Taste perception: cracking the code - PubMed
Taste perception: cracking the code
Jane Bradbury. PLoS Biol. 2004 Mar.
Our sense of taste begins with taste buds and ends in the brain. Researchers are beginning to unravel the mechanisms and connections that lie in between

This taste bud was taken from a transgenic mouse in which the marker green fluorescent protein is being driven by the T1R3 promoter; 20%–30% of the cells in the taste bud are expressing T1R3. (Photograph courtesy of Sami Damak, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, United States.)

(A) Top surface of the tongue of a non-taster. (B) Tongue of a supertaster. The small circles are fungiform papillae, each of which contains about six taste buds.
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