14-3-3 isoforms participate in red light signaling and photoperiodic flowering - PubMed
14-3-3 isoforms participate in red light signaling and photoperiodic flowering
Kevin M Folta et al. Plant Signal Behav. 2008 May.
Members of the 14-3-3 family of proteins participate in signal transduction by modulating flux through various pathways. Potential subfunctionalization within this family has produced a suite of related proteins with diverse client interactions and discrete localization. The associated study assesses the biological roles of two specific 14-3-3 isoforms, using genetic, biochemical and physiological assays to ascertain potential nodes of interaction. Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants representing the nu and mu isoforms exhibited a short, yet clear delay in flowering time on long days. Tests of hypocotyl growth inhibition under narrow bandwidth light indicated a hyposensitivity to red light, while responses to blue and far-red light were normal. These physiological tests suggest a mechanistic link between 14-3-3 proteins, red light sensing, and the pathways that control photoperiodic flowering. The precise entry point into the pathway was assessed using yeast two hybrid assays targeted against specific proteins active in the circadian oscillator, light transduction and photoperiodic flowering. Yeast two hybrid interaction was observed with CONSTANS (CO), and then confirmed with coimmunoprecipitation. Functional interaction with phyB leading to defects in flowering time and direct interaction with CONSTANS circumstantially places these specific 14-3-3 isoforms into the pathway that regulates the transition between vegetative and floral development.
Keywords: isoform specificity; phosphorylation; protein interaction; signaling.
Comment on
The 14-3-3 Proteins mu and upsilon influence transition to flowering and early phytochrome response.
Mayfield JD, Folta KM, Paul AL, Ferl RJ. Mayfield JD, et al. Plant Physiol. 2007 Dec;145(4):1692-702. doi: 10.1104/pp.107.108654. Epub 2007 Oct 19. Plant Physiol. 2007. PMID: 17951453 Free PMC article.
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