Application of DNA techniques for identification using human dental pulp as a source of DNA - PubMed
Application of DNA techniques for identification using human dental pulp as a source of DNA
L Pötsch et al. Int J Legal Med. 1992.
Dental pulp tissue could be obtained in most cases from materials obtained under experimental conditions and from forensic casework (air accidents, burned and putrefied bodies). Teeth extracted during dental treatment (n = 30) were stored for 6 weeks and 4 years at room temperature. In addition teeth (n = 10) extracted from jaw fragments that had been stored for 15 years at room temperature, and teeth extracted post mortem from actual identification cases (n = 8) were investigated. Following extraction from dental pulp tissue the DNA concentration was measured by fluorometry. The amount of DNA obtained from the dental pulp tissue of a single tooth varied from 6 micrograms to 50 micrograms DNA. In most cases high molecular weight DNA was still present although the major portion consisted of degraded DNA. Genomic dot blot hybridization for sex determination using the biotinylated repetitive DNA probe pHY 2.1 was performed and sex was correctly classified in all cases using 50-100 ng target DNA. PCR typing of the HLA-DQ alpha and ApoB 3' VNTR systems from dental pulp tissue DNA was in agreement with the results obtained from blood, bloodstains, or lung tissue. In addition, Southern blot analysis of selected samples using the single locus VNTR probe pYNH24 was successfully performed. In all cases the DNA recovered from dental pulp was unsuitable for multilocus probe analysis.
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