PhyloNet: a software package for analyzing and reconstructing reticulate evolutionary relationships - PubMed

  • ️Tue Jan 01 2008
Figure 9

The cox2 trees. The species tree (a): (((Pallavicinia, (Porella, Trichocolea)I15)I16, Marchantia)I17, (Thuidium, Brachythecium, Hypnum)I14, (((Amborella_V, Amborella_H_M, Amborella_H_E1, Amborella_H_E2)I9, ((Eichhornia, (Zea, Oryza)I6)I7, Philodendron, Agave)I8, ((Daucus, Petunia)I4, Beta, (Oenothera, (Brassica, Arabidopsis)I2)I3)I5, ((Piper, Asarum)I10, (Liriodendron, Laurus)I11)I1)I12, (Pinus, Zamia)I13)I0)I18; and gene tree (b): ((((((((Petunia, Amborella_H_E1, (((Arabidopsis, Brassica)I2:99.0, Amborella_H_E2), Oenothera, Daucus)), Beta):73.0, ((Agave, Eichhornia, Philodendron), (Oryza, Zea)I6:100.0)), (Asarum, Piper)I10), (Laurus, Liriodendron)I11), Amborella_V), (Pinus, Zamia)I13:72.0), (((Thuidium, Hypnum, Amborella_H_M):91.0, Brachythecium):98.0, (Marchantia, ((Porella, Trichocolea):97.0, Pallavicinia))I17)); for gene cox2. Bootstrap values for the branches in the gene tree that are greater than 50.0% are included in the tree Newick representation. The species tree branches do not have bootstrap values.