The Political Graveyard: October 1, 1990
- ️Lawrence Kestenbaum
Links relevant to this date:
- Wikipedia articles on the 20th century, the 1990s decade, the year 1990, the month October 1990, and the date October 1 (any year)
- On This Day for October 1, 1990
- New York Times articles published October 1, 1990
Politicians who were born on this date:
- None currently in database.
- See: Politicians who were born on October 1 (all years), or politicians who were born in 1990 (all dates).
Politicians who were married on this date:
- None currently in database.
- See: Politicians who were married on October 1 (all years), or politicians who were married in 1990 (all dates).
Politicians who died on this date:
- Curtis E. LeMay
- Margaret Andrews
- Walter R. Tucker, Jr.
- See also: Politicians who died on October 1 (all years), or politicians who died in 1990 (all dates).
Centenaries and half-centenaries of the births and deaths of dead politicians on this date:
- 200 Years: Henry H. Chambers, born October 1, 1790; John Truman Stoddert, born October 1, 1790
- 150 Years: Edward H. Gillette, born October 1, 1840; Anthony Higgins, born October 1, 1840; Addison C. Harris, born October 1, 1840
- 100 Years: Gladys Pyle, born October 1, 1890; Lincoln MacVeagh, born October 1, 1890; Charles V. Orr, born October 1, 1890
- 50 Years: Gustav Andreen, died October 1, 1940
Office Transitions on this date:
- Walter R. Tucker, Jr., died in office (mayor of Compton, Calif.)
Birthdays of presumed living (at the time) politicians on this date:
- Age 99: Robert H. Roche
- Age 98: Russell F. Leonard
- Age 95: A. Carl Carey; M. Edward Doran; Delmar Dail
- Age 88: George Molinaro
- Age 82: Robert F. Woodward
- Age 81: Samuel W. Yorty
- Age 79: Edward P. Boland
- Age 78: George W. Grider
- Age 76: Leo J. Rozier
- Age 75: Rita W. Kane
- Age 72: James R. Browning; Waggoner Carr
- Age 66: Jimmy Carter; William H. Rehnquist; Howard E. Hultgren
- Age 63: James C. Griffin; Sherman Glenn Finesilver
- Age 61: Jack F. Matlock, Jr.
- Age 60: Samuel Winfield Lewis
- Age 54: John J. G. Grames; Tony Soetaert
- Age 51: Lynn S. Adelman
- Age 50: Mary A. Ryan
- Age 33: William J. Federer
- Age 32: Paul Welday
- Age 28: Keith L. Hamburger
- Age 17: Devin Nunes