
The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Titus

  • ️Lawrence Kestenbaum


  TITUS: See also Titus Anderson — Henry Titus Backus — George Titus Baker — Titus Walker Beasley — Titus Brown — Earl Theodore Church — Robert Titus Coan — George Morey Copeland — Titus Dort — Titus G. Fish — Harwood Edward Odery Fish — Ernest Raymond Gabler — Titus L. Gaylord — Titus Goodman Jr. — Titus Hosmer — Stephen Titus Hosmer — Titus Hubbard — Titus Hutchinson — Titus Ives — Titus Ives — Orlando Kellogg — Jeremiah Titus Mahoney — Titus Mareck — Titus McClary — Titus Merriman — Jonathan Wetherbee Parker — S. Titus Parsons — Titus Plomaritus — Titus E. Price — Sylvador Titus Read — Titus M. Ruch — Titus Sheard — Titus R. Shelby — John Titus Smith — Titus Watson — Titus C. Wetmore — Daniel Darling Whitney — Titus B. Willard — Titus T. Worth — Josiah Titus Young
  Titus, Adelaide See M. Adelaide Titus
  Titus, Albion B. (b. 1886) — of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich. Born in Hartford, Van Buren County, Mich., September 16, 1886. Republican. Lawyer; Kalamazoo County Circuit Court Commissioner; municipal judge in Michigan, 1916; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Kalamazoo County 1st District, 1921-24; defeated in primary, 1924. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Elks; Moose. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Lincoln H. Titus.
  Titus, Alice Costandina (b. 1950) — also known as Dina Titus — of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nev. Born in Thomasville, Thomas County, Ga., May 23, 1950. Democrat. University professor; member of Nevada state senate 7th District, 1989-2008; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Nevada, 1996 (delegation chair), 2004, 2008; member of Democratic National Committee from Nevada, 2004-08; candidate for Governor of Nevada, 2006; U.S. Representative from Nevada, 2009-11, 2013- (3rd District 2009-11, 1st District 2013-18); defeated, 2010. Female. Greek ancestry. Still living as of 2018.
  Titus, Andrew Jackson (1814-1855) — of Texas. Born in Rutherford County, Tenn., March 12, 1814. Served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; member of Texas state legislature, 1851-52. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar. Died April 9, 1855 (age 41 years, 28 days). Interment at Savannah Cemetery, Red River County, Tex.
  Titus, Arthur C. — of Washington, Litchfield County, Conn. Democrat. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Washington; defeated, 1908, 1910; elected 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Carl — Republican. Candidate for Michigan state senate 29th District, 1960. Still living as of 1960.
  Titus, Charles M. — of Tompkins County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Tompkins County, 1879-80, 1886. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Cliff — of Joplin, Jasper County, Mo. Republican. Member of Missouri state senate 28th District, 1931-34; defeated, 1934. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Clifford — American Independent candidate for Presidential Elector for Arizona, 1972. Still living as of 1972.
  Titus, D. Sands — Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 27th District, 1888. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, De Witt C. — of Hempstead, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Postmaster at Hempstead, N.Y., 1901. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Dina See Alice Costandina Titus
  Titus, Earle O. — U.S. Vice Consul in Madrid, as of 1943. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Frank E. — of Jackson, Jackson County, Mich. Member of Michigan Prohibition Party State Executive Committee, 1899; press secretary of Michigan Prohibition Party, 1899; Prohibition candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 2nd District, 1916; member of Michigan Prohibition Party State Central Committee, 1919, 1927; Prohibition candidate for U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1922, 1924; Prohibition candidate for Governor of Michigan, 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, George M. — of Muscatine, Muscatine County, Iowa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, 1904 (alternate), 1916 (alternate), 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, George M. — of Essex County, N.J. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1915-16. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, H. R. — of Alburgh, Grand Isle County, Vt. Democrat. Minister; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Vermont, 1892. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Harold A., Jr. — of District of Columbia. U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, 1971-74. Still living as of 1974.
  Titus, Herbert — U.S. Taxpayers candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1996. Still living as of 1996.
  Titus, Israel — of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio. Whig. Postmaster at Toledo, Ohio, 1849. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, James — of Madison County, Miss. (now Ala.). Member of Mississippi territorial House of Representatives, 1812; member Mississippi territorial council, 1812-17; President of the Mississippi Territorial Council, 1816-17. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, James (1775-1843) — of Texas. Born in Pennsylvania, 1775. Member of Texas Republic Senate from District of Red River and Fannin, 1842-43. Died November 21, 1843 (age about 68 years). Interment at Savannah Cemetery, Red River County, Tex.
  Titus, James H. — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from New York County, 1846. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Jerry — of Kokomo, Howard County, Ind. Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Indiana, 2012 (on behalf of Gary E. Johnson and James P. Gray). Still living as of 2012.
  Titus, John — of Arizona. Republican. U.S. Attorney for Arizona, 1863; member of Republican National Committee from Arizona Territory, 1872-. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, John — Chief justice of Utah territorial supreme court, 1863-68. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Jonathan — of Titusville, Crawford County, Pa. Burgess of Titusville, Pennsylvania, 1851. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Joseph, Jr. — of Washington, Litchfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Washington, 1831, 1836. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Joseph Temple — Democrat. Gold Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Karen — of Longview, Cowlitz County, Wash. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Washington, 2004. Female. Still living as of 2004.
  Titus, Karen W. — of California. Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for California, 1996. Female. Still living as of 1996.
  Titus, Keith — of Alpena, Alpena County, Mich. Democrat. Chair of Alpena County Democratic Party, 2007-09. Still living as of 2009.
  Titus, L. J. — of Holdrege, Phelps County, Neb. Candidate for mayor of Holdrege, Neb., 1895. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Lester F. — of Paterson, Passaic County, N.J. Republican. Mayor of Paterson, N.J., 1952-55; Republican Presidential Elector for New Jersey, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Lilburn J. — Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Indiana, 1972 (voted for Richard M. Nixon and Spiro T. Agnew). Still living as of 1972.
  Titus, M. Adelaide — Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1920. Female. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Milton C. — of Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa. Republican. Candidate for Iowa state senate 46th District, 1970. Still living as of 1970.
  Titus, Obadiah (1789-1854) — of New York. Born in New York, 1789. Democrat. U.S. Representative from New York 5th District, 1837-39. Died in 1854 (age about 65 years). Interment at Nine Partners Burial Ground, Millbrook, N.Y.
  Titus, Penny — of Carroll County, Ind. Republican. Chair of Carroll County Republican Party, 2011. Female. Still living as of 2011.
  Titus, Peter H. — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from New York County 5th District, 1848. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Peter S. — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from New York County, 1829-30, 1834. Burial location unknown.
Robert C. Titus Titus, Robert Cyrus (1839-1918) — also known as Robert C. Titus — of Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y. Born in Eden, Erie County, N.Y., October 24, 1839. Democrat. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; lawyer; Erie County District Attorney, 1878-80; member of New York state senate 31st District, 1882-85; Buffalo superior court judge, 1886-95; Justice of New York Supreme Court 8th District, 1896-97; candidate for judge of New York Court of Appeals, 1896; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, 1900. Member, Freemasons. Died in Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y., April 27, 1918 (age 78 years, 185 days). Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Samuel H. — of Lambertville, Hunterdon County, N.J. Whig. Postmaster at Lambertville, N.J., 1849-53. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Samuel O. — Progressive. Candidate for U.S. Representative from New Hampshire 1st District, 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, Sands See D. Sands Titus
  Titus, Thomas L. — of Warren County, N.J. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly from Warren County, 1886. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, William — of Cayuga County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Cayuga County, 1845. Burial location unknown.
  Titus, William Q. (d. 1901) — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Democrat. Lawyer; law partner of Victor J. Dowling, 1887-1901; delegate to New York state constitutional convention 10th District, 1894. Died in 1901. Burial location unknown.
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