The role and structure of mitochondrial carriers - PubMed
- ️Thu Jan 01 2004
. 2004 Apr 30;564(3):239-44.
doi: 10.1016/S0014-5793(04)00242-X.
- PMID: 15111103
- DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(04)00242-X
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The role and structure of mitochondrial carriers
Edmund R S Kunji. FEBS Lett. 2004.
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Members of the mitochondrial carrier family transport compounds over the inner mitochondrial membrane to link the biochemical pathways in the cytosol with those in the mitochondrial matrix. X-ray crystallography has recently provided us with the first atomic model of the bovine ADP/ATP carrier, which is a member of this family. The structure explains the typical three-fold sequence repeats and signature motif of mitochondrial carriers. However, the carrier was crystallised as a monomer in detergent, which is inconsistent with the consensus that mitochondrial carriers exist as homo-dimers. The projection structure of the yeast ADP/ATP carrier by electron crystallography shows that carriers could form homo-dimers in the membrane.
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