Ficheiro:La Cumbre - ISS.JPG – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

  • ️Sat Jul 06 2002

English: La Cumbre volcano, Fernandina Island, Galapagos. Photographed from the International Space Station.

International Space Station InsigniaISS Crew Earth Observations: ISS005-E-6997International Space Station emblem
Mission ISS005 (Expedition 5)
Roll E
Frame 6997
Country or Geographic Name GALAPAGOS ISLANDS
Center Point Latitude -0.5° N
Center Point Longitude -91.5° E
Camera Tilt 40°
Camera Focal Length 800 mm
Camera Kodak DCS760C Electronic Still Camera
Film 3060 x 2036 pixel CCD, RGBG array.
Percentage of Cloud Cover 0-10%
Nadir What is Nadir?
Date 2002-07-06
Time 20:21:02
Nadir Point Latitude -2.9° N
Nadir Point Longitude -93.3° E
Nadir to Photo Center Direction Northeast
Sun Azimuth 312°
Spacecraft Altitude 214 nautical miles (396 km)
Sun Elevation Angle 51°
Orbit Number 713
Original image caption
La Cumbre volcano on Fernandina Island is the most active volcano on the Galapagos, erupting most recently in 1995. The volcano rises 1495 m from sea level. This photo was taken by the Expedition 5 crew aboard the International Space Station. The scene provides a detailed view of the 850-m-deep summit caldera. The dark flows in the middle of the caldera floor were erupted in 1991. Today, these flows are partly covered by dark green vegetation.