A deeply branching thermophilic bacterium with an ancient acetyl-CoA pathway dominates a subsurface ecosystem - PubMed
Arrows indicate metabolic flows. Grey-dashed lines represent reactions for missing genes. The cytoplasmic membrane is indicated in light blue. Out of eight genes constructing V-ATPase2, two genes are likely hidden in the contig gap because OP4C001 is truncated at the end of contig. NAR, nitrate reductase; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; Rieske, Rieske 2Fe-2S protein; Cytb, cytochrome b; c, cytochrome c; COX, cytochrome c oxidase; Mvh, methylviologen non-reducing hydrogenase; Hdr, heterodisulfide reductase; Rnf, electron transport complex; Fdox/Fdred, ferredoxin, oxidized and reduced form; Fdh, formate dehydrogenase; MetF, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; FolD, methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase; AcsE, methyltetrahydrofolate∶corrinoid/iron-sulfur protein methyltransferase; Acs, acetyl-CoA synthetase; Pgi, phosphoglucose isomerase ; Fbp, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I; PfkA, 6-phosphofructokinase; TpiA, triose phosphate isomerase; Gap, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; Pgk, phosphoglycerate kinase; Gpm, phosphoglyceromutase; Eno, enolase; Pyk, pyruvate kinase; Pps, phosphoenolpyruvate synthase; Pdh, pyruvate dehydrogenase; Por, pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase; GltA, citrate synthase; Acn, aconitase; Icd, isocitrate dehydrogenase; Oor, 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase; Fum, fumarase; Mdh, malate dehydrogenase; Pck, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP); Pyc, pyruvate carboxylase; MaeB, malic enzyme; Ppe, ribulose phosphate 3-epimerase; RpiB, allose-6-phosphate isomerase/ribose-5-phosphate isomerase B; Tkt, transketolase; TalB, transaldolase B; Pi, phosphate; Q/QH2, quinone pool, oxidized and reduced form; ABC, ABC transporter; CAP2, monovalent cation∶proton antiporter-2 family; Trk, K+ transporter family; ZIP, zinc-iron permease family; DASS, divalent anion∶Na+ symporter family; MFS, major facilitator family; CDF, cation diffusion facilitator family; P-ATPase, P-type ATPase superfamily; ArsB, arsenite-antimonite efflux family.