Spirituality and reductionism: three replies - PubMed
Spirituality and reductionism: three replies
John Paley. Nurs Philos. 2010 Jul.
Several authors have commented on my reductionist account of spirituality in nursing, describing it variously as naïve, disrespectful, demeaning, paternalistic, arrogant, reifying, indicative of a closed mind, akin to positivism, a procrustean bed, a perpetuation of fraud, a matter of faith, an attempt to secure ideological power, and a perspective that puritanically forbids interesting philosophical topics. In responding to this list of felonies and misdemeanours, I try to justify my excesses by arguing that the critics have not really understood what reductionism involves; that rejecting reductionism is not the same as providing arguments against it; that the ethical dilemmas allegedly associated with reductionist views are endemic to health care; that 'reifying' is what believers in the spiritual realm do; and that the closed minds belong to those who dismiss reductionist science without having studied its achievements.
Comment on
Spirituality and nursing: why be reductionist? A response to John Paley.
Leget C. Leget C. Nurs Philos. 2008 Oct;9(4):277-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-769X.2008.00363.x. Nurs Philos. 2008. PMID: 18798899 No abstract available.
Scientism and the medicalization of existential distress: a reply to John Paley.
Betts CE, Smith-Betts AF. Betts CE, et al. Nurs Philos. 2009 Apr;10(2):137-41. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-769X.2008.00382.x. Nurs Philos. 2009. PMID: 19291201 No abstract available.
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