male
Age range 21–24 538,648 0.258 0.208 0.141 0.078 0.062
Age range 25–29 606,608 0.278 0.223 0.150 0.081 0.064
Age range 30–34 687,832 0.338 0.274 0.187 0.101 0.079
Age range 35–39 745,699 0.413 0.339 0.240 0.140 0.113
Age range 40–44 796,828 0.487 0.404 0.293 0.176 0.145
Age range 45–49 858,862 0.581 0.487 0.365 0.231 0.195
Age range 50–54 884,086 0.737 0.626 0.484 0.316 0.269
Age range 55–59 821,612 0.863 0.736 0.580 0.393 0.339
Age range 60+ 830,119 1.028 0.880 0.704 0.487 0.424
Demographics, Female
Age range 21–24 569,087 0.433 0.350 0.221 0.101 0.072
Age range 25–29 674,034 0.548 0.448 0.301 0.156 0.120
Age range 30–34 749,938 0.656 0.546 0.396 0.243 0.203
Age range 35–39 798,475 0.760 0.641 0.490 0.334 0.293
Age range 40–44 863,256 0.839 0.713 0.554 0.384 0.338
Age range 45–49 954,659 0.878 0.747 0.583 0.402 0.352
Age range 50–54 991,782 1.013 0.869 0.695 0.486 0.427
Age range 55–59 931,270 1.054 0.905 0.726 0.507 0.443
Age range 60+ 917,708 1.156 0.990 0.798 0.559 0.489
Top 10 HCCs by Count
HCC021 Diabetes without Complication 645,595 1.331 1.199 1.120 1.000 0.957
HCC088 Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 401,377 1.870 1.698 1.601 1.476 1.436
HCC161 Asthma 364,019 1.098 0.978 0.904 0.810 0.780
HCC020 Diabetes with Chronic Complications 159,961 1.331 1.199 1.120 1.000 0.957
HCC160 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis 155,494 1.098 0.978 0.904 0.810 0.780
HCC012 Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors 145,403 3.509 3.294 3.194 3.141 3.121
HCC142 Specified Heart Arrhythmias 122,300 3.363 3.193 3.112 3.063 3.046
HCC130 Congestive Heart Failure 102,163 3.790 3.648 3.587 3.591 3.594
HCC056 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders 100,032 3.414 3.135 3.009 2.987 2.982
HCC209 Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor Complications 82,077 3.778 3.285 3.134 2.931 2.906

For the adult silver model, HCC coefficients range from 0.521 (HCC 113, Cerebral Palsy, except Quadriplegic) to 78.175 (HCC 41, Intestine Transplant Status/Complications). For the five most prevalent HCCs, the coefficients are 1.120 (HCC 21, Diabetes without Complications), 1.601 (HCC 88, Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders), 0.904 (HCC 161, Asthma), 1.120 (HCC 20, Diabetes with Complications), and 0.904 (HCC 160, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, including Bronchiectasis).18 As for the disease interactions, the severe illness high cost and medium cost category coefficients are 12.427 and 2.714, respectively. These amounts are added to the predicted plan liability of individuals who have both a qualifying underlying disorder and one of the diagnostic markers of severe illness.

HCC coefficients decrease by metal level when moving from the platinum model to the catastrophic model, but typically not by a substantial amount, with the majority decreasing by less than half the sample average expenditure (i.e., by less than 0.500). For example, the coefficient for “HCC 130, Congestive Heart Failure” decreases only from 3.790 for the platinum model to 3.594 for the catastrophic model.19 The differences in the HCC coefficients across metal levels are not as pronounced as the differences in the age/sex coefficients. This occurs because the age-sex coefficients represent the entire predicted liability for persons without HCCs, who are relatively healthy. The plan’s liability for their lower expenditures is greatly reduced by the increase in the deductible across the simulated metal level plans. In contrast, much of the spending for persons with HCCs, especially the more expensive ones, occurs above the plan deductible and even above the plan out-of-pocket maximum, and thus is less affected by the change in cost sharing when moving across metal levels. The upshot is that predicted plan liability, and hence the risk score, are more stable (proportionately) across metal levels for very sick individuals, while predicted plan liability/risk score for healthy individuals is much lower in the bronze or catastrophic plans than in the platinum or gold plans.20,21 In other words, plans will incur a significant liability for very sick people even if they have higher lower-end cost sharing; but their proportionate liability for relatively healthy people will be much lower.

Child Risk Adjustment Models

Each of the five metal level models is calibrated on the same child concurrent sample. Each model includes the same independent variables: eight age-sex cells and 119 HCCs.22 Disease interactions were empirically unimportant for the child model and were not included. The dependent variable for each model is the annualized plan liability expenditures simulated according to a standard cost sharing design for that metal level. Predicted plan liability for each child is the sum of one age-sex coefficient and zero to many HCC coefficients, each of which represents an incremental expenditure.23

Exhibit 5 shows selected results for the child risk adjustment models by metal level (for the full results, see Appendix Exhibit A2). The model R-squares for each of the 5 metal levels range between 31 percent for the platinum model to 30 percent for the catastrophic model. These R-squares are approximately 5 percentage points lower than the R-squares for the adult models. This can be explained partially by noting that less than 10 percent of the child sample has any HCCs, which are the main predictors of individual variation in plan liability expenditures. The sample size for each model is 5,439,645, with each age/sex category having between 362,777 and 921,236 observations. Given such large sample sizes, except for the youngest age/sex categories (age 2–4, age 5–9) for the lowest metal levels (bronze, catastrophic), all coefficients are statistically significant at conventional significance levels.

Exhibit 5. Selected Incremental Relative Plan Liability Results from the HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Models—Child age 2–20 (for full results, see Appendix Exhibit A2).

= R-squared 0.3067 0.3024 0.2993 0.2962 0.2950
Platinum Plan Liability Gold Plan Liability Silver Plan Liability Bronze Plan Liability Cata-strophic PlanLiability
HCC Number Variable Label Count Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
Demographics, Male
Age range 2–4 380,841 0.283 0.209 0.106 0.019 0.000
Age range 5–9 688,499 0.196 0.140 0.064 0.005 0.000
Age range 10–14 749,982 0.246 0.189 0.110 0.047 0.033
Age range 15–20 955,972 0.336 0.273 0.191 0.114 0.095
Demographics, Female
Age range 2–4 362,777 0.233 0.165 0.071 0.019 0.000
Age range 5–9 660,717 0.165 0.113 0.048 0.005 0.000
Age range 10–14 719,621 0.223 0.168 0.095 0.042 0.031
Age range 15–20 921,236 0.379 0.304 0.198 0.101 0.077
Top 10 HCCs by Count
HCC161 Asthma 260,435 0.521 0.458 0.354 0.215 0.175
HCC088 Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 67,738 1.779 1.591 1.453 1.252 1.188
HCC120 Seizure Disorders and Convulsions 30,366 2.188 2.012 1.882 1.702 1.644
HCC021 Diabetes without Complication 14,042 2.629 2.354 2.198 1.904 1.799
HCC102 Autistic Disorder 12,355 1.673 1.500 1.372 1.177 1.112
HCC138 Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders 11,217 2.257 2.143 2.018 1.870 1.828
HCC103 Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder 9,852 0.963 0.850 0.723 0.511 0.441
HCC139 Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and Other Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders 9,017 1.411 1.319 1.206 1.078 1.047
HCC062 Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders 6,978 1.536 1.410 1.311 1.211 1.183
HCC030 Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders 6,974 6.177 5.867 5.696 5.642 5.625

The age/sex demographic coefficients have a U-shaped pattern, unlike the monotonically increasing coefficients of adults. For example, for males in the silver model, the age/sex coefficients are 0.106 for age 2–4, 0.064 for age 5–9, 0.110 for age 10–14, and 0.191 for age 15–20. Female children are less expensive than male children until ages 15–20, which is perhaps when reproductive health expenses begin to become more pronounced. Similar to the adult model, the age/sex coefficients decrease from platinum to catastrophic.24

For the child silver model, HCC coefficients range from 0.354 (HCC 161, Asthma; and HCC 160, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, including Bronchiectasis) to 106.991 (HCC 41, Intestine Transplant Status/Complications). For the five most prevalent HCCs, the coefficients are 0.354 (HCC 161, Asthma), 1.453 (HCC 88, Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders), 1.882 (HCC 120, Seizure Disorders and Convulsions), 2.198 (HCC 21, Diabetes without Complication), and 1.372 (HCC 102, Autistic Disorder). Three of the five most prevalent HCCs are the same in the adult and child samples. However, the incremental predicted expenditures are markedly different, illustrating the clinical and cost differences among the two populations, which were a major reason for developing separate adult and child models. The child silver model coefficient for “HCC 161, Asthma” is less than half the adult coefficient (0.354 vs. 0.904); the child coefficient for “HCC 21, Diabetes without Complications” is almost double the adult coefficient, perhaps reflecting the greater severity of Type I versus Type II diabetes (2.198 vs. 1.120); and the child coefficient for “HCC 88, Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders” is relatively similar in magnitude to the adult coefficient (1.453 vs. 1.601). Some other notably higher child versus adult silver coefficients are: “HCC 112 Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy” (5.223 child vs. 1.681 adult); “HCC 159 Cystic Fibrosis” (12.743 child vs. 9.957 adult); and “HCC 102 Autistic Disorder” (1.372 child vs. 0.974 adult). Finally, like the adult model, the HCC coefficients in the child model decrease when moving from the platinum model to the catastrophic model, but often not by a substantial amount.

Infant Risk Adjustment Models

As described previously, the infant model utilizes a categorical approach in which infants are assigned a birth maturity (by length of gestation and birth weight) or Age 1 category, and a disease severity category (based on HCCs other than birth maturity). Exhibit 6 shows the estimated infant risk adjustment models by metal level. The model R-squares are 29 percent across the five metal levels in the infant model, which are slightly lower than the child model R-squares. The sample size for each model is 380,418, with 90 percent of observations in the “Term x Severity Level 1” category (n=121,841) or the “Age 1 x Severity Level 1” category (n=219,105). The remaining categories (except for the Male Additive terms) each have fewer than 10,000 observations. In fact, sample sizes for a handful of categories are less than 100, which required coefficient constraints to improve statistical precision. Predicted plan liability for each infant is the coefficient of his or her single category [(maturity) x (disease severity)] plus, if male, the coefficient of the Age 0 or Age 1 Male Additive Term.25

Exhibit 6. HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Models—Infant (age 0–1) Relative Plan Liability Results.

R-squared = 0.2916 0.2893 0.2884 0.2885 0.2885
Platinum Plan Liability Gold Plan Liability Silver Plan Liability Bronze Plan Liability Cata-strophic Plan Liability
Variable Count Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
AGE 0 (all age 0 infants are assigned to exactly 1 of these 20 mutually-exclusive categories)
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 5 178 393.816 392.281 391.387 391.399 391.407
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 4 513 225.037 223.380 222.424 222.371 222.365
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 3 55 60.363 59.232 58.532 58.247 58.181C1
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 2 2 60.363 59.232 58.532 58.247 58.181C1
Extremely Immature *Severity Level 1 121 60.363 59.232 58.532 58.247 58.181C1
Immature * Severity Level 5 144 207.274 205.589 204.615 204.629 204.644
Immature * Severity Level 4 1,638 89.694 88.105 87.188 87.169 87.178
Immature * Severity Level 3 243 45.715 44.305 43.503 43.394 43.379
Immature * Severity Level 2 69 33.585 32.247 31.449 31.221 31.163C2
Immature * Severity Level 1 1,264 33.585 32.247 31.449 31.221 31.163C2
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 5 213 173.696 172.095 171.169 171.111 171.108
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 4 2,205 34.417 32.981 32.155 31.960 31.925
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 3 634 18.502 17.382 16.694 16.311 16.200
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 2 371 9.362 8.533 7.967 7.411 7.241
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 1 9,189 6.763 6.144 5.599 4.961 4.771
Term * Severity Level 5 377 132.588 131.294 130.511 130.346 130.292
Term * Severity Level 4 4,146 20.283 19.222 18.560 18.082 17.951
Term * Severity Level 3 3,818 6.915 6.286 5.765 5.092 4.866
Term * Severity Level 2 3,440 3.825 3.393 2.925 2.189 1.951
Term * Severity Level 1 121,841 1.661 1.449 0.998 0.339 0.188
AGE 1 (all age 1 infants are assigned to exactly 1 of these 5 mutually-exclusive categories)
Age1 * Severity Level 5 432 62.385 61.657 61.217 61.130 61.108
Age1 * Severity Level 4 2,509 10.855 10.334 9.988 9.747 9.686
Age1 * Severity Level 3 3,638 3.633 3.299 3.007 2.692 2.608
Age1 * Severity Level 2 4,273 2.177 1.930 1.665 1.320 1.223
Age1 * Severity Level 1 219,105 0.631 0.531 0.333 0.171 0.137
AGE 0 Male Additive Term (all age 0 males have this term added to their associated age 0 category coefficient)
Age 0 Male 77,642 0.629 0.587 0.574 0.533 0.504
AGE 1 Male Additive Term (all age 1 males have this term added to their associated age 1 category coefficient)
Age 1 Male 117,666 0.117 0.102 0.094 0.065 0.054

For the infant silver model, predicted plan liability for age 0 female infants ranges from 391.387 for the “Extremely Immature x Severity Level 5” category, to 0.998 for the “Term x Severity Level 1” category. Thus, the predicted plan liability for an extremely immature infant with the highest disease severity level is almost 400 times the predicted plan liability for a term infant with the lowest disease severity level. For age 1 female infants, predicted plan liability ranges from 61.217 for the “Age 1 x Severity Level 5” category to 0.333 for the “Age 1 x Severity Level 1” category. The “Age 0, Male” and “Age 1, Male” Additive Terms are 0.574 and 0.094, respectively. Within each maturity level, predicted plan liability is increasing in severity (or is equal when small sample sizes require severity levels to be combined in estimation). Also, for age 0 infants, within each severity level, predicted plan liability increases with greater immaturity.

The infant model predicted plan liability, the (maturity) x (disease severity) coefficients, decrease with greater plan enrollee cost sharing (moving from platinum to catastrophic plans). But, proportionately, the reduction is much larger for the less expensive categories. For example, the (Term) x (Severity Level 5) predicted plan liability falls only from 132.588 (platinum) to 130.292 (catastrophic). But the (Term) x (Severity Level 1) predicted plan liability falls from 1.661 (platinum) to 0.188 (catastrophic). This can be explained by the large difference in deductibles in the standard benefit designs used to simulate plan liability expenditures, which have a much larger proportionate effect on the lower-expenditure categories.


In evaluating the models’ performance we look at both explanatory power at the individual level and under- and over-prediction for subgroups of the population. We evaluate model predictive accuracy using our MarketScan® calibration sample. While we believe that the evaluation results from this very large and nationally dispersed database are informative and representative on average, our evaluation results do not necessarily generalize perfectly to each individual state’s ACA risk adjustment population or plans.

To evaluate the predictive accuracy of the models for individuals, we examine the models’ R-squared statistics. These were between 35 and 36 percent for the adult models, between 30 and 31 percent for the child models, and 29 percent for the infant models (Exhibits 4, 5, & 6). In comparison, the predictive power of demographic-only models is relatively low, generally less than 2 percent. Adding information about diagnoses substantially improves the predictive power of the models. Further, the predictive power of the concurrent diagnosis-based models presented here substantially exceeds the predictive ability for individuals of prospective diagnosis-based models (e.g., the Medicare CMS-HCC risk adjustment model), which typically have R-squared statistics of 10–15 percent.

The R-squared statistics of the HHS-HCC models are within the range of R-squared statistics of other concurrent models predicting expenditures for commercial insurance enrollees (Winkelman & Mehmud, 2007). However, although predictive accuracy is an important goal in model development, the HHS-HCC models are not developed purely to maximize the value of the R-squared statistic. Instead, the HHS-HCC models are intended to balance high predictive ability with lower sensitivity to discretionary diagnostic coding. The latter is primarily achieved by including only a subset of less discretionary HCCs that identify chronic or systematic conditions subject to insurance risk selection rather than being random acute events. In addition, HCCs that primarily represent complications of or poor quality of care (e.g., pressure ulcers) are excluded.

It is also important to assess aggregate predictive accuracy for defined subgroups of health plan enrollees. This analysis evaluates whether the model predicts liability accurately for plans enrolling different types of people, and whether once the model is implemented, plans have any incentives to avoid or enroll certain types of individuals, for example, those with high health care costs or certain medical conditions. In the calibration sample, the models predict mean plan liability expenditures perfectly (predictive ratio = 1.00) for each of the age group subpopulations (adult, child, infant) for each level of plan cost sharing (platinum, gold, silver, bronze, catastrophic). Not only that, prediction is perfect for each of the included demographic (age/sex categories) and diagnostic factors (HCC diagnosis groups) for each subpopulation. This is expected, given the specification and statistical techniques used to estimate the model. However, given their clinical and cost differences, predicting accurately on average for these subpopulations is important. For example, the model accounts for the very high incremental health care costs of children with hemophilia (45.551—relative incremental plan liability estimate in child silver model). Basing risk transfer payments and charges on accurate estimates of the differential costs by subpopulation will help ensure that plans in the individual and small group markets receive adequate payments to treat enrollees with high expected costs.

We also tested the predictive accuracy of the models using enrollee groups sorted into predicted expenditure percentile ranges (0–40%, 40–80%, 80–100%, top 10%, top 5%, top 1%). This set of ratios determines whether the model predictions are accurate at various levels of predicted expenditures; that is, it determines whether expenditures the model predicts to be low are in fact low on average, and whether expenditures the model predicts to be high are in fact high on average. We chose this set of percentile ranges (which we refer to simply as “percentiles”) not only to cover the entire range of predicted expenditures, but to emphasize the higher percentiles that capture the small proportion of high-cost individuals in which most medical expenditures are concentrated. Accurate model prediction is especially critical for these high-cost cases.

For the adult sample, Exhibit 7 presents predictive ratios for percentiles of enrollees created by sorting predicted plan liability expenditures. The adult platinum model predicts well for these predicted expenditure groups. There is less than a 10 percent prediction error in either direction for each of these groups, ranging from lower-cost to very-high-cost individuals. The lower percentiles, 0–40% and 40–80%, are somewhat under-predicted, whereas the highest percentiles (80–100%, top 10%, top 5%, top 1%) are somewhat over-predicted.

Exhibit 7. Predictive Ratios by Percentiles of Predicted Expenditures—Adult Models.

Percentiles (sorted by predicted $)
0–40% 40–80% 80–100% top 10% top 5% top 1%
Predicted $ 0.467 0.927 5.218 8.280 12.572 31.630
Actual $ 0.517 0.988 5.012 7.886 11.860 30.531
Predictive Ratio 0.90 0.94 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.04
% of Overall Actual $ 11.8 24.2 64.0 50.8 38.1 19.1
Predicted $ 0.385 0.791 4.847 7.794 11.998 30.813
Actual $ 0.437 0.857 4.628 7.368 11.241 29.658
Predictive Ratio 0.88 0.92 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.04
% of Overall Actual $ 11.1 23.3 65.6 52.7 40.1 20.5
Predicted $ 0.274 0.625 4.571 7.473 11.634 30.337
Actual $ 0.330 0.693 4.339 7.035 10.859 29.120
Predictive Ratio 0.83 0.90 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.04
% of Overall Actual $ 9.5 21.3 69.3 56.7 43.7 22.7
Predicted $ 0.160 0.431 4.296 7.206 11.396 30.188
Actual $ 0.227 0.505 4.035 6.752 10.618 28.983
Predictive Ratio 0.71 0.85 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.04
% of Overall Actual $ 7.5 17.9 74.6 62.9 49.4 26.2
Predicted $ 0.130 0.376 4.216 7.131 11.328 30.148
Actual $ 0.200 0.452 3.944 6.671 10.545 28.947
Predictive Ratio 0.65 0.83 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.04
% of Overall Actual $ 6.9 16.8 76.3 65.1 51.4 27.4

The adult models perform adequately across all metal levels, doing especially well for the critical highest percentiles. For example, for the 80–100% percentile, the predictive ratios range from 1.04 (platinum) to 1.07 (catastrophic). The mean actual plan liability expenditures for enrollees in the 80–100% percentile range from 5.012 to 3.944 across metal tiers, which represents, respectively, 64.0 percent to 76.3 percent of overall mean actual plan liability expenditures. Since most of the dollars are in the highest percentiles, it is most important for the model to perform well for these high cost subgroups.

The adult models perform less well for the lowest percentiles, especially for the lower metal levels. For example, for the 0–40% percentile, the predictive ratio for the catastrophic model is only 0.65. However, the enrollees comprising the 0–40% percentile represent only 6.9 percent of overall actual expenditures for the catastrophic metal level. Moreover, the absolute amount of the under-prediction, 0.130 for predicted expenditures versus 0.200 for actual expenditures for a difference of 0.070, is small. The predictive ratio is low, in part, because the denominator of the ratio, 0.200 (1/5 of the average predicted expenditures for the calibration sample), is small for these low-cost beneficiaries, magnifying the absolute prediction error when expressed as a ratio. For the catastrophic metal, as for the other metals, the HHS-HCC model predicts a wide range of plan liabilities across groups, from 0.130 to 30.148 (0–40% percentile vs. top 1% percentile), corresponding to a similar range of actual plan liabilities ranging from 0.200 to 28.948.

The predictive ratios for the child models (Exhibit 8) exhibit the same qualitative patterns as for the adult models, except that the predictive ratios denote less predictive accuracy. For the child platinum model, there is less than a 20 percent error for each percentile (except for the top 1% percentile). Like the adult models, the child model performs less well for the lowest percentiles, especially for the lower metal levels. However, it is important to consider the amount of actual (relative) dollars these percentiles represent. For example, for the catastrophic model, while the 0–40% percentile has a predictive ratio of 0.08, the absolute difference of predicted and actual (relative) expenditures is only 0.049 (predicted expenditures 0.004; actual expenditures 0.053), and only 8.4 percent of overall expenditures of the catastrophic metal level is incurred by the lowest percentile group.

Exhibit 8. Predictive Ratios by Percentiles of Predicted Expenditures—Child Models.

Percentiles (sorted by predicted $)
0–40% 40–80% 80–100% top 10% top 5% top 1%
Predicted $ 0.200 0.302 1.632 2.801 4.817 13.928
Actual $ 0.243 0.339 1.477 2.455 4.087 11.049
Predictive Ratio 0.82 0.89 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.26
% of Overall Actual $ 18.2 25.4 56.4 48.5 41.1 22.3
Predicted $ 0.144 0.238 1.487 2.589 4.514 13.467
Actual $ 0.187 0.275 1.331 2.242 3.776 10.502
Predictive Ratio 0.77 0.87 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.28
% of Overall Actual $ 16.4 24.1 59.5 51.8 44.4 24.9
Predicted $ 0.069 0.151 1.325 2.377 4.264 13.155
Actual $ 0.114 0.188 1.165 2.020 3.514 10.176
Predictive Ratio 0.61 0.80 1.14 1.18 1.21 1.29
% of Overall Actual $ 12.7 21.0 66.3 59.5 52.6 30.7
Predicted $ 0.014 0.076 1.175 2.157 4.005 12.955
Actual $ 0.066 0.114 0.995 1.781 3.222 9.955
Predictive Ratio 0.21 0.66 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.30
% of Overall Actual $ 9.7 16.8 73.6 68.4 63.1 39.2
Predicted $ 0.004 0.058 1.134 2.095 3.931 12.897
Actual $ 0.053 0.097 0.951 1.715 3.139 9.889
Predictive Ratio 0.08 0.60 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.30
% of Overall Actual $ 8.4 15.4 76.2 71.3 66.6 42.2

Finally, the infant models perform quite accurately on the predictive ratios for predicted expenditure percentiles (Exhibit 9). In general, there is a 5 percent prediction error or smaller across all percentiles and all metal levels. The two exceptions are the 40–80% percentile for the bronze model (predictive ratio = 0.90) and the 0–40% percentile for the catastrophic model (predictive ratio = 0.80). But again, the dollar amounts of the under-predictions are modest and these percentiles comprise a small share of total actual expenditures, 7.3 percent for the 40–80% percentile for bronze, and 4.2 percent for the 0–40% percentile for catastrophic.

Exhibit 9. Predictive Ratios by Percentiles of Predicted Expenditures—Infant Models.

Percentiles (sorted by predicted $)
0–40% 40–80% 80–100% top 10% top 5% top 1%
Predicted $ 0.667 1.246 12.568 20.732 38.300 123.514
Actual $ 0.675 1.281 12.461 20.738 38.209 123.716
Predictive Ratio 0.99 0.97 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
% of Overall Actual $ 12.2 17.0 70.9 65.7 57.7 36.2
Predicted $ 0.563 1.090 12.276 20.732 37.294 122.116
Actual $ 0.570 1.127 12.164 20.713 37.202 122.314
Predictive Ratio 0.99 0.97 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
% of Overall Actual $ 11.0 16.2 72.8 67.9 60.3 38.5
Predicted $ 0.363 0.759 11.339 19.212 36.663 121.304
Actual $ 0.369 0.797 11.232 19.209 36.571 121.500
Predictive Ratio 0.98 0.95 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
% of Overall Actual $ 8.1 12.7 79.3 75.0 66.9 43.2
Predicted $ 0.191 0.354 10.791 18.767 36.307 121.218
Actual $ 0.194 0.392 10.695 18.765 36.218 121.415
Predictive Ratio 0.98 0.90 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
% of Overall Actual $ 4.9 7.3 87.8 85.3 77.1 50.2
Predicted $ 0.147 0.248 10.638 18.632 36.199 121.194
Actual $ 0.183 0.247 10.546 18.629 36.113 121.391
Predictive Ratio 0.80 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
% of Overall Actual $ 4.2 5.7 90.2 88.2 80.1 52.3

Risk Score Calculation

Below we provide several examples of how empirical risk adjustment model output is applied to calculate an individual’s “plan liability risk score (PLRS)”. We then define the plan average PLRS, which is used in the calculation of transfer payments and charges. In the HHS methodology, the risk score for an enrollee is defined as the predicted relative plan liability expenditure for the enrollee based on the HHS-HCC risk adjustment model for the enrollee’s plan metal level. The predicted relative plan liability expenditures are calculated as follows. For an adult (age 21+), it is the sum of the age/sex, HCC, and disease interaction risk factors in Appendix Exhibit A1; for a child, it is the sum of the age/sex and HCC risk factors in Appendix Exhibit A2; and for infants, it is the sum of the appropriate maturity/disease-severity category and age/sex Additive Term in Exhibit 6.

Based on lower income or certain other qualifying factors, some enrollees in Marketplace plans will be eligible for reduced cost sharing in addition to premium subsidies. An adjustment will be made to the risk score for enrollees in individual market cost-sharing plan variations in Marketplaces (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2013). Individuals who qualify for cost sharing reductions may utilize health care services at a higher rate than would be the case in the absence of cost sharing reductions. The adjustment for induced demand due to cost sharing reductions will be multiplicative and applied to the risk score.26 Because premiums for all cost-sharing reduction plan variations are required to be the same, despite the increased actuarial value of coverage, we account for the induced demand associated with cost-sharing plan variations as part of the risk adjustment model and not as part of the risk transfer formula.

Exhibit 10 provides illustrative examples of the PLRS calculation, assuming a silver metal level plan. Enrollee 1 is male and aged 56, with two chronic conditions, diabetes with complications and congestive heart failure. Predicted relative incremental plan liability expenditures for these risk factors in the adult silver model are 0.580, 1.120, and 3.587, respectively. Therefore, his predicted relative plan liability expenditure is 5.287, and since he does not have cost sharing reductions (induced utilization factor is 1.00), his PLRS is 5.287. Enrollee 2 is female and aged 11 with asthma. Her predicted relative plan liability expenditures from the child silver model is 0.449 (0.095+0.354). However, she is also a zero cost sharing recipient, so her total predicted expenditures is multiplied by her induced utilization factor 1.12, resulting in a PLRS of 0.503. Enrollee 3 is male and aged 0, with a term birth and severity level 1. His predicted plan liability expenditure from the infant silver model is 1.572 (0.574+0.998), and since he doesn’t have cost sharing reductions, it is his PLRS as well.

Exhibit 10. Plan Liability Risk Scores for Silver Metal Level Plan—Illustrative Examples.

Predicted Relative Plan Liability Expenditures Induced Demand Factor Plan Liability Risk Score
Enrollee 1
Age 56 and Male 0.580
Diabetes with Complications 1.120
Congestive Heart Failure 3.587
Total 5.287 1.00 5.287
Enrollee 2
Age 11 and Female 0.095
Asthma 0.354
Total 0.449 1.12 0.503
Enrollee 3
Age 0 and Male 0.574
Term and Severity Level 1 0.998
Total 1.572 1.00 1.572

Finally, the plan average PLRS, which is used in the calculation of transfer payments and charges, is defined as the plan’s weighted average of individual PLRSs, where the weights are enrollment months. When the plan average PLRS is calculated, all plan enrollees are counted in the numerator, but only billable plan enrollees (parents and the three oldest children) are counted in the denominator (for details, see our companion article on the risk transfer formula).


As discussed in our companion overview article, the key program goal of the ACA risk adjustment methodology developed by HHS is to compensate health insurance plans for differences in enrollee health mix so that plan premiums reflect differences in scope of coverage and other plan factors, but not differences in health status. This article discusses how we developed an empirical risk adjustment model using demographic and diagnostic information from plan enrollees and plan actuarial value (metal tier) to determine a risk score that reflects expected plan liability for enrollee medical expenditures.

This article shows that the HHS risk adjustment model takes into account the new population and generosity of coverage (actuarial value level) in a number of ways. We used private claims data to develop the HHS-HCC diagnostic classification, which is the key component of the risk adjustment model. We developed fifteen separate concurrent plan liability risk adjustment models reflecting three age groups (adult, child, and infant), and five actuarial value tiers (platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and catastrophic). Evaluation of the models showed good predictive accuracy, both for individuals and for groups.

This article also provides several examples of how to calculate risk scores. An enrollee’s “plan liability risk score” is a relative measure of the actuarial risk to the plan for the enrollee. It reflects the health status risk to the plan of the enrollee, the actuarial value of the plan, and the induced demand of the enrollee due to plan variation cost sharing reductions. Plan average risk scores are then calculated from the enrollee risk scores and used as an input in the risk transfer formula.

In a companion article in this issue of the Medicare & Medicaid Research Review, we discuss the risk transfer formula. We describe how the risk score at the plan level is combined with factors for a plan’s allowable premium rating, actuarial value, induced demand, geographic cost, market share, and the statewide average premium in a formula that calculates balanced transfers among plans. Then we discuss how each plan factor is determined, as well as how the factors relate to each other in the transfer formula.


The authors have been requested to report any funding sources and other affiliations that may represent a conflict of interest. The authors reported that there are no conflict of interest sources. This study was funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The views expressed are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.


We would like to thank several people for their contributions to this article. These include John Bertko, Richard Kronick, and others from the HHS “3Rs” advisory group; RTI’s clinician panel, which included John Ayanian, Bruce Landon, Mark Schuster, Thomas Storch, and other clinicians; and RTI computer programmers Arnold Bragg, Helen Margulis, and Aleksandra Petrovic.


Exhibit A1. HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Models—Adult (age 21+).

R-squared = 0.3602 0.3553 0.3524 0.3505 0.3496
Platinum Plan Liability Gold Plan Liability Silver Plan Liability Bronze Plan Liability Cata-strophic Plan Liability
HCC Number Variable Label Count Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
Age range 21–24 Male 538,648 0.258 0.208 0.141 0.078 0.062
Age range 25–29 Male 606,608 0.278 0.223 0.150 0.081 0.064
Age range 30–34 Male 687,832 0.338 0.274 0.187 0.101 0.079
Age range 35–39 Male 745,699 0.413 0.339 0.240 0.140 0.113
Age range 40–44 Male 796,828 0.487 0.404 0.293 0.176 0.145
Age range 45–49 Male 858,862 0.581 0.487 0.365 0.231 0.195
Age range 50–54 Male 884,086 0.737 0.626 0.484 0.316 0.269
Age range 55–59 Male 821,612 0.863 0.736 0.580 0.393 0.339
Age range 60+ Male 830,119 1.028 0.880 0.704 0.487 0.424
Age range 21–24 Female 569,087 0.433 0.350 0.221 0.101 0.072
Age range 25–29 Female 674,034 0.548 0.448 0.301 0.156 0.120
Age range 30–34 Female 749,938 0.656 0.546 0.396 0.243 0.203
Age range 35–39 Female 798,475 0.760 0.641 0.490 0.334 0.293
Age range 40–44 Female 863,256 0.839 0.713 0.554 0.384 0.338
Age range 45–49 Female 954,659 0.878 0.747 0.583 0.402 0.352
Age range 50–54 Female 991,782 1.013 0.869 0.695 0.486 0.427
Age range 55–59 Female 931,270 1.054 0.905 0.726 0.507 0.443
Age range 60+ Female 917,708 1.156 0.990 0.798 0.559 0.489
HCC001 HIV/AIDS 20,936 5.485 4.972 4.740 4.740 4.749
HCC002 Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock 24,605 13.696 13.506 13.429 13.503 13.529
HCC003 Central Nervous System Infections, Except Viral Meningitis 4,988 7.277 7.140 7.083 7.117 7.129
HCC004 Viral or Unspecified Meningitis 3,029 4.996 4.730 4.621 4.562 4.550
HCC006 Opportunistic Infections 5,367 9.672 9.549 9.501 9.508 9.511
HCC008 Metastatic Cancer 32,336 25.175 24.627 24.376 24.491 24.526
HCC009 Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia 25,034 11.791 11.377 11.191 11.224 11.235
HCC010 Non-Hodgkin`s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors 25,876 6.432 6.150 6.018 5.983 5.970
HCC011 Colorectal, Breast (Age < 50), Kidney, and Other Cancers 55,824 5.961 5.679 5.544 5.500 5.483
HCC012 Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors 145,403 3.509 3.294 3.194 3.141 3.121
HCC013 Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, and Other Cancers and Tumors 37,443 1.727 1.559 1.466 1.353 1.315
HCC018 Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications 551 9.593 9.477 9.411 9.434 9.439
HCC019 Diabetes with Acute Complications 8,078 1.331 1.199 1.120 1.000 0.957
HCC020 Diabetes with Chronic Complications 159,961 1.331 1.199 1.120 1.000 0.957
HCC021 Diabetes without Complication 645,595 1.331 1.199 1.120 1.000 0.957
HCC023 Protein-Calorie Malnutrition 11,514 14.790 14.790 14.786 14.862 14.883
HCC026 Mucopolysaccharidosis 44 2.335 2.198 2.130 2.071 2.052
HCC027 Lipidoses and Glycogenosis 2,235 2.335 2.198 2.130 2.071 2.052
HCC028 Congenital Metabolic Disorders, Not Elsewhere Classified N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC029 Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic Disorders 3,243 2.335 2.198 2.130 2.071 2.052
HCC030 Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders 44,828 2.335 2.198 2.130 2.071 2.052
HCC034 Liver Transplant Status/Complications 2,223 18.445 18.197 18.105 18.165 18.188
HCC035 End-Stage Liver Disease 7,032 6.412 6.102 5.974 6.001 6.012
HCC036 Cirrhosis of Liver 9,703 2.443 2.255 2.177 2.137 2.125
HCC037 Chronic Hepatitis 21,169 1.372 1.228 1.152 1.071 1.046
HCC038 Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis 4,096 4.824 4.634 4.548 4.547 4.550
HCC041 Intestine Transplant Status/Complications 51 77.945 78.110 78.175 78.189 78.195
HCC042 Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enterocolitis 9,721 13.144 12.823 12.681 12.743 12.764
HCC045 Intestinal Obstruction 26,796 7.257 6.922 6.789 6.842 6.864
HCC046 Chronic Pancreatitis 5,651 6.682 6.385 6.269 6.309 6.329
HCC047 Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders and Intestinal Malabsorption 37,711 3.614 3.380 3.281 3.245 3.234
HCC048 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 64,922 2.894 2.640 2.517 2.398 2.355
HCC054 Necrotizing Fasciitis 715 7.878 7.622 7.508 7.545 7.559
HCC055 Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis 19,988 7.878 7.622 7.508 7.545 7.559
HCC056 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders 100,032 3.414 3.135 3.009 2.987 2.982
HCC057 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Disorders 53,688 1.263 1.124 1.051 0.954 0.921
HCC061 Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other Osteodystrophies 720 3.524 3.300 3.184 3.126 3.107
HCC062 Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders 4,139 3.524 3.300 3.184 3.126 3.107
HCC063 Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate 359 2.168 1.978 1.891 1.815 1.793
HCC064 Major Congenital Anomalies of Diaphragm, Abdominal Wall, and Esophagus, Age < 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC066 Hemophilia 582 49.823 49.496 49.321 49.330 49.329
HCC067 Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis 2,161 15.404 15.253 15.182 15.214 15.224 G6
HCC068 Aplastic Anemia 2,723 15.404 15.253 15.182 15.214 15.224 G6
HCC069 Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn 1,586 7.405 7.198 7.099 7.090 7.089 G7
HCC070 Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS) 937 7.405 7.198 7.099 7.090 7.089 G7
HCC071 Thalassemia Major 0 7.405 7.198 7.099 7.090 7.089 G7
HCC073 Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies 400 5.688 5.489 5.402 5.419 5.423 G8
HCC074 Disorders of the Immune Mechanism 10,628 5.688 5.489 5.402 5.419 5.423 G8
HCC075 Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders 45,758 3.080 2.959 2.899 2.880 2.872
HCC081 Drug Psychosis 8,077 3.776 3.517 3.389 3.302 3.274 G9
HCC082 Drug Dependence 23,433 3.776 3.517 3.389 3.302 3.274 G9
HCC087 Schizophrenia 11,203 3.122 2.854 2.732 2.647 2.624
HCC088 Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 401,377 1.870 1.698 1.601 1.476 1.436 H1
HCC089 Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional Disorders 6,106 1.870 1.698 1.601 1.476 1.436 H1
HCC090 Personality Disorders 5,502 1.187 1.065 0.974 0.836 0.790 H2
HCC094 Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa 3,821 3.010 2.829 2.732 2.657 2.631
HCC096 Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal Deletion Syndromes 289 5.387 5.219 5.141 5.101 5.091
HCC097 Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation Syndromes 2,773 1.264 1.171 1.099 1.015 0.985
HCC102 Autistic Disorder 1,015 1.187 1.065 0.974 0.836 0.790 H2
HCC103 Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder 1,074 1.187 1.065 0.974 0.836 0.790 H2
HCC106 Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord 62 11.728 11.537 11.444 11.448 11.449 G10
HCC107 Quadriplegia 1,937 11.728 11.537 11.444 11.448 11.449 G10
HCC108 Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord 66 10.412 10.205 10.108 10.111 10.111 G11
HCC109 Paraplegia 2,355 10.412 10.205 10.108 10.111 10.111 G11
HCC110 Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries 8,115 6.213 5.969 5.861 5.843 5.836
HCC111 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Anterior Horn Cell Disease 1,475 3.379 3.094 2.967 2.927 2.919
HCC112 Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy 413 2.057 1.810 1.681 1.610 1.589
HCC113 Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic 2,462 0.729 0.596 0.521 0.437 0.408
HCC114 Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous System Congenital Anomalies 3,329 0.727 0.590 0.522 0.467 0.449
HCC115 Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy 13,386 5.174 4.999 4.921 4.900 4.891
HCC117 Muscular Dystrophy 1,595 2.118 1.928 1.848 1.771 1.745 G12
HCC118 Multiple Sclerosis 33,699 7.441 6.971 6.764 6.830 6.850
HCC119 Parkinson`s, Huntington`s, and Spinocerebellar Disease, and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders 9,763 2.118 1.928 1.848 1.771 1.745 G12
HCC120 Seizure Disorders and Convulsions 72,711 1.578 1.411 1.321 1.229 1.199
HCC121 Hydrocephalus 3,616 7.688 7.552 7.486 7.492 7.493
HCC122 Non-Traumatic Coma, and Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage 5,468 9.265 9.102 9.022 9.026 9.025
HCC125 Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status 2,218 40.054 40.035 40.022 40.105 40.131
HCC126 Respiratory Arrest 838 12.913 12.707 12.612 12.699 12.728 G13
HCC127 Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes 37,362 12.913 12.707 12.612 12.699 12.728 G13
HCC128 Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart 189 33.372 33.025 32.877 32.978 33.014 G14
HCC129 Heart Transplant 1,051 33.372 33.025 32.877 32.978 33.014 G14
HCC130 Congestive Heart Failure 102,163 3.790 3.648 3.587 3.591 3.594
HCC131 Acute Myocardial Infarction 18,737 11.904 11.451 11.258 11.423 11.478
HCC132 Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease 33,369 6.369 6.001 5.861 5.912 5.935
HCC135 Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic 11,314 6.770 6.611 6.537 6.530 6.528
HCC137 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other Severe Congenital Heart Disorders N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC138 Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC139 Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and Other Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC142 Specified Heart Arrhythmias 122,300 3.363 3.193 3.112 3.063 3.046
HCC145 Intracranial Hemorrhage 7,050 10.420 10.062 9.907 9.943 9.959
HCC146 Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke 20,117 4.548 4.304 4.215 4.242 4.256
HCC149 Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation 4,540 5.263 5.000 4.890 4.867 4.859
HCC150 Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis 8,394 5.979 5.846 5.794 5.858 5.881
HCC151 Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes 1,774 4.176 4.024 3.959 3.938 3.931
HCC153 Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene 4,088 11.941 11.801 11.745 11.844 11.876
HCC154 Vascular Disease with Complications 10,646 8.228 7.996 7.896 7.922 7.932
HCC156 Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis 43,338 4.853 4.642 4.549 4.539 4.537
HCC158 Lung Transplant Status/Complications 555 31.457 31.161 31.030 31.131 31.161
HCC159 Cystic Fibrosis 1,323 10.510 10.142 9.957 9.960 9.962
HCC160 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis 155,494 1.098 0.978 0.904 0.810 0.780 G15
HCC161 Asthma 364,019 1.098 0.978 0.904 0.810 0.780 G15
HCC162 Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders 26,198 2.799 2.657 2.596 2.565 2.556
HCC163 Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung Infections 11,584 9.052 8.934 8.883 8.913 8.924
HCC183 Kidney Transplant Status 8,405 10.944 10.576 10.432 10.463 10.482
HCC184 End Stage Renal Disease 10,824 37.714 37.356 37.193 37.352 37.403
HCC187 Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 3,756 2.189 2.048 1.995 1.990 1.992 G16
HCC188 Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4) 6,111 2.189 2.048 1.995 1.990 1.992 G16
HCC203 Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy, Except with Renal Failure, Shock, or Embolism 5,050 1.377 1.219 1.120 0.912 0.828 G17
HCC204 Miscarriage with Complications 1,796 1.377 1.219 1.120 0.912 0.828 G17
HCC205 Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications 30,196 1.377 1.219 1.120 0.912 0.828 G17
HCC207 Completed Pregnancy With Major Complications 6,023 3.778 3.285 3.134 2.931 2.906 G18
HCC208 Completed Pregnancy With Complications 74,576 3.778 3.285 3.134 2.931 2.906 G18
HCC209 Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor Complications 82,077 3.778 3.285 3.134 2.931 2.906 G18
HCC217 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure 36,161 2.515 2.371 2.313 2.304 2.304
HCC226 Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or Humerus Fractures 3,880 9.788 9.570 9.480 9.521 9.536
HCC227 Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus 3,329 1.927 1.805 1.735 1.648 1.620
HCC242 Extremely Immature Newborns, Birthweight < 500 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC243 Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 500–749 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC244 Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 750–999 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC245 Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1000–1499 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC246 Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1500–1999 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC247 Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 2000–2499 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC248 Other Premature, Low Birthweight, Malnourished, or Multiple Birth Newborns N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC249 Term or Post-Term Singleton Newborn, Normal or High Birthweight N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC251 Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications 1,890 30.944 30.908 30.893 30.917 30.928
HCC253 Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination 9,587 11.093 10.939 10.872 10.943 10.965
HCC254 Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications 1,869 7.277 7.087 7.009 7.056 7.073
Severe illness indicator x HCC006 1,317 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC008 7,393 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC009 4,608 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC0010 1,594 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC115 1,270 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC135 3,022 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC145 2,928 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x aggregage HCC grouping G6 1,290 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x aggregate HCC grouping G8 1,142 12.094 12.327 12.427 12.527 12.555 INT1
Severe illness indicator x HCC035 1,275 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2
Severe illness indicator x HCC038 833 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2
Severe illness indicator x HCC153 902 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2
Severe illness indicator x HCC154 2,325 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2
Severe illness indicator x HCC163 3,684 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2
Severe illness indicator x HCC253 2,350 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2
Severe illness indicator x aggregate HCC grouping G3 2,602 2.498 2.648 2.714 2.813 2.841 INT2

Exhibit A2. HHS-HCC Risk Adjustment Models—Child (age 2–20).

R-squared = 0.3067 0.3024 0.2993 0.2962 0.2950
Platinum Plan Liability Gold Plan Liability Sliver Plan Liability Bronze Plan Liability Cata-strophic Plan Liability
Variable Label Count Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
Age range 2–4 Male 380,841 0.283 0.209 0.106 0.019 0.000 A1, A3
Age range 5–9 Male 688,499 0.196 0.140 0.064 0.005 0.000 A2, A4
Age range 10–14 Male 749,982 0.246 0.189 0.110 0.047 0.033
Age range 15–20 Male 955,972 0.336 0.273 0.191 0.114 0.095
Age range 2–4 Female 362,777 0.233 0.165 0.071 0.019 0.000 A1, A5
Age range 5–9 Female 660,717 0.165 0.113 0.048 0.005 0.000 A2, A6
Age range 10–14 Female 719,621 0.223 0.168 0.095 0.042 0.031
Age range 15–20 Female 921,236 0.379 0.304 0.198 0.101 0.077
HIV/AIDS 256 2.956 2.613 2.421 2.228 2.166
HCC002 Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock 1,943 17.309 17.142 17.061 17.081 17.088
HCC003 Central Nervous System Infections, Except Viral Meningitis 911 12.636 12.409 12.296 12.313 12.319
HCC004 Viral or Unspecified Meningitis 909 3.202 3.004 2.896 2.750 2.702
HCC006 Opportunistic Infections 475 20.358 20.262 20.222 20.201 20.189
HCC008 Metastatic Cancer 888 34.791 34.477 34.307 34.306 34.300
HCC009 Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia 3,156 11.939 11.618 11.436 11.358 11.334
HCC010 Non-Hodgkin`s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors 1,318 9.354 9.071 8.908 8.806 8.774
HCC011 Colorectal, Breast (Age < 50), Kidney, and Other Cancers 606 3.689 3.480 3.337 3.188 3.143
HCC012 Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors 2,448 3.308 3.084 2.954 2.814 2.769
HCC013 Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, and Other Cancers and Tumors 1,798 1.530 1.368 1.254 1.114 1.066
HCC018 Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications 8 18.933 18.476 18.264 18.279 18.289 S1
HCC019 Diabetes with Acute Complications 1,659 2.629 2.354 2.198 1.904 1.799 G1
HCC020 Diabetes with Chronic Complications 1,881 2.629 2.354 2.198 1.904 1.799 G1
HCC021 Diabetes without Complication 14,042 2.629 2.354 2.198 1.904 1.799 G1
HCC023 Protein-Calorie Malnutrition 1,165 13.930 13.794 13.726 13.751 13.759
HCC026 Mucopoly-saccharidosis 70 6.177 5.867 5.696 5.642 5.625 G2
HCC027 Lipidoses and Glycogenosis 256 6.177 5.867 5.696 5.642 5.625 G2
HCC028 Congenital Metabolic Disorders, Not Elsewhere Classified 1,691 6.177 5.867 5.696 5.642 5.625 G2
HCC029 Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic Disorders 880 6.177 5.867 5.696 5.642 5.625 G2
HCC030 Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders 6,974 6.177 5.867 5.696 5.642 5.625 G2
HCC034 Liver Transplant Status/Complications 241 18.322 18.048 17.922 17.898 17.888
HCC035 End-Stage Liver Disease 180 12.960 12.754 12.650 12.622 12.614
HCC036 Cirrhosis of Liver 58 1.177 1.027 0.920 0.871 0.833 H1
HCC037 Chronic Hepatitis 494 1.177 1.027 0.920 0.807 0.775 H1
HCC038 Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis 192 6.255 6.092 6.003 5.972 5.966
HCC041 Intestine Transplant Status/Complications 20 106.169 106.704 106.991 107.180 107.222
HCC042 Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Entero-colitis 686 16.784 16.360 16.156 16.171 16.179
HCC045 Intestinal Obstruction 2,934 5.715 5.451 5.307 5.210 5.178
HCC046 Chronic Pancreatitis 177 16.692 16.315 16.148 16.163 16.166
HCC047 Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders and Intestinal Malabsorption 4,700 3.843 3.685 3.584 3.471 3.434
HCC048 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 5,582 5.049 4.673 4.471 4.320 4.271
HCC054 Necrotizing Fasciitis 38 5.829 5.551 5.398 5.318 5.292 G3
HCC055 Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis 2,281 5.829 5.551 5.398 5.318 5.292 G3
HCC056 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders 5,270 2.689 2.473 2.327 2.171 2.122
HCC057 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Disorders 1,566 1.397 1.249 1.139 0.996 0.951
HCC061 Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other Osteodystrophies 431 1.536 1.410 1.311 1.211 1.183 G4
HCC062 Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders 6,978 1.536 1.410 1.311 1.211 1.183 G4
HCC063 Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate 2,617 1.785 1.573 1.441 1.281 1.228
HCC064 Major Congenital Anomalies of Diaphragm, Abdominal Wall, and Esophagus, Age < 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC066 Hemophilia 477 46.388 45.839 45.551 45.541 45.535
HCC067 Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis 76 29.387 29.168 29.063 29.075 29.078 G6
HCC068 Aplastic Anemia 406 29.387 29.168 29.063 29.075 29.078 G6
HCC069 Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn 333 7.791 7.476 7.308 7.229 7.203 G7
HCC070 Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS) 920 7.791 7.476 7.308 7.229 7.203 G7
HCC071 Thalassemia Major 0 7.791 7.476 7.308 7.229 7.203 G7
HCC073 Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies 351 5.690 5.455 5.339 5.270 5.247 G8
HCC074 Disorders of the Immune Mechanism 3,060 5.690 5.455 5.339 5.270 5.247 G8
HCC075 Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders 4,024 4.909 4.754 4.650 4.543 4.511
HCC081 Drug Psychosis 1,268 4.067 3.816 3.693 3.596 3.566 G9
HCC082 Drug Dependence 3,258 4.067 3.816 3.693 3.596 3.566 G9
HCC087 Schizophrenia 1,278 5.536 5.127 4.916 4.775 4.730
HCC088 Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 67,738 1.779 1.591 1.453 1.252 1.188 H2
HCC089 Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional Disorders 1,113 1.779 1.591 1.453 1.252 1.188 H2
HCC090 Personality Disorders 1,172 0.935 0.832 0.723 0.511 0.441 H7
HCC094 Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa 2,254 2.565 2.372 2.252 2.146 2.111
HCC096 Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal Deletion Syndromes 977 3.606 3.347 3.239 3.201 3.189
HCC097 Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation Syndromes 6,141 2.403 2.203 2.093 1.982 1.943
HCC102 Autistic Disorder 12,355 1.673 1.500 1.372 1.177 1.112
HCC103 Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder 9,852 0.963 0.850 0.723 0.511 0.441 H7
HCC106 Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord 23 18.394 18.224 18.156 18.210 18.228 G10,H3
HCC107 Quadriplegia 369 18.394 18.224 18.156 18.210 18.228 G10,H3
HCC108 Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord 7 18.394 18.224 18.156 18.210 18.228 G11,H3
HCC109 Paraplegia 249 18.394 18.224 18.156 18.210 18.228 G11,H3
HCC110 Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries 1,149 4.668 4.416 4.287 4.181 4.150
HCC111 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Anterior Horn Cell Disease 221 14.484 14.155 13.995 13.958 13.954
HCC112 Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy 1,640 5.717 5.367 5.223 5.251 5.262
HCC113 Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic 4,923 1.899 1.672 1.557 1.447 1.412
HCC114 Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/ Nervous System Congenital Anomalies 4,857 0.943 0.785 0.686 0.592 0.562
HCC115 Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/In-flammatory and Toxic Neuropathy 804 5.301 5.071 4.950 4.861 4.832
HCC117 Muscular Dystrophy 814 3.122 2.915 2.800 2.698 2.669 G12
HCC118 Multiple Sclerosis 396 5.370 4.996 4.806 4.769 4.752
HCC119 Parkinson`s, Huntington`s, and Spinocerebellar Disease, and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders 707 3.122 2.915 2.800 2.698 2.669 G12
HCC120 Seizure Disorders and Convulsions 30,366 2.188 2.012 1.882 1.702 1.644
HCC121 Hydrocephalus 2,810 6.791 6.630 6.550 6.521 6.513
HCC122 Non-Traumatic Coma, and Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage 1,617 9.073 8.882 8.788 8.753 8.735
HCC125 Respirator Dependence/ Tracheostomy Status 559 34.717 34.532 34.471 34.623 34.668
HCC126 Respiratory Arrest 76 14.998 14.772 14.669 14.691 14.696 G13
HCC127 Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes 4,132 14.998 14.772 14.669 14.691 14.696 G13
HCC128 Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart 4 25.734 25.262 25.057 25.189 25.225 G14
HCC129 Heart Transplant 211 25.734 25.262 25.057 25.189 25.225 G14
HCC130 Congestive Heart Failure 2,379 6.292 6.159 6.073 6.013 5.992
HCC131 Acute Myocardial Infarction 38 4.568 4.453 4.410 4.433 4.448 H4
HCC132 Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease 80 4.568 4.453 4.410 4.433 4.448 H4
HCC135 Heart Infection/In-flammation, Except Rheumatic 774 12.842 12.655 12.573 12.590 12.597
HCC137 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other Severe Congenital Heart Disorders 887 7.019 6.823 6.668 6.528 6.480
HCC138 Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders 11,217 2.257 2.143 2.018 1.870 1.828
HCC139 Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and Other Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders 9,017 1.411 1.319 1.206 1.078 1.047
HCC142 Specified Heart Arrhythmias 3,356 4.483 4.276 4.141 4.052 4.026
HCC145 Intracranial Hemorrhage 586 21.057 20.757 20.616 20.617 20.618
HCC146 Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke 321 8.498 8.373 8.324 8.360 8.363
HCC149 Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation 321 4.704 4.464 4.344 4.280 4.250
HCC150 Hemiplegia/Hemi-paresis 1,228 5.561 5.404 5.334 5.315 5.310 H5
HCC151 Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes 292 5.561 5.404 5.334 5.315 5.310 H5
HCC153 Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene 111 10.174 9.937 9.799 9.688 9.641 H6
HCC154 Vascular Disease with Complications 305 11.571 11.355 11.257 11.260 11.272
HCC156 Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis 768 13.894 13.661 13.557 13.591 13.604
HCC158 Lung Transplant Status/Complications 29 100.413 100.393 100.412 100.660 100.749
HCC159 Cystic Fibrosis 1,306 13.530 13.006 12.743 12.739 12.742
HCC160 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis 2,679 0.521 0.458 0.354 0.215 0.175 G15
HCC161 Asthma 260,435 0.521 0.458 0.354 0.215 0.175 G15
HCC162 Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders 1,385 5.812 5.657 5.555 5.472 5.450
HCC163 Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung Infections 2,057 10.730 10.615 10.549 10.566 10.571
HCC183 Kidney Transplant Status 353 18.933 18.476 18.264 18.279 18.289 S1
HCC184 End Stage Renal Disease 142 43.158 42.816 42.659 42.775 42.808
HCC187 Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 59 11.754 11.581 11.472 11.374 11.340 G16
HCC188 Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4) 90 11.754 11.581 11.472 11.374 11.340 G16
HCC203 Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy, Except with Renal Failure, Shock, or Embolism 308 1.191 1.042 0.917 0.674 0.590 G17
HCC204 Miscarriage with Complications 110 1.191 1.042 0.917 0.674 0.590 G17
HCC205 Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications 1,477 1.191 1.042 0.917 0.674 0.590 G17
HCC207 Completed Pregnancy With Major Complications 308 3.419 2.956 2.778 2.498 2.437 G18
HCC208 Completed Pregnancy With Complications 2,854 3.419 2.956 2.778 2.498 2.437 G18
HCC209 Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor Complications 5,174 3.419 2.956 2.778 2.498 2.437 G18
HCC217 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure 1,554 1.570 1.479 1.394 1.314 1.289
HCC226 Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or Humerus Fractures 297 7.389 7.174 7.022 6.882 6.842
HCC227 Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus 674 2.353 2.244 2.128 1.965 1.912
HCC242 Extremely Immature Newborns, Birthweight < 500 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC243 Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 500–749 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC244 Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 750–999 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC245 Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1000–1499 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC246 Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1500–1999 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC247 Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 2000–2499 Grams N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC248 Other Premature, Low Birthweight, Malnourished, or Multiple Birth Newborns N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC249 Term or Post-Term Singleton Newborn, Normal or High Birthweight N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HCC251 Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications 324 30.558 30.485 30.466 30.522 30.538
HCC253 Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination 2,006 14.410 14.247 14.197 14.340 14.383
HCC254 Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications 95 10.174 9.937 9.799 9.688 9.641 H6



Grandfathered plans are those that were in existence on March 23, 2010, and have not been changed in ways that substantially cut benefits or increase costs for enrollees. Grandfathered plans are exempted from many of the changes required under the Affordable Care Act.


As discussed below, we develop separate models for adults, children, and infants, which avoids any influence of the larger proportion of children in the MarketScan® data on model parameter values for adults. Weighting the calibration data to improve correspondence with the risk adjustment population will be revisited in future recalibrations of the model as actual data on the age-gender and other characteristics of the ACA risk adjustment population become available.


Other fee-for-service health plans include, for example, indemnity, consumer-directed, and high-deductible health plans.


Additionally, mothers with bundled newborn claims, and newborns with no birth records, were excluded.


While technically metal levels (platinum, gold, silver, bronze), and catastrophic plans differ, for purposes of this article, references to metal levels will include catastrophic plans.


More specifically, MarketScan® includes age on the first day of enrollment for that month, and this is how age is measured. Note that if age for an infant is measured as zero and the infant has no birth records (in the 2010 MarketScan® database), we excluded the infant from the sample.


CPT® is the Current Procedural Terminology maintained by the American Medical Association, and HCPCS is the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


In assigning HCCs to infant severity levels, the HCC hierarchies are maintained. If two HCCs are in a hierarchical relationship, the higher-ranking HCC is assigned to the same or a higher severity level than the lower-ranking HCC.


Male infants have higher costs than female infants due to increased morbidity and neonatal mortality.


We investigated various non-linear approaches to model estimation that might have been better able to account for the non-linearities in plan liability. However, these models suffer from several important shortcomings, including complexity, lack of transparency, and not predicting mean expenditures accurately for all diagnostic and demographic subgroups, or even for the overall sample. We concluded that, evaluated against a broad range of criteria for real-world risk adjustment, weighted least squares is the preferable estimation method.


Disease interactions were empirically unimportant in the child model and were not included. The infant model is a categorical model.


The diagnostic markers of severe illness are also included in the model not interacted with other diagnoses (HCCs).


When we examined a comprehensive set of interactions, high frequency, high incremental expenditure disease interactions tended to include severe illnesses.


The child risk adjustment models do not have disease interactions.


Every enrollee will have a positive plan liability risk score, regardless of whether he/she has a positive plan liability expenditure (the one exception is for children ages 2–9 without a risk adjustment model HHS-HCC and enrolled in a catastrophic plan—these enrollees will have a plan liability risk score of 0—see section below “Child Risk Adjustment Models” and Exhibit 5 and Appendix Exhibit A2).


Because of HCC groupings, the effective number of HHS-HCCs for the adult risk adjustment model is 91.


The diabetes HCCs were grouped into a single cluster (aggregate HCC grouping) with the same coefficient. Thus, diabetes with and without complications have the same coefficient.


Some HCCs—those associated with lower expenditures—do show larger coefficient changes across metals. For example, the coefficient of the diabetes group (HCCs 19–21) falls from 1.331 in the simulated platinum plan to 0.957 in the simulated catastrophic plan.


All individuals, including very sick ones, receive an age-sex coefficient as part of their predicted plan liability. Thus, their predictions are subject to the same absolute changes in plan liability when moving across metal levels. However, because HCC coefficients comprise the largest portion of the predicted liability of very sick individuals, proportionately (percentage-wise) their total prediction is less affected by metal level.


The severe illness disease interaction coefficients are fairly stable across metals, but rise slightly with greater cost sharing. This may occur because the individual disease (HCC) and aggregate disease (HCC) grouping coefficients decline across metals, and the severe illness interactions are picking up more of the costs of the very expensive people in the metals with higher cost sharing.


Because of aggregate HCC groupings, the effective number of HHS-HCCs for the child risk adjustment model is 100.


The risk score for each child is the sum of his/her relative coefficients. See above for details.


The zero coefficients for ages 2–9 in the catastrophic model indicate that the model predicts negligible expenditures above the deductible for children of these ages without any of the risk adjustment model HCCs.


The risk score for each infant is the sum of his/her relative coefficients. See above for details.


For silver plan variant recipients with the 94 percent and 87 percent plan variations, the induced utilization factor in 2014 is 1.12; for zero cost sharing recipients in gold, silver, and bronze plans, the induced utilization factor in 2014 is 1.07, 1.12, and 1.15, respectively; otherwise, the induced utilization factor in 2014 is 1.00 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2013).


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