Adenomyosis with severe inflammation in the uterine cervix in a dog - PubMed
Case Reports
Adenomyosis with severe inflammation in the uterine cervix in a dog
Hiromichi Tamada et al. Can Vet J. 2005 Apr.
A dog with purulent vulval discharge was found to have many cysts containing purulent mucus in the uterine cervix. The uterine horns did not contain any pus. Histological examination revealed a cervical adenomyosis infiltrated by many neutrophils. After an ovariohysterectomy including the whole cervix, the dog recovered well.
Résumé — Adénomyose et forte inflammation du col de l’utérus chez une chienne. Une chienne avec un écoulement vulvaire purulent présentait plusieurs kystes contenant du mucus purulent dans le col de l’utérus. Les cornes utérines ne contenaient pas de pus. L’examen histologique a révélé une adénomyose cervicale infiltrée par de nombreux neutrophiles. Après une ovariohystérectomie comprenant le col en entier, la chienne s’est bien rétablie.
(Traduit par Docteur André Blouin)

Photomicrographs of the section of the uterine cervix (hematoxylin & eosin). A: low power magnification (3×) shows multiple cysts in the myometrial layer (m). lp — lamina propria. B: high power magnification (100×) shows a cyst lined by a partly keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (se). The cyst lumen (cl) contains many neutrophils and keratinized superficial epithelial cells.
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- Stöcklin-Gautschi NM, Guscetti F, Reichler IM, Geissbühler U, Braun SA, Arnold S. Identification of focal adenomyosis as a uterine lesion in two dogs. J Small Anim Pract. 2001;42:413–416. - PubMed
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