Henna causes life threatening haemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

. 2001 Nov;85(5):411–412. doi: 10.1136/adc.85.5.411

PMCID: PMC1718961  PMID: 11668106


Haemolytic crisis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient individuals following topical application of henna occured in four children: a female neonate (haemoglobin 50 g/l, serum bilirubin 700 µmol/l), who recovered after exchange transfusion; a male infant (haemoglobin 28 g/l) who died despite transfusion; and two preschool children (haemoglobin 40 and 41 g/l respectively).

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