Methylation mediated by an anthocyanin, O-methyltransferase, is involved in purple flower coloration in Paeonia - PubMed
Phylogenetic tree of selected OMT peptides. OMTs in bold are known to act in the methylation of anthocyanins. OMT names and GenBank accession numbers are as follows: Fuchsia, FMT, HB975539; Vitis vinifera, VvAOMT, BQ796057; Torenia, TMT5, HB975529; Petunia difE, FMT, HB975519; Cyclamen persicum×Cyclamen purpurascens, CkmOMT2, BAK74804; Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, McPFOMT, AY145521; Stellaria longipes, SlCCoAOMT, L22203; Glycine max, GmAOMT, ADX43927; Arabidopsis thaliana, AtCCoAOMT, AAM64800; Zea mays, ZmCCoAOMT, AJ242980; Medicago sativa, MsCCoAOMT, AAC28973; Vitis vinifera, VvCCoAOMT, Z54233; Nicotiana tabacum, NtCCoAOMT, U38612; Populus balsamifera subsp., PtCCoAOMT, AJ224896; Homo sapiens, HOMT, A38459; Medicago sativa, MsIOMT, AAC49927; Catharanthus roseus, CrAOMT, AY127568; Oryza sativa, OsROMT, DQ288259; Thalictrum tuberosum, TtOMT, AF064693; Nicotiana tabacum, NtCOMT, AF484252; Vitis vinifera, VvCOMT, AF239740; Medicago sativa, MsCOMT, M63853; Chrysosplenium americanum, CaCOMT, AAA86982 and CaAOMT, U16794. The number beside the branches represents the bootstrap values based on 1000 replicates using MEGA 5. Bar, nucleotide substitutions per site.