
The Political Graveyard: Chile

  • ️Lawrence Kestenbaum

U.S. consular officials in Chile

Honorary consuls in U.S. territories representing Chile

   Antofagasta: Charles C. Greene (Vice Consul as of 1897-98) — Charles C. Greene (Consul as of 1899-1905) — Frank D. Aller (Vice Consul as of 1904-05) — Peter H. Speedie (Consular Agent 1911) — Thomas W. Voetter (Consul 1915-21) — Edgar Charles Loevenhart (Vice Consul as of 1916-17) — Joseph F. McGurk (Vice Consul 1917) — Ben C. Matthews (Vice Consul 1917-27) — Arnold A. McKay (Consul 1917-19) — Stewart E. McMillin (Consul 1922-24) — George D. Hopper (Consul 1925-29) — Stephen C. Worster (Vice Consul as of 1927-29) — Sidney H. Browne (Vice Consul as of 1929-30) — Odin G. Loren (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Edward B. Rand (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Carlos C. Hall (Consul as of 1938) — George H. Adams (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — Walter W. Wiley (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Lee R. Blohm (Consul as of 1943) — Henry Testman Andersen (Vice Consul as of 1949)
   Arica: Charles H. Nugent (Consular Agent as of 1880-84) — F. W. Dauelsberg (Consular Agent as of 1888) — David Simpson (Vice Consul 1893-1902) — John W. Lutz (Consul 1898-1905) — Tomas Bradley (Consular Agent 1906-11) — Arthur F. Lee (Consular Agent 1912-17) — George P. Finlayson (Consular Agent 1917-18) — Homer Brett (Consul 1920-21) — William T. Pelbrough (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Egmont C. von Tresckow (Consul as of 1924-26) — Willard L. Beaulac (Consul 1925-27) — Edwin Schoenrich (Vice Consul 1927-29) — Edwin Schoenrich (Consul 1929) — James P. Speer II (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Caldera: John C. Morong (Consular Agent 1871-1905) — John Thomas Morong (Consular Agent 1908-18) — Martin N. Gaines (Consular Agent as of 1924-26)
   Chañaral: William C. Archibald (Consular Agent 1927-29) — Ferdinand E. Libenow (Consular Agent as of 1932)
   Cobija (Cobija): Frank B. McDonald (Commercial Agent as of 1883-84)
   Concepcion: Dayle C. McDonough (Consul 1919-22) — Samuel R. Thompson (Consul as of 1924) — John L. Steward (Vice Consul as of 1926) — Camden L. McLain (Vice Consul 1927-29) — Caspar D. Green (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Coquimbo: Joseph Grierson (Consul as of 1883-84) — William C. Tripler (Consul as of 1897) — Andrew Kerr (Consular Agent 1898-1911) — H. Vernon Kerr (Consular Agent as of 1914) — Frederick James Harper (Consular Agent 1916-18) — Edwin Salz (Consular Agent as of 1924) — Arthur W. Burrows (Consular Agent as of 1927-32)
   Coronel: William Taylor (Consular Agent as of 1897-98) — J. Henry Downs (Consular Agent as of 1899)
   Cruz Grande: John A. Dwyer (Consular Agent as of 1916-17) — J. Chatten Hendra (Consular Agent as of 1924) — Mark R. Kreidler (Consular Agent as of 1926) — Glyn D. Sims (Consular Agent as of 1927-32) — Frank T. Rueter (Consular Agent as of 1938-49)
   Iquique: Joseph W. Merriam (Consul 1877-99) — Maximo Rosenstock (Vice Consul as of 1884-99) — Charles S. Winans (Consul 1900-07) — Edward E. Muecke (Vice Consul 1900-09) — Rea Hanna (Consul 1907-11) — Edward E. Muecke (Vice & Deputy Consul 1909-14) — Percival Gassett (Consul 1912-14) — Carlos H. Le Mare (Vice Consul 1912) — Carlos H. Le Mare (Vice & Deputy Consul 1914) — Carlos H. Le Mare (Consular Agent 1915-18) — Carlos H. Le Mare (Consular Agent as of 1916-17) — C. Inness Brown (Consul 1919-21) — Homer Brett (Consul 1921-23) — William H. Vosholl (Vice Consul as of 1921-24) — Carlos H. Le Mare (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Richard P. Butrick (Vice Consul 1922-23) — Harry Campbell (Consul 1923-27) — Robert R. Bradford (Consul 1928-29)
   Magallanes (Punta Arenas): James C. Hale (Consular Agent as of 1884) — John T. Garvin (Vice Consul 1927-28) — Alfred W. Magnitzky (Vice Consul 1928-29)
   Osorno: David J. Pearsall (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Punta Arenas: Moritz Braun (Consular Agent 1896-1905) — Harold Edward Stubbs (Vice & Deputy Consul 1911) — Charles L. Latham (Consul 1911-15) — Thomas Smith Boyd (Vice Consul 1913-18) — David J. D. Myers (Consul as of 1916-17) — John R. Bradley (Consul 1917-18) — Elliott V. Richardson (Consul 1918) — Austin C. Brady (Consul 1919-23) — Charles V. Sharp (Vice Consul as of 1924) — George T. Colman (Consul as of 1924) — Ronald D. Stevenson (Vice Consul 1925-26) — T. Edmund Burke (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Santiago: Frances E. Willis (Vice Consul 1931-32) — E. Allen Lightner, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Thomas D. Bowman (Consul General as of 1932) — Franklin B. Atwood (Consul as of 1932) — Samuel A. McIlhenny, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Camden L. McLain (Vice Consul 1932-43) — Edward A. Dow (Consul General 1933-38) — John B. Faust (Consul as of 1936-40) — John T. Garvin (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — Fayette J. Flexer (Consul 1939-40) — Minedee McLean (Vice Consul 1940-43) — Donald R. Heath (Consul 1941-44) — Robert W. Weise, Jr. (Vice Consul 1941-43) — Joel C. Hudon (Consul as of 1943) — George D. Andrews (Consul as of 1943) — Michael R. Gannett (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Joseph A. Frisz (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Kenneth S. Barker (Vice Consul as of 1943) — G. Alonzo Stanford (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Arthur F. Tower (Consul as of 1943) — Dayle C. McDonough (Consul General as of 1943) — Clarence E. Birgfeld (Consul as of 1949) — E. Paul Tenney (Consul General as of 1949)
   Tacna: Charles R. Cameron (Consul 1919-20) — Homer Brett (Consul 1920)
   Talcahuano: Edward Beyerbach (Consul 1835-38) — Paul H. Delano (Consul 1838-45) — William Crosby (Consul 1845-51) — Samuel Eckel (Consul 1851-53) — William Crosby (Consul 1854-58) — Albert G. Blakey (Consul 1858-61) — James H. Trumbull (Consul 1861-68) — John F. Van Ingen (Consul as of 1883-84) — John O. Smith (Consular Agent 1895-1902) — Joseph O. Smith (Consular Agent 1895-1918) — Edward Hyde (Consular Agent as of 1924-32)
   Tocopilla: C. F. Urbutt (Consular Agent as of 1927-32)
   Valdivia: Robert N. Williams (Consular Agent as of 1905) — Carl O. Hawthorne (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Edward Lowry Waggoner (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Valparaiso: Henry Hill (Consul as of 1817-21) — Michael Hogan (Agent for Commerce and Seamen 1821-23) — Michael Hogan (Consul 1823-34) — George G. Hobson (Consul 1834-42) — Eben Ritchie Dorr (Consul 1842-46) — William G. Moorhead (Consul 1846-49) — Zabdiel W. Potter (Consul 1849-51) — William Duer (Consul 1851-53) — Reuben Wood (Consul 1853-54) — George B. Merwin (Consul 1854-57) — William Trevitt (Consul 1857-59) — William Miles (Consul 1859) — James B. Gordon (Consul 1860-61) — James Churchman (Consul 1861-63) — Benjamin F. Hall (Consul 1863-65) — James Silvey (Vice Consul 1864) — Ambrose W. Clark (Consul 1865-69) — Lucius H. Foote (Consul 1878-81) — August Möller, Jr. (Vice Consul 1881-1902) — David M. Dunn (Consul as of 1883-84) — David Maxwell Dunn (Consul 1883) — James W. Romeyn (Consul as of 1889) — William B. McCreery (Consul as of 1890) — James M. Dobbs (Consul as of 1897) — John F. Caples (Consul as of 1898) — Robert E. Mansfield (Consul 1901-06) — Robert S. Atkins (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1905) — Alfred A. Winslow (Consul 1906-15) — Stuart K. Lupton (Vice & Deputy Consul 1906-08) — Charles F. Baker (Vice & Deputy Consul 1908-11) — Alfred Hamilton West (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1914) — Leo J. Keena (Consul General 1915-19) — Joseph F. McGurk (Vice Consul 1915-17) — John T. Garvin (Vice Consul 1916-20) — Arnold A. McKay (Consul as of 1917) — Joseph F. McGurk (Vice Consul 1917-18) — Thomas N. Molanphy (Vice Consul 1918) — Clarence H. Doughty (Vice Consul 1918-21) — Carl F. Deichman (Consul as of 1919-20) — Dana G. Munro (Consul 1920-21) — Richard P. Butrick (Vice Consul 1921-22) — Edwin H. Livingstone (Vice Consul as of 1921-24) — Carl F. Deichman (Consul General as of 1921-31) — John T. Garvin (Vice Consul 1921-27) — George A. Makinson (Consul 1922-25) — Camden L. McLain (Vice Consul 1922-26) — Robert L. Mosier (Vice Consul as of 1924) — William J. Rouse (Vice Consul as of 1924) — Edwin Schoenrich (Vice Consul 1924-25) — Harold M. Deane (Consul 1925-27) — Edward J. Sparks (Vice Consul as of 1926-29) — James D. McLaughlin (Vice Consul as of 1926-27) — George Reed Emerson (Vice Consul as of 1927) — Frances E. Willis (Vice Consul 1928-31) — John T. Garvin (Vice Consul 1928-33) — Paul C. Daniels (Vice Consul as of 1929) — Frank Anderson Henry (Consul as of 1932) — Renwick S. McNiece (Consul 1935-40) — Samuel A. McIlhenny, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — Allan W. Pattee (Vice Consul 1942-43) — Charles S. Millet (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Richard B. Mudge (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Joseph F. Burt (Consul as of 1943) — Warren C. Stewart (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Frederick L. Royt (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Gilson G. Blake, Jr. (Consul 1946-47) — Gilson G. Blake, Jr. (Consul General 1947-49)
   Baltimore, Md.: Washington Booth (Consul 1872-77) Thomas Whitridge (Consul 1892-95) Richard J. Leupold (Consul 1895-1907) Manuel Sigren (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Boston, Mass.: Horace N. Fisher (Consul 1876-1916) Guillermo Gazitua (Honorary Consul as of 1926) Salvador Dinamarca (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Chicago, Ill.: Matthew J. Steffens (Vice Consul 1895-1907) M. H. Ehlert (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Cincinnati, Ohio: Francisco Peña=y=Hernandez (Honorary Consul 1935)
   Detroit, Mich.: Bruno B. Thannheimer (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Honolulu, Hawaii: J. W. Waldron (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Manila, Philippine Islands: A. Malvehy (Consul 1906-07) Damián de Urmeneta (Honorary Consul as of 1926)
   Miami, Fla.: Francis I. Kelly (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   New Orleans, La.: James S. Zacharie (Consul 1898-99) Fernando Dahmen (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   New York, N.Y.: Charles R. Flint (Consul 1877-79) Hernán Romero=Cordero (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Enrique Bustos (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Norfolk, Va.: Carlos A. Lavandero (Honorary Consul as of 1926)
   Philadelphia, Pa.: Edward Shippen (Consul 1872-98) William P. Wilson (Consul 1899-1902) Dudley Bartlett (Consul 1904-14) Manuel Moreno=Lajaña (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Port Townsend, Wash.: R. W. De Lion (Consul 1885-92) Oscar Klöcker (Vice Consul 1896-1907)
   Portland, Ore.: Ferdinand G. Ewald (Consul 1875-1904) Willis H. Jenkins (Consul 1905-07)
   San Diego, Calif.: Mauricio Herschel (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   San Francisco, Calif.: Walter D. Catton (Vice Consul 1888-95) Juan Searle (Consul 1906-07) Mario Illanes=Peñafiel (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   San Juan, P.R.: Waldemar E. Lee (Honorary Consul as of 1926) Filipo L. de Hostos (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Savannah, Ga.: Robert B. Reppard (Consul 1880-1907)
   Seattle, Wash.: Arturo Rios (Honorary Consul as of 1926) Carlos Grant=Benavente (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Tacoma, Wash.: R. W. De Lion (Consul 1892-94) R. W. De Lion (Consul 1894-UZ ) J. Tennant Steeb (Vice Consul 1894-1907)
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