Scanning electron microscopy of Fasciola hepatica L. during growth and maturation in the mouse - PubMed

  • PMID: 1185431

Scanning electron microscopy of Fasciola hepatica L. during growth and maturation in the mouse

C E Bennett. J Parasitol. 1975 Oct.


Throughout the entire life of the fluke the spines anterior to the ventral sucker are arranged in approximately 60 rings each of 60 to 70 spines. The spines on the posterior body are scattered without any pattern of rings and by 1 week post infection (p.i.) their numbers have doubled (from 3,000 on the newly excysted juvenile) to 6,000 and by 3 weeks p.i. their numbers have multiplied by 8 to 24,000. Just prior to entry into the bile ducts, between 2 and 3 weeks p.i., all spines, anterior and posterior, have metamorphosed from single pointed to multipointed forms by division at the spine tips. Spines on the anterior body of mature flukes recovered from the bile ducts of mice 26 weeks p.i. have between 10 and 15 points whereas those on the posterior body have up to 30 points. The tegument forms a rectangular pattern of plateaux and valleys around each spine on the posterior body of mature flukes but this pattern is not present on the anterior body.

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