politicalgraveyard.comThe Political Graveyard: Cook County, Ill.️Lawrence Kestenbaum Argentina: P. S. Hudson (Consul 1888-1905) — P. S. Hudson (Vice Consul 1906-07) — Albert W. Brickwood, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1914-17) — John A. Thomas (Vice Consul as of 1921) — John W. Thomas (Consul as of 1924) — Mariano Moreno (Vice Consul 1924-25) — Agustin J. Fink (Vice Consul as of 1929-31) — Juan Carlos Weidemann (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1940-44) Austria: Michael F. Girten (Honorary Consul 1925-29) — Michael F. Girten (Honorary Consul General 1935) Belgium: Charles Henrotin (Consul 1876-1910) — C. Vermeren (Consul 1915-25) — John Cyrille Vermeren (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-44) Bolivia: Frederick Harnwell (Consul 1902-14) — Frederick P. Vose (Honorary Consul as of 1921) — William Henry Rose (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1926-35) — Manuel Soria=Galvarro (Honorary Consul as of 1926-29) Brazil: Albert Joseph Meserow (Vice Consul as of 1935) Central America: George F. Stone (Consul General 1897-98) Chile: Matthew J. Steffens (Vice Consul 1895-1907) — M. H. Ehlert (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Colombia: Erskine M. Phelps (Consul 1893-1907) — Diego José Fallon (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Costa Rica: Berthold Singer (Honorary Consul 1899-1935) — Harold E. Rucavado (Honorary Consul General as of 1935) — Guillermo Valiente=Lara (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) Cuba: Berthold Singer (Consul 1904) — Jacinto J. Luis (Consul 1906-07) Czechoslovakia: Jaroslav F. Smetanka (Consul General 1935-37) Denmark: Villas K. Assens (Vice Consul 1897-1905) — Christian H. Hansson (Consul 1898-1907) — Karl Marius Sorensen (Vice Consul 1907) — Reimund Baumann (Consul as of 1925-39) Dominican Republic: Frederick W. Job (Vice Consul 1900-21) — Javier H. Cerecedo (Honorary Consul as of 1935) — James T. Case (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) — James T. Case (Honorary Consul as of 1950) Ecuador: Luis Millet (Consul 1891-1907) — Charles S. Dewey (Honorary Consul as of 1935) — Walter Pytlowany (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) El Salvador: M. H. Ehlert (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Estonia: Clifton Clark Coldren (Honorary Consul as of 1935) — Gaylord C. Whipple (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) Finland: Elmer A. Forsberg (Honorary Consul as of 1935) — Oscar Hayskar (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) Great Britain: Arthur Radcliffe Getty (Vice Consul 1896-1901) Guatemala: George F. Stone (Honorary Consul 1897-1904) — A. C. Garsia (Honorary Consul 1906-08) — Octavio Barrios=Solis (Honorary Consul General as of 1931-35) — Harry R. Hurlbut (Vice Consul as of 1931) Haiti: Cuthbert Singleton (Consul 1892-1909) — Carlyle S. Baer (Honorary Consul as of 1921) Hawaiian Islands: Frederick W. Job (Consul General 1894-97) Honduras: George F. Stone (Consul General 1899-1904) — J. B. Balleras (Honorary Consul as of 1915) — Julio F. Brower (Honorary Consul General as of 1921) — Angel A. Braschi (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1929) — Angel A. Braschi (Honorary Consul General as of 1931-35) Iceland: Arni Helgason (Honorary Consul as of 1950) Italy: Antonio L. Rozwadowski (Consul 1894-1906) — Antonio L. Rozwadowski (Consul 1906-UZ ) Latvia: August Bontoux (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Liberia: Richard E. Westbrooks (Honorary Consul as of 1950) Liechtenstein: Paul F. Donahue (Honorary Consul as of 2017) Luxembourg: John Marsch (Honorary Consul General as of 1935-50) — William Capesius (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950) Netherlands: George Birkhoff, Jr. (Consul 1888-1904) — John Vennema (Honorary Consul General as of 1931-35) Nicaragua: Berthold Singer (Consul 1895-96) — George F. Stone (Consul General 1899-1904) — Berthold Singer (Consul as of 1917) — Berthold Singer (Consul General as of 1919-35) — Alexander Singer (Vice Consul 1921-24) Panama: Antonio Navarro (Vice Consul 1920-22) — Bert W. Caldwell (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Paraguay: Fred W. Allen (Honorary Consul as of 1929-35) — Eugene Zemans (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1948) Persia: Richard T. Crane, Jr. (Consul General 1901-12) Peru: Charles H. Sergel (Consul 1893-1902) Portugal: S. Chapman Simms (Vice Consul 1893-1904) Romania: Walter Brewster (Consul as of 1921) — Ira Nelson Morris (Consul General 1929) Salvador: Berthold Singer (Honorary Consul as of 1921) Siam: Milward Adams (Consul 1906-21) — Nathan William MacChesney (Honorary Consul General as of 1935) Singapore: Newton N. Minow (Honorary Consul General as of 2006) Spain: Hobart C. Taylor (Consul 1892-98) — Berthold Singer (Honorary Vice Consul 1901-17) — M. H. Ehlert (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) Sweden: Gustaf Bernhard Anderson (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) Switzerland: Arnold Holinger (Consul 1892-1917) — Carl Bertschinger (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1926) — Ernest Bühler (Honorary Consul as of 1926) Thailand: Nathan William MacChesney (Honorary Consul General as of 1940-50) Turkey: Charles Henrotin (Consul 1877-92) — Charles Henrotin (Consul General 1893-1907) — Berthold Singer (Honorary Consul General as of 1935-40) Uruguay: Carlos C. Turner (Consul 1892-1903) — Carlos C. Turner (Consul 1903-UZ ) — John Moffitt (Consul 1904-07) — Rodolfo Carlos Lebret (Honorary Consul as of 1934-48) Venezuela: R. Philip Gormully (Honorary Consul 1894-1900) — Albert W. Brickwood, Jr. (Consul 1913-14) — Blaine J. Brickwood (Honorary Consul 1915-20) — Miguel Toro (Honorary Consul 1921-23) — Rodolfo Carlos Lebret (Honorary Consul 1927-36) — Gustavo Adolfo Ahrensburg=Ernst (Honorary Consul 1944-50)