Gender differences in sexual behavior and condom-related behaviours and attitudes among Korean youths - PubMed
Gender differences in sexual behavior and condom-related behaviours and attitudes among Korean youths
A Sohn et al. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2007.
We examined gender differences in sexual behaviours, condom-related behaviours and attitudes to premarital sex in order to identify gender differences in young Korean singles aged 19 to 30 years. This study was based on data from the 2003 national survey of attitudes and behaviours towards AIDS in the Korean adult population, which contains information on a national sample of the general population aged 19 to 59 years. We selected 501 unmarried subjects between the ages of 19-30 from 1995 respondents. The selection criterion for the subjects' age was based on the 2003 Korean mean age for marriage which was 29.8 for men and 27.0 for women. Gender differentials in sexual behaviour, condom use and related attitudes toward condom use were assessed. Although men initiated sexual practice earlier and had more multiple partners than women, both genders were equally likely to have engaged in inconsistent condom use, even when having sex with a high risk partner. These findings suggest that sex education focusing on condom use should be included in the school curricula. Implementation of early sexual education should start before the students initiate sexual activity to give them a chance to prepare gradually.
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Phillips SP. Phillips SP. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2007;19(2):1-2. doi: 10.1177/10105395070190020101. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2007. PMID: 18050556 No abstract available.
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