Cell-cycle dynamics of chromosomal organisation at single-cell resolution
. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jan 5.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2017 Jul 5;547(7661):61–67. doi: 10.1038/nature23001
Chromosomes in proliferating metazoan cells undergo dramatic structural metamorphoses every cell cycle, alternating between highly condensed mitotic structures facilitating chromosome segregation, and decondensed interphase structures accommodating transcription, gene silencing and DNA replication. Here we use single-cell Hi-C to study chromosome conformations in thousands of individual cells, and discover a continuum of cis-interaction profiles that finely position individual cells along the cell cycle. We show that chromosomal compartments, topological associated domains (TADs), contact insulation and long-range loops, all defined by bulk Hi-C maps, are governed by distinct cell-cycle dynamics. In particular, DNA replication correlates with build-up of compartments and reduction in TAD insulation, while loops are generally stable from G1 through S and G2. Whole-genome 3D structural models reveal a radial architecture of chromosomal compartments with distinct epigenomic signatures. Our single-cell data thereby allow for re-interpretation of chromosome conformation maps through the prism of the cell cycle.
As cells progress from mitosis to interphase and back again, their chromosomes undergo dramatic structural alterations that have intrigued microscopists for over a century1. In preparation for mitosis and cell division, chromosomes are packaged into rod-like structures that are functionally inert. Upon mitotic exit, chromosomes rapidly decondense into structures that allow regulated access to functional elements, enabling genome functions such as transcription, gene silencing and DNA replication. Though the structural and organizational principles of the interphase genome have been the subject of intense study, in particular using high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C)2-10, genome-wide, high-resolution understanding of chromosome cell-cycle dynamics11 is still limited by current technologies.
Here we scale up single-cell Hi-C12 using flow cytometry sorting, a new library preparation protocol and a new automation scheme, and apply this methodology to thousands of diploid and haploid mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Having thousands of single-cell maps has allowed us to develop a strategy for in-silico cellcycle phasing of single nuclei, and use it to study the cell-cycle dynamics of chromosomal structural features. Such features include insulation profiles and looping contacts that together define topologically associated domains (TADs), and preferential contacts between generalized chromosome pseudo-compartments. We also present whole-genome, restraint-based three-dimensional (3D) models from G1 phase haploid nuclei, following the structural dynamics during the exit from mitosis. Our results reveal a continuum of dynamic chromosomal structural features throughout the cell cycle, creating a new point of reference for interpretation of Hi-C maps.
Improved multiplexed single-cell Hi-C
We redesigned our original single-cell Hi-C approach12 to employ a 4-cutter restriction enzyme, Tn5-transposase tagmentation, flow cytometry sorting of single cells into 96-well plates and partially automated library preparation (Fig. 1a). We processed a total of 2924 single F1 hybrid 129 × Castaneus mouse ESCs grown in 2i media using 1.5 million reads per cell on average (Extended Data Fig. 1a-c). Analysis of various quality control (QC) metrics (Extended Data Fig. 1d-i) confirmed the robustness of the protocol over different batches, and in particular identified karyotypic imperfections within the single-cell sample (Extended Data Fig. 1j). Overall, 1992 cells (68.1%) passed stringent quality control filters for further analysis. This provided median coverage of 393,506 restriction fragments, and 127,233 distinct >1kb contacting pairs per cell (Fig. 1b). We found the incidence of trans-chromosomal contacts in the single-cell maps was low (median 5.87%, Fig. 1c), indicative of high library quality13 and reflecting specific and restricted interfaces of chromosome territories (Extended Data Fig. 2). This data provided us with the opportunity to study variation in chromosomal conformation across a large single-cell pool, on the basis of a high-resolution reference ensemble map (Extended Data Fig. 3)
Figure 1. Multiplexed single-cell Hi-C reveals heterogeneous, cell-cycle dependent chromosomal architectures.
a) Single-cell Hi-C schematic. b) Number of informative contacts retrieved per QC passed cell. Median 127,233 (dashed line). c) Fraction trans-chromosomal contacts per QC passed cell. Median 5.87% (dashed line). d) Genome-wide contact map of a representative mitotic cell (1CDX4_242). e) Percentage cells with short-range contacts (< 2 Mb) versus contacts at the mitotic band (2-12 Mb, left), and repli-score (right). Cells are grouped by % short-range and % mitotic contacts and coloured by group. f) Single-cell contact decay profiles ordered by in-silico inferred cell-cycle phasing, with approximate cell-cycle phases shown on top. Each column represents a single cell. g) Selected phased and pooled contact maps.
Integrated cell-cycle phasing
Mammalian mitotic chromosomes are rod-shaped, and bulk Hi-C on sorted M phase cells has revealed a characteristic scale of cis-chromosomal contact distances peaking between 2-12 Mb11. We examined the cells with the highest fraction of contacts at this mitotic range, and found their overall distribution of contact distances was similar to that previously observed for mitotic cells (Extended Data Fig. 4a). These single-cell mitotic maps were enriched for striking patterns of trans-chromosomal alignments (Fig. 1d, Extended Data Fig. 4b), suggesting that the chromosomes interacted along their entire length (head-to-head and tail-to-tail) (1CDX4_242 in Extended Data Fig. 4b) as though organized by the mitotic spindle in telophase (see, also 1CDX_74 and 1CDX_453 in Extended Data Fig. 4b for partial or disordered chromosomal alignments). Comparison of the frequency of contacts in the mitotic range to the frequency of contacts at shorter distances (short-range contacts < 2 Mb; Fig. 1e) shows a remarkable circular pattern evocative of a gradual chromosome remodelling process as cells enter and exit mitosis. These observations suggest chromosome conformation may be used to phase single cells at various stages of the cell cycle around mitosis.
Early- and late-replicating domains are defined by their copy number dynamics during S phase, and show distinct enrichment for active and inactive epigenetic marks respectively14. Indeed, we found normalized TAD coverage across the single-cell dataset reflects a strong correlation between domains previously annotated as early- or late-replicating in mouse ESCs15 (Extended Data Fig. 4c-d). We computed a repli-score for each cell based on the copy-number ratio of early-replicating regions to total coverage. G1 cells would be expected to have low repli-scores, whereas early S cells would be associated with increasing scores, peaking in mid-S before declining again in late S phase and returning to a low level in G2/M. Combining repli-score with the circular pattern exhibited by the frequencies of short-range and mitotic contacts yields exactly that expected trajectory (Fig. 1e). Together, the mitotic signatures and time of replication analysis define two major anchors to support phasing of the entire single-cell Hi-C dataset along the cell cycle.
We studied the distributions of contact distance scales in single cells using non-linear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) (Extended Data Fig. 4e) and clustering (Extended Data Fig. 5). Both approaches indicate the data can be globally represented by a cyclic, gradual process of coordinated change that links the highly distinct mitotic and replicating states characterized above. To capture this variation precisely we used a supervised approach that groups cells to phases and then orders cells within phases. We first identified cells approaching mitosis (pre-M regime, orange) and coming out of mitosis (post-M regime, red) by thresholding short-range and mitotic contact frequencies (based on Fig 1e, see Methods). Cells in both regimes can be ordered by the ascending and descending frequency of mitotic contacts for the pre-M and post-M regimes, respectively. Next, we observed that cells with less than 63% short-range contacts do not include the replication group and likely represent a G1 regime (blue). The mean distance of long-range contacts in these cells is correlated to the overall frequency of short-range contacts, allowing ordering of cells within this group (Extended Data Fig. 6a). Cells with over 63% short-range contacts show a continuum of repli-score and short-range contact enrichments (Extended Data Fig. 6b). These were modelled using two additional regimes, one ordered based on a gradual increase in repli-score and short-range contacts (the early-S regime, green), and one ordered based on a gradual decrease in repli-score and further increase in short-range contacts (the late-S/G2 regime, purple). Using this phasing strategy, we observed a smooth, cyclical transition of the distribution of genomic contact distances (Fig. 1f), which is insensitive to batch effects (Extended Data Fig. 6c-d) and robust to subsampling of the data or analysis of specific chromosomes (Extended Data Fig. 6e-f). In summary, we developed an in-silico cell-cycle phasing approach that organises single cells along a smooth trajectory of highly varied chromosome conformations (Fig 1g, Extended Data Fig. 5) leading from the mitotic state through replication and back into mitosis.
To confirm our Hi-C based cell-cycle phasing, we analysed 1169 cells sorted based on Geminin and DNA content using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and found that the ordering of cells based on their contacts is remarkably consistent with their stage as determined by FACS (Fig. 2a-b). We further hypothesise that the refined ordering we impose within each coarse-grained stage is likely to represent cell-cycle progression at high resolution. This was initially demonstrated by correlating Hoechst/Geminin FACS indices to the inferred phasing rank of 342 single-cell Hi-C profiles (Fig. 2c, Extended Data Fig. 6g), deriving correlation even within classical sorting gates. To further support this idea we analysed the distribution of key statistics for single cells ordered according to their inferred cell-cycle stage. For reference, we projected the repli-score on the cell-cycle progression (Fig. 2d), validating that it was low during G1 and G2, showed consistent gradual increase during early S phase, and decreased during late S phase. The total number of contacts (Fig. 2e), which unlike the repli-score is a-priori independent of the inferred phasing, was shown to increase gradually during S-phase, peaking at G2 at almost a 2-fold higher level than G1, before dropping sharply after mitosis. The fraction of trans-chromosomal contacts exhibits an unforeseen cell-cycle dynamic, with a smooth curve from its lowest point of around 3% in G2 and mitosis, to ∼8% in early S phase (Fig. 2f). Next, we quantified the trans-alignment of chromosomes, which is a strong characteristic of mitotic cells. Remarkably, despite being a-priori unrelated to the inferred G1 ordering scheme, we found the trans-alignment score declined smoothly from its peak at mitosis to its nadir at the end of the G1 phase, immediately before the start of S phase (Fig. 2g; see Extended Data Fig. 6h for examples). Collectively, these results validate our phasing strategy and open the way to analyse cell-cycle dynamics of Hi-C architectural features at high resolution.
Figure 2. Validation of inferred cell-cycle phasing.
a) FACS sorting scheme b) Positions of FACS sorted cells along a circular layout of their in-silico phasing (clockwise, M is on top). c) Comparing in-silico phasing rank to combined Hoechst and Geminin FACS indices for 324 indexed-sorting cells. Black lines demarcate approximate cell-cycle phases. d) Repli-score per cell ordered by cell-cycle phasing (left to right). FACS-sorted cells coloured as in a and b, and remaining cells are grey. Outliers (0.5%) are red. Cyclic average window (n = 100) trend shown in black. e-g) Similar to d, showing additional single cell statistics.
Cell-cycle chromosomal dynamics
We identified 3434 TAD borders in the pooled Hi-C map using analysis of contact insulation signatures6 (Extended Data Fig. 3). We created sub-pools of G1, early-S and late-S/G2 cells in silico to compare insulation patterns between the three major cell-cycle phases. We found that the locations of TAD borders are generally unchanged in these pools, but that the average intensity of the borders is dynamic (Extended Data Fig. 7a-c). We calculated the mean insulation at borders for each cell (Fig. 3a) and found that the intensity of insulation varies markedly over the cell cycle. Insulation is not detectable in mitotic maps (Extended Data Fig. 7d-e), and emerges rapidly upon exit from mitosis in early G1. Insulation increases to its maximum during G1, but declines when replication begins, plateauing at mid S-phase at its lowest interphase level and remaining fixed through G2 until mitosis. We note that since insulation is defined by the depletion of short-range contacts crossing TAD borders, it may be affected by changes in the frequency of contacts in the 25 kb-2 Mb distance range. However, this overall frequency only partially predicts single-cell insulation (Extended Data Fig. 7f).
Figure 3. Distinct and context specific cell-cycle dynamics of insulation, compartmentalisation, loops, and domain condensation.
a) Mean contact insulation at TAD borders, phased cells coloured as in Fig. 2. b) A/B compartmentalisation score c) Clustering borders (k-means, k = 4) according to insulation profile over inferred phasing. Mean insulation of the borders in a cluster (blue dots), mean cluster insulation trend (blue line) and global trend (black line). d) Mean time of replication +/-200 kb of the Fig. 3b clustered borders. Early-replicating positive, late-replicating negative. e) Convergent CTCF loops contact enrichment. Showing data for 762 early-early loops and 456 late-late loops. f) Aggregated contacts around convergent CTCF loops distanced 0.2-1 Mb from each other, pooling cells by their in-silico phasing group and normalising by the expected profile using the shuffled pooled contact map. g) Mean intra-TAD contact distance stratifying domains by length, and mean time of replication.
Next, we studied the dynamics of compartmentalisation of the genome into active (A) and non-active (B) groups of TADs by analysing the cis-chromosomal compartment linkage. For each cell we estimated the depletion of A-B contacts given the observed A-A and B-B counts (Methods, Fig. 3b). Similar to insulation, compartmentalisation is weakest during mitosis, as expected from the condensed uniform structure at that stage11. However, in contrast to TAD insulation, compartmentalisation is weak during G1 phase and increases upon entering S phase, with a further increase in late S phase, reaching a maximum in G2, just before a rapid and complete loss approaching mitosis. Compartmentalisation calculated from trans-chromosomal contacts shows exactly the same trend (Extended Data Fig. 7g). The distinct cell-cycle dynamics of TAD insulation and compartment structure suggest that independent mechanisms contribute to these phenomena.
To study the cell-cycle dynamics of insulation at individual TAD borders and compare it to the global trend above, we grouped single cells into 20 time-slots according to their inferred cell-cycle phase, and pooled data from each time-slot to compute an insulation time series for each border. We then clustered the borders based on their dynamics in these time-slots, and examined the mean insulation in each cluster per cell, along the inferred phasing. Borders demonstrate similar qualitative dynamics in all clusters. However, each cluster varies in timing and intensity of deterioration in insulation during S-phase (Fig. 3c). Cluster C4 includes borders showing the strongest G1 insulation and C2 borders show the earliest loss of insulation in S. Interestingly, borders in both clusters tend to be located between early-replicating TADs (Fig. 3d). Borders in C3 show a gradual increase in insulation well into S-phase, followed by abrupt loss of insulation in mid-S. This cluster is enriched for borders separating early-replicating from mid/late-replicating TADs (Fig. 3c). C1, which has the weakest G1 insulation, shows gradual and delayed loss of insulation, and is enriched for borders between late-replicating domains. These data suggest that loss of insulation in S-phase is temporally coupled to the replication process. Specifically, replication through a border or in both adjacent TADs is linked to loss of insulation (C1, C2, C4), whereas replication of only one adjacent TAD is linked to a temporary increase in insulation (C3). In all cases, insulation remains low post-replication, not re-emerging until the next cell cycle.
We identified pairs of looping loci by analysis of pooled matrices and shuffled pooled matrices (Extended Data Fig. 7h). We focused on 2036 top-scoring loops that were associated with convergent CTCF motifs and evidence for CTCF/Cohesin binding (Methods). We then grouped loops according to the replication time of their anchors (early-early vs. late-late) and computed for each group and each single cell the total number of looping contacts in 20×20 kb bins around the loop anchors, normalized by the number of contacts in the surrounding 60×60 kb bin (Fig. 3e). We found that loop enrichment increases after mitosis, is generally stable through G1, but then decreases slightly in early S phase for early-replicating loops and in late S phase for later-replicating loops. Spatial enrichment analysis shows conserved localized loop enrichment (Fig. 3f). We do not detect loops that are specific to a certain cell-cycle phase (Extended Data Fig. 7i), suggesting that even when decreased in average intensity during replication, loops are significantly observed in the data. However, the assay's resolution is not sufficient to allow detection of individual loop turnover at single-cell resolution, leaving unresolved regimes for rapid loop dynamics. Interestingly, loops are still apparent in cells approaching mitosis despite the fast chromosomal condensation – unlike cells after mitosis, which do not have any contact enrichment around loops (Fig. 3f). The notable lack of loop contact enrichment in mitotic maps does not necessarily imply loops are disassembled at this stage, since mitotic condensation may increase the local contact frequency around loop anchors and decrease Hi-C sensitivity.
Given the relative stability of looping contacts that demarcate TAD structures and the dynamic cell-cycle rise and fall in TAD insulation, we next asked if chromatin structure within TADs changes during the cell cycle, or if TADs constitute stable chromatin blocks that are re-organised dynamically. We computed average intra-TAD contact distances and used these as a measure of TAD condensation per cell, reasoning that condensed TADs will be characterised by higher mean contact distance than de-condensed TADs3,16. We compared condensation for groups of TADs while controlling for size and time of replication (Fig. 3g). In G1, early-replicating TADs are de-condensed compared to mid- or late-replicating TADs, consistent with open chromatin in active regions. Early-replicating TADs are further de-condensed in early S phase, before showing a remarkable increase in condensation at mid-S, likely after their replication is complete. Following that, and during late S and G2, early-replicating TADs increase their mean condensation to levels comparable to those of late-replicating TADs in G1. Condensation of mid-early replicating TADs follows a similar trend, with some delay and damped amplitude. Mid-late and late-replicating TADs, on the other hand, show constitutively high condensation in G1 and throughout S, with further marked increases observed for mid-late TADs in G2. We note that the potential involvement of trans sister chromatid contacts in driving the observed increase in mean contact distance cannot be determined unambiguously. However, the delay between replication of early domains at the start of S phase and their increased compaction in mid/late S suggests sister-chromatid contacts cannot fully account for the dynamics observed.
We next generated 1247 QC positive single-cell Hi-C maps from haploid mouse ESCs, to allow systematic analysis of conformation in single-copy chromosomes. We confirmed haploid ESC maps show comparable QC metrics to diploid cells, with less than half of the contacts per cell and some specific patterns of chromosome loss that we filtered in-silico (Extended Data Fig. 8a-c). We derived a pooled ensemble haploid Hi-C map and computed TAD structures, insulation and A/B compartments (compared to diploid in Extended Data Fig. 3f). We then used the same approach for cell-cycle phasing that was developed for diploid cells (Fig. 4a). Remarkably, we observe a similar cyclical trend, and analogous dynamics of insulation, loop enrichment and TAD condensation (Extended Data Fig. 8d-g). The universality of these processes shows that haploid ESCs are comparable to normal diploid cells, and a good model for studying chromosome conformation and dynamics, while providing the opportunity for unambiguous 3D modelling of single-copy chromosomes for G1 cells.
Figure 4. Haploid single-cell Hi-C reveals a spectrum of TAD pseudocompartments.
a) Similar to 1g, but analysing haploid cells. b) Chromosome idiogram depicting inferred A compartment score of each TAD. c) TADs’ mean time of replication versus A-score. d) TADs’ mean cis A-association score versus trans A-score. e) Standard deviation versus mean A-association scores per TAD across cells. Colours mark groups of TADs stratified by mean A-association. f) Standard deviation of A-association score across TADs stratified as in e and averaged separately over cells in each of the three main inferred cell-cycle phases: G1, early S and late S-G2. (* = < 0.05, ** = < 0.01, *** = < 0.001, single side MW-test). g) Per-TAD distributions of A-association scores in the three phased cell-cycle populations. h) Long-range (> 2 Mb) cis-chromosomal and i) trans-chromosomal contact frequency between TAD groups according to pseudo-compartments..
A spectrum of epigenetic compartments
We defined A-scores for each TAD as the fraction of trans-chromosomal contacts made with the A-compartment, and found a spectrum that generalizes the original discrete partitioning of the genome into two compartments (Fig. 4b). A-scores correlate with time of replication; high A-score TADs are early-replicating and low A-score TADs are late-replicating (Fig. 4c). These scores are conserved between diploid and haploid cells and growth conditions (Extended Data Fig. 9a), suggesting that a continuum of compartment affinities is a robust property of chromosomal domains. Such a continuum may be created if individual TADs switch compartments in individual cells, thereby creating a gradient of A-compartment affinities. Alternatively, it is possible that the A-score gradient is conserved at the single-cell level, representing a structural continuum, rather than a two-compartment structure that is heterogeneous across a cell population. To explore these questions at single-cell resolution we needed sufficient TAD coverage in each cell, so we computed a single-cell A-compartment association score for each TAD, using the mean A-score of its long-range (> 2 Mb) cis-contacting TADs. Cis A-association scores and trans A-scores are highly consistent on average (Fig. 4d), but the cis A-association score is defined by more contacts, while being constrained by the chromosomal larger-scale domain architecture. The standard deviation of Aassociation scores for individual TADs across the entire haploid single-cell cohort was less than 0.06 (Fig. 4e), suggesting limited variability of A-score between cells. Further analysis (Fig. 4f) showed that A-score variation decreases in early and late S-phase, consistent with the overall increase in A/B compartment strength above. Both sorting TADs by their mean A-association scores (Fig. 4g) and grouping these distributions by unsupervised clustering (Extended Data Fig. 9b) showed that TADs vary quantitatively in their A-association, but no significant group of TADs shows a bimodal compartment association distribution. The same analysis indicated that compartment association polarises in late S/G2, with many TADs shifting from broadly spread association in G1 or early S, to preferential contacts with TADs in a narrower range of A-scores following replication.
To further explore this effect we discretised the A-association score continuum, deriving 20 groups of TADs that corresponded to putative pseudo-compartments. We tested how such pseudo-compartments contact one another trans- and cis-chromosomally, and observed significant cis-chromosomal interaction between TADs within the same and neighbouring pseudo-compartments (Fig. 4h and Extended Data Fig. 9e, top). In trans we observed a more binary contact structure in G1 cells, transitioning toward a gradient of pseudo-compartment preferences following replication (Fig. 4i). A-association analysis of diploid cells shows similar behaviour (Extended Data Fig. 9c,d,f). Analysis of RNA-seq, histone marks15 and Lamin association17 suggested pseudo-compartments are characterized by a gradient of epigenetic signatures (Extended Data Fig. 9g-h). Overall, the ordering of TADs according to A-association score is significantly correlated with a linear model weighting H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 scores (r=0.79, p≪0.001). Together, these data suggest pseudo-compartments capture large-scale trans- and cis-chromosomal conformation at the population and single-cell level, generalising the binary A/B compartment scheme.
3D whole genome modelling and analysis
Using G1 haploid cell data we developed a structure sampling approach for inferring whole genome 3D conformation. We applied stringent contact filtering to eliminate contacts that are more likely to be technical artifacts (Methods), removing a median of 0.89% of the contacts from each cell (Extended Data Fig. 10a). We applied a simulated annealing protocol12 to sample over 30,000 whole genome 3D models for 190 single-cell datasets, using contacts as distance restraints at 0.1, 0.5 and 1Mb resolutions. The resulting 3D models satisfied nearly all observed cis- and trans-chromosomal contacts, with a median of <0.012% violated constraints per cell (Extended Data Fig. 10b-c). Subsampling 10,000 contacts per cell produced consistent models (Extended Data Fig. 10d-e), while cross-validation tests showed that structural modelling is sufficiently robust to re-discover trans-chromosomal distances between a pair of contacting chromosomes, even when all contacts between those chromosomes are discarded (Extended Data Fig. 10f).
To study changes in chromosomal structure as cells emerge from mitosis into G1, we analysed over 20,000 models from 126 cells with > 10,000 contacts per cell and < 0.5% constraint violations. Analysis of large-scale cis-chromosomal shapes shows that individual chromosomes rapidly de-condense from a rod-like mitotic conformation to a more spherical structure as G1 progresses (Fig. 5a-b, Extended Data Fig. 10g-h). We monitored the expansion of chromosomes by measuring the distance between adjacent 500 kb chromatin segments in A or B compartments in each cell (Fig. 5c). A and B compartments are similarly compact upon mitotic exit (P > 0.05, two-sided MW test), but as cells progress through G1, A compartments expands more rapidly and to a larger extent than B compartments (P < 0.005, onesided MW test), consistent with decondensed euchromatin and compact heterochromatin. Remarkably, the twenty high-resolution pseudo-compartments form a gradient that generalises this observation, with the strongest B-like pseudocompartments most compact and the strongest A-like pseudo-compartments the most expanded (Fig. 5d).
Figure 5. Whole genome structure modelling.
a) Whole genome conformations, and separated individual chromosomes. Models computed at 100 kb resolution. b) Top: Chromosome 1 examples along inferred G1 phase with fitted ellipsoid of inertia. Chromosomes coloured by genomic position pericentromeric (red), telomeric (blue). Bottom: Chromosome de-condensation illustrated by distribution of a/c semiaxis ratios of all chromosomes. c) Decompaction of chromatin in A and B compartments, defined as average distance between neighbouring 500 kb segments of same compartment. d) Same as c for the 20 pseudocompartments. e) Average radial position of A and B compartments within the nucleus, defined as the volume fraction enclosed by a sphere of that radius. Zero = nuclear centre, 1 = periphery. f) Same as e for the 20 pseudo-compartments. g) Long-range (> 2 Mb) cis-contact enrichment between 20 pseudo-compartments. h) Trans-contact enrichment between the 20 pseudo-compartments.
We then computed the mean nuclear radial positioning of A and B compartments as cells exit mitosis. We observed B compartments occupying more peripheral locations and A compartments tending toward the nuclear interior for cells 9-16 and onward (P < 0.001, one-sided MW test, Fig. 5e). Pseudo-compartments generalise this trend, showing progressively more differentiated radial positioning through G1 phase (Fig. 5f). The structural models also confirm and refine the preferential contacts among pseudo-compartments (as shown in Fig. 4h-i), and show that long-range cis-contacts are re-established very early in G1 phase, while trans compartmentalisation is not re-established until late G1 (Fig. 5g-h), consistent with 4C observations18. Finally, distributions of chromosomal conformations also suggest preferential contacts of Nucleolar Organiser Regions19 (NOR, P < 0.01 one-sided MW test, Extended Data Fig. 10i).
Using new high-throughput single-cell Hi-C technology, we generated and analysed single-cell contact maps from thousands of cells, and established a strategy for cell-cycle phasing that decouples TADs, compartments and loops that were previously superimposed in bulk maps. We confirmed that genome folding is highly heterogeneous at the single-cell level, but variation is far from random, reflecting a combination of deterministic dynamics and stochastic effects. Our data suggest that the most dramatic source of deterministic dynamics in the mouse ESC is the cell cycle. Consistent with previous reports at lower temporal resolution11, we show chromosome condensation in preparation for mitosis, and rapid expansion in early G1, while also finding extensive remodelling during replication. Importantly, the effects of these major transitions extend throughout the entire cell cycle, such that the genome is not stably folded at any point in interphase.
Our methodology and other techniques for high-resolution or high-throughput single-cell Hi-C20-22 now allow high-resolution analysis of other factors driving chromosome folding and genome regulation., It will be extremely important to interpret future single-cell studies and bulk Hi-C experiments through the cell-cycle prism introduced here. An emerging challenge is therefore the derivation of comprehensive models, combining cell-cycle chromosomal dynamics with gene regulatory processes during differentiation22 or response to stimuli. Using such models, it may become possible to understand how nuclei are capable of supporting the remarkably deterministic and pronounced chromosomal dynamics of mitosis and replication while implementing robust and flexible gene regulatory programs – a question that is rapidly becoming one of the key challenges in epigenetics.
Extended Data
Extended Data Fig. 1. Technical QCs.
Panels in this figure show data for all the diploid cells analysed, as specified in panel i. a) Testing library saturation. Showing the fraction of segment chains supported by a single read in each batch, batch colours match their sorting criteria, see panel i for details. b) Number of unique molecules captured per cell against the number of sequenced reads. c) Number of reads per unique molecule against number of sequenced reads. d) Observed (red) and expected (by binomial reshuffling of the observed contacts) number of cells each trans contact appears in. e) Correlation of the fraction of trans contacts and close cis (< 1 kb, non-digested) with the fraction of contacts in different distance bins. f) Stratification of contacts by the orientation of contacting fragments against contact distance. g) Distribution of the logarithmic decay bin with the most contacts per cell, dashed line at 15.5 mark QC threshold below which cells are discarded. h) QC metrics of single cells coloured by FACS sorting criteria: “2n DNA” and “2n<DNA≤4n” by Hoechst staining (H), “G1”, “early-S”, “mid-S” and “late-S/G2” by Hoechst (H) and Geminin (G) staining. Vertical lines mark experimental batches. Shown from top to bottom: total number of contacts (coverage); fraction of inter-chromosomal contacts (%trans); fraction of very close (< 1 Kb) intra-chromosomal contacts (%no dig); early replicating coverage enrichment (repli-score); fraction of fragment ends (fends) covered more than once (%dup fend). Horizontal dashed lines mark thresholds used to filter good cells. i) Details on the experimental batches, showing the number of cells in each batch, number of cells passed QC, mean number of reads per cell (MRPC, in million reads), FACS sorting criteria (H = Hoechst, G = Geminin) and the medium used to grow the cells. Batches are colored by FACS sorting criteria. j) Coverage enrichment per cell (column) and chromosome (rows), where expected coverage is calculated from the frequency in the pooled cells and the total number of contacts in each cell. We discard cells that have any aberrantly covered chromosome (at least 2 fold enrichment or depletion, shown on the right “bad” panel). Left panel shows all cells ordered by batch ID, with lower panel colored by FACS sorting criteria (as in panels h-i).
Extended Data Fig. 2. Trans-chromosomal contacts.
a) Examples of inter-chromosomal contact maps for several pairs of chromosomes. Showing contact maps of single cells (blue, each point is a contact) and the pooled contact map on the same chromosomes, using 500 Kb square bins. b) Distribution of the number of contacts between selected pairs of chromosomes. Showing the number of contacts per square Mb; red dashed line marks the cutoff for interacting chromosomes. c) Fraction of cells in which each pair of chromosomes was interacting (the pair of chromosomes had normalised interaction above the cutoff shown in panel b.
Extended Data Fig. 3. Pooled contact map and population data.
a) Normalised chromosomal contact maps of the pooled diploid 2i single cells (showing chromosomes 10 and 11). b) A chromosome idiogram showing the division of domains to the A and B compartments by k-means clustering of domains trans-chromosomal contact profiles. c) A chromosome idiogram showing the inferred A-score of each domain. d) Comparing A and B domains by their lengths. e) Comparing A and B domains by their mean time of replication (ToR); percentage of H3K4me3 peaks; mean H3K27me3; mean LaminB1 values; mean RNA-Seq. f) Genome-wide comparison of insulation scores across reference bulk Hi-C dataset (from Olivares-Chauvet et al, 2016) and different pools of single cells. Insulation is calculated every 10 kb using a scale of 300 kb, pearson correlation is shown at the legend.
Extended Data Fig. 4. Mitotic cells and dynamics of coverage by replication time.
a) Contact decay profile of our pool of diploid 2i singles (pool), a reference mouse ESC ensemble Hi-C dataset (Ens mES, from Olivares-Chauvet et al., 2016, supplementary reference 26), human K562 mitotic population Hi-C (K562 M, from Naumova et al, 2013, reference 11) and our pooled 8 most mitotic-like cells (top M). b) Genome-wide contact maps of 8 putative mitotic diploid cells (cells with the highest fraction of contacts at 2-12 Mb distances). c) Correlation matrix of domain coverage across cells. Ordered by the mean correlation to the top 50 earliest replicating domains minus the mean correlation with the latest 50 domains. Time of replication of each domain is shown at the bottom. d) Comparing the fraction of contacts associated with the latest- and earliest-replicating fends (ToR < -0.5 and ToR > 0.5, respectively). Cells are colored as in Fig. 1e. e) Projection of diploid 2i cells onto a two-dimensional plane using their contact decay profile (>1 kb) by a non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithm (see methods). Cells are colored by their repli-score, which was not used to position them on the plane.
Extended Data Fig. 5. Clustering cells by contact decay and phasing cells over the cell cycle.
a) Chromosomal contact maps (chromosome 6) of pooled cells per cluster defined in Fig. 1f and the mean decay trend of each cluster (red) compared to the rest of clusters (grey). b) K-means (k = 12) clusters of single-cell contact decay profiles. c) Mean far contact distances and repli-score against the fraction of short-range contacts per clusters in panel a (red – cells in cluster, grey – all cells), ordering clusters by their mean %short-range.
Extended Data Fig. 6. Phasing cells over the cell cycle and quality controls.
a) Mean contact distance among the far (4.5-225 Mb) range against the fraction of short-range (23 kb-2 Mb) contacts. Dashed red lines mark the cutoffs used to divide cells into the main 3 groups (G1, early-S, late-S/G2). b) Similar to panel a but showing repli-score against the fraction of short-range contacts. c) Batch of origin of each phased cell using all diploid 2i and serum cells, colored by the batch FACS sorting criteria (see Extended Data Fig. 1h for batch information) d) Similar to panel c but for haploid 2i and serum cells (see Extended Data Fig. 8b for batch information) e) Testing the stability of our phasing, we compare the positions of cells by phasing using only half the chromosomes (1st half: 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 2nd half: X, 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18). Position of only 38 cells (< 2%) differ in more than 10% of the number of cells (outliers marked in red, 10% margin in dashed grey). Phasing groups marked in black lines. f) Chromosomal comparison of the contact decay metrics used to phase the cells in each group: mean far contact distance for the G1 cells (left) and %short-range for G1, S and G2 cells (right). Showing smoothed (n = 51) trends per chromosome on top, chromosomes colored by length (light grey – chromosome 19, black – chromosome 1). Data for specific chromosomes: chromosome 1 (middle) and chromosome 11 (bottom) as red dots. g) Hoechst and Geminin FACS indices of cells in batches for cells in batches 27-35 against the cells inferred phasing position. h) Genome-wide contact maps of representative cells along the inferred G1 phase, their position marked at the bottom of Fig 2g.
Extended Data Fig. 7. Insulation of sub-groups and loops.
a) Insulation profiles of the main three phased groups (G1, early-S, late-S/G2) over 6 Mb regions in chromosomes 1-5. b) Comparing border insulation of phased groups. Dashed blue lines show the mean insulation value per group. c) Showing mean insulation per cell on mouse ESC TAD borders taken from Dixon et al. 2013 (reference 5; using the center point of borders smaller than 80 kb) compared to the mean cell insulation over our inferred borders. d) Insulation profile over a 6 Mb region in chromosome 1 (same as panel a), showing insulation of pooled cells (black), pooled mitotic cells (orange) and a shuffled pool of mitotic cells (red). e) Genome-wide distribution of insulation values for pooled-, pooled-mitotic- and shuffled-pooled-mitotic cells, same colours as in panel c. f) Mean border insulation per cell against the fraction of short-range (< 2 Mb) contacts. g) A/B compartment score on trans-chromosomal contacts, single-cell mean values in dots coloured by FACS sorting, mean trend (black) and mean trend of cis-chromosomal A/B compartment in dashed black (same trend as in Fig. 3b). h) Normalized contact maps of the regions in panel a, circling the loops detected in distances 200 kb to 1 Mb (marked in dashed black line) i) Comparing loop foci enrichment calculated per phased group, showing the Pearson correlation in the legend.
Extended Data Fig. 8. Haploid cells technical QCs.
a) QC metrics of single cells colored by FACS sorting criteria: G1 (H) and G1/S (H) by Hoechst staining (see color legend at bottom). Vertical lines mark experimental batches. Shown from top to bottom: total number of contacts (coverage); fraction of inter-chromosomal contacts (%trans); fraction of very close (< 1 kb) intra-chromosomal contacts (%no dig); early replicating coverage enrichment (repli-score); fraction of fragment ends (fends) covered more than once (%dup fend). Horizontal dashed lines mark thresholds used to filter good cells. b) Details on the experimental batches, showing the number of cells in each batch, the number of cells that passed QC, mean number of reads per cell (MRPC, in million reads), FACS sorting criteria (H = Hoechst,) and the medium used to grow the cells. c) Coverage enrichment per cell (column) and chromosome (rows), with expected coverage calculated from the pooled cells. We discard cells that have any aberrantly covered chromosome (at least 2 fold enrichment or depletion, shown on the left “bad” panel). The right panel shows all cells. d) Similar to Fig. 2d-g but produced from the haploid cells, outliers coloured in black. e) Similar to Fig. 3a-b but produced from the haploid cells, outliers coloured in black. f) Similar to Fig. 3e but produced from the haploid cells. g) Similar to Fig. 3g but produced from the haploid cells, outliers coloured in black.
Extended Data Fig. 9. Haploid cells clustering, diploid cells pseudo-compartment analysis.
a) Comparing trans A-score of a reference bulk Hi-C dataset (from Olivares-Chauvet et al., 2016) and different pools of single cells, using the set of domains inferred from the pool of diploid 2i cells (A domains in red and B in black). Showing on top of each panel the correlation of the domains’ A-score in each dataset. b) Per-domain distributions of A-association score across haploid cells in each of the three main cell cycle inferred phases (from left to right: G1, early S, late S to G2). Domains were clustered (k-means, k = 20) by their distribution in all groups. Interand intra- cluster ordering by mean A-association score at late-S/G2. c) Similar to Fig. 4g but for diploid 2i cells. d) Contingency table of haploid and diploid inferred pseudo-compartments, considering all overlapping intervals between the haploid and diploid sets of domains. e) Long-range (> 2 Mb) cis-chromosomal contact enrichments between TAD groups according to pseudo-compartments for haploid (top) and 2i diploid (bottom) cells. Showing the expected contact frequency by contacts in the shuffled pooled contact maps on the right. f) Long-range (> 2 Mb) cis-chromosomal (top) and trans-chromosomal (bottom) 2i diploid contact enrichments between TAD groups according to pseudo-compartments. Showing the expected contact frequency by the marginal pseudo-compartments coverage on the right. g) TADs are sorted by their mean A-association in late S – G2 (x-axis, left – strongly B, right – strongly A), and their mean RNA, H3K4me1, Lamin-B1 and H3K4me3 levels are shown (y-axis).
Extended Data Fig. 10. Whole genome structure modelling - quality control and clustering of peri-centromeric regions.
a) The distribution of the fraction of unsupported contacts in the pre-filtered contact set in all 190 haploid cells in 2i inferred as being in G1. b) The distribution of the fraction of violated constraints in the 190 haploid G1 cells. c) The fraction of violated constraints in the 3D models of 190 haploid G1 cells at 500 kb versus 100 kb resolutions (Pearson R = 0.96). Black dots represent cells that have at least 10,000 contacts and no more than 0 violations at 1 Mb, 0.5% violations at 500 kb and 0.1% violations at 100 kb. Cells with no violations at either 500 kb or 100 kb resolution are not shown. d) Mean RMSD between all models of the same cell with at least 10,000 (black) and fewer than 10,000 (red) filtered contacts, for cells at 1 Mb (dots), 500 kb (open diamonds) and 100 kb (triangles) resolutions. e) Model reproducibility across cells. The RMSD distribution between all models for the same cell (red) compared to the RMSD distribution between models for different cells for the 126 cells with the highest quality models. The images show aligned structures of 106 × 1 Mb models (top), 80 × 500 kb models (centre) and 5 × 100 kb models (bottom) for NXT-1091 (38th of 126 ordered G1 cells) with a mean RMSD at the peak of the red curves. f) Cross-validation test. Average trans-chromosomal distance distributions, computed using a set of 200 random trans-contacts between any two chromosomes, with the contact points distributed uniformly on the two chromosomes. Red curve: trans-distances between the 5 most strongly contacting chromosome pairs in models using all supported contacts. Blue curve: same as red curve, but using the models computed with the contacts between that chromosome pair removed. Cyan curve: trans-distances of unsupported contacts in the models computed with all supported contacts present. Green curve: trans-distances of chromosome pairs in models of all cells using all supported contacts. g) Nucleus and chromosome shape properties in the 126 cells with high-quality models: the nuclear radius (in arbitrary units), the longest-to-shortest (a/c) semiaxis ratio of the ellipsoid fitted to the whole nucleus model, and the longest-to-shortest (a/c) and middle-to-shortest (b/c) semiaxis ratios of the ellipsoids fitted to each chromosome of the 3D models. For the nucleus size and a/c ratio, values in each model are shown, for the chromosome fitted ellipsoid semiaxis ratios the model-averaged value is shown for each cell. h) The 7 cell groups in the inferred G1 time order for the 126 cells with the highest-quality models. i) Distances of the top third shortest distances between NOR chromosomes or non-NOR chromosomes in 7 cell groups along the inferred G1 time order. Distances are normalised by the nucleus diameter.
Supplementary Material
This work was supported by the NIH 4D Nucleome 1U01HL129971-01 and the European Research Council 340152. We thank Drs M. Leeb, A Wutz and J. Gribnau for haploid and diploid ESCs.
Author Contributions: T.N., Y.L., P.F. and A.T. conceived the project and designed the experiments. T.N. devised new single-cell Hi-C protocol. T.N. and W.L. carried out experiments. Y.L., C.V., C.D., Y.B., N.M.C., S.W. and A.T. analysed data. T.N, Y.L., C.V., C.D., P.F. and A.T. wrote the manuscript.
Author Information: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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