[Indications for tonsillectomy in children aged under 16 years in ENT Department of Sestre Milosrdnice Clinical Hospital] - PubMed

Aim of the study: To study frequency and type of indications for tonsillectomy in ENT Department of "Sestre milosrdnice" Clinical Hospital, distribution of operations according to the age and sex of the patients. To present history of tonsillectomies.

Methods: Retrospective study, information collected by clinical documentation review (anamnesis, physical findings).

Results: In the nine-year period 1995 - 2003 the total number of operations was 4704, 2527 male, 2177 female patients. There were 2692 tonsillectomies, 2011 adenotomies and 1 tonsillectomy "a chaud". The most frequent indication for tonsillectomy was recurrent tonsillitis (72%), followed by adenotonsillar hypertrophy (13%), chronic tonsillitis (12%), focaloses (1%) and peritonsillar abscess (2%). Distribution according to the surgeon: 80% of the operations were performed by specialists, 20% by residents. According to the age of patient: operations were most often performed at the age of 4 (800 patients).

Conclusion: According to this study the most frequent indication for tonsillectomy was recurrent tonsillitis. Indications for tonsillectomy are clearly defined and as such should be followed.