Cornelius Castoriadis – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Cornelius Castoriadis

Nascimento 11 de março de 1922
Constantinopla, Império Otomano
Morte 26 de dezembro de 1997 (75 anos)
França, Paris
Magnum opus A Instituição Imaginária da Sociedade
Principais interesses Filosofia, Psicanálise, Sociologia, história, política, teoria social
Ideias notáveis Autonomia, Imaginário, Criação.
Parte de uma série acerca do
Socialismo libertário


Cornelius Castoriádis, em grego Κορνήλιος Καστοριάδης (Constantinopla,[1] 11 de março de 1922Paris, 26 de dezembro de 1997), foi um filósofo, economista e psicanalista francês, de origem grega, defensor do conceito de autonomia política. É considerado um dos maiores expoentes da filosofia francesa do século XX.[2]

Em 1949, fundou, com Claude Lefort, o grupo Socialismo ou barbárie, que deu origem à revista homônima, que circulou regularmente até 1965.

Autor de inúmeras obras de filosofia e, em especial, de filosofia política, Cornelius Castoriadis é considerado um filósofo da autonomia. Entre suas inúmeras obras destacam-se: Instituição Imaginária da Sociedade, Encruzilhadas do Labirinto, Socialismo ou Barbárie.

Seus escritos sobre autonomia e instituições sociais têm sido influentes nos círculos acadêmicos e ativistas.[3]

Original francês
  • Mai 68 : la brèche [The Breach], Fayard, 1968
  • La Société bureaucratique [Bureaucratic Society]
  • L'Expérience du mouvement ouvrier [The Experience of the Labor Movement]
  • L'Institution imaginaire de la société [The Imaginary Institution of Society], Seuil, 1975
  • Les Carrefours du labyrinthe [Crossroads in the Labyrinth], Volume I, 1978
  • Le Contenu du socialisme [On the Content of Socialism], 1979pp. 90–154), and S. ou B. (January 1958; translated in PSW 2, pp. 155–192)
  • Capitalisme moderne et révolution [Modern Capitalism and Revolution] in two volumes, 1979
  • De l'écologie à l'autonomie [EA] [From Ecology to Autonomy] (avec Daniel Cohn-Bendit et le Public de Louvain-la-Neuve), 1981
  • Devant la guerre [Facing the War], Volume I, 1981
  • Domaines de l'homme [Domains of Man] (Les carrefours du labyrinthe II), 1986
  • La Brèche: vingt ans après (réédition du livre de 1968 complété par de nouveaux textes) [The Breach: Twenty Years After], 1988
  • Le Monde morcelé [World in Fragments] (Les carrefours du labyrinthe III), 1990
  • La Montée de l'insignifiance [The Rising Tide of Insignificancy] (Les carrefours du labyrinthe IV), 1996
  • Fait et à faire [Done and To Be Done] (Les carrefours du labyrinthe V), 1997
Publicações póstumas
  • Η Αρχαία Ελληνική Δημοκρατία και η Σημασία της για μας Σήμερα [Ancient Greek Democracy and Its Importance for Us Today], Athens: Ypsilon, 1999
  • Figures du pensable [Figures of the Thinkable] (Les carrefours du labyrinthe VI), 1999
  • Sur Le Politique de Platon [Commentary on The Statesman of Plato], 1999
  • Sujet et vérité dans le monde social-historique. La création humaine 1 [Subject and Truth in the Social-Historical World. Human Creation 1], 2002
  • Ce qui fait la Grèce, 1. D'Homère à Héraclite. La création humaine 2 [What Makes Greece, 1. From Homer to Heraclitus. Human Creation 2], 2004
  • Φιλοσοφία και επιστήμη. Ένας διάλογος με τον Γεώργιο Λ. Ευαγγελόπουλο [Philosophy and Science. A Discussion with Yorgos L. Evangelopoulos], Athens: Eurasia books, 2004, ISBN 960-8187-09-5
  • Une Société à la dérive, entretiens et débats 1974–1997 [A Society Adrift], 2005
  • Post-scriptum sur l'insignifiance : entretiens avec Daniel Mermet ; suivi de dialogue [Postscript on Insignificance], 2007
  • Fenêtre sur le chaos [Window on the Chaos] (compiled by Enrique Escobar, Myrto Gondicas, and Pascal Vernay), Seuil, 2007, ISBN 978-2-02-090826-9
  • Ce qui fait la Grèce, 2. La cité et les lois. La création humaine 3 [What Makes Greece, 2. The City and Laws. Human Creation 3], 2008
  • L'Imaginaire comme tel [The Imaginary As Such], 2008
  • Histoire et création : Textes philosophiques inédits, 1945–1967 [History and Creation: Unedited Philosophical Texts 1945–1967], 2009
  • Ce qui fait la Grèce, 3. Thucydide, la force et le droit. La création humaine 4 [What Makes Greece, 3. Thucydides, Force and Right. Human Creation 4], 2011
  • La Culture de l'égoïsme [The Culture of Egoism], Climats, 2012, ISBN 978-2-08-128463-0
  • Écrits politiques 1945–1997 [Political Writings 1945–1997]
    • La Question du mouvement ouvrier [The Question of Workers' Movement] (vols. 1 and 2), 2012
    • Quelle démocratie ? [What Democracy?] (vols. 3 and 4), 2013
    • La Société bureaucratique [The Bureaucratic Society] (vol. 5), 2015
    • Devant la guerre et autres écrits [Facing the War and Other Writings] (vol. 6), TBA[4]
    • Sur la dynamique du capitalisme et autres textes, suivi de l'impérialisme et la guerre [On the Dynamics of Capitalism and Other Texts Followed by Imperialism and War] (vol. 7), TBA[4]
  • Dialogue sur l'histoire et l'imaginaire social [Dialogue on History and the Social Imaginary], 2016
Traduções selecionadas de obras de Castoriadis (em inglês)
  • The Imaginary Institution of Society [IIS] (trans. Kathleen Blamey). MIT Press, Cambridge 1997 [1987]. 432 pp. ISBN 0-262-53155-0. (pb.)
  • The Castoriadis Reader [CR] (ed./trans. David Ames Curtis). Blackwell Publisher, Oxford 1997. 470 pp. ISBN 1-55786-704-6. (pb.)
  • World in Fragments: Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination [WIF] (ed./trans. David Ames Curtis). Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 1997. 507 pp. ISBN 0-8047-2763-5.
  • Political and Social Writings [PSW 1]. Volume 1: 1946–1955. From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism (ed./trans. David Ames Curtis). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1988. 348 pp. ISBN 0-8166-1617-5.
  • Political and Social Writings [PSW 2]. Volume 2: 1955–1960. From the Workers' Struggle Against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern Capitalism (ed./trans. David Ames Curtis). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1988. 363 pp. ISBN 0-8166-1619-1.
  • Political and Social Writings [PSW 3]. Volume 3: 1961–1979. Recommencing the Revolution: From Socialism to the Autonomous Society (ed./trans. David Ames Curtis). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1992. 405 pp. ISBN 0-8166-2168-3.
  • Modern Capitalism and Revolution [MCR] (trans. Maurice Brinton), London: Solidarity, 1965
  • Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy. Essays in Political Philosophy [PPA] (ed. David Ames Curtis). Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford 1991. 306 pp. ISBN 0-19-506963-3.
  • Crossroads in the Labyrinth [CL] (trans. M. H. Ryle/K. Soper). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1984. 345 pp.
  • On Plato's Statesman [OPS] (trans. David Ames Curtis). Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 2002. 227 pp.
  • "The Crisis of Western Societies." TELOS 53 (Fall 1982). New York: Telos Press.
  • Figures of the Thinkable [FT B] (trans. Helen Arnold). Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 2007. 304 pp. (Also trans. anon. February 2005: <> [FT A].)
  • A Society Adrift. Interviews and Debates, 1974–1997 [SA] (trans. Helen Arnold). Fordham University Press, New York 2010. 259 pp. (Also trans. anon. October 2010: A Society Adrift: More Interviews and Discussions on The Rising Tide of Insignificancy, Including Revolutionary Perspectives Today. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. <>.)
  • "The Dilapidation of the West: An Interview with Cornelius Castoriadis" (trans. David Ames Curtis), Thesis Eleven, May 1995, 41(1): 94–114.
  • "Psychoanalysis and Politics", in: Sonu Shamdasani and Michael Münchow (eds.), Speculations After Freud: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, and Culture, Routledge, 1994, pp. 1–12 (also in: World in Fragments, 1997, pp. 125–136)
  • Postscript on Insignificance: Dialogues with Cornelius Castoriadis [PI B] (ed./trans. Gabriel Rockhill and John V. Garner). Continuum, London 2011. 160 pp. ISBN 978-1-4411-3960-3. (hb.) (Also trans. anon. March 2011: Postscript on Insignificancy, including More Interviews and Discussions on the Rising Tide of Insignificancy, followed by Five Dialogues, Four Portraits and Two Book Reviews [PI A]. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. <>.)
  • The Rising Tide of Insignificancy (The Big Sleep) [RTI]. 2003. <>.
  • Democracy and Relativism: A Debate [DR]. Translated from the French by John V. Garner. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. ISBN 978-1786610959.
  • Window on the Chaos, Including "How I Didn't Become a Musician" – Beta Version [WC]. 2015. <>.


  1. A partir de 1930, Istanbul.
  2. The Destinies of Totalitarianism
  3. Theofanis Tassis. Cornélio Castoriadis. Disposição einer Philosophie . 2007
  4. a b Ecrits politiques, Cornelius Castoriadis, Livres,