American Journal of Psychiatry | Vol 143, No 7
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Victims of rape routinely are acknowledged to need counseling but not psychotherapy; if psychotherapy is provided, the major focus is on preexisting psychopathology. The author examines these assumptions and presents a different formulation based solely ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The Russian-language psychiatric literature on the paranoid disorders was reviewed for a recent 10-year period. The authors were from a variety of facilities and geographic locations. Bibliography references were primarily European, although 41% of the ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Combined clonidine and naltrexone treatment allowed 38 of 40 patients addicted to methadone to withdraw completely in 4-5 days. For most patients naltrexone was gradually increased from 1 mg/day to 50 mg/day over 4 days. Clonidine reduced the intensity of ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The authors present the results of clinical evaluations of 15 death row inmates, chosen for examination because of the imminence of their executions and not for evidence of neuropsychopathology. All had histories of severe head injury, five had major ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Plasma levels of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) were measured in 51 depressed patients and 43 normal control subjects. There were significantly higher plasma MHPG levels in the combined patient group with current or past melancholia (N = 28) than ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Social supports have been viewed as central to psychological well- being, but little attention has been directed to the capacity to form supportive relationships. Psychoanalytic perspectives suggest that the quality of adult relationships is derived from ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The authors examined the personal resources (social problem-solving ability, internal locus of control, self-esteem, and self-perceived competence) and social resources (social network structure and support) in 23 children of patients with bipolar ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
As part of an autopsy research project, the brains of four autistic subjects were examined and compared with those of three comparison subjects without CNS pathology and one with phenytoin toxicity. The cerebellum was selected for initial investigation ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Thirty-two patients with coexisting substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders were treated in a unique outpatient pilot program that used techniques drawn from both psychiatric and substance abuse treatment. Eleven patients remained in treatment for ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The authors evaluated alternative criteria for somatization disorder in 277 female and 129 male psychiatric outpatients. In women, the diagnosis of somatization disorder based on DSM-III criteria was highly concordant with the diagnosis of Briquet's ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Nineteen recently widowed women and men were given diagnostic interviews, psychometric evaluations, and dexamethasone suppression tests (DSTs). While 58% of the subjects (N = 11) met Research Diagnostic Criteria for depression, only 16% (N = 3) were ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
A retrospective study of 60 manic patients treated with neuroleptic medications alone and 69 manic patients treated with a combination of neuroleptic drugs and lithium revealed no difference between groups in side effects and complications of treatment. ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The earnings of psychiatrists are substantially lower than the earnings of physicians in procedurally oriented and surgical specialties of medicine. The authors offer evidence, however, that when it is compared to other cognitive medical specialties, such ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Of 101 patients suffering from primary unipolar depression who were followed up for at least 1 year after recovery from the index episode, 51 relapsed into a new depressive episode within the year of recovery. Only those variables related to the period ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Forty lithium-treated manic-depressive patients underwent two renal function assessments 6 to 18 months apart to assess the course of renal function changes associated with lithium therapy. No change in glomerular filtration rate was noted. Although the ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Eight patients with panic disorder had significantly lower ACTH and cortisol responses to corticotropin-releasing hormone and a significantly lower ratio of ACTH to cortisol response than 30 normal control subjects. These responses resemble those ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The effectiveness of clonidine hydrochloride in the treatment of abrupt withdrawal from long-term, therapeutic doses of benzodiazepines was studied in three patients under double-blind, placebo-controlled conditions. The intensity, severity, and duration ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
DSM-III multiaxial diagnoses were given to 257 patients. Analysis of axis I diagnoses and axis IV and axis V assessments generally revealed the expected associations between particular psychiatric disorders and levels of psychosocial stress and social and ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Of 225 patients referred to a Veterans Administration pain clinic for treatment of chronic pain, 22 (10%) were later diagnosed as having posttraumatic stress disorder. Many of the 22 also had current or past histories of depression, anxiety, or substance ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The hemodynamic effects of physostigmine, a cholinomimetic drug used in the experimental treatment of Alzheimer's disease, are largely unknown. The author describes the development of episodes of hypertension in an elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Preclinical and clinical observations suggest that enhancement of prostaglandin activity inhibits catecholamine release and may have antidyskinetic effects. A double-blind therapeutic trial with prostaglandin precursor essential fatty acids was conducted ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
The authors report three cases of depression associated with ranitidine. These illustrate that ranitidine, like cimetidine, may produce an organic affective disorder. The authors discuss clinical implications for the treatment of depression in patients ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Three patients with globus hystericus responded to antidepressant medication. The authors discuss the syndrome's relationship to major depression, its diagnostic classification, and its treatment.
Publication date: 01 July 1986
Infusion of the cholinomimetic drug physostigmine led to profound increases in serum epinephrine levels and slight increases in serum norepinephrine levels among 38 patients with affective disorder and 22 control subjects. Preliminary results suggest that ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
In the book review by Howard S. Sudak, M.D., of The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 39, edited by Albert J. Solnit, M.D., Ruth S. Eissler, M.D., and Peter B. Neubauer, M.D. (May 1986 issue, pp. 663-664), Susan Sharp's name was given incorrectly on ...
Publication date: 01 July 1986
In the reply by Linda A. Teplin, Ph.D., to the letters "A Reanalysis of Arrest Rates" by Elliott Hammett, M.D., and associates and by James A. Wells, Ph.D., and Howard Zonana, M.D. (May 1986 issue, p. 676), the chi-square value in column 2 at the end of ...