Gough Whitlam | PNG Speaks

Stephen Pokawin - 00:42:22

Stephen Pokawin discusses the role of visiting Australians and administrators in encouraging independence. He emphasises the importance of collaboration between the international community, Australian administrators, the political leadership in PNG's independence.

Charles Lepani - 00:05:16

Charles Lepani relates how he was invited to be a participant in a television debate run by the ABC between Charlie Barnes (Minister for External Territories) and Gough Whitlam on PNG Independence at New England University in Armidale. He relates how on returning to PNG he was involved as a trade union activist in the Port Moresby urban minimum wage case and succeeded in increasing the minimum wage from $8 to $13.50 heard by Arbitration Commissioner Len Matthews.

Michael Somare - 01:39:08

Michael Somare describes the excitement of 16 September 1975 and the ceremony and speeches by John Guise, Prince Charles and Gough Whitlam. He discusses the advice he got to keep the armed forces numbers low so as not to create a situation as occurred in Fiji with General Rambuka.

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