
The Political Graveyard: Hancock County, Maine

  • ️Lawrence Kestenbaum

Index to Locations

  • Bar Harbor Bar Harbor Village Burying Ground
  • Bar Harbor Higgins Cemetery
  • Bar Harbor Ledgelawn Cemetery
  • Bucksport Heweytown Cemetery
  • Bucksport Parker Cemetery
  • Bucksport Silver Lake Cemetery
  • Castine Castine Cemetery
  • Deer Isle Mt. Adams Cemetery
  • Ellsworth Old Burial Ground
  • Ellsworth Woodbine Cemetery
  • Franklin Unknown location
  • Franklin Bayview Cemetery
  • Hancock Pine Tree Cemetery
  • Northeast Harbor, Mt. Desert Forest Hill Cemetery
  • Sedgwick Rural Cemetery
  • Surry Hillside Cemetery
    Bar Harbor Village Burying Ground
    Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
    See also Findagrave page for this location.
    Politicians buried here:
      David Owen Rodick (1893-1946) — also known as David O. Rodick — of Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine, November 7, 1893. Republican. Lawyer; delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, 1940 (alternate), 1944. Member, American Legion. Died October 15, 1946 (age 52 years, 342 days). Interment at Bar Harbor Village Burying Ground.

    Higgins Cemetery
    Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Benjamin Herrick Higgins Jr. (1848-1928) — also known as B. H. Higgins, Jr. — of Indian Point, Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Eden (now Bar Harbor), Hancock County, Maine, January 16, 1848. Republican. Postmaster at Indian Point, Maine, 1883-1901. Died in Eden (now Bar Harbor), Hancock County, Maine, September 29, 1928 (age 80 years, 257 days). Interment at Higgins Cemetery.

    Ledgelawn Cemetery
    Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Luere Babson Deasy (1859-1940) — also known as Luere B. Deasy — of Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Gouldsboro, Hancock County, Maine, February 8, 1859. Republican. Lawyer; member of Maine state senate, 1900; justice of Maine state supreme court, 1918-29; chief justice of Maine state supreme court, 1929-30; resigned 1930; delegate to Maine convention to ratify 21st amendment from Hancock County, 1933. Unitarian. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Knights of Pythias. Died in Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine, March 13, 1940 (age 81 years, 34 days). Interment at Ledgelawn Cemetery.
      Edward Brewer Rodick (1859-1901) — also known as Edward B. Rodick — of Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Maine, February 2, 1859. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, 1896; postmaster at Bar Harbor, Maine, 1897-1901. Died in Hancock County, Maine, February 2, 1901 (age 42 years, 0 days). Interment at Ledgelawn Cemetery.

    Heweytown Cemetery
    Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Moses Wesley Hewey (1806-1884) — also known as Moses W. Hewey — of East Bucksport, Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Lisbon, Androscoggin County, Maine, December 18, 1806. Postmaster at East Bucksport, Maine, 1856-62, 1868-84. Died in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, October 6, 1884 (age 77 years, 293 days). Interment at Heweytown Cemetery.
      Melville Wesley Hewey (1841-1920) — also known as Melville W. Hewey — of East Bucksport, Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, June 17, 1841. Postmaster at East Bucksport, Maine, 1885-1920. Died in Hancock County, Maine, June 8, 1920 (age 78 years, 357 days). Interment at Heweytown Cemetery.

    Parker Cemetery
    Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Harry B. Parker (1854-1895) — of Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, 1854. Postmaster at Bucksport, Maine, 1893-95. Died, from nephritis, in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, April 13, 1895 (age about 40 years). Interment at Parker Cemetery.

    Silver Lake Cemetery
    Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Raymond Fellows (b. 1885) — of Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine. Born in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, October 17, 1885. Republican. Lawyer; Maine state attorney general, 1925-28; justice of Maine state supreme court, 1946-54; chief justice of Maine state supreme court, 1954-56; resigned 1956. Unitarian. Interment at Silver Lake Cemetery.
      Frank Fellows (1889-1951) — of Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine. Born in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, November 7, 1889. Republican. Lawyer; U.S. Representative from Maine 3rd District, 1941-51; died in office 1951. Unitarian. Member, American Bar Association; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Kiwanis. Died in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, August 27, 1951 (age 61 years, 293 days). Interment at Silver Lake Cemetery.
      Oscar Fowler Fellows (1857-1921) — also known as Oscar F. Fellows — of Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Bristol, Grafton County, N.H., September 10, 1857. Republican. Lawyer; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1901-03; Speaker of the Maine State House of Representatives, 1903. Methodist. Died December 28, 1921 (age 64 years, 109 days). Interment at Silver Lake Cemetery.
      Carroll Cleveland Homer (1850-1909) — also known as Carroll C. Homer — of Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, April 16, 1850. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maine, 1892 (member, Rules Committee); postmaster at Bucksport, Maine, 1895-99. Died in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, 1909 (age about 59 years). Interment at Silver Lake Cemetery.
      Guy Westley McAlister (1837-1914) — also known as Guy W. McAlister — of Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Montville, Waldo County, Maine, 1837. Republican. Postmaster at Bucksport, Maine, 1889-91, 1899-1907. Died, from acute nephritis, in Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine, May 6, 1914 (age about 76 years). Interment at Silver Lake Cemetery.

    Castine Cemetery
    Castine, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Hezekiah Williams (1798-1856) — of Castine, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Woodstock, Windsor County, Vt., July 28, 1798. Democrat. Lawyer; Hancock County Register of Probate, 1824-38; member of Maine state senate, 1839-41; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maine, 1840; U.S. Representative from Maine 7th District, 1845-49. Died in Castine, Hancock County, Maine, October 23, 1856 (age 58 years, 87 days). Interment at Castine Cemetery.
      Willis Arthur Ricker (1873-1957) — also known as Willis A. Ricker — of Castine, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., August 3, 1873. Republican. Member of Maine state senate 14th District, 1919-20. Died in Hancock County, Maine, October 31, 1957 (age 84 years, 89 days). Interment at Castine Cemetery.
    August C. Flamman August C. Flamman (1890-1975) — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Born in Mt. Vernon, Westchester County, N.Y., June 1, 1890. Republican. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Kings County 20th District, 1914-17. Member, Freemasons; Foresters of America. Died December 8, 1975 (age 85 years, 190 days). Interment at Castine Cemetery.

    Mt. Adams Cemetery
    Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine

    Old Burial Ground
    Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Melatiah Jordan (1753-1818) — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Biddeford, York County, Maine, December 2, 1753. U.S. Collector of Customs at Frenchman's Bay, Maine, Maine, 1789-1818; died in office 1818. Congregationalist. Died in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, December 22, 1818 (age 65 years, 20 days). Interment at Old Burial Ground.

    Woodbine Cemetery
    Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Frederick Hale (1874-1963) — of Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., October 7, 1874. Republican. Lawyer; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1905-06; member of Republican National Committee from Maine, 1912-18; U.S. Senator from Maine, 1917-41. Congregationalist. Member, Phi Delta Phi; American Bar Association. Died in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, September 28, 1963 (age 88 years, 356 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Eugene Hale (1836-1918) — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Turner, Oxford County (now Androscoggin County), Maine, June 9, 1836. Republican. Lawyer; Hancock County Prosecuting Attorney, 1858-66; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1867-68, 1879-80; delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, 1868, 1876, 1880; U.S. Representative from Maine 5th District, 1869-79; defeated, 1878; U.S. Senator from Maine, 1881-1911. English ancestry. Died in Washington, D.C., October 27, 1918 (age 82 years, 140 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Andrew Peters Wiswell (1852-1906) — also known as Andrew P. Wiswell — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, July 11, 1852. Republican. Lawyer; delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, 1884; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1887-91; Speaker of the Maine State House of Representatives, 1891; justice of Maine state supreme court, 1893-1900; appointed 1893; chief justice of Maine state supreme court, 1900-06; died in office 1906. Died in Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., December 4, 1906 (age 54 years, 146 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Lucilius Alonzo Emery (1840-1920) — also known as Lucilius A. Emery — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Carmel, Penobscot County, Maine, July 27, 1840. Republican. Lawyer; Hancock County Attorney, 1867-71; member of Maine state senate, 1874-75, 1881-82; Maine state attorney general, 1876-78; justice of Maine state supreme court, 1883-1906; chief justice of Maine state supreme court, 1906-11; resigned 1911. Congregationalist. Died in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, August 26, 1920 (age 80 years, 30 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      John Andrew Peters (1864-1953) — also known as John A. Peters — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, August 13, 1864. Republican. Lawyer; municipal judge in Maine, 1896-98; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1909-13; Speaker of the Maine State House of Representatives, 1913; U.S. Representative from Maine 3rd District, 1913-22; delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, 1916; U.S. District Judge for Maine, 1922. Congregationalist. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Died in 1953 (age about 88 years). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Arno Warren King (1855-1918) — also known as Arno W. King — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Lamoine, Hancock County, Maine, August 2, 1855. Republican. Lawyer; banker; justice of Maine state supreme court, 1907-18; died in office 1918. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Died in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, July 21, 1918 (age 62 years, 353 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Joshua W. Hathaway (1797-1862) — of Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine. Born in New Brunswick, November 10, 1797. Lawyer; justice of Maine state supreme court, 1852-59. Died in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, June 6, 1862 (age 64 years, 208 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      John B. Redman (1848-1910) — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Brooksville, Hancock County, Maine, 1848. Democrat. Lawyer; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maine, 1876, 1880; candidate for Governor of Maine, 1884; mayor of Ellsworth, Maine, 1884-85; U.S. Collector of Customs at Ellsworth, Maine, Maine, 1894-98. Congregationalist. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar. Died, from heart disease, at Post Office Square, Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, March 9, 1910 (age about 61 years). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Erastus Fulton Redman (1818-1894) — also known as Erastus Redman — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Brooksville, Hancock County, Maine, July 12, 1818. U.S. Collector of Customs at Ellsworth, Maine, Maine, 1889. Died in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, August 22, 1894 (age 76 years, 41 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Henry Whiting (1855-1911) — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, February 17, 1855. Republican. Merchant; U.S. Collector of Customs at Ellsworth, Maine, Maine, 1898-1911; died in office 1911. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar. Died, from diabetes, in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, January 22, 1911 (age 55 years, 339 days). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.
      Omar W. Tapley (1866-1956) — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Brooksville, Hancock County, Maine, June 10, 1866. Republican. Insurance business; Hancock County Treasurer, 1896-1906; banker; U.S. Collector of Customs at Ellsworth, Maine, Maine, 1911. Congregationalist. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Odd Fellows. Died in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, 1956 (age about 90 years). Interment at Woodbine Cemetery.

    Unknown Location
    Franklin, Hancock County, Maine

    Bayview Cemetery
    Franklin, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Maynard Gilbert Conners (1918-2001) — also known as Maynard G. Conners — of Franklin, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Cherryfield, Washington County, Maine, June 15, 1918. Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; contractor; candidate for U.S. Representative from Maine 2nd District, 1970; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1980. Protestant. Irish and English ancestry. Member, National Rifle Association; Freemasons; Disabled American Veterans; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Died, of a heart attack, in Bridgton, Cumberland County, Maine, September 17, 2001 (age 83 years, 94 days). Cremated; ashes interred at Bayview Cemetery.

    Pine Tree Cemetery
    Hancock, Hancock County, Maine
    See also Findagrave page for this location.
    Politicians buried here:
      Murray Wheeler (1854-1924) — of Mobile, Mobile County, Ala. Born in Alabama, November 27, 1854. Insurance agent; member, Mobile Cotton Exchange; Vice-Consul for Russia in Mobile, Ala., 1892-1911. English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. Died in Franklin, Hancock County, Maine, September 2, 1924 (age 69 years, 280 days). Interment at Pine Tree Cemetery.

    Forest Hill Cemetery
    Northeast Harbor, Mt. Desert, Hancock County, Maine
    See also Findagrave page for this location.
    Politicians buried here:
      Marietta Peabody Tree (1917-1991) — also known as Marietta Tree; Mary Endicott Peabody; Marietta FitzGerald — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Lawrence, Essex County, Mass., April 17, 1917. Democrat. Member of New York Democratic State Committee, 1954-60; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, 1956; U.S. Representative to United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1961-64; delegate to New York state constitutional convention at-large, 1967. Female. Member, Alpha Kappa Alpha. She was walking with Adlai Stevenson in London in 1965, when he suffered a fatal heart attack. Died, from breast cancer, in New York Hospital, Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., August 15, 1991 (age 74 years, 120 days). Cremated; ashes interred at Forest Hill Cemetery.
      Relatives: Daughter of Rev. Malcolm Endicott Peabody and Mary Elizabeth (Parkman) Peabody; sister of Endicott Peabody; married, September 2, 1939, to Desmond FitzGerald; married, July 26, 1947, to Arthur Ronald Lambert Field Tree (grandson of Lambert Tree and Marshall Field; first cousin of Marshall Field III); mother of Frances FitzGerald; grandniece of Richard Wayne Parker and Charles Wolcott Parker; great-granddaughter of John Cortlandt Parker; second great-granddaughter of James Parker; fourth great-grandniece of George Cabot, Chauncey Goodrich and Elizur Goodrich; fifth great-granddaughter of Stephanus Van Cortlandt; fifth great-grandniece of Pieter Schuyler (1657-1724), Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Johannes Schuyler (1668-1747) and Timothy Pickering; first cousin twice removed of John Lee Saltonstall; first cousin thrice removed of William Crowninshield Endicott; first cousin five times removed of Stephanus Bayard, Pierre Van Cortlandt, Philip John Schuyler and Stephen John Schuyler; first cousin six times removed of John Livingston, Robert Livingston (1688-1775), Gilbert Livingston and Johannes Schuyler (1697-1746); first cousin seven times removed of David Davidse Schuyler and Myndert Davidtse Schuyler; second cousin once removed of Leverett Saltonstall, Richard Saltonstall, William Gurdon Saltonstall and John Lee Saltonstall Jr.; second cousin twice removed of William Caleb Loring and Augustus Peabody Gardner; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Bayard, Pieter Schuyler (1746-1792), Philip Van Cortlandt, Pierre Van Cortlandt Jr. and Philip Jeremiah Schuyler; second cousin five times removed of Robert Livingston (1708-1790), Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Robert Gilbert Livingston, Henry Gilbert Livingston, Philip Livingston, Robert R. Livingston, William Livingston, James Jay, Philip P. Schuyler, John Jay, Frederick Jay, Judah Dana and Dudley Leavitt Pickman; third cousin of William Lawrence Saltonstall; third cousin thrice removed of Stephen Van Rensselaer, Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Henry Walter Livingston, Philip Schuyler, James Alexander Hamilton and Henry Cabot Lodge; fourth cousin of William Amory Gardner Minot and John Forbes Kerry; fourth cousin once removed of William Goodrich Morrell Jr..
      Political families: Parker-Schuyler family of Perth Amboy, New Jersey; Tree-Parker-Peabody family of Morristown and Perth Amboy, New Jersey (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
      See also Wikipedia article — Internet Movie Database profile — Find-A-Grave memorial

    Rural Cemetery
    Sedgwick, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      James Russell Wiggins (1903-2000) — also known as J. Russell Wiggins — Born in Luverne, Rock County, Minn., December 4, 1903. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; U.S. Representative to United Nations, 1968-69. Member, Freemasons. Managing editor of the Washington Post newspaper, 1947-66. Died in Brooklin, Hancock County, Maine, November 19, 2000 (age 96 years, 351 days). Interment at Rural Cemetery.

    Hillside Cemetery
    Surry, Hancock County, Maine
    Politicians buried here:
      Leonard Jarvis (1781-1854) — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine; Surry, Hancock County, Maine. Born in Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., October 19, 1781. Democrat. Delegate to Maine state constitutional convention, 1819-20; Hancock County Sheriff, 1821-29; merchant; U.S. Representative from Maine, 1829-37 (6th District 1829-33, 7th District 1833-35, 5th District 1835-37). Died in Surry, Hancock County, Maine, September 18, 1854 (age 72 years, 334 days). Interment at Hillside Cemetery.

  • The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.     The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.     The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.     Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.     The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/ME/HA-buried.html.     Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.     If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.   Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License. What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary. Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.