2016-2019 Senate Scorecard - Louisiana Right to Life

  • ️Fri Aug 04 2023

Louisiana Right to Life actively works to defend life in the Louisiana Capitol by passing pro-life legislation and stopping anti-life legislation and amendments.  To accomplish this mission, we need pro-life legislators committed to voting for life!

The following table lists Louisiana Right to Life’s 24 scored pro-life votes in the Louisiana Senate during the 2016-2019 Legislative Term. Below the table you will find the scorecard key and the list of scored votes.


2016-2019 Senate Scored Votes

1. Compassionate Burial Options (2016)

  • HB 618; Authored by Rep. Tom Willmott
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Requires hospitals to inform parents who suffer the tragedy of miscarriage that they have a right to bury or cremate their child.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

2. The Unborn Child Protection from Disability Discrimination Act (2016)

  • HB 1019; Authored by Rep. Rick Edmunds
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Protects unborn children that have been diagnosed with a disability in the womb from being singled out for abortion simply based on their status as disabled or potentially disabled.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

3. Defunding Abortion Businesses Act (2016)

  • HB 606; Authored by Rep. Frank Hoffman
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Prohibits entities that perform abortions, or contract with those who perform abortions, from receiving public funding for any purpose.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

4. Baby Body Parts Profit Ban (2016)

  • SB 33; Authored by Sen. Ryan Gatti
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Prohibits the sale or donation of human body parts that are harvested as a result of an elective abortion, and provides for criminal penalties.
  • Bill passed and was signed by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

5. Unborn Child Dignity Act

  • HB 815; Authored by Rep. Julie Stokes
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Requires that abortion providers treat the remains of unborn children with the respect and dignity they deserve by requiring that the remains be buried or cremated just like any other human being who passes away in our state. It also prohibits the sale or donation of human body parts that are harvested as a result of an elective abortion, and provides criminal penalties.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

6. Women’s Enhanced Reflection Act (2016)

  • HB 386; Authored by Rep. Frank Hoffmann
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Increases the current time for reflection between a pre-abortion counseling and the actual abortion procedure from 24 hours to 72 hours. This will allow women a chance for further reflection of all her options, by relieving some of the immediacy of the crisis.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

7. Louisiana Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Act (2016)

  • HB 1081; Authored by Rep. Mike Johnson
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Protects unborn babies by ending the brutal practice of dismemberment abortion in Louisiana. A dismemberment abortion, a subset of D&E abortions, is a second trimester abortion method where the abortionist uses large forceps to seize and tear body parts from a live, unborn child.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

8. Board Certification Requirement for Abortion Providers (2016)

  • HB 488; Authored by Rep. Katrina Jackson
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Requires that abortion providers be board certified or under the direct supervision of a provider who is board certified in order to perform the invasive surgical procedure of abortion.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

9. Sale of Baby Parts Act (2017)

  • SB 128; Authored by Sen. John Milkovich
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Adds an additional layer of protection (crime/punishment) to prevent the sale of the dismembered bodies of babies after abortion.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

10. Parental Consent Enhancement Act (2017)

  • SB 111; Authored by Sen. Beth Mizell
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Enhances parental consent requirements before an abortion to prevent fraudulent identification of adults claiming to be the girl’s parents and strengthens screening for coerced abortion, crimes against the child, or sex trafficking during judicial bypass proceedings.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

11. Falsified Records Act (2018)

  • SB 325; Authored by Sen. John Milkovich
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Provides authority to the Department of Health to revoke or suspend the license of an outpatient abortion facility if the facility is found to have falsified its patient records.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

12. Coerced Abortion Prohibition Act (2018)

  • SB 534; Authored by Sen. John Milkovich
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Makes the intentional coerced abortion a crime in Louisiana.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

13. 15 Week Abortion Ban Act (2018)

  • SB 181; Authored by Sen. John Milkovich
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Prohibits abortion at 15 weeks gestation but makes the bill effective on the outcome of a Mississippi federal court case dealing with a similar 15-week law.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

14. Revision to Genetic Discrimination Law Act (2018)

  • HB 287; Authored by Rep. Rick Edmonds
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Provides relative to laws concerning abortion based on genetic abnormality.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

15. Prohibition on Public Funds Act (2018)

  • HB 891; Authored by Rep. Frank Hoffmann
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Provides relative to the prohibition on public funding for entities that perform abortions.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

16. Respecting Human Remains Act (2018)

  • HB 273; Authored by Rep. Frank Hoffmann
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Provides relative to post-abortion interment or cremation of human remains.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

17. The Adoption Option Act (2018)

  • HB 449; Authored by Rep. Rick Edmonds
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
  • Ensures that women considering abortion in Louisiana are provided more compelling and relevant information about the option of adoption before deciding to carry through with an abortion.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards.

18. Unborn Child Heartbeat Protection Act (2019)

  • SB 184. Authored by Sen. John Milkovich
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL supported
  • The Heartbeat Bill, to protect an unborn human being with a detectable fetal heartbeat.
  • The bill passed and was signed by Gov. John Bel Edwards

19. Love Life Constitutional Amendment (2019)

  • HB 425. Authored by Rep. Katrina Jackson
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL supported
  • The Love Life Constitution Amendment, which, if approved by voters on Nov. 3, 2020, will ensure there is no right to abortion or the taxpayer funding of abortion in our state constitution.
  • Passed both houses by 2/3 margin and sent to Secretary of State.

20. 1972 Equal  Rights Amendment Ratification (2019)

  • SCR 2. Authored by Sen. J.P. Morrell
  • Final Vote in Senate; LARTL opposed
  • Ratification of the 1972 Equal Rights Amendment. LARTL opposed due to its pro-abortion impact. If ratified it would cement the policy of abortion-on-demand in our nation.

21. Chemical Abortion Regulation Act (2019)

  • HB 133. Authored by Rep. Frank Hoffmann
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL supported
  • This legislation ensures that the licensing and regulation of abortion will apply equally to providers of all methods of abortion, including both surgical and chemical abortions.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards

22. Abortion Physician Disclosure Act (2019)

  • SB 221. Authored by Sen. Beth Mizell
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL supported
  • Provides women at abortion facilities clear information about the qualifications and disciplinary history of abortion physicians.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards

23. Trafficking at Abortion Facility Prevention Act (2019)

  • SB 238. Authored by Sen. Beth Mizell
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL supported
  • Requires health practitioners and abortion clinic employees to report human trafficking and trafficking of children for sexual purposes to law enforcement.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards

24. Protection of Patient Records at Abortion Facilities Act (2019)

  • HB 484. Authored by Rep. Raymond Crews
  • Vote on Final Passage; LARTL supported
  • Establishes requirements for abortion facilities to preserve medical records of women upon whom abortions are performed.
  • Bill passed and was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards