The Political Graveyard: Texas Delegation to 1956 Democratic National Convention
- ️Lawrence Kestenbaum
Texas Delegation to the
Democratic National Convention
Delegates (may be incomplete!)
- At-Large: James S. Abercrombie, Houston - Lloyd M. Bentsen - Mrs. R. Max Brooks, Austin - Bob Bryant, Austin - Ed J. Carpenter, Big Spring - John B. Connally, Fort Worth - Tom T. Connally, Marlin - Jerry Holleman, Austin - Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City - Vann M. Kennedy, Corpus Christi - Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio - George H. Mahon, Lubbock - Gerald C. Mann, Dallas - James P. Nash, Austin - Wright Patman, Texarkana - Mrs. Allison Peery, San Antonio - William R. Poage, Waco - Ben Ramsey, San Augustine - Mrs. R. D. Randolph, Houston - Sam Rayburn, Bonham - Fred Schmidt, Austin - Byron Skelton, Temple - Charles L. South, Austin - Jay Taylor, Amarillo - Olin E. Teague, Bryan - Homer Thornberry, Austin - Hilda B. Weinert, Seguin - S. B. Whittenburg, Amarillo
- 1st District: Leighton Cornett, Paris - Norman C. Russell, Texarkana - Grover Sellers, Sulphur Springs - Boyett Stevens, Daingerfield
- 2nd District: George F. Cook, Orange - L. L. Morrison, Beaumont - R. C. Musselwhite, Lufkin - L. L. Roberts, Port Arthur
- 3rd District: Howard W. Bryant, Tyler - George T. Hinson, Mineola - Aubrey E. Pilgrim, Pittsburg - A. Murat Willis, Jr., Longview
- 4th District: Charles Hughes, Sherman - William C. Parker, Greenville - C. Truett Smith, Wylie - D. M. Tunnell, Crandall
- 5th District: W. O. 'Bill' Cooper, Dallas - Walter F. Gray, Dallas - Wright Matthews, Dallas - Gurves H. Simmons, Jr., Dallas
- 6th District: Clifton C. Carter, Bryan - Silas Grant, Whitney - Warwick H. Jenkins, Waxahachie - James Sewell, Corsicana
- 7th District: J. W. Chandler, Jacksonville - M. B. Ethredge, Huntsville - J. R. Parten, Madisonville - R. H. Shelton, Nacogdoches
- 8th District: Mrs. Albert Ball, Houston - Edgar L. Ball, Houston - J. Edwin Smith, Houston - Hobart Taylor, Houston
- 9th District: E. Martin Bechler, Dickinson - Guy Crouch, Alvin - Zac Lentz, Victoria - Wilson M. Rutherford, El Campo
- 10th District: M. W. Kelley, Bastrop - Jean Lee, Austin - Tom Miller, Austin - E. H. Perry, Austin
- 11th District: Otis Gardner, Moody - Jack Kultgen, Waco - Carlton J. Smith, Waco - Sam Wood, Killeen
- 12th District: Raymond E. Buck, Fort Worth - Mrs. Jack Carter, Fort Worth - E. L. McCommas, Fort Worth - Hunter McLean, Fort Worth
- 13th District: Alex Dickie, Jr., Denton - Rhea Howard, Wichita Falls - Frank N. Ikard, Wichita Falls - Carroll F. Sullivant, Gainesville
- 14th District: Ben Bock, New Braunfels - Cecil E. Burney - Sam Fore, Jr., Floresville - E. W. Patteson, Gonzales
- 15th District: Thomas P. Bowles, Big Wells - Joe M. Kilgore, McAllen - J. C. Looney, Edinburg - E. D. Salinas, Laredo
- 16th District: Ernest Guinn, El Paso - Fred Harvey, El Paso - Joe Pouns, Pecos - Helen Sue Riley, Crane
- 17th District: Larry Blackmon, Mineral Wells - J. E. 'Ed' Connally, Abilene - Dick Harbin, Dublin - Lee McCaleb, Anson
- 18th District: Charlie C. Gibson, Amarillo - John Douglas Pitman, Hereford - Jimmy Thompson, Pampa - Asa Willis, Dalhart
- 19th District: Robert E. Dennis, Lubbock - Claude Hearne, Seagraves - Frank Moore, Plainview - John B. Stapelton, Floydada
- 20th District: E. J. Burke, Jr., San Antonio - E. P. Lawrence, San Antonio - Adrian Spears, San Antonio - Kathleen Voigt, San Antonio
- 21st District: Dolph Briscoe, Uvalde - Joe Foy, San Angelo - Arturo Gonzales, Del Rio - C. C. Woodson, Brownwood
Alternates (may be incomplete!)
- At-Large: Woodrow W. Bean, El Paso - Bess O. Beeman, Austin - Warren S. Bellows, Jr., Houston - Alex Bickley, Abilene - Omar Burleson, Anson - Robert L. Clark, Dallas - Merrill L. Connally, Floresville - Lloyd Croslin, Lubbock - Gus Garcia, Kingsville - Hector Garcia, Corpus Christi - W. G. Garrett, Jr., Kerrville - Reese Harrison, San Antonio - Courtney Hunt, Haskell - Thomas E. James, Austin - Wayne Justice, Athens - Ed B. Levee, Jr., Texarkana - Sam D. W. Low, Galveston - A. W. Moursund, Johnson City - Chilton O'Brien, Beaumont - John Peace, San Antonio - M. J. Rodriguez, Rio Grande City - Walter Rogers, Pampa - J. T. Rutherford, Odessa - Marlin Sandlin, Houston - Lee Simmons, Sherman - Max Starcke, Austin - Clark W. Thompson, Galveston - W. C. Weise, Calvert
- 1st District: Frazer Edmonds, Cumby - G. L. Glover, Texarkana
- 2nd District: Tom Canady, Groves - Charlie M. Lee, Port Arthur
- 3rd District: James S. Gresham, Ben Wheeler - Joe Winkle, Pittsburg
- 4th District: Roland Boyd, McKinney - F. Neilson Rogers, Sherman
- 5th District: W. J. Durham, Dallas - Mrs. A. L. Frew, Dallas
- 6th District: Carl Cannon, Groesbeck - W. A. Keils, Jr., Teague
- 7th District: Albert K. Daniel, Crockett - Earl Harris, Jr., Navasota
- 8th District: N. E. Coward, Houston - J. E. Crossman, Pasadena
- 9th District: John M. Moore, Jr., Brazoria - O. F. Nelson, Jr., Anahuac
- 10th District: H. H. 'Hub' Baker, Somerville - Robert K. McKinney, Johnson City
- 11th District: J. Albert Dickie, Gatesville - J. C. Simms, Valley Mills
- 12th District: Gean Turner, Cleburne - Tom F. Ward, Fort Worth
- 13th District: Bill Booher, Jacksboro - Mrs. Bailey Collins, Wichita Falls
- 14th District: Tom Brookshire, Kingsville - John E. Lyle, Jr., Corpus Christi
- 15th District: J. R. Duncan, Hondo - R. P. Guerra, McAllen
- 16th District: J. B. Luscombe, Jr., El Paso - Joe B. McNamara, Midland
- 17th District: Mrs. Lynn Lee, Abilene - Mrs. Dallas Perkins, Abilene
- 18th District: Joe Cowen, Dimmitt - J. S. Worley, Shamrock
- 19th District: Byron Abernethy, Lubbock - Garvin Randolph, Lamesa
- 20th District: Charles Albidress, Sr., San Antonio - James W. Knight, San Antonio
- 21st District: Mrs. J. D. Moss, Fredericksburg - H. M. Thomson, Coleman