Myosin-1c, the hair cell's adaptation motor - PubMed
Myosin-1c, the hair cell's adaptation motor
Peter G Gillespie et al. Annu Rev Physiol. 2004.
Given their prominent actin-rich subcellular specializations, it is no surprise that mechanosensitive hair cells of the inner ear exploit myosin molecules-the only known actin-dependent molecular motors-to carry out exotic but essential tasks. Recent experiments have confirmed that an unconventional myosin isozyme, myosin-1c, is a component of the hair cell's adaptation-motor complex. This complex carries out slow adaptation, provides tension to sensitize transduction channels, and may participate in assembly of the transduction apparatus. This review focuses on the detailed operation of the adaptation motor and the functional consequences of the incorporation of this specific myosin isozyme into the motor complex.
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