

Sentret (Japanese: オタチ, HepburnOtachi) (SEN-tret[1]) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II.



Sentret is a mammalian Pokémon with a pudgy, egg-shaped body, its face is very small, with no visible nose, and long ears that are dark brown and pink on the inside. Its arms are stubby. It has very small legs, round-shaped feet with three toes, and a white circle on its stomach. Sentret also has a big, long, bushy tail with three dark brown stripes that it uses to stand up high to look around its surroundings.


Sentret are very wary Pokémon and will cry out loud to warn its species of any danger. In order to sleep, they will take shifts guarding one another. If one is separated from the pack, it will remain awake due to fear,loneliness and the constant, instinctual need to have an ally on guard duty—without anyone to split their patrols with, lone Sentret feel compelled to stay up and keep watch indefinitely all by themselves until they simply collapse from sheer exhaustion.They are very nervous Pokémon—upon the first sign of trouble, they will begin thumping their tails wildly and crying out to alert their allies. Sentret care closely for and are heavily dependent upon their friends.


Sentret evolves into Furret starting at level 15.

Game data[]

Version(s) Area(s) Rarity
Gold and Silver Routes 1 and 29 Common
Crystal Routes 1, 29 and 43 Few
Ruby and Sapphire Trade None
FireRed and LeafGreen Canyon Entrance, Five Isle Meadow, Water Path Common
Emerald Trade None
Diamond and Pearl Route 202 (Poké Radar) Rare
Platinum Route 202 (Poké Radar) Rare
HeartGold and SoulSilver Routes 1 and 29 Common
Black and White Route 7 Swarm
X and Y Route 6 Uncommon
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Trade None

Side game locations[]

Game(s) Area(s)
Pokémon Trozei! Secret Storage 11, Endless Level 18, Pair Trozei, Mr. Who's Den
Red Rescue Team & Blue Rescue Team Sinister Woods (3F-6F)
Explorers of Time & Explorers of Darkness Mt. Travail (1F-19F)
Shimmer Hill (1F-17F)

Pokédex entries[]

  • Gold

    A very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.

  • Silver

    It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind.

  • Crystal

    When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail.

  • Ruby

    When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear.

  • Sapphire

    When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear.

  • FireRed

    It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind.

  • LeafGreen

    A very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.

  • Emerald

    They take turns standing guard when it is time to sleep. The sentry awakens the others if it senses danger. If one becomes separated, it turns sleepless with fear.

  • Diamond

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • Pearl

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • Platinum

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • HeartGold

    A very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.

  • SoulSilver

    It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries louldly to warn its kind.

  • Black

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • White

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • Black 2

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • White 2

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • X

    When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail.

  • Y

    It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind.

  • Omega Ruby

    When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear.

  • Brilliant Diamond

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • Shining Pearl

    It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas.

  • Scarlet

    This Pokémon is extremely cautious. Its supple tail is well muscled and firm to the touch.

  • Violet

    If it encounters a foe, it will stand up on its tail, making itself look bigger than usual to intimidate them.








Sp. Atk


Sp. Def






Type effectiveness[]


By leveling up[]

Generation VII
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Foresight Status —% 40
1 Scratch Physical 40 100% 35
4 Defense Curl Status —% 40
7 Quick Attack Physical 40 100% 30
13 Fury Swipes Physical 18 100% 15
16 Helping Hand Status —% 20
19 Follow Me Status —% 20
25 Slam Physical 80 75% 20
28 Rest Status —% 10
31 Sucker Punch Physical 70 100% 5
36 Amnesia Status —% 20
39 Baton Pass Status —% 40
42 Me First Status —% 20
47 Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM/HM[]

Generation VII
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM01 Work Up Status —% 30
TM06 Toxic Status 90% 10
TM10 Hidden Power Special 60 100% 15
TM11 Sunny Day Status —% 5
TM13 Ice Beam Special 90 100% 10
TM17 Protect Status —% 10
TM18 Rain Dance Status —% 5
TM21 Frustration Physical 100% 20
TM22 Solar Beam Special 120 100% 10
TM24 Thunderbolt Special 90 100% 15
TM27 Return Physical 100% 20
TM30 Shadow Ball Special 80 100% 15
TM31 Brick Break Physical 75 100% 15
TM32 Double Team Status —% 15
TM35 Flamethrower Special 90 100% 15
TM42 Facade Physical 70 100% 20
TM44 Rest Status —% 10
TM45 Attract Status 100% 15
TM46 Thief Physical 60 100% 25
TM48 Round Physical 60 100% 15
TM49 Echoed Voice Special 40 100% 15
TM56 Fling Physical 100% 10
TM57 Charge Beam Special 50 100% 10
TM59 Brutal Swing Physical 60 100% 20
TM65 Shadow Claw Physical 70 100% 15
TM86 Grass Knot Special 100% 20
TM87 Swagger Status 85% 15
TM88 Sleep Talk Status —% 10
TM89 U-Turn Physical 70 100% 20
TM90 Substitute Status —% 10
TM94 Surf Special 90 100% 15
TM100 Confide Status —% 20
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Generation VII
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Assist Status —% 20
Parent Candidates: Skitty, Glameow, Purugly, Purrloin, Liepard
Baby-Doll Eyes USUM Status 100% 30
Parent Candidates: Vulpix, Alolan Vulpix, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Shinx, Buneary, Lopunny, Lillipup, Minccino, Furfrou, Popplio, Brionne, Primarina, Stufful, Bewear
Captivate Status 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Vulpix, Alolan Vulpix, Meowth, Alolan Meowth, Persian, Alolan Persian, Stantler, Skitty, Glameow, Purugly, Purrloin, Minccino, Deerling, Popplio, Brionne, Primarina
Charm Status 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Eevee, Snubbull, Granbull, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Skitty, Pachirisu, Buneary, Lopunny, Glameow, Purugly, Minccino, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Cubchoo, Furfrou, Meowstic, Dedenne
Covet Physical 60 100% 25
Parent Candidates: Mankey, Eevee, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Slaking, Skitty, Espurr, Meowstic
Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Alolan Rattata, Raticate, Alolan Raticate, Tauros, Eevee, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Dunsparce, Phanpy, Linoone, Skitty, Numel, Spinda, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Skiddo, Gogoat, Stufful, Bewear, Passimian
Focus Energy Status —% 30
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Alolan Rattata, Raticate, Alolan Raticate, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Mankey, Primeape, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Vigoroth, Numel, Camerupt, Stunky, Skuntank, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Patrat, Watchog, Bouffalant, Passimian
Iron Tail * Physical 100 75% 15
Parent Candidates: Ekans, Nidoran♂, Meowth, Growlithe, Seel, Rhyhorn, Sentret, Mareep, Zangoose, Seviper, Pachirisu, Stunky, Snivy, Patrat, Minccino, Emolga
Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
Parent Candidates: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Aipom, Ambipom, Phanpy, Pachirisu, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Minccino
Natural Gift Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Phanpy, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour
Pursuit Physical 40 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Alolan Rattata, Raticate, Alolan Raticate, Mankey, Primeape, Tauros, Umbreon, Dunsparce, Zangoose, Absol, Buizel, Floatzel, Purrloin, Liepard, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Zorua, Zoroark, Emolga, Bouffalant, Yungoos, Gumshoos, Passimian
Reversal Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Growlithe, Vigoroth, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Bouffalant, Lycanroc, Passimian
Slash Physical 70 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, Sandslash, Alolan Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Alolan Meowth, Persian, Alolan Persian, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Linoone, Vigoroth, Zangoose, Kecleon, Absol, Glameow, Purugly, Stunky, Skuntank, Samurott, Purrloin, Liepard, Drilbur, Excadrill, Cubchoo, Beartic, Heatmor, Pancham, Pangoro
Trick * Status 100% 10
Parent Candidates: Sentret, Zigzagoon, Spoink, Spinda, Kecleon, Espurr
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.

By tutoring[]

Generation VII
Games Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
USUM Aqua Tail Physical 90 90% 10
USUM Covet Physical 60 100% 25
USUM Fire Punch Physical 75 100% 15
USUM Focus Punch Physical 150 100% 20
USUM Helping Hand Status —% 20
USUM Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
USUM Ice Punch Physical 75 100% 15
USUM Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
USUM Knock Off Physical 65 100% 20
USUM Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
USUM Shock Wave Special 60 —% 20
USUM Snore Special 50 100% 15
USUM Super Fang Physical 90% 10
USUM Thunder Punch Physical 75 100% 15
USUM Trick Status 100% 10
USUM Uproar Special 90 100% 10
USUM Water Pulse Special 60 100% 20
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By leveling up[]

Generation VI
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Foresight Status —% 40
1 Scratch Physical 40 100% 35
4 Defense Curl Status —% 40
7 Quick Attack Physical 40 100% 30
13 Fury Swipes Physical 18 100% 15
16 Helping Hand Status —% 20
19 Follow Me Status —% 20
25 Slam Physical 80 75% 20
28 Rest Status —% 10
31 Sucker Punch Physical 80 100% 5
36 Amnesia Status —% 20
39 Baton Pass Status —% 40
42 Me First Status —% 20
47 Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM/HM[]

Generation VI
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM01 Hone Claws Status —% 15
TM06 Toxic Status 90% 10
TM10 Hidden Power Special 60 100% 15
TM11 Sunny Day Status —% 5
TM13 Ice Beam Special 90 100% 10
TM17 Protect Status —% 10
TM18 Rain Dance Status —% 5
TM21 Frustration Physical 100% 20
TM22 Solar Beam Special 120 100% 10
TM24 Thunderbolt Special 90 100% 15
TM27 Return Physical 100% 20
TM30 Shadow Ball Special 80 100% 15
TM31 Brick Break Physical 75 100% 15
TM32 Double Team Status —% 15
TM35 Flamethrower Special 90 100% 15
TM42 Facade Physical 70 100% 20
TM44 Rest Status —% 10
TM45 Attract Status 100% 15
TM46 Thief Physical 60 100% 25
TM48 Round Physical 60 100% 15
TM49 Echoed Voice Special 40 100% 15
TM56 Fling Physical 100% 10
TM57 Charge Beam Special 50 100% 10
TM65 Shadow Claw Physical 70 100% 15
TM67 Retaliate Physical 70 100% 5
TM86 Grass Knot Special 100% 20
TM87 Swagger Status 85% 15
TM88 Sleep Talk Status —% 10
TM89 U-Turn Physical 70 100% 20
TM90 Substitute Status —% 10
TM94 Secret PowerORAS Physical 70 100% 70
TM98 Power-Up Punch Physical 40 100% 20
TM100 Confide Status —% 20
HM01 Cut Physical 50 95% 30
HM03 Surf Special 90 100% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Generation VI
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Assist Status 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Skitty, Glameow, Purugly, Purrloin, Liepard
Captivate Status 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Vulpix, Meowth, Persian, Stantler, Skitty, Glameow, Purugly, Purrloin, Minccino
Charm Status 60 100% 25
Parent Candidates: Pikachu, Eevee, Snubbull, Granbull, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Skitty, Pachirisu, Buneary, Lopunny, Glameow, Purugly, Minccino, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Cubchoo, Furfrou, Meowstic, Dedenne
Covet Physical 60 100% 25
Parent Candidates: Mankey, Eevee, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Slaking, Skitty, Espurr, Meowstic
Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Eevee, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Phanpy, Skitty, Numel, Spinda, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Skiddo, Gogoat
Focus Energy Status —% 30
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Mankey, Primeape, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Vigoroth, Numel, Camerupt, Stunky, Skuntank, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Bouffalant
Iron Tail * Physical 100 75% 15
Parent Candidates: Nidoran♂, Rhyhorn, Mareep
Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
Parent Candidates: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Aipom, Ambipom, Phanpy, Pachirisu, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Minccino
Natural Gift Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Phanpy, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour
Reversal Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Tauros, Umbreon, Dunsparce, Zangoose, Absol, Buizel, Floatzel, Purrloin, Liepard, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Zorua, Zoroark, Emolga, Bouffalant
Slash Physical 70 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Linoone, Vigoroth, Zangoose, Kecleon, Absol, Glameow, Purugly, Stunky, Skuntank, Samurott, Purrloin, Liepard, Drilbur, Excadrill, Cubchoo, Beartic, Heatmor, Pancham, Pangoro
Trick * Status 100% 10
Parent Candidates: Spinda
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.

By tutoring[]

Generation VI
Games Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
ORAS Aqua Tail Physical 90 90% 10
ORAS Covet Physical 60 100% 25
ORAS Endure Status —% 10
ORAS Fire Punch Physical 75 100% 15
ORAS Focus Punch Physical 150 100% 20
ORAS Helping Hand Status —% 20
ORAS Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
ORAS Ice Punch Physical 75 100% 15
ORAS Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
ORAS Knock Off Physical 65 100% 20
ORAS Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
ORAS Shock Wave Special 60 —% 20
ORAS Snore Special 50 100% 15
ORAS Super Fang Physical 90% 10
ORAS Thunder Punch Physical 75 100% 15
ORAS Trick Status 100% 10
ORAS Uproar Special 90 100% 10
ORAS Water Pulse Special 60 100% 20
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By leveling up[]

Generation V
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Foresight Status —% 40
1 Scratch Physical 40 100% 35
4 Defense Curl Status —% 40
7 Quick Attack Physical 40 100% 30
13 Fury Swipes Physical 18 100% 15
16 Helping Hand Status —% 20
19 Follow Me Status —% 20
25 Slam Physical 80 75% 20
28 Rest Status —% 10
31 Sucker Punch Physical 80 100% 5
36 Amnesia Status —% 20
39 Baton Pass Status —% 40
42 Me First Status —% 20
47 Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM/HM[]

Generation V
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM01 Hone Claws Status —% 15
TM06 Toxic Status 90% 10
TM10 Hidden Power Special 100% 15
TM11 Sunny Day Status —% 5
TM13 Ice Beam Special 90 100% 10
TM17 Protect Status —% 10
TM18 Rain Dance Status —% 5
TM21 Frustration Physical 100% 20
TM22 Solar Beam Special 120 100% 10
TM24 Thunderbolt Special 90 100% 15
TM27 Return Physical 100% 20
TM30 Shadow Ball Special 80 100% 15
TM31 Brick Break Physical 75 100% 15
TM32 Double Team Status —% 15
TM35 Flamethrower Special 90 100% 15
TM42 Facade Physical 70 100% 20
TM44 Rest Status —% 10
TM45 Attract Status 100% 15
TM46 Thief Physical 60 100% 25
TM48 Round Physical 60 100% 15
TM49 Echoed Voice Special 40 100% 15
TM56 Fling Physical 100% 10
TM57 Charge Beam Special 50 100% 10
TM65 Shadow Claw Physical 70 100% 15
TM67 Retaliate Physical 70 100% 5
TM83 Work Up Status —% 30
TM86 Grass Knot Special 100% 20
TM87 Swagger Status 85% 15
TM89 U-Turn Physical 70 100% 20
TM90 Substitute Status —% 10
HM01 Cut Physical 50 95% 30
HM03 Surf Special 95 100% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Generation V
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Assist Status —% 20
Parent Candidates: Skitty, Glameow, Purugly, Purrloin, Liepard
Charm Status 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Pikachu, Eevee, Snubbull, Granbull, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Skitty, Pachirisu, Buneary, Lopunny, Glameow, Purugly, Minccino, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Cubchoo
Covet Physical 60 100% 40
Parent Candidates: Mankey, Eevee, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Slaking, Skitty
Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Eevee, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Phanpy, Skitty, Numel, Spinda, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Deerling, Sawsbuck
Focus Energy Status —% 30
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Mankey, Primeape, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Vigoroth, Numel, Camerupt, Stunky, Skuntank, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Bouffalant
Iron Tail * Physical 100 75% 15
Parent Candidates: Nidoran♂, Rhyhorn, Mareep
Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
Parent Candidates: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Aipom, Ambipom, Phanpy, Pachirisu, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Minccino
Natural Gift Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Phanpy, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour
Pursuit Physical 40 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Tauros, Umbreon, Dunsparce, Zangoose, Absol, Buizel, Floatzel, Purrloin, Liepard, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Zorua, Zoroark, Emolga, Bouffalant
Reversal Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Growlithe, Vigoroth, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Bouffalant
Slash Physical 70 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Linoone, Vigoroth, Zangoose, Kecleon, Absol, Glameow, Purugly, Stunky, Skuntank, Samurott, Purrloin, Liepard, Drilbur, Excadrill, Cubchoo, Beartic, Heatmor
Trick * Status 100% 10
Parent Candidates: Spinda
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.

By tutoring[]

Generation V
Games Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
B2W2 Aqua Tail Physical 90 90% 10
B2W2 Covet Physical 60 100% 25
B2W2 Fire Punch Physical 75 100% 15
B2W2 Helping Hand Status —% 20
B2W2 Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
B2W2 Ice Punch Physical 75 100% 15
B2W2 Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
B2W2 Knock Off Physical 20 100% 20
B2W2 Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
B2W2 Sleep Talk Status —% 10
B2W2 Snore Special 40 100% 15
B2W2 Super Fang Physical 90% 10
B2W2 ThunderPunch Physical 75 100% 15
B2W2 Trick Status 100% 10
B2W2 Uproar Special 90 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By leveling[]

Generation IV
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Foresight Status —% 40
1 Scratch Physical 40 100% 35
4 Defense Curl Status —% 40
7 Quick Attack Physical 40 100% 30
13 Fury Swipes Physical 18 100% 15
16 Helping Hand Status —% 20
19 Follow Me Status —% 20
25 Slam Physical 80 75% 20
28 Rest Status —% 10
31 Sucker Punch Physical 80 100% 5
36 Amnesia Status —% 20
39 Baton Pass Status —% 40
42 Me First Status —% 20
47 Hyper Voice Special 90 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM/HM[]

Generation IV
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM01 Focus Punch Physical 150 100% 20
TM03 Water Pulse Special 60 100% 20
TM06 Toxic Status 85% 10
TM10 Hidden Power Special 100% 15
TM11 Sunny Day Status —% 5
TM13 Ice Beam Special 95 100% 10
TM17 Protect Status —% 10
TM18 Rain Dance Status —% 5
TM21 Frustration Physical 100% 20
TM22 Solar Beam Special 120 100% 10
TM23 Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
TM24 Thunderbolt Special 95 100% 15
TM27 Return Physical 100% 20
TM28 Dig Physical 80 100% 10
TM30 Shadow Ball Special 80 100% 15
TM31 Brick Break Physical 75 100% 15
TM32 Double Team Status —% 15
TM34 Shock Wave Special 60 —% 20
TM35 Flamethrower Special 95 100% 15
TM42 Facade Physical 70 100% 20
TM43 Secret Power Physical 70 100% 20
TM44 Rest Status —% 10
TM45 Attract Status 100% 15
TM46 Thief Physical 40 100% 25
TM56 Fling Physical 100% 10
TM57 Charge Beam Special 50 100% 10
TM58 Endure Physical —% 10
TM65 Shadow Claw Physical 70 100% 15
TM82 Sleep Talk Status —% 10
TM86 Grass Knot Special 100% 20
TM89 U-Turn Physical 70 100% 20
TM90 Substitute Status —% 10
HM01 Cut Physical 50 95% 30
HM03 Surf Special 95 100% 15
HM05 WhirlpoolHGSS Special 15 70% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Generation IV
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Assist Status —% 20
Parent Candidates: Skitty, Glameow, Purugly
Charm Status 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Pikachu, Snubbull, Granbull, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Skitty, Pachirisu, Buneary, Lopunny, Glameow, Purugly
Covet Physical 40 100% 40
Parent Candidates: Mankey, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Slaking, Skitty
Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Phanpy, Skitty, Numel, Spinda, Hippopotas, Hippowdon
Focus Energy Status —% 30
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Mankey, Primeape, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Vigoroth, Numel, Camerupt, Stunky, Skuntank
Last Resort Physical 130 100% 5
Parent Candidates: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Aipom, Ambipom, Phanpy, Pachirisu
Pursuit Physical 40 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Tauros, Umbreon, Dunsparce, Zangoose, Absol, Buizel, Floatzel
Reversal Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Growlithe, Vigoroth
Slash Physical 70 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Linoone, Vigoroth, Zangoose, Kecleon, Absol, Glameow, Purugly, Stunky, Skuntank
Substitute Status —% 10
Parent Candidates: Kecleon
Trick * Status 100% 10
Parent Candidates: Spinda
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.

By tutoring[]

Generation IV
Games Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Pt / HGSS Aqua Tail Physical 90 90% 10
Pt / HGSS Fire Punch Physical 75 100% 15
Pt / HGSS Fury Cutter Physical 10 95% 20
Pt / HGSS Headbutt Physical 70 100% 15
Pt / HGSS Helping Hand Status —% 20
Pt / HGSS Ice Punch Physical 75 100% 15
Pt / HGSS Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
Pt / HGSS Knock Off Physical 20 100% 20
Pt / HGSS Last Resort Physical 140 100% 5
Pt / HGSS Mud-Slap Special 20 100% 10
Pt / HGSS Rollout Physical 30 90% 20
Pt / HGSS Snore Special 40 100% 15
Pt / HGSS Super Fang Physical 90% 10
Pt / HGSS Sucker Punch Physical 80 100% 5
Pt / HGSS Swift Special 60 —% 20
Pt / HGSS ThunderPunch Physical 75 100% 15
Pt / HGSS Uproar Special 90 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By leveling up[]

Generation III
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Scratch Physical 40 100% 35
4 Defense Curl Status —% 40
7 Quick Attack Physical 40 100% 30
12 Fury Swipes Physical 18 100% 15
17 Helping Hand Status —% 20
24 Slam Physical 80 75% 20
31 Follow Me Status —% 20
40 Rest Status —% 10
49 Amnesia Status —% 20
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM/HM[]

Generation III
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM01 Focus Punch Physical 150 100% 20
TM03 Water Pulse Special 60 100% 20
TM06 Toxic Status 85% 10
TM10 Hidden Power Physical 100% 15
TM11 Sunny Day Status —% 5
TM13 Ice Beam Special 95 100% 10
TM17 Protect Status —% 10
TM18 Rain Dance Status —% 5
TM21 Frustration Physical 100% 20
TM22 Solar Beam Special 120 100% 10
TM23 Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
TM24 Thunderbolt Special 95 100% 15
TM27 Return Physical 100% 20
TM28 Dig Physical 60 100% 10
TM30 Shadow Ball Physical 80 100% 15
TM31 Brick Break Physical 75 100% 15
TM32 Double Team Status —% 15
TM34 Shock Wave Special 60 —% 20
TM35 Flamethrower Special 95 100% 15
TM42 Facade Physical 70 100% 20
TM43 Secret Power Physical 70 100% 20
TM44 Rest Status —% 10
TM45 Attract Status 100% 15
TM46 Thief Special 40 100% 25
HM01 Cut Physical 50 95% 30
HM03 Surf Special 95 100% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

by breeding[]

Generation III
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Assist Status —% 20
Parent Candidates: Skitty
Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Phanpy, Skitty, Numel, Spinda
Focus Energy Status —% 30
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking, Mankey, Primeape, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Vigoroth, Numel, Camerupt
Pursuit Special 40 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Tauros, Umbreon, Dunsparce, Zangoose
Reversal Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Vigoroth
Slash Physical 70 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Linoone, Vigoroth, Zangoose, Kecleon, Absol
Substitute Status —% 10
Parent Candidates: Kecleon
Trick * Status 100% 10
Parent Candidates: Spinda
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.

By tutoring[]

Generation III
Games Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
FRLG / E / XD Body Slam Physical 85 100% 15
E Defense Curl Status —% 40
FRLG / E / XD Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
E DynamicPunch Physical 100 50% 5
E Endure Status —% 10
E Fire Punch Special 75 100% 15
E Fury Cutter Physical 10 95% 20
E Ice Punch Special 75 100% 15
FRLG / E / XD Mimic Status —% 10
E Mud-Slap Physical 20 100% 10
E Rollout Physical 30 90% 20
E Sleep Talk Status —% 10
E Snore Physical 40 100% 15
FRLG / E / XD Substitute Status —% 10
E / XD Swagger Status 90% 15
E Swift Physical 60 —% 20
E ThunderPunch Special 75 100% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Generation II
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Tackle Physical 35 95% 35
5 Defense Curl Status —% 40
11 Quick Attack Physical 40 100% 30
17 Fury Swipes Physical 18 100% 15
25 Slam Physical 80 75% 20
33 Rest Status —% 10
41 Amnesia Status —% 20
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM/HM[]

Generation II
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM01 DynamicPunch Physical 100 50% 5
TM02 Headbutt Physical 70 100% 15
TM03 Curse Status —% 10
TM04 Rollout Physical 30 90% 20
TM06 Toxic Status 85% 10
TM10 Hidden Power Physical 100% 15
TM11 Sunny Day Status —% 5
TM13 Snore Physical 40 100% 15
TM17 Protect Status —% 10
TM20 Endure Status —% 10
TM21 Frustration Physical 100% 20
TM23 Iron Tail Physical 100 75% 15
TM27 Return Physical 100% 20
TM28 Dig Physical 60 100% 10
TM30 Shadow Ball Physical 80 100% 15
TM31 Mud-Slap Physical 20 100% 10
TM32 Double Team Status —% 15
TM48 Ice Punch Special 75 100% 15
TM34 Swagger Status 90% 15
TM35 Sleep Talk Status —% 10
TM39 Swift Physical 60 —% 20
TM40 Defense Curl Status —% 40
TM41 ThunderPunch Special 75 100% 15
TM43 Detect Status —% 5
TM44 Rest Status —% 10
TM45 Attract Status 100% 15
TM46 Thief Physical 60 100% 25
TM48 Fire Punch Special 75 100% 15
TM49 Fury Cutter Physical 10 90% 20
HM01 Cut Physical 50 95% 30
HM03 Surf Special 95 100% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Generation II
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Double-Edge Physical 120 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Phanpy
Focus Energy Status —% 30
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Mankey, Primeape
Pursuit Special 40 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Rattata, Raticate, Tauros, Umbreon, Dunsparce
Reversal Physical 100% 15
Parent Candidates: Smeargle
Slash Physical 70 100% 20
Parent Candidates: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Ursaring
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.



Goh Sentret

Goh's Sentret.

Sentret debut in GS017: Tanks a Lot!. Goh owns a Sentret that he caught in PJ009: Finding a Legend!.



Despite its name implying it is based on a ferret, its behavior is much more reminiscent of that of meerkats. Its appearance also seems to be based on the tanuki and sugar gliders.


Sentret is derived from sentry, referring to its watchful behavior, and ferret.


See also[]

v · d · e
  • #001–025
  • (#152–176)
  • #026–050
  • (#177–201)
  • #051–075
  • (#202–226)
  • #076–100
  • (#227–251)
See also
Generation II
v · d · e
Characters · Locations

Johto Pokédex

See also
v · d · e
Characters · Locations

Central Kalos


Coastal Kalos


Mountain Kalos

See also
v · d · e
Characters · Locations (Paldea · Kitakami · Terarium)






See also
  1. ^ Silvestri, Cris (2015). Pokémon Deluxe Essential Handbook [Book]. p. 327. Scholastic. ISBN 978-0-545-79566-1.